Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 222

Chapter 222: Vengeance Orphan 7

The Wenxin Elevator was completed a few days ago. Knowing that these people brought their children to apprentice, Lin Xiufen led a group of people to the Wenxin Elevator.

In front of the questioning ladder, everyone exclaimed again: “Wow—”

“Jade! A lot of jade!”

“Is that a lot of money?”

It is worthy of being a cultivator, and even uses jade to build a staircase. Some people couldn’t help squatting down and stroking the jade stairs with their hands. Take a look at this uniform color, delicate texture, and warm tentacles, what a jade!”

It’s a pity that such a good jade is used as a step for stepping on your feet.

Others also hurriedly squatted down to observe the jade stairs on the ground, sighing that Tao Daxian was rich and powerful.

Lin Xiufen interrupted the group of people and said, “Okay, I know you are bringing your children to apprentice, please let the children go up the stairs to test first.”

“Oh, oh, good.” At this time, everyone remembered the purpose of their coming here, and quickly pushed their children and said, “Come on, Bo’er, hurry up.”

A few children stepped on the stairs and walked a few steps, but they stopped moving, and the adults watching below said anxiously: “Why don’t you go?”

Lin Xiufen said: “Everyone calm down, the children are just entering the illusion of the assessment. If you are not at ease, you can go up and take a look and feel the assessment method I teach.”

“Can we go up too?”

Lin Xiufen nodded: “Of course.”

This assessment is not difficult, Tao Yao has referenced the ideas of some clients, and arranged a multiple-choice question in the illusion to see how the people who enter the illusion will choose.

Go back down the stairs.

This illusion was created by Tao Yao and Lin Xiufen after studying for a long time and trying to figure it out together. Before this group of people came, they had not fully tested the effect. whether the law is feasible.

The family members of the children also stepped up the stairs curiously, and after a few steps they settled on the stairs like the children.

Lin Xiufen was at the foot of the stairs, and Tao Yao was in the sect residence square. After about two hours, the people on the stairs began to disappear, some appeared beside Tao Yao, and some appeared beside Lin Xiufen.

Because I was worried that the test in the fantasy world would be too long, the people on the stairs would starve to death, so Tao Yao set a time for this fantasy world, as long as the people inside did not make a choice for two hours, they would was automatically kicked out of the illusion.

After those people left the fantasy world, they couldn’t help but be amazed. What they saw in the fantasy world were the same. After this exchange, I found that everyone’s experience was similar, and I immediately sighed: “Sure enough, the fairy method.”

At this time, they also found one thing, there were fewer people around them.

Lin Xiufen took those who were eliminated to the square from another road. When everyone met again, they were very curious about what happened and why some people ran directly to the square.

After everyone arrived, “Elder Sister” Lin Xiufen said, “Do you have a lot of doubts in your heart?”

Everyone nodded immediately.

Lin Xiufen said: “The person who just returned to the Inquiry Elevator did not pass the assessment. As for the person who was transported to the square by the Inquiry Elevator, he is qualified to worship the Tao Daxian Sect.”

Yes, passing the questioning ladder test is only a qualification for apprenticeship, and it is not considered to officially join the Taodaxian Religion. To join the Taodaxian Religion, you have to go through a “touching the bones”.

When building the sect, Tao Yao did not forget to ask Lin Xiufen to observe how other sects touched their disciples.

After knowing the trick of touching the bones, Tao Yao found out that this is nothing unusual, it is similar to the selection of students in modern dance schools, observing the proportions of the students’ limbs, soft opening, coordination, etc. , In addition to those, there is also the most important test, which is whether the meridians are suitable for cultivation. This requirement is relatively high, and the person who needs to touch the bones needs to inject internal force to observe the other party’s meridians.

After figuring out the rules, the Tao Yao didn’t go to help people feel the bones, so I can’t just find someone to feel the bones, so this is the first time it’s been touched.

Lin Xiufen said: “Next, the younger sister Chuncao will touch the bones of the children who have passed the assessment. Those who have passed the assessment, please step forward.”

Her expression was very serious, so the atmosphere at the scene made people feel a little nervous, everyone did not dare to be presumptuous, and quietly pushed their children forward.

By touching the peach demon, you will know the difference between everyone, and you can also inquire about Lin Xiufen’s experience, and know which people are better and who are less qualified.

After touching the children’s bones, Tao Yao asked the adults who passed the test, “Do you want to try too?”

Several adults waved their hands again and again and said, “No, no, we are old, and now there are old people and young people, and we still need to make a living. How can we have time to practice martial arts.”

Peach Yao said: “Do you still go around doing business? It’s better to be a handyman disciple in our sect. Now our Taoda Xianjiao intends to expand enrollment, and there is no threshold for joining, and you can rest assured. Your own children practice martial arts alone here, don’t you want to accompany them? If you join us to teach as handyman disciples, you can not only make money, but also accompany your children. You can also go to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion to find a suitable practice for you in your spare time. Three birds with one stone.”

It encircles a hill and has to find someone to reclaim it. In this farming world, what is the most valuable? Of course it’s food, so the peach demon is determined to pick up the skill of growing vegetables, so it needs some people to help it take care of the fields.

“This…” The adults were moved instantly.

When those who failed the assessment heard such a good thing, they wished they were recruited, and hurriedly pushed the few who passed the assessment and said, “You still don’t agree to this kind of good thing? It’s really frustrating.”

Just now they have seen the Tao Daxian sect that asks the heart ladder, the ladder at the door is worth the price, joining this sect has only advantages and no disadvantages, even if they are eliminated, they also want to Rescued again and asked, “Miss Chuncao, I wonder if we can stay and be a handyman too?”

To those who failed the assessment, Tao Yao could only shake her head regretfully and say, “Sorry, you are not suitable for our sect.”

It’s not that much trouble to deal with, as for the unqualified people who are reluctantly admitted, I’m afraid that they will leave hidden dangers to the client in the later stage.

The person felt a little pity after being rejected. When the adults who passed the assessment saw that they were rejected, they immediately felt that Tao Yao’s proposal was a good idea, and nodded, “We are willing to join.”

After the ceremony of accepting apprentices, Tao Yao invited everyone to a meal, and then sent those who failed the assessment down the mountain.

This sect is so amazing that they couldn’t help but tell others about it after they went back.

After sending off the irrelevant people, Tao Yao arranged housing and work for the newly recruited disciples of the sect.

In the martial arts, it is not only about practicing martial arts, everyone has to do things and learn.

The client is also illiterate, but fortunately Tao Yao is literate, otherwise he can’t even read the martial arts secrets, so the first thing to join the sect, everyone must be literate.

In addition, each disciple must do something within his ability. Don’t think that learning martial arts is great, and look down on ordinary people with your nostrils turned upside down, and everyone must participate in labor.

There is also a prayer to the township spirit tree every day, asking the great Tao Daxian to grant them spirit honey.

When the guards of the convoy came to ask for medicine, Lin Xiufen used a ghost to cover their eyes, and the current one was carved by a peach demon with jade.

This group of people who just joined the Tao Daxian sect, when they prayed to the spiritual tree, witnessed the miraculous magic once again, and they were immediately glad that they joined the sect, especially after taking the elixir, they were cultivating their inner strength , actually faster than normal practice.

Found this shortcut, they wish to pray in front of the spirit tree every day, but unfortunately, the peach demon has set a daily upper limit for the drop of spirit honey. No matter how the power grows, it will not continue to drop. It is impossible to rely on drugs to replace cultivation.

More than a month after the first batch of disciples joined, some people came to the mountain one after another, and Tao Yao received another group of believers. Now the entire Tao Daxian Sect has about twenty disciples.

No matter how many people join, no one has seen the master in the sect. The highest status is the senior sister and the second senior sister, but the senior sister usually doesn’t care about anything, and rarely appears in front of everyone. Tao Yao, who is used to being the second senior sister, is in charge.

More and more people joined, Tao Yao also led people to reclaim the fields, and also built pig and sheep pens and other breeding places.

Now the first batch of planting and breeding things are all secretly blessed by the peach demon with golden fingers, so they are growing well.

Some go out to sell.

The disciples did not expect that they would join such a great sect. The founder was an immortal. As a result, they had to honestly grow vegetables, raise pigs, sell grain and meat to make money, instead of talking to those rivers and lakes Like a ronin, he walks freely outside, scolding whichever one is not pleasing to the eye.

The Tao Yao has established a sect that does not allow people from Tao Daxian Sect to hurt others for no reason.

Everyone didn’t understand why the immortals proposed such a sect rule, but they had already witnessed the magic of the sect’s residence, and they did not dare to violate it.

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