Tantric Magic: Reborn in a hentai world

Chapter 3 – Prodigy

𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 ----

Newly born as a baby boy human, no third eyes or anything else like that. I checked. The village I was born in was very odd, in fact many things are very odd with this world. Sex is absolutely everything. Just had a great meal, Spend the rest of the day in passionate lovemaking with the cook. Had a festival, have a mass orgy and thats for EVERY festival.  Found a coin on the road. Spend the rest of the day jerking it on that spot.

The crazy thing that you get jailed for doing that. But its still a village tradition to masturbate on spots of great luck. If you look directly into the full moon. You have to have sex 3 times with different people otherwise. You will be cursed. Or some dumb shit like that.

My parents, are also weird. A gaggle of brothers and sisters. My mother is constantly pregnant. Even then they continue having sex. I hope that my father was impotent during the time i was in the womb. But anal is still safe for the baby. At least i am healthy, having a relatively safe childhood.

No weird uncle or aunt tried to molest me. If they did, they would be executed for child rape. they enforce punishment preemptively with crimes concerning me, in my favor. and  Especially after everyone is thinking that i am some kind of super ultra genius. But the thing is. EVERYONE else is a moron. Like grade A top shelf brain cheesed troglodyte.

I mean it doesnt take alot for me to think less of a persons intelligence. But this is beyond just being ignorant hill people. Their actual critical thinking and speed is slow. Its a wonder that they even have a complex power hierarchy.

One unique thing that i found in this new world, Is that the people use magic. There is many magics, elemental, arcane, divine, demonic, blood and other random esoteric ones out there. But there is one major magic that everyone knows and venerates. Something called tantric magic, aka Sex magic.

This is something the goddess of the world has corrupted the youth with. i was a natural refiner for this energy in my old world, which could be the reason she picked me and forced me into being born into her world.

At least the what ever it's called afterlife decider has only positive deciders, right?. Anyways, over the years. i learned how to talk. Their language is hard to speak, because it uses a vast amount of vocabulary, the majority of which the people don't know the meaning or range. My parents were mid level grunts, a baker mother and construction worker father.

when i showed some talent to speed things along. I decided to show that i learned to speak and read at age 1, I got taken in and heralded as the village golden boy. every book they had, they threw at me. every problem, they run to me. At first they were genuine problems, but it became inane. Oh my tummy hurts, Oh my cock doesnt work. Oh my blah blah blah.

erectile dysfunction seems to be the most common problem. the solution is one of two things. A complex mixture of herbs or tantric magic. You will notice a theme here. Most problems have tantric magic solutions.

tantric magic is so prevalent that if you ask me, its more of an innate ability of everyone on this world. They all seem to just know it. The more perverse a sexual act the more tantric energy created and the more powerful the effect when you use it.

Over my five years stay at the village, i have come to learn about their own unique magic and how it practically doesnt exist compared to what is actually out there. They can travel across worlds with spatial magic, create underwater cities with water and air magic. Crazy stuff. What do we have.

"Darrel, i can fix your peepee problem. Only if you would have me"A voluptuous skimpy clothed woman putting a finger in her mouth and sucking on it purple glow surrounding her mouth. A vibrator sound coming out of her throat. fondling her breasts with her other hand. Shes using magic and sex appeal to entice me.

Sandra, a woman that would fit the older auntie milf type. Shes a slut that has 2 children and lives off the wealth of random lovers. the fact that it's a crime to have sex with under 14 yo doesn't deter some people. Since i have achieved great influence being in my unique spot. Almost ever woman would drop their panties if i command. Unfortunately, because i am almost a baby. I have no to almost no libido.

This is very annoying. What good is being reborn in a porn world if you cant have sex. Yeah I am aware if anyone does have sex with me they are committing a crime.

Considering my immunity to seduction, I became the most important person in the village used for fair judgment and perspective, Add my use of physics knowledge to cast better spells.

I became unstoppable, both actually and politically. Learning how to cast spells was hard for the first year of birth, but what ever the goddess picked made me talented with magic. I can cast first level spells of multiple schools.

Like the elemental magics of fire, water, light and lightning. other than basic mana skills. i have just studied basic magecraft to understand the fundamentals.

I pullout a toy that has been given to me as thanks. They could have given me money, but this is an obvious ageist behavior. Give him this, he won't complain if he doesn't know about the finer things in life.

guess I would do the same for a Jimmy neutron type boy. He can do everything you can, but better. On that note, My brothers fucking hate my guts. opposite of that my sisters want to have sex with me All the time. I might make it seem more intense than it actually is.

But again this is a hentai world. and they do like spending time with me, sleeping on the same bed, following me around, asking me questions that continue on to infinity and developing a bro-con complex is very likely.

I had to snip the bud at the stem, a little bit more and my mother would start coming on to me too. She's pure hearted, but even with her relatively loyal personality. My father never leaves farther than 1 minute of running distance from her. Sometimes running inside the house unannounced, surprising everyone in the house.

He caught some of my brothers and sisters, with their partners. He congratulates the boys and beats up the dates of the girls. From this behavior, there is a built-in Paranoia of unfaithful partners. in the whole village. If a woman's husband dies, She gets take over as the wife of the neighbors.

Men have it way easier in cheating on their partners, the woman don't have much recourse. But it is veeeery easy for them to find a new partner. Or become self sufficient if they are either rich or strong ladies.

You might think it's not important for me to explain the dating world, but in this world dating is a vital survival skill. When the energies of your trade require the help of another partner, if you don't know how to get it or do it. You will become extinct.

I don't personally need it, because i am incapable of practically gather tantric energy. But I do have methods of siphoning other peoples energy in sex rituals. After some practice I became very skilled compared to other people when using the unique tricks of tantric magic. One of them is that I can vaguely know what someone thinks. i can also tell when and what someone is trying to do something. This seems like a unique skill that only i have.

"Hey, sweetie can you help mommy with the dough." I might have a private room, but people think i dont need privacy. "No" She seems surprised. "But-" "No" Her smile cracks as she closes the door hurries to leave "ok" A small whimper is all that comes out as she leaves me.

I am alone all the time, Rare metals and weird contraptions surround me. A room of total solitude, improving my mage theory and researching physics. I might not be fully qualified to explore advanced concepts and understand the true nature of-

"Hey bud, i heard that you made your mother cry" My father walks into the room, his body is empowered with tantric energies of many years. his physical abilities improved much like the elders and other adults. They accumulate the tantric effect over time to improves either their magic or physical strength.

Sigh* "i was busy." i rub my forehead, with my childish voice and body. It would seem very odd for anyone that would observe this situation. A grown man afraid of a 5 year old. Of course anyone in the village would be dead terrified of me after the last fight i had with another child. A 12 year old boy triple my size.

He was like every other male in the village. Jealous of the female attention i was receiving. He had many more times of tantric energy than i had.  When he raised his hands to strike me the Village guards were rushing as fast as they can to help save me, but before anyone could have responded.

I sent a jolt of lightning and a firelung spell. Stunning him and scorching his lungs from the inside. He was bedridden for many days and only ever survived, because of tantric magic's vitality bolstering effect.

Everyone was terrified of the potential of the spells. Everyone only knows tantric and almost nothing else. There are the occasional magic missile. but those are only two other people from the main population of 200+ people.

"Learning magic on my own is very difficult. I cant spend my time on baking."i tell him, Fully knowing that its just an excuse. He obviously doesnt know.

"But you can atleast spend a little to make your mother feel better. Shes just scared that after you have to leave to the magic academy you would forget her." he rubs the back of his neck, not used to using this tone of voice with one of his kids. He is usually a very strict disciplinarian

"I cant forget my mother, Just tell her that i am really busy preparing for the entrance ceremony." The Sylas kingdom goes through all of their villages to gather talented children to their magic academy. There are not many people that are talented with magics that arent tantric.

The fact that i can already use more magic as a 5 year old. than most mage apprentices. Means that i already exceed the requirements by a landslide. The only reason that i dont want those people to parent me is that i am not willing to go through another childhood. One is already enough.

"okay buddy, just try to care for her feelings. She was hurt alot today." He awkwardly ends the conversation and waves as he leaves. His movement is stiff and jerky.

I look at him silently until he finally leaves my room. I have been trying to create an anti mage weapon to protect my self from what ever is going to happen at the recruitment to the academy. All my progress was inconclusive, What ever magic books that this village could provide. Weren't enough to craft magic items. I used my engineering experience to try making a bomb that was almost successfully created.

i am supposed to get taken when i am 7-10 years olds, which gives me two more years to plan and create custom spells to protect my self with. The excuse of focusing on the exam wont work for every so i am probably going to need to spend sometime with them.

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