Chapter 375: Ava: First Contact
They have contact.
Selene's words have my heart dropping down to my half-frozen toes.
"How far are we now?"
Too far.
If it weren't for the gloves keeping my hands warm, my nails would be cutting through the skin of my palms. "We need to hurry."
My words are ripped away by the wind, but Selene knows what I'm saying, and I know she's relaying my words to the wolves.
Ten wolves. How many were with Lisa today? I think it might have been five. Outnumbered not only two to one, but one of ours is human.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Grimoire, is there anything we can do?"
I know there isn't, but I have to ask. It's Lisa, for God's sake.
You aren't sensitive enough to pick up the enemy. What do you expect?
His words sound harsh. Cold. Like judgment's already been made, finding me lacking. But I know it's his own frustration bleeding through.
"Is there anything you can do?"
I've learned things about our bond. Little trickles of information over time. Like, Grimoire's constrained by some basic laws in this world. He can't just utilize his magic and become a God among men, for example. That's why he was locked away for so long.
He's bound to his book and whatever rules were created at the time—things he hasn't deemed necessary to share.
But beyond that, he's limited by our bond. While he's able to use some of his magic through me, it's only as much as my body can handle. And while he can somewhat take over my magical control, or even boost it, it's all within the boundaries of what I would—theoretically—be capable of.
They're all nebulous rules for someone like me, who doesn't fully understand them. Maybe Magister Orion would know more; as thrilled as I am to be reunited with Lucas, I'm frustrated by my lack of support here. Grimoire's knowledge is wonderful and helpful, and I've learned a lot.
But ultimately, he isn't mortal.
He thinks of things in different ways than we do. Sees things in different ways. Feels things in different ways.
It's like a language barrier between us sometimes.
Grimoire stays silent after my question, probably thinking it over. There are ways for him to surpass his limitations to a small extent—something he did the day the vampires came to Wolf's Landing. But they came with great cost. To me, and to him, apparently.
I still don't know exactly what he lost in the transaction, but I do know it wasn't insignificant.
The exhaustion I suffered afterward was not insignificant, either. And while my magical affinity was boosted, it was forced in a strange way, taking a while to adjust.
The distance is too great, little witch. Even if I could see them, my magic would be too diluted by the time it reached them.
A groan tears from my throat as I duck my head between my knees. The blanket offers some protection from the relentless wind, but my cheeks and nose still burn from exposure. My heart hammers against my ribs. Each beat is a reminder of how far we are from Lisa.
The sled jerks beneath me as we hit a rough patch. Marcus and Greg maintain their brutal pace, their massive wolf forms cutting through the snow like ships through water. Steam rises from their fur in great clouds that dissipate instantly in the frigid air.
It's a small thing, but I've managed to cast a warm barrier over them all. It's not a lot and something I wish I'd thought of earlier, but it helps melt the snow they come into contact with.
I don't recommend trying to touch them, either, but that's a separate issue.
"What about the taint? Has anything changed?" I can barely feel it at this point.
Nothing distinct.
"Selene, any updates?"
They're fighting.
My stomach lurches. "Who's winning?"
I cannot tell. The connection is... strange. Like static.
"How long has it been like that?"
Since they started fighting.
Perfect. Even our mental communication is compromised.
Strange. Everything's just too strange.
The wind howls around us, drowning out everything in my ears except for my own ragged breathing. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to focus on anything else besides the growing knot of dread in my gut.
Lisa's face flashes through my mind—her smile this morning as she joked about the cold, the way she laughed when Selene tackled her.
"We have to go faster," I whisper helplessly. "How far are we now?"
The wolves are already at their limit, Grimoire says. Any more and they risk injury. Your heart rate is increasing dangerously. You need to maintain control.
"I don't care about control right now!"
You should. If we arrive and you're too worked up to properly channel magic—
"Fuck!" Pain bursts through my fists as I slam them against my knees in frustration. My magic pulses erratically inside of me. The bitterness in my voice surprises even me. Grimoire falls silent, but I can feel his disapproval radiating through our bond. Fine. Let him disapprove. Let him judge.
It's okay for me to be angry, damn it.
It's okay to be frustrated.
As long as I don't lose control.
Another jolt from the sled has me gripping the edges. The wind cuts through my clothes despite the blanket, but I barely notice the cold anymore. Every cell in my body seems focused on one thing: getting to my people.
The distance between us feels like a physical weight pressing against my chest, making it hard to breathe.
Ava, Selene's voice is gentle in my mind. We will reach them.
"Not in time."
Not fast enough. But I know you. And I know Lisa. She's stronger than you give her credit for. They will hold firm until our arrival. Trust in your pack, Ava.
She's right about that, at least. Lisa's been training. She has her brace. She's with Kellan and other wolves. She's not helpless.
But against ten unknown entities that can mask their scent and interfere with pack bonds? Against creatures that move through our territory like ghosts?
My teeth clench so hard my jaw aches. The sound of blood rushing in my ears almost drowns out the wind. Almost.
But I take a deep breath, forcing myself back into control, even as magic floods through my limbs, eager to rush out of me. Eager for my next command.