Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 15

So the Plan was set and put into motion the following day. Tang Yin would convince her brother and his Teach to come along on a theoretic excursion about spirit beasts, and together with some nice hired arms, they would head into the Star Dou forest. Armed with a pink teddy bear, glittering shoes, and in uniform Ning Feng, Damian all dressed up in a suit, and Tang Yin, with her patent ponytail and a hairpin, stood in front of the Mercenary Guild and tried to look braver than they were.

"Let's go!" Tang Yin announced, and Damian took Ning Feng's hand.

"O-ok-okay!" Jing Feng called out, half crying, and clutched her Teddy bear.

When they entered the mercenary guild, they received a lot of suspicious glances. Ning Feng trembled but followed Tang Yin and Damian. Together they walked up to the reception, where they stopped in front of a voluptuous woman in a revealing red dress.

"Hello, kids. What are you doing here? Where are your parents?" She asked and bowed down towards us.

"We are here by ourselves; we want to hire.", Damian said and nodded towards Ning Feng, that opened the back of her Teddy and took out the Token for the mercenary guild, and gave it to Tang Yin, who in turn handed it to the Lady in red.

"Does this qualify us?" she asked, and the woman took it. She turned it a while until she nodded.

"Please come to the back then, you three." her tone changed entirely from jokingly light to deathly earnest. Damian pointed the girls to stay close and follow him.

"Juice?" She asked, and the three of them nodded thankfully.

The woman left them, and soon a man with a face full of scars entered, in his hands, the Token. He looked terrifying, a giant of a man, and one of his arms had an angry red burn scar covering it; the one eye he still possessed glared at them with blazing green, and his head was bald, a long unkempt red beard concealed half of his face.

"Are you two the ones who brought this?" he asked, his voice loud and thundering. Ning Feng trembled but bit her lip and remained sitting there.

Tang Yin stared at him with clear, intense, light blue eyes. She used her brother's technique, and purple steaks joined the silver ones.

The man felt a shiver running down his spine at Tang Yin's unwavering eyes and the determination in them. This girl was not a pushover.

"I am Damian; this is Ning Feng, and that is Tang Yin; we would like to hire a few of your people," Damian said, losing all of his usual light-hearted behavior.

"I am Ulyss. This is no place for children, but since you have this, I cannot refuse, tell me, what do you want?" He sat down.

Next to them, the juice arrived and was placed in front of them.
"B-be brave, be b-brave..." Ning Feng muttered, sitting between them and desperately calming herself.

"We want your best people; there are five of us, four requiring Spirit Rings. We plan to go to Star Dou forest.", Damian said, "you will be appropriately compensated, of course."

The man nodded and closed his eyes, laughing loud enough to shake the room; they waited patiently until he stopped.

"You-you are both from rich families; what do you need us for that?" he said, staring down at the children.

"Don't l-laugh!" Ning Feng called out with teary eyes, and Damian took her hand, "We have our reasons, and we are not obligated to tell you."

The man stopped and raised his hands in defeat, "Sorry, sorry, I guess even rich children like you have troubles."

"Fine, so will you do it or not?" Tang Yin asked, and the man nodded.

"I will, but keep this; the materials will be the payment. You should keep this for yourself and more important things." he gave it back to Tang Yin, who handed it to Ning Feng, who quickly stuffed it back into her Teddy. "This is a high command token. With it, you can mobilize the entire Mercenary guild for your purpose."

"Thank you for your courtesy." Damian said and jumped from the Sofa, "We will see each other in a week, then at the entrance of Star Dou forest."

They left the guild under the suspicious eyes of the other members, and both let out a breath of relief when going.
"Want to visit the market while we are at it?" Damian asked them, and their faces brightened as they enthusiastically nodded.
"I-I h-have never s-seen the m-market before." Ning Feng shuttered with glowing cheeks.

"We need to buy trousers. Hell will freeze before I and Ning Feng walk into the forest in a skirt" Tang Yin said and raised her fist into the air, "Let's go window shopping."

Grabbing Ning Feng's hand, they ran towards the market. When they arrived there, they went window shopping and looked around. Tang Yin found some fantastic pieces of silverware, and there was an utterly beautiful hairpin, a small butterfly made of glassware and glittering in pink; it fit amazingly well to Ning Fens' light brown hair, and so she spent the entirety of three choppers on buying it for her. Putting it into Ning Feng's hair, it looked like a fantastic treasure, and Ning Feng blushed happily. She didn't say much, but from her bright eyes, happy smile, and amazed glances at all the people, she certainly enjoyed herself. Next, Damian bought some street food to sample and paid with the money put together for a pair of dark blue trousers for Tang Yin.

It was starting to get dark when they returned to the academy and were hushed by the gatekeeper, who looked at them with plenty of disgust after seeing their uniform headed to their dorm.

"I'm gonna visit my brother. Want to come along?" Tang Yin asked halfway, and Ning Feng nodded enthusiastically while Damian politely declined, saying he still had something else to do.

"I-It would b-be nice t-to meet him." she stuttered, and it was decided. Together they went to Hostel Seven, where her brother was staying at.

"Tang San?" she called out, smiling brightly at her brother, meditating in his bed with Xiao Wu next to him, snacking on a carrot.

"Yin, how have you been?" he asked, and she climbed up the bed next to him, hugging him and taking a deep breath.

"Fine, missed you." she let him go and turned towards Ning Feng,

"This is my friend and comrade in crime Ning Feng, Ning Feng this is my twin brother, the level-headed part of the genetics Tang San."

"Hello, thank you for watching out for Yin, I am Tang San, and this is Xiao Wu." he pointed at the rabbit-like girl with brown hair that smiled happily while Ning Feng buried her head into her Teddy.

"Say, brother mine, when are your Teach and you going to get your fist Spirit Ring, because we may have some space for you in our small excursion and need a Teach to write us an apology, so we are free to go?" Tang Yin asked, smiling slyly and causing Tang San to feel like he had missed something important.

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