Taming the True Fire (HP)

Chapter 134: Chapter 134: The Season of the Witch (4)

Running in high heels required skill and stamina that Catherine didn't possess at that moment. She tripped over something and fell face-first to the ground, lying there without much desire to stand up. The girl felt heartbroken. Her first kiss had felt amazing, only to end in complete disaster and disappointment.

'It was a pity date after all.' – she thought gloomily – 'They all just felt sorry for their ugly, undatable friend. I can't believe I was so delusional to assume Moony would want to kiss me and to be something more than a friend! What was I even thinking? Now, on top of everything, I've ruined our friendship!"

Sinking deeper and deeper into her despair, Catherine slammed her fist on the ground, attempting to release some of the frustration and anger towards herself that were burning her inside. Feeling stupid, humiliated, disappointed, and scared all at once, the young witch slowly got back to her feet, thinking that her fragile self-esteem couldn't bear someone encountering her in such a miserable state.

"Flame?" – she heard James' voice. Turning around, she saw him standing no more than five paces away, his face filled with concern.

"How long have you been there?" – the girl asked, trying to sound cheerful.

"Long enough." – the boy said, quickly approaching her, taking out a handkerchief and gently cleaning a dirt spot from Catherine's cheek – "What happened? We waited for a while after we exited the Labyrinth, but you and Moony didn't show up. So Sirius hurried off to the pumpkin carving contest, and I started looking for you both. Did you have a fight with the Slytherins again?"

"I wish that was the problem." – the young witch mumbled, lifting her eyes to meet James' – "I kissed Remus."

"What?" – the boy exclaimed, completely taken aback – "Why? No, I mean… do you like him? I didn't know the two of you…"

"I don't know why." – Catherine said miserably – "I just acted upon how I felt. And of course I like him, but I'm not sure if it's the kind of like that leads to a relationship. I don't know, James! I really screwed up! He rejected me. He said it was better to pretend it never happened. I don't understand. I thought the kiss was good, but I must have been mistaken."

"He kissed you back?" – James asked, feeling increasingly uncomfortable and nervous about the impact of what his friends had done.

"Yes, for a while, but as I said he made it clear there couldn't be anything between us but friendship… which I'm not even certain is possible anymore." – Catherine murmured desperately, her eyes filling with tears again – "James, what have I done?! I destroyed everything between Remus and me, and now I feel like a complete trash! Maybe Slytherins were right after all! Who would have wanted an ugly trollop like me?"

"Enough of the pity party already!" – James snapped, then softened his tone immediately – "I don't think you destroyed anything. I'm sure Moony's going to be as good a friend to you as before. It's not the end of the world that you kissed. I mean… we're teenagers! I'm confused and randy most of the day, but I don't stress about it!"

"Eww…" – Catherine exclaimed, fighting the laughter budding despite her tears.

"You started the topic!" – the young wizard grinned – "Seriously though, you're aware that Remus has a lot of issues at home and with… you know, his furry little problem. I kind of understand why he would have rejected you even if he liked you. You're not ugly, and stop listening to those hags! It's just complicated."

"I know you're right but it still stinks to be turned down." – the girl said, lowering her head.

"Hah! It gets easier after the tenth time!" – James laughed, handing his friend a Chocolate Frog – "Here! This is what's left from my Labyrinth prize. See if chocolate doesn't make you feel a bit better."

"Thanks!" – Catherine smiled and took a bite of the treat – "Let's go and see those pumpkins. How's my makeup?"

"Hideous but it's suitable for Halloween." – the boy teased her as they headed towards the castle – "Catherine, I think it's better if you don't tell Sirius about this."

"I wasn't exactly planning to." – the witch responded, finishing the Chocolate Frog.

"Good, because you and Remus will probably be fine, but their friendship will take quite a hit if Sirius finds out what happened between you and Moony." – James stated, his expression very serious.

"I won't say a word." – Catherine confirmed – "It's not exactly a story I'd like to be told. Plus, I have more than enough drama in my life without his big brother jealousy hissy fits!"

James stared at his friend in utter disbelief as they navigated through the crowd, making their way to the dais where the participants in the pumpkin carving competition were hard at work on their masterpieces.

'How can she be so clueless?!' – he thought, looking for a suitable place to watch Sirius working over his pumpkin – 'I need to talk with Remus too. This could turn into a huge issue. I can't believe they kissed and he rejected her… On the other hand, it would have been even a bigger mess if they had gotten together! And I thought our greatest problem this year would be winning the Quidditch Cup.'

At this moment, the competition ended, and after a brief deliberation, the judges - Dumbledore, Hagrid and Professor Flitwick - announced Thalia Fawcett as the winner and Sirius Black as the runner-up.

"I think you were both equally good." – Catherine tried to console her disappointed friend, carefully studying the Muggle motorbike he had carved with intricate details.

"They probably deducted points because of all the blood you smeared over the pumpkin." – James chuckled, earning a disapproving growl from Sirius.

"The knife was not easy to handle, and I did my best!" – he complained – "If I weren't in such a hurry, I wouldn't have destroyed my hands."

Catherine glanced at the numerous cuts on Sirius' fingers and sighed. She took his hands in her own, ignoring his surprised gasp, and concentrated. Soft blue light engulfed their cupped palms, and in less than a minute, there wasn't even a scar left.

"What was that?" – James asked, his eyes wide with surprise.

"A little something Dumbledore taught me." – Catherine responded with a smile – "It's a form of ancient magic, and it does come in handy, as you see."

"You're incredible!" – Sirius proclaimed with a huge grin, looking at his clear skin.

"Apparently that's not enough." – the witch murmured, deciding it was time to return to the Gryffindor Tower, as the Ball was about to end. They met Remus in the Entrance Hall, who stumbled upon some inaudible excuse. Sirius didn't think much of it, as he was busy praising his friend's amazing healing powers and discussing all the things he liked and didn't like about the Halloween Ball. James and Catherine were both relieved that they didn't need to participate actively in the conversation, while Remus walked beside them in complete silence, his gaze fixed on the floor.

The young witch felt extremely anxious being so close to him again, with memories of the kiss and the rejection playing on repeat in her mind, making her both angry and sad.

"May I borrow your Invisibility cloak?" – the girl quietly asked James as they entered the Common Room – "I need to clear my head."

James nodded slightly and brought the folded silvery cloak from his room, opening the portrait for her and whispering as she left. "Be careful!"

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