Chapter 128: Chapter 128: Sugar and Too Much Spice (2)
The rest of the week passed agonisingly slowly. Every person in the school was talking about the photographs. While most felt scandalised, few were particularly sympathetic toward Mary, who Madame Pomfrey was keeping in the Hospital Wing due to a nervous breakdown. Ronan didn't seem particularly bothered. Actually, Catherine suspected he was enjoying the attention, which was not nearly as negative as the reaction towards Mary. In fact, a few Slytherin girls were spotted talking with him in a rather flirtatious manner. However, his enjoyment was short-lived because Sirius and James were serious about making him pay. They didn't bother to hide their attack or craft an elaborate plan. The two fourth-years simply cornered Ronan in the corridor in front of the Charms classroom and hit him with at least five different hexes before a few Prefects could help the miserable wizard, whose face looked like an illustration from a DADA textbook.
"It was totally worth it!" – Sirius declared while polishing yet another suit of armour – "He's going to be sore for weeks. It's fascinating what a combination of a Horn Tongue Hex and a Pus Squirting Hex could do to one's skin."
"While I admit this was fun to watch, I don't see what exactly you accomplished besides losing fifty points and getting two weeks of detention." – Catherine remarked, leaning against the nearest wall and eating Dragnofire Delights – "The worst part is that even people from our own fucking house are gossiping and berating Mary. I can't believe they don't see how this was all staged to humiliate her and play with her feelings!"
"Do you want us to have a word with those knobheads?" – asked James, applying some more polish to the rusty metal.
"No! I'm just saying that the problem is much deeper." – the young witch hissed angrily, staring out the window into the darkness. With everything that was happening, it was challenging for her to clear her mind before sleep. Consequently, the chaos potentially caused by her nightmares continued every night. The only silver lining was that by following Dumbledore's orders and not opening herself to true fire, the nausea and dizziness had reduced significantly. This was handy during the fourth-years' first visit to Hogsmeade that Saturday, allowing Catherine to enjoy the sunny day without constantly worrying about finding a place to throw up.
After practically dragging Remus to the local branch of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions for final fitting of his new robes, which they were to pick up a bit later, Catherine was relishing the beautiful autumn weather, sipping a cup of tea at one of the outdoor tables at The Charmed Teapot. Alice, Marianne and Tabitha occupied the other three seats, busily discussing the last details for the upcoming Halloween Ball.
"So, in the end, I finally decided to put my hair in a bun and be done with it!" – Marianne concluded, helping herself to another butter cookie – "What about you, Catherine? Granted you don't have too many options with short hair, but you can apply Shine Infusion to create a wet effect, for example. By the way, can't you use something to speed up the hair growth at this point?"
"I suppose I could." – Catherine replied thoughtfully – "But I think I'll keep it like this for a while. It's much easier to maintain. And for the Ball, I'm just leaving it the way it is. It's not important. I'll be alone anyway."
"What?" – Alice exclaimed, surprised – "How come? We kind of assumed you'd be going with Sirius Black or at least one of the other boys!"
"Well, Sirius hasn't asked me, and even if he did, I'm not sure I would have accepted." – the Gryffindor admitted – "Actually, we haven't really discussed the Ball. The only one of us who definitely has a date is Peter."
"How about that!" – Marianne chuckled – "Too bad I didn't know Sirius was available. I already agreed to go with Edgar. He's nice enough, but it's really a missed opportunity."
"What about Remus and James?" – Alice asked, noticing Catherine's scowl after Marianne's remark.
"James wants to go with Lily, but I don't think she'd agree, so I suppose he'd rather be alone. And I can't even imagine Remus gathering the courage to invite a girl. He's so shy." – the black-haired witch explained, shrugging.
"Oh, this is very sweet!" – Tabitha smiled – "Perhaps some girl will actually invite him. It's not that uncommon. Actually, Catherine, maybe that's the way to go. Just invite someone you like. What's the big deal?"
"Honey T speaking from experience." – Alice giggled, winking at Marianne – "After all, she's the one who invited Finnegan Boot, and he did say yes."
"Well, I like him, why shouldn't I have asked him on a date?" – shrugged Tabitha – "Honestly, I think it was quite a relief for Finn."
"I'm happy for the two of you, but I really don't see myself in that role." – Catherine admitted – "It's just that I really don't have any experience, and I wouldn't even know how to start such a conversation or how to behave so a boy would like me. Plus, it's not that I really have anyone in mind. I told you before – Sirius and I are just friends."
"Nonsense, darling!" – Tabitha smiled warmly – "There's no specific thing you need to do. Just be yourself!"
"It seems to me you have a bit of a self-esteem problem more than anything." – Marianne remarked, playing with a lock of her shiny chestnut hair – "You need to work on that, witch! Try wearing a pretty skirt under your school robes or painting your nails in a vivid colour! It always makes me feel beautiful when I'm feeling down."
"I might try this, but I'm still not going around asking boys on dates. I'll just enjoy the Ball and not think about it too much!" – Catherine said determinedly with a smile.
"It's not obligatory to be alone." – Tabitha interjected – "I thought I shouldn't spoil this for you, but you seem like you need some reassurance. I've heard Finn teasing Leif Thornton about how much he likes you, and I'm certain Leif's going to ask you to be his date!"
"Really?" – the Gryffindor gasped, feeling both flattered and anxious – "But we've never even talked to each other."
"This is not a necessary condition." – Alice giggled – "Thad and I also hadn't exchanged a word before he invited me for the Ball, and now he even insists on me sitting with his group of friends for dinner! They're great by the way, especially Frank Longbottom, he's super funny! But my point is that, Leif is very kind, and he's good-looking, in addition to being on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. I'm sure you have a lot in common!"
"He's not the brightest penny in the pot but apart from that, I'm certain you'll have good time together!" – Marianne chuckled.
Catherine smiled at her friends and finished the tea in her cup. Suddenly, her social life didn't seem so grim. The idea that someone actually liked her enough to invite her to the Halloween Ball was fascinating, and she was looking forward to the entertainment the following Friday.