Chapter 126: Chapter 126: Master of Fire (5)
The Halloween Ball was swiftly approaching. Everyone was busy preparing their outfits and tackling the tremendous task of finding a date to avoid being branded as social outcasts. The upcoming visit to Hogsmeade was also eagerly anticipated, especially for those needing last-minute purchases, particularly among the girls.
On Wednesday, after the joint Charms class, the fourth-years of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor walked together towards the Great Hall for lunch. Catherine had joined Alice, Marianne, and Tabitha, who were chatting joyfully about their weekend plans. The Gryffindor girl felt a bit better, surrounded by the girls' cheerful energy. The past few days had been truly awful. She could still feel the effects of her lesson with Dumbledore, despite following his orders and not training on her own.
The young witch blushed as she remembered waking up halfway to the Hospital Wing, dizzy and confused. The last thing she recalled was having a skirmish with Snape. She had been quite surprised when he grabbed her wrist as she attempted to throw away the half-eaten apple she was holding. From that moment, everything seemed blurry. Regaining consciousness, the girl realised someone was carrying her. She sensed an overwhelming scent of a forest and musk that instantly made her relax, feeling safe and protected to the point she didn't want to open her eyes. Eventually, she did, only to find Remus easily carrying her, accompanied by James, who immediately started asking questions and reassuring her that they would see Madame Pomfrey in a few minutes.
The Matron hadn't been able to find anything wrong with Catherine, so she let her leave after a few hours, delivering a detailed lecture about nutrition and the dangers of dieting as a teenager. Since then, the boys refused to leave her side, even for a minute. Sirius had been especially persistent, despite all his appointments in the form of three different detentions he was serving. Even at that very moment, Catherine was acutely aware of his eyes fixed on her back as she walked with the Hufflepuffs.
"Have you decided on your outfit, dear?" – Marianne asked, snapping Catherine out of her thoughts.
"Yeah, I ordered a really nice black dress in a Gothic style. I'm picking it up on Saturday." – the Gryffindor replied.
"Very thematic!" – Alice giggled – "I can do your makeup if you like! I really want to try something more dramatic for a change!"
"Ahm, I think I'm going to give it a try myself." – Catherine declined politely. While Alice was always enthusiastic, she had a tendency to go over the top, and Catherine didn't want to take the risk when it came to her face.
"You're no fun!" – the Hufflepuff pouted as they reached the Entrance Hall. Clusters of students lingered there, either waiting for friends or catching up before lunch. Greg McMahon stood at the centre of a noisy gathering of fifth-years. At the sight of the approaching fourth-years, Thaddeus Hart, a platinum blond Gryffindor with a face so pretty his friends joked he could dethrone Lily Evans as the Beauty Queen of the House, swiftly left his friends and headed toward Catherine and the girls.
"Hey, Alice!" – he greeted while his friends were chuckling and elbowing each other – "I was wondering whether you'd like to come to the Halloween Ball with me?"
The Hufflepuff girl blushed but smiled charmingly, the dimples in her cheeks becoming quite visible. "I'd like that very much, Thaddeus! Thanks for asking me!"
"You're…welcome!" – the boy exclaimed, appearing truly relieved – "I'll see you soon then!"
"Told ya!" – Marianne giggled as the Gryffindor rejoined his friends – "He's been fancying you for quite a while!"
"How do you notice these things?" – Catherine asked, laughing but actually genuinely curious.
"I don't know, it's kind of obvious when a boy likes a girl. Not sure how to explain it." – Marianne replied with an air of importance.
"Don't worry, Mudblood, no boy at school likes a flat, pug-ugly trollop who puts out for all her so-called friends, so they'll tolerate her and act as her bodyguards." – Valeria Malfoy's arrogant voice interrupted their conversation.
"Is it you who keeps spreading those ridiculous rumours?" – Catherine asked, unimpressed – "I didn't suspect you were so obsessed with me. Must be a family trait."
"How dare you, dirty…" – the Slytherin choked, her blue eyes blazing with fury – "Don't you dare mention my brother with that filthy mouth of yours! Do you seriously consider yourself worthy of even a fraction of his attention! Look at yourself and then look at Cissy! It's like you're from different species!"
"I know right?!"- the black-haired girl laughed – "And yet all of you harpies feel so threatened by a mere human like me!"
"What's going on here?" – Sirius intervened as the rest of the Gryffindors joining the group, attracting everyone's attention, as they anticipated another fight between the two Houses to break out at any moment.
"Nothing that concerns you, blood traitor!" – Valeria hissed, turning back to Catherine – "Listen, Mudblood, you may keep living in your fantasy world, but the sad reality is that nobody will ever ask you on a date and you'll end up alone at the Halloween Ball! Even if my brother was still at school, he would choose Narcissa or any other pure-blood witch before even glancing your way!"
"Sure." – the other witch smirked – "I just don't know why you think I care if I have a date for the Ball or not. I understand that for people like you, who are destained to become broodmares immediately after leaving Hogwarts, this is important. But for the rest of us, it's just another party to attend."
Valeria's face went from pale to flushed with red spots appearing on her ivory cheeks. She was ready to draw her wand and curse that stupid Gryffindor bitch until she begged for mercy. However, her intentions were thwarted as Catherine's expression suddenly shifted. The fourth-year's skin took on a slight shade of green, and she looked as if she was about to throw up. Panicked, Catherine turned and darted towards the nearest bathroom, ignoring the shouts of her housemates.
Valeria tossed back her platinum blond hair, laughing mockingly after the other girl. "Why are you running, Mudblood? Vomiting on yourself won't chase away the crowd of admirers you have running after you!"
Catherine ignored Valeria's taunts. She managed to reach the girls' bathroom on the first floor just in time before collapsing in front of one of the porcelain bowls. After a few minutes, the witch left the cubicle and washed her face with ice-cold water.
'I look positively dreadful.' – she determined after seeing her face in the mirror.
"Daisy?" – Lily called, entering the bathroom with a worried expression – "Are you sick?"
"I think I caught a nasty virus this week, Lils." – Catherine replied with a weak smile – "I'm going to be fine after I eat something."
"You really scared us." – the red-headed girl said, stopping next to her friend and giving her a quick reassuring hug – "You didn't pay attention to what that stuck-up goose Valeria said, right?"
"Well, she's right about nobody inviting me for the Ball and probably that I'm not the prettiest, but I really have other things to worry about than some school-life nonsense." – the black-haired girl shrugged, turning away from the mirror.
"You're right that it's not that important, but you're beautiful, and I know there are plenty of boys who would love to go to the Ball with you!" – Lily insisted with the most sincere expression.
"You're a good friend, you know?" – Catherine smiled gently – "But really, I'm perfectly fine with the way things are. Plus, I'll thoroughly enjoy seeing you look so much more beautiful than Valeria at the party!"
"Well, that's not much of a challenge now, after Marianne and Alice hexed her with horns and boils the size of hazelnuts right after you left!" – Lily said with a huge grin as the two Gryffindors headed towards the Great Hall.