Taming the True Fire (HP)

Chapter 116: Chapter 116: Turning Points (3)

Stepping into the brightly-lit Great Hall felt like a long-awaited return home. Catherine's gaze was drawn upward to the Enchanted Ceiling, which mirrored the night sky. It was aglow with countless stars, each shining like a tiny diamond set against a black velvet cloak.

"I hope the Sorting Ceremony is quick. I'm starving!" – complained Sirius as he took next to James at the Gryffindor table.

"I'm shocked!" – the girl smirked, settling across from the grey-eyed boy.

"What? We just had some candies during the trip. It's hardly a proper lunch!" – Sirius retorted, casting an impatient glance at the door – "Come on! Where's McGonagall with the newbies?"

As if to answer his question, the Deputy Headmistress entered the hall, carrying the old Sorting Hat and a roll of parchment, followed by a bunch of first-years who were looking around skittishly.

Catherine briefly thought that there was something different about her Transfiguration teacher but she couldn't immediately pinpoint what it was. Before she could think some more about it, though the Sorting Hat, that had already been placed upon a three-legged stool, began its traditional song for welcoming the students to yet another year at Hogwarts.

In this hall, I've seen years come and go,

Friends and foes, and the seasons' flow.

But now dark clouds gather overhead,

A storm of chaos, filled with dread.


Oh, listen well, young ones tonight,

The times ahead will test your might.

Put aside your House, your pride, your fright,

Together stand, and face the blight.


Gryffindor's courage lights the night,

Ravenclaw's wisdom gives us sight.

Hufflepuff's loyalty keeps us tight,

Slytherin's cunning, ready to fight.


Each House holds gifts beyond compare,

Courage, wisdom, loyalty, and flair.

United as one, we're a force so rare,

Together, we'll conquer the deepest despair.


Darkness looms, but remember this lore,

Together, you'll face what comes to the fore.

Strength in unity, peace you'll restore,

With courage and wisdom, hope will soar.


So heed my words, as you unite,

In this great hall, under starry night.

Forget your quarrels, end your spite,

Together march into the light.


"That was a bit of a weird song." – James commented as Professor McGonagall opened her parchment and called the name of the first trembling student.

"I read that the Sorting Hat had sometimes issued warnings, especially during turbulent times." – murmured Remus, his face a bit anxious, however, not solely due to the content of the song. Since he had entered the school, many people, predominantly girls were staring at him, giggling and whispering to each other.

"You might become even more popular than Sirius, Moony!" – Peter chuckled as he looked at two third-years who sat a few seats down the table and were clearly very intrigued by Remus.

Remus shook his head, trying to hide his discomfort. "I'd prefer if I don't." - he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly as he focused on the Sorting Ceremony unfolding before them.

"Me too." – said Catherine, earning surprised glances by the boys, thus she quickly clarified – "I'd like to be able to go around with at least one of you, without two or three witches bothering us or trying to sneak you love notes."

"At least they restrain themselves to just love notes. Have you heard that last year Lavinia Nott attempted to drug Greg McMahon with a love potion?" – Peter asked in a hushed tone, glancing around if anyone was listening.

"Too bad she was not successful." – hissed James, as his eyes continued to be drown to the opposite side of the table where Greg was currently explaining something to Lily with a huge smile. The red-headed girl was laughing merrily which was adding insult to injury in James' view.

"This is not funny, and it's also highly illegal!" – Catherine scoffed, irritated, while clapping to greet Beatrice Figg as a new addition to Gryffindor.

"Yeah, and we disapprove of everything illegal! – James chuckled, winking at his friend who pursed her lips.

"Maybe you should not discuss this here." – Remus shushed them as the newly sorted Lucas Morgan sat just two places over.

"I don't want to discuss anything! I want to eat!" – complained Sirius, glancing with frustration at Daphne Nott, on whose head the Sorting Hat was currently placed.

While the hungry wizard proceeded enlisting what he wanted to eat at that moment, Catherine eyed the High Table. There were no new faces there. The young witch smiled and waved at Hagrid who grinned back under his bushy beard. There was one empty space, probably left for McGonagall. Next to it, Carter Thorne was sitting with a bored expression. As usual, he was dressed impeccably, in a luxurious midnight blue velvet robe, with intricate silver thread embroidery in the shape of swirls and spirals. The sleeves were wide and draped, adding a dramatic flair, while the collar stood high and stiff, lined with a soft, silvery silk that complemented the embroidery. He was resting his chin on his hand, his gaze studying the faces of the students in the Great Hall.

'What's he up to?' – Catherine mused with curiosity – 'It seems he's looking for someone.'

Just as Simeon Thicknesse was sorted into Ravenclaw, drawing the Sorting Ceremony to a close, Thorne's attention shifted to the arrival of the Head of Gryffindor, who took her place beside him, and smiled in a very coquettish way. Catherine finally realised what was different about her teacher – she was wearing discreet, yet visible makeup. Catherine's realisation was interrupted by Dumbledore's standing that immediately commanded the hall's attention with his ever-energetic demeanour. His warm welcome enveloped the room as he addressed both new and returning students.

"Welcome, one and all, to another enchanted year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! As we gather under the resplendent ceiling of the Great Hall—brightened tonight not just by candles, but by the bright faces before me—I extend a warm greeting to every new student gracing these hallowed halls for the first time, and a fond welcome back to all our returning students."

"I have a few announcements to make. Firstly, as usual the Forbidden Forest remains strictly off-limits to all students without exception. Visits to the village of Hogsmeade are permitted every two months for third and fourth-years, and monthly for students in their fifth year and above. Secondly, Quidditch try-outs will be held at the end of next week. Thirdly, due to the unfortunate events which led to the cancellation of last year's Quidditch Cup Championship, the teaching staff and I decided we owed the many of you who were affected without a fault, something special. Therefore, this year's Halloween celebration is going to be grander than ever! We're going to organise for you a ball with dancing, seasonal competitions and entertainments!"

Excitement buzzed through the Great Hall as students eagerly immediately started discussing the upcoming ball, already musing over attire and potential dates. Dumbledore raised his hand, waiting for the chatter to subside. "We're all eagerly awaiting this marvellous occasion! But before that, we have two months of hard work and knowledge-gathering ahead. Stay strong and keep your spirits high! Now, dig in!"

The tables groaned under the weight of Hogwarts' exquisite dishes. Catherine opted to wait until the boys had their fill, mindful of avoiding accidental fork stabbings amidst their hurried plate loading. To her surprise, Sirius wasn't joking about monitoring her food intake, as he piled a generous portion of roasted chicken, baked potatoes with rosemary, and a glass of pumpkin juice in front of her.

"Make sure you eat all of it!" – the boy instructed the young witch.

"Or what?" – she asked with a smirk.

"Or I'll feed ya m'self!" – Sirius mumbled, his mouth full of pork chops.

Despite her initial scoff, Catherine began eating, genuinely hungry. Amidst the excited chatter about the Halloween ball, she found herself uncertain of her own enthusiasm. She had attended several school celebrations, but they always seemed tied to some hidden objective or complicated plan. This would be her first party where she could simply enjoy herself without ulterior motives.

However, as the girls around her began discussing dates, the young witch felt a wave of nervousness. Did she need a date? And if so, where could she find one? This unexpected dilemma dampened her appetite. She had once told Lily she wasn't interested in dating or relationships, considering the complexities of her life. Yet, she couldn't deny a lingering curiosity. While she appreciated the handsome boys around the school, she was painfully aware she didn't rank among the top ten most beautiful witches.

'Hell, after Snape hexed my hair off, I might not even be in top 50!' – she thought gloomily – 'It would be a miracle if anyone asks me on a date for the ball…well, except maybe…'

Catherine glanced at Sirius, who was gnawing on a chicken wing, and smiled tenderly. He was constantly hinting at how much he liked her, but it had become so much a part of their usual routine that she didn't really consider it as anything more than teasing. But what if he was serious about it? Could she risk their friendship? Did she even feel that way about him? The girl sighed audibly. Being a teenager was really confusing, and she felt ridiculously disturbed by the whole dating ordeal.

"Are you alright?" – asked Remus, gently caressing her hand. Catherine lifted her gaze and felt instantly at ease by Moony's closeness. He had always been such a calming presence in her life. Even though his new appearance was a bit unnerving, he was still her shy, introverted, kind Remus.

'Just looking incredibly hot now.' – she thought and immediately blushed fiercely, grabbing her glass and chugging the remaining pumpkin juice in one go.

"I'm fine, Moony!" – she finally answered – "Just a bit tired."

"There are still desserts to eat!" – Peter chuckled, offering Catherine a tray of éclairs – "These are your favourites, right?"

"They are, thanks Peter!" – the young witch sighed, immersing herself dutifully into consuming as many of the sweet delights as she could.

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