Chapter 109: Chapter 109: Learn the Hard Way (4)
"Mint chocolate chip!" – declared Sirius Black, handing Catherine an ice cream cone. The tall, lanky girl with jaw-length bob haircut and jade-green eyes smiled brightly at her best friend, accepting the treat with gratitude. They sat together on a weathered bench in front of the newly opened Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, enjoying the sunny morning in Diagon Alley.
The young wizard sighed happily. This was easily his best summer ever. He spent most of it with James and his caring parents who treated Sirius as part of the family. It was a completely novel feeling to be liked and cherished in a house where there was a genuine sense of love and peace. James was like the brother he could never find in Regulus. They talked for hours, flew around on their brooms, ate to their hearts' content, and spent most of their waking hours exploring the wildness outside Godric's Hollow. The only thing missing was Catherine who now sat next to him, cheerfully devouring her favourite ice-cream. Sirius thought she looked very cute with her short hair that made her eyes appear even bigger and brighter. She hadn't grown up much during the last months, but she somehow seemed a bit thinner and more fragile which made the boy wish he could embrace her and hold her tight.
"Alright, I'm all set with new school robes!" – announced James, taking a seat between Catherine and the other boy – "We have two hours before noon. Let's do some shopping!"
The three teenagers ran around the many establishments on Diagon Alley, having plenty of fun buying school supplies, books, potion ingredients and other non-essential items such as dungbombs and wizarding fireworks. Catherine used the opportunity while James and Sirius were arguing if they needed more Wet-Start No-Heat Fireworks or Spellbound Spirals and sneaked off to Quality Quidditch Supplies, returning with a brand-new Nimbus 1500.
"Why didn't you tell us you wanted a broom?" – asked James sulkily as they walked towards the Leaky Cauldron in order to leave their purchases before meeting with Mundungus Fletcher.
"Because I wanted one during this century, and it did not seem plausible if Sirius and you needed to agree on the model." – the young witch replied, shrugging nonchalantly.
"So, does this mean you're going to try out for the Quidditch team?" – asked the grey-eyed wizard tentatively.
"Yes." – declared the girl with determination – "After the last year's fiasco, I've reached the conclusion that if we ever want to win the Quidditch Cup, I need to take matters into my own hands."
"Huh? Are you planning on being the team captain too?" – James teased her.
"If I have to." – Catherine lifted her chin proudly.
"Maybe you should start by making the team first." – Sirius chimed in with a chuckle – "We shall train together once we're back to Hogwarts. Being in perfect sync with the other Chasers is crucial and will give you an edge."
"Sure!" – the girl agreed, much to his delight.
"It's also important to be in sync with the rest of the team." – James remarked with a wicked smile – "Maybe you should ask Greg McMahon to train with him as well."
Catherine was busy admiring the intricate golden scales behind the window of Mr Mulpepper's Apothecary and didn't notice Sirius attempting to shove James' head into the nearby pile of dragon dung.
As quarter to noon approached, the three friends stealthily made their way around the corner behind the Magical Menagerie and disappeared among the shadows of Knockturn Alley. The White Wyvern loomed ahead, its dimly lit interior blending seamlessly with its aged and weathered façade. Above the front door, a sign creaked on rusty hinges, depicting a snarling, ghostly white wyvern poised as if ready to strike.
The Gryffindors entered cautiously. Catherine immediately pulled the hood of her zip-up jacket over her head, concealing most of her face. The air inside was thick with the acrid scent of cigars and Frostfire herb, making it difficult to breathe. The furniture was a mismatched collection of wooden chairs and tables, some carved with rune symbols. The few patrons present either sat with their backs to the room or obscured their faces in some manner.
Nervously scanning the room, Sirius guided them to a small table in the far corner, where a short wizard with unkempt ginger hair sat nursing a glass of Firewhiskey despite the early hour. As they took their seats opposite Dung, Catherine couldn't help but notice his dishevelled appearance, from his unshaven face to his bloodshot brown eyes and the pungent aroma of tobacco and alcohol that clung to him.
"Celebrating the deal already?" – grinned Sirius as the three of them took a seat across from Mundungus Fletcher, casually looking around. Though their arrival seemed to attract some attention, the other patrons quickly returned to their own business.
"I don't count my Diricawls before they're hatched!" – smirked the older wizard, finishing his drink in one go – "Are these your friends?"
"They are." – Sirius nodded – "James, Flame, this is Dung. He's the one you contact if you have something valuable to sell or want to purchase something without too many questions asked."
"As long as I see the gold!" – confirmed Dung with a broad smile, then winking at Catherine – "That's an interesting name you have."
"My name is not the topic of this meeting." – the girl said icily – "We want to see the egg before we give you the money."
"Can't happen!" – exclaimed the wizard decisively – "There's a Freezing Charm put around it. If I move it out of the bag, it's going to start heating again. You won't be able to handle it, and it's going to be ruined!"
"So what? We're supposed to just trust you and not inspect it until we're ready to use it?" – snapped Catherine.
"Well, either that or you can put it in a container made of Goblin silver, which I doubt you have with you." – suggested the wizard mockingly.
"Listen, Dung,"- Sirius retorted angrily – "we're giving you a lot of gold here. Can't you be more helpful? There should be another way! Can't we just recast the Freezing Charm?"
"Nah, lad, it's going to break the shell of the egg. It can't handle that much magic." – Mundungus shook his head – "You have no real option here but take my word for the quality of the goods I'm offering!"
"Take it out!" – Catherine ordered with determined expression.
"Flame, maybe we should really trust him. Otherwise, we'll ruin the ingredient." – James whispered to his friend – "Neither of us has a Goblin silver container. We don't have a choice."
"I'll take the responsibility." – insisted the witch – "Give me the egg, and I'll give you the gold. But you stay here until we make sure it's what it's supposed to be."
"Do what she says." – Sirius instructed Mundungus, disregarding James' angry expression, and took out a small bag that jingled attractively.
The older man eyed the bag longingly and hesitantly retrieved a dirty red fabric package from inside his oversized coat, setting it gently on the table. Catherine swiftly unwrapped the bright red Ashwinder egg, covered in tiny ice crystals.
The moment she touched the shell, the egg immediately began to radiate intense heat. Within half a minute, the wood beneath it began to char, wisps of smoke curling into the air. Seizing the opportunity, Dung swiftly grabbed the money from Sirius, his fingers tracing the weight of the bag appreciatively before he left as quickly as his short legs could carry him.
"What are we going to do now?" – asked James in a panicked state.
Catherine took a deep breath, reached out, and took the Ashwinder egg with her bare hands. Sirius and James stared with disbelief in their friend, who didn't even flinch.
"Are you insane?!" – almost screamed Sirius, attempting to take back the egg without much success.
"It almost set the table on fire! How could you hold it like this?" – asked James, his hazel eyes wide with shock.
"It seems Dung didn't deceive us." – Catherine declared firmly, standing up and heading towards the door, trying to cover the egg from curious glances – "Let's hurry! I want to be out of here as soon as possible."
The three Gryffindors rushed past many dark, dusty windows of various establishments in Knockturn Alley, the young witch tightly clutching her precious cargo. Eventually, they reached Shyverwretch's Venoms and Poisons, the muted clamour of Diagon Alley drifting to their ears. Panting, the students leaned against the nearby wall, James and Sirius still staring at the young witch, torn between worry and admiration.
"I know you have many questions, and I truly wish I could answer them, but the egg starts burning me, and I need to go home!" – Catherine stated, her voice calmer than she felt.
"Then let it go, for fuck's sake!" – Sirius swore, irritated, attempting to grasp the girl's hands.
"No chance in hell!" – she hissed, taking a step back – "I'll be fine once I return to my house. I have a suitable container for the egg."
"Where did you get Goblin silver from?" – James asked suspiciously – "It's very rare and expensive!"
"I've been preparing for a while." – lied the young witch, tears of pain brimming in her eyes – "Please, it's starting to hurt! I promise, I'll explain everything, but not now! Can you just help me back to the Leaky Cauldron?!"
The two boys looked at each other, their minds buzzing with thoughts and questions. However, they both realised that their top priority at the moment was alleviating their best friend's pain and preserving the Ashwinder egg. James hurried back to the pub and retrieved all her packages, grabbing the bowl of Floo Powder and holding it ready. Shortly after, Sirius and Catherine arrived, the grey-eyed boy's face pale and anxious.
"Are you sure you're going to be fine?" – he asked.
"I promise." – the young witch replied, attempting to smile through the tears. She took her purchases from James, who tossed the glittery emerald dust into the flames.
"Feywood Heights!" – Catherine barely whispered, hoping she would end up in the right place. The last thing she saw was Sirius' look of tremendous concern before a labyrinth of fireplaces danced before her eyes. In a few seconds that felt like hours, the girl found herself rolling on the floor of her home's kitchen. Sharp pain shot through her left knee, but it was nothing compared to the burning sensation in her hands.
The young witch hurried to one of the storage rooms on the first floor, where she had hidden a small chest made of Goblin silver. It was likely from around the 14th century and had previously been used as a decoration in her mother's Medieval corner.
Carefully placing the bright red egg inside the silver container brought a momentary sense of relief. Unfortunately, the excruciating pain returned almost immediately. Despite her natural tolerance for the heat due to her fire inclination, Catherine was not able to hold the burning egg for such a long time without inflicting severe damage on her hands, which looked as if most of her skin had been melted.
Attempting to focus on healing her palms, the young witch struggled to mix her magic with vital power. The Ministry of Magic had no authority over aristocrats, so using magic outside of school shouldn't have caused any issues. However, the intensity of the sensation made it impossible for her to concentrate. With her parents away at their summer party, Catherine was left to deal with the situation alone, unwilling to explain her injuries to them even if they were present.
"Young Mistress?" – Betty's squeaky voice startled the girl, who realised she had curled up on the stone floor.
Fifteen minutes later, the house-elf had settled Catherine in her bed. She allowed Betty to dress her in a soft nightgown, clean her face and hands, and even persuade her to eat a generous slice of peach tart. Now, the creature was using her magic to heal the girl's hands.
"I didn't know house-elves were so skilful in healing." – the young witch exclaimed in awe as she watched her wounds disappear, leaving behind fresh, new skin.
"Good house-elves can heal their family." – proclaimed Betty proudly – "Betty helped old Mistress Bryanna once, and now Betty had the honour of helping young Mistress Catherine as well!"
"Thank you, Betty!" – the girl smiled gratefully as the old house-elf's eyes filled with tears.
"Mistress Catherine will be careful in the future? She needs to learn how to control her powers and avoid getting hurt!"
"I will, Betty! I promise! Next time, I'll make sure I can heal myself! You don't need to worry about me, honestly! I'm a big girl now!" – the young witch grinned at her old servant, who watched her with a gentle, motherly expression.