Taming the True Fire (HP)

Chapter 103: Chapter 103: An Apple Far From the Tree (2)

The week before the last Quidditch match of the season, between Gryffindor and Slytherin, started with a lot of tension. The games between the two rival Houses had always been competitive, mobilising all their members and often accompanied by many heated exchanges and even occasional accidents. The players of both teams were particularly endangered, therefore they were constantly escorted by a loud crowd of housemates who felt responsible for their safety.

This routine was getting on Sirius' nerves. While James appeared to love the attention, the grey-eyed boy was tired of all the chatter, especially by the girls who preferred to gravitate around him and also expected the young wizard to hold his end of the conversation. The worst part was that Moony wasn't able to stand all that noise, and he decided to take alternative routes to their classes, followed by Flame, who was also not happy with all the extra interest surrounding their group.

On Monday, the youngest of the Gryffindor's Chasers sighed heavily while piling scrambled eggs on his plate. Five more days, and they were going to win the Quidditch Cup, have the wildest party of all times, and return to normal, the five of them together all the time. He quickly glanced at Remus and Catherine, who were laughing together at something, and he couldn't help but smile. He liked when she was laughing wholeheartedly. Her laughter sounded like a bubbling brook – light and refreshing, her jade-green eyes were sparkling, and her cheeks flushed.

At that moment, the mail arrived in a flurry of screeches and feathers, dropping letters and packages above the heads of the students. A big black Eagle owl landed in front of Sirius and proudly extended its leg so the boy could retrieve the parchment tied there.

My dear cousin,

I write to you with a heavy heart. Last week, Ted and I decided to run away and marry in a little chapel just on the outskirts of Bath. As you can probably guess yourself, my parents did not react well to the news. I've been disowned and am no longer considered part of the Black's family tree. You'll always remain my favourite little cousin, but I believe it's for the best if you don't contact me for the time being as to avoid tension with Aunt and Uncle.

Don't worry about me. I've never been happier! The only thing I regret is that Bella and Cissy followed the sentiments of Mom and Dad and decided to have nothing to do with me in the future.

Stay true to yourself and stick up to your beliefs! I look forward to seeing you again and introducing you to a certain someone who will soon be part of Ted's and my life!

Hugs and kisses,


"Are you alright, mate?" – asked James, his mouth full of porridge, as he noticed Sirius' pale face and trembling fists.

"No, I'm not! I'm sick of being part of this so-called family!" – he hissed angrily – "I can't stand them anymore! I don't want to look at them, I don't want to hear about them, I don't even want to think about them!"

"What's going on?" – Catherine inquired, her attention drawn by her friend's laud voice.

"What's going on is that I've lost yet another family member who refused to marry 'right'!" – shouted the boy, jumping to his feet. His eyes dashed across the Great Hall, stopping at the tall, black-haired Slytherin fourth-year girl who was just leaving through the door.

"Bella!" – Sirius yelled, darting after his cousin.

By the time the young wizard managed to catch up with his relative, she was already climbing down the stairs towards her Dungeons. Sirius angrily grabbed her sleeve, forcing her to turn around. Bellatrix Black stood roughly the same height as him, her thick, shiny hair cascading down to her waist and contrasting with the fair tone of her skin. The witch regarded the Gryffindor through her long eyelashes, her dark, heavily lidded eyes brimming with disdain and mockery, as her thin lips curled into a sarcastic smile.

"What is it, pup? I'm surprised your bald Mudblood had let you run free, considering the short leash she usually holds you on." – the girl said, chuckling.

"There's no point trying to anger me, I'm already pissed off!" – Sirius shouted, clenching tightly the wand within his pocket – "I knew you were an arrogant, petty, greedy cunt, but at least I thought you cared about your own family!"

"If you're referring to that person and her decision to betray her own blood, I don't see how I owe her anything but spitting on her if I ever see her again!" – declared Bellatrix, lifting her chin definitely, breaking free from Sirius's grasp and striding towards the Slytherin Common Room.

But the boy refused to let the matter drop. He followed the witch, blocking her path in the corridor and compelling her to halt once more.

"I'm not done talking!" – he growled, his grey eyes ablaze with frustration and rebellion – "What is your damn problem, Bellatrix?! Andromeda is your sister! We grew up together! She read us 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune' and 'Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump'! When you fell from your toy broom and hurt your knee, she healed you and didn't tell your parents a thing! How could you be so cruel? Why does it matter who your sister loves?"

"Mighty Salazar! Being sorted into Gryffindor does turn your brain into mush!" – the girl giggled, the sound devoid of empathy, dismissing the young wizard's arguments – "If you're so attached to that ungrateful trollop, go live with her and her Mudblood chav! You can babysit that bastard that's she is about to spawn! This way, Aunt Walburga will finally move past her disappointment in you. She was bedridden for days after I informed her about the company you keep at school. Fortunately, Regulus has proven to be on the right path."

Sirius gritted his teeth, battling the urge to hex Bella. He hadn't known what to expect when he followed her, but he had hoped—against hope—that she couldn't be so heartless toward her own sister. While he had anticipated her disdain for Ted Tonks, he refused to believe that her hatred extended to their unborn child. The revulsion he felt toward his own relatives left him feeling nauseated, especially knowing they shared the same name.

The clicking of high heels echoed down the corridor, drawing both students' attention to Narcissa slowly approaching. Her long blonde hair gleamed in the candlelight as Lucius Malfoy, as always, accompanied her, his arm possessively wrapped around her slender waist. His steely gaze fell upon the two cousins, and he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Do you need assistance, Bella?" – he inquired with a sly smile, giving Sirius a once-over.

"No, Lucius." – Bellatrix shook her head – "We were just discussing some family-related questions, but it seems we've reached an impasse."

"Are you giving up on your sister as well?" – Sirius asked Narcissa, who remained tight-lipped in response.

"She's no longer our sister! Is that so difficult to grasp?!" – Bella erupted in anger – "Cissy is a good girl! She knows what's expected of her and how to uphold the Black name with pride!"

"Indeed, she is!" – Malfoy praised his girlfriend, his smile carrying a sinister edge as he drew Narcissa even closer.

"Is that it?" – Sirius demanded, completely repulsed by the view in front of his eyes – "You're content with fulfilling your purpose and becoming some Pure-blood's scrubber and you don't care about Andromeda anymore?"

"Be very careful how you use that tongue of yours, Black, or you may lose it!" – Lucius warned him with a grave tone, removing his hand from Narcissa and drawing his wand. Sirius mirrored his actions, standing ready to fight them all if he needed.

Suddenly, someone jumped in front of him, and the Gryffindor boy realised it was Catherine who had her wand now pointed directly at Malfoy. The Head Boy's expression flickered momentarily before a smirk danced across his lips.

"Always one for action, aren't you, Little Bird?" – he remarked, advancing until the tip of Catherine's wand pressed against his chest – "Are you really going to hex me?"

"Don't worry, Malfoy, there are plenty of us here who would gladly hex you!" – James interjected sternly, flanked by Remus and Peter as they emerged behind the Slytherins.

"This is enough!" – Narcissa's cold voice echoed through the corridor. She was holding her head high, and her blue eyes were shimmering with contempt as she looked at Catherine and Sirius – "This is a private matter of the Black family, and I would not have it discussed in front of Mudbloods and blood traitors! Regardless of how you feel about it, cousin, there are transgressions we cannot overlook. Our honour and purity take precedence over any past attachments. Either accept this reality or remove yourself from our family tree. You're already heading in that direction!"

The blond witch scoffed as she glanced at Catherine with a mixture of disgust and superiority and departed, trailed by Lucius and Bellatrix.

"What possessed you to go straight into the snake's den?" – James groaned, joining his best friend.

"I don't know, mate, I just needed to try one last time." – the boy replied flatly – "Thanks for having my back!"

"We barely made it in time." – noted Catherine, stowing her wand back in her pocket – "Be cautious. I didn't like the way Malfoy was looking at you."

"And I liked even less how he looked at you, Flame!" – Sirius retorted angrily – "You know what? I've had enough of cowering before my family. I won't stand by while they malign Andromeda! I wasn't able to protect her from all the harm she suffered at the hands of her mother and father, however, I'll be damned if I allow her own sisters to trash her name!"

"How do you plan to stop them?" – asked James sympathetically.

"By fighting fire with fire!" – declared the grey-eyed boy decisively – "They keep accusing me of not being worthy of the Black's name. Then, I'll do exactly what our family is best at doing – playing dirty until we get what we want!"

'I have a bad feeling about this.' – thought Catherine as she noticed the devilish smile on her friend's handsome face.

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