Taming Beasts To Survive In A Cultivator World!

Chapter > 14: King Kong, I’ve Come To Bargain!


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*Coo! Coo! Coo! Coo!*

Looking at the parting Monkeys, both man and Fox stopped in their tracks.

Before them was a literal army of different colored incredibly smelly Monkeys, parting away like it was no tomorrow.

He saw some Monkyes, army wrestling, sumo wrestling, and drinking white-colored liquid and some... indulging in finer things before his very eyes. The screeching, screech-laughing, and screech-moaning will be something that will haunt him in his nightmares.

He never knew Monkeys could even make that sound or move that way. His dreams will definitely not be pleasant.

Contrary to Han Yi's mild annoyance, Tamamo was fuming and blushing all at once.


Ugh! Mind, stop imagining that! She and HER Master can't do that yet. Not until she gains a Human body, at the very least.

But...Why can't her mind just stop? It keeps on imagining stuff. Extremely steamy stuff,  even the Fox Goddess would blush at. Humans and Demonic Beasts aren't supposed to move that way, especially not with her little body and Her Master's extraordinarily fit body and soft skin, and size even some Demonic Beasts would bow in shame at.

Damnit! She's doing it again!

Han Yi suddenly felt something extraordinarily soft warp around his left leg.

Looking down, Han Yi found a trembling and quivering Tamamo. Her soft tail wrapped around his leg rather tightly.

' Ah... This must be too much for her.' He came to a quick conclusion.

So being the nice guy he is, he picked her up. By the time Tamamo was in arms, he immediately noticed the lack of any screeching.

Looking back up, he blinked. He blinked again seeing the army of Monkeys looking at him. The vast majority of their faces were mostly confused, and the others were angry.

Being stared at by tens of thousands of Monkeys with colors that would put the Skittles to shame, he did the best thing he could think of.

" Hello there." He greeted them. He greeted them in the only he could think of. The sheer emotions and the way he said would surely make Obi-Wan Kenobi proud.

Two words. With just those two words, all the Monkeys started...


He blinked again. Why are they laughing?

" Human. What do you want?"

He looked up higher. Standing on top of the grassy hill they were parting was a massive golden fur beast. Standing over 100 feet tall, the beast they call King is a primate of such size and ferocity that his very existence would rewrite every chapter of evolutionary theory. More mountain than mammal, he walks upright on two legs, his towering form shaking the ground with each thunderous step.

Cold chills went down both Han Yi and Tamamo as the Titan-size prehistoric Ape soon towered over them. His body, unlike most Monkeys, was not smelly at all. Rather than worst stinking than himself after Taco Bell, the golden King Kong lookalike smelled like Mother Earth. He smelled like the wet earth after rain. An odd most comforting scent.

" You don't stink." Han Yi said. In his arms, Tamamo facepalmed(pawed?).

Her Master can be so odd sometimes.

Han Yi saw the prehistoric Ape's eyebrows lift. Behind him, a few Monkeys fell and others had widened eyes and opened mouths.

Is this Human stupid?! Does he not see the Grade-7 Demonic Beast King?!?! Or the tens of thousands of them?!

Even Nascent Soul Cultivators would be respectful to their King. And yet... This boy with no Qi just told a Grade-7 Demonic Beast King he doesn't smell.

They knew Humans could be stupid sometimes... Okay, most of the time, especially Cultivators, but they never saw this kind of stupid.

Tamamo's eyebrows twitched seeing Monkeys looking at her for an answer. She can't help them! He's the Master, not her! She is just a very sexy and cute Fox!

Taking a page out of her Master's book, she shrugged. At the corner of his eye, Han Yi's lips twitched. His lips wanted to curve up, but he won't have that.

Contrary to what the Ape King and Monkeys may believe, he is scared shitless. His back sticking to him, due to how much he is sweating. Outside, he may see himself as fearless and a bit reckless, but inside is a different story.

' You stupid mouth! Why must you betray me!? Why did you go and say that?! Do you want me to die?!' His mind was in chaos. It was at war with itself. One side finds it funny and the other side found it absolutely terrifying.

Unknown to the odd Human's chaotic mind, the prehistoric Ape lips turned upward.

" Your funny Human. For that, I won't kill you." His voice was thunderous and deep," So, what is it you want Human?"

The voice shocked Han Yi's core and quieted his mind.

Now that he really looks at the Ape King, he was surprised that his emotions. He was terrified, yes. But the pure amazement and awe he felt surpassed his fear.

King Kong. He is looking at King Kong. And he even looks just like him too, oddly enough, just with golden fur.

" You have a Name?" Han Yi couldn't help but ask. Hearing this, Tamamo went pale. Well, as pale as Fox can get.

Her Master better be thinking of naming a Grade-7 Demonic Beast!

Especially without Qi to... support...it?

Wait... How did he even name her if he didn't have Qi? Naming Grade-1 Demonic Beast with a drop of Nine Tail Blood would even make a Nascent Soul Cultivator look like a dead man. Anything below Nascent Soul Cultivator is not worth mentioning.

If she uses that logic, her Master should be nothing but a pile of ash. And yet her Master before her very eyes stands fearlessly in front of a Grade-7 Demonic Beast King.

Back when he named her, she didn't think of this due to the pure overflowing joy she felt upon being named. However, now that she has a clear head, her Master shouldn't even be alive, much less walking and looking fine.

Wait... Now that she really looks at her Master, he looks even healthier and stronger. His normal snow-white skin now looks like white jade craved by the Dragon Goddess and his hair looks like the Raven Goddess weaved it herself. Even his eyes look brighter and pure of life, like ocean blue gems craved by the Fox Goddess herself. It was like all the Demonic Beast Goddess had a child, put into one person. And that one person is her Master.

' Master... Who, what are you?' Tamamo couldn't help but ask herself. He looks more Beast than Human after all.

Unknown to his Fox's thoughts, Han Yi was too busy being stared down by an amused Ape King.

" I don't have a name. Why?" This Human is odd. For a second, he thought he was talking to a high-Grade Demonic Beast in Human form. But, he smells just like a Human. Well, he smells better than all the Humans he met, but he won't say that.

" You want one?" Han Yi's mouth moved on its own again, causing him to curse loudly inside his mind.

" Do...I want a name?" Now that interested The Ape King.

After all, what Demonic Beast doesn't want a Name? As a Demonic Beast, there are only four ways to get a name.

One; Be named at birth by the Demonic Beast Gods.

Two; Be named by a Human and probably be a slave to them.

Three; Name themselves and hopefully they get powerful enough to live up to the name.

Four; Get a Name from the surrounding Demonic Beast, out of Fear or Worship.

The Ape King wasn't so lucky to be Named by the Demonic Beast Gods, nor get a name from the surrounding Demonic Beast. For ten thousand years since his birth, he has never been crowned a name.

And yet... This Human says he can Name Him; The Great Goldenfire Monkey King of the Outer Region of The Hundred Thousand Demonic Beast Forest? Now that is interesting.

A Name would help him and his tribe a lot. Those damn overgrown Geckos, are annoying him, trying to take his territory. So yes, a Name would help a whole lot.

And yet... Can this normal Human with no Qi even Name him and not turn into ash?

" Yes." The Ape King found himself saying. For the future of his wives, children, and tribe, he would gladly bow down to a Human.

' Luckily it's not a Demonic Cultivator, huh?' He bitterly thought to himself.

Both Human and Fox blinked. Even as the Ape King sat down in front of them with a rumble of the earth, they blinked again.

' Say what?' Tamamo was shocked to her core. Wasn't that too easy? Aren't Apes, especially Ape Kings supposed to be prideful and hate Humans? What's wrong with this one?

Her eyes widened suddenly thinking of something.

It... It can't... It can't be that The Ape King fell for her Master? It can't be that, right?!

As she questioned life itself, she suddenly heard her Master's voice. His calming and soft voice, a voice that could calm even the most vicious Demonic Beast.

" About, Kong? King Kong?" Han Yi stared into the Ape King's eyes. His eyes were clear blue as the very ocean.

" King Kong?" The Ape King hummed to himself. His humming made Han Yi's body humm along. Behind him was his army all still wide eyes and opened mouths.

" I like it." He smiled. The Name...sparked something himself like nothing. Sex with his Wives, watching his children be born, or killing those Lizards, couldn't help to compare to the sensation he is feeling.

Han Yi found himself smiling along," Then you shall be King Kong, henceforth."

As if reacting to this fantasy moment, Han Yi and King Kong both saw a red line connect itself to them.

Following this was a raw and ancient primal force awakening from within them.

King Kong's eyes widened. This... This is an Equal Naming! This isn't the Master-Subordinate Naming he thought the Human was going to do!

Equal Naming is an act of naming that establishes an equal relationship between the namer and the named. This type of naming either consumes no energy to perform or costs so little that it's considered "safe" and the power received in return can be considered minimal. And yet the raw Pure Beast Qi Is not Minimal at all! Now he's just one step away from the Grade-8 Beast Emperor Realm! Before, the Grade-8 Beast Emperor Realm was just a Dream. Now? Now he can see and feel it. In ten or so years, he will be there. And it's all thanks to the Human... No, it's all thanks to his new Brother.

Different from King Kong, Han Yi felt a little stronger, but that's about it. However, he does feel a ball of something inside his core waiting to awaken. So maybe, after some years, he will get something out of today.

" Oh yeah, can I have some Monkey King Wine?" Han Yi asked, remember the original reason he came this way.

King Kong laughed upon hearing this. He laughed hard, as trees by them were blown away by the force of the laughter. Strangely enough, Han Yi and Tamamo didn't feel a thing.

After a few more seconds of laughter, King Kong gave Han Yi a nod.

" Anything for my Brother."

Hearing this, Tamamo sighed in relief. So the overgrown Monkey doesn't want Master 'that way'.

A handful of seconds later, Han Yi was given a gigantic wooden bottle of colorless wine. He knew that it had a name, but for the life of him, he can't recall it.

" If you need any more, you can always come back Brother."

" Han Yi."

King Kong smiled," So it's Brother Han, then. But my point still stands."

Holding the gigantic wooden bottle of colorless wine, he was surprised. It's not that heavy. With just one hand, he can carry it. How odd and fascinating.

" I will come back." Putting his right hand over his heart, Han Yi let himself smile," You have my word, Brother Kong." May as well call him Brother back. It will definitely be awkward if he didn't.

Chucking, he did the same as Han Yi, and nodded," May the Monkey King and Monkey Queen guide you. Safe Journeys Brother."

With a nod, the man and Fox were off.

Watching them walk away, King Kong's eyes flashed a bright blue color. He has a feeling his Brother will be something great.

... And his gut instincts are never wrong.

His Brother will definitely shake the Heavens and Earth!


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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