Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 86: A Guest

Akash shook his head and came back to his senses before sighing and looking at his surroundings. His eyes landed on the dragon who was silently looking at Akash. He couldn't feel any enmity from the dragon who had a high level of cultivation. Akash was about to speak but the dragon was more impatient, speaking first.

"O' most esteemed being, may I have the honor of learning your name?"

Akash smiled then replied.

"I am King Akash Tagar."

The dragon was not shocked but he was curious, a 1st Star tamer was claiming to be a king. Normally, this would have created a peal of laughter, but the dragon clearly felt a strong draconic bloodline in Akash. The youth in front of him was clearly an enigmatic figure.

"May I know you domain, Esteemed King?"

Lava Dragon respectfully asked another question.

"My kingdom has two dukedoms, I killed Black Dragon and Golden Panther joined me as my subordinate. This mountain is also part of my territory."

This time, Akash successfully shocked the dragon. This was unbelievable to him, but the dragon had to accept this outlandish reality. He had seen Golden Panther scouting the surrounding mountain. However, he never paid attention or cared. But now, the pieces were coming together. Golden Panther was visiting his king for an entire year, every day.

The dragon was hesitant now and pondered.

"If he can kill Black Dragon, there is a possibility that he could kill me too."

The dragon nodded his head and asked.

"Are a you descendant of a dragon race?"

Akash understood the reason behind such a question, so he responded right away.

"Yes, I am."

Akash hid the truth and simply gave the reply that the dragon sought after which Lava Dragon stayed silent for a moment before speaking again.

"Esteemed sir, will you allow me to live on this mountain like I've been till now?"

Akash didn't have to think, he knew that this Lava Dragon was not a foe. He had been living here peacefully without him even knowing. If he had wanted to do something, then he would have already done it long ago. Akash looked him, nodded his head.

"Just be sure to not do anything that might be in conflict with my own interests."

Akash warned him and the dragon shook his head before replying.

"I have never interfered with Golden Panther or the duke before him. Your Excellency can rest assured."

Feeling a bit curious and inquisitive, Akash asked something else.

"You are quite powerful, why haven't you joined any dukedom till now? Is it because you lack an army?"

The respondent remained silent. Akash's curiosity was raised even further, and he asked the same question again, but with a graver tone.

"Unfortunately, I cannot tell you the reason."

Lava Dragon replied and Akash before moving out of the mountain. The dragon thought that the new king would force him to spill the beans. Seeing the behaviour of Akash, he stated.

"I am a fugitive. Thus, I simply want to live a low-profile life and not bother anyone or be bothered myself."

Akash's floating stopped, he turned his head and asked again.

"Whom are you running away from?"

The reptile answered in a light voice.

"From an empire."

Akash's eyes widened. This beast was a fugitive of gigantic powerhouse on this planet.

"Which empire and why?"

"Your Majesty, apologies, but I cannot reveal any more than that."

Akash sighed.

"I understand, you can continue to live here, no one will disturb you."

"Thank you, Esteemed King."

The beast replied. He was never afraid of anyone, regardless of their position before meeting this enigmatic and mysterious youth. He hadn't even asked permission to live here from Golden Panther even though he was living in his domain. When it came to Akash however, he felt intimated because of 3 things and was acting extremely carefully because of them.

One was this unfathomably powerful draconic bloodline that he felt within Akash which unbeknownst to Lava Dragon, was a Primordial Beast's bloodline. Second was his inhuman endurance against the hazards of the volcano. In terms of cosmic power and cultivation rank, he was superior to Akash several times over. And yet, he couldn't enter the depths of the volcano but somehow Akash had stayed a whole year there, leaving a strange worry in dragon's heart.

Akash soon came down and flew to the castle of Golden Panther. Along the way, he checked his body strength and cosmic powers, finding out they had grown a lot stronger than before. Especially his physique.

As he landed on the top of the castle, he couldn't feel any presence inside. Then, he called for the panther loudly but there was still no reaction. Right after, Akash decided to send a message to Haji Tea via the System.

"Earl Haji, have you seen Golden Panther in V-Valley?"

The message was received and Haji seemed overly happy to see it before sending a reply in seconds.


"My Liege, thank goodness you came out of the mountain! Yes, Golden Panther is here along with a guest."

Akash furrowed his brows.

"Who is this guest?"

Akash asked.

"My Liege, he is a human. The new duke of our neighboring dukedom, the one who killed the previous one to take the position."

Akash squinted his eyes.

"I'm coming."

The Sage Scholar hurried towards V-Valley, using his improved strength and speed to their fullest. By the time he arrived, one whole had day passed. Once there, still floating above, he saw 2 figures on the grassy ground surrounded by thousands of beasts

Along the way, Akash had hidden his presence to avoid the dangers of the forest. When he descended from the mountain, his presence was still latent. Surprisingly, one of the two men still noticed and looked at the top of mountain, smiled and spoke.

"Thy King has arrived."

Everyone jerked their head to see. After spotting their king, everyone roared in joy as they had been waiting for their king for a whole year by then.

As Akash came down, everyone greeted him as he moved towards the 2 men. The king's reputation had reached new heights by then.

Akash arrived in the center soon before staring at the two. Things seemed strange when suddenly, tension filled the atmosphere. Akash was releasing a tremendous amount of killing intent, even his allies flinched. The Lord and Earls that were standing there quickly wielded their weapons.

The younger one of the two quickly stood up.

"Hey, what is the meaning of this?"

Then, the older one waved his hand and sealed the lips of his younger brother before sighing and sitting back down as a few sweat drops rolled down his temples. On the other hand, there was an incessant smile on the face of the elder brother. Soon enough, Akash calmed himself as well.

"Apologies for my behaviour, you made me remember something I wished to forget."

"This one understands, Your Majesty. Hopefully, ye can do so as well."

Akash hummed but his face was still grave.

"Honored Duke, I hope you can accompany me to a more private area."

"Naturally, Your Majesty."

The man replied as they followed him into Akash's chamber. Due to it being so big, Akash and his two guests sat on the bed while Lord Daan and the Earls were standing by the side.

"What have you come to my domain for?"

Akash didn't waste any time and threw out a direct and somewhat rude question, startling everyone except the two guests with charming good looks and red ruby-like eyes with 1.9-meter-tall statures. The younger brother had long, slicked-back red hair while the elder brother had long and wavy textured red hair, both clean-shaven.

The younger brother had a more silent and austere nature, clearly tense and always aware of his surroundings. On the other hand, the elder one contrasted him with a seemingly carefree nature, always smiling without a worry in the world. Through his use of more archaic language, everyone thought he might be poet or lyricist of some type. Soon enough, the elder one spoke.

"I am your new neighbour, my dub is Riassuba Rosehip and he is my younger brother, Nion Rosehip. I believe that thou has already surmised our non-human nature?"

Akash glared at the duo before replying.

"Yes, you are both of the God Race."

(Hello guys, I picked these names from the readers. Riassuba is one of the oldest readers I had on my Novel while Neon Daley is a privilege reader. Sorry buddy for annoying you with those a's bullshit.

Lastly the Rosehip family name is taken from the reader who supported me a lot with his gifts, RoseHipZero.

I'll keep using the names of fans and readers in the future as well. However, if any of these three or future readers whose names I might use, want to get their name removed, they can just comment here or contact me on discord. I'll remove it then. This is my way of my showing gratitude.)


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