Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 74: Turning the Tide (2)

Sohrab Khan read the System's notification message and stated.

"Your 3rd and 5th generals have already been defeated. Just Surrender and save your lives."

"Haha, I will not let my beef go anywhere."

Lobo stubbornly replied and stepped forward.

"Earl, he is coming!"

A soldier told Sohrab.

"No shit, I'm not blind!"

Sohrab retorted as he closed his eyes.

"Jeeth, Awaken!"

The two weapons became one and Sohrab heard the voice of Jeeth.

"Master, this battle can be concluded in seconds."

"Really! How?"

Sohrab asked in curiosity.

"I was the King of the Forest Dragons. I have conquered thousands of planets. Even if master cannot unleash my full power with his current cultivation, these feeble enemies still don't stand a chance. Granted, this technique will consume quite an amount of cosmic powers, making master feel a bit dizzy in the process."

Jeeth explained.

"Tell me what to do."

Sohrab agreed to whatever Jeeth suggested. After hearing it, the former's eyes widened.

"You have such a power!?"

"Master, you have yet to see my full power. In terms of skills, I was the 2nd strongest king among the 10."

Jeeth replied.

"Alright, then let's try it."

Sohrab agreed as he picked up his huge axe-hammer and gently placed the bottom of the handle on the ground. Holding it straight, he put his both hands on it, one on the hammer side, the other on the axe.

Meanwhile, the fat general was looking at him, not afraid of anything as pain only gave him pleasure. He increased his pace with a wickedly ugly grin on his face.

Sohrab closed his eyes, took a deep breath and activated Jeeth's skill.

"Gore Vines!"

The weapon immediately used up a large amount of cosmic powers from Sohrab Khan and the ground trembled. The nasty grin vanished from the masochist's gluttony, he looked down and noticed that barely visible cracks appeared on the floor.

Lobo squinted his eyes and curved his plump waist to see it better. Then, without any warning, thin vines emerged out of the cracks, entangling the bodies of Lobo's followers while he was able to avoid it by jumping away. He was very agile despite his chubby body. Immediately after, he summoned his beasts from his dwelling.

The strongest one was a 9th Star realm beast, a disgusting pink pig. Vines crawled upon the body of the pig and entangled it along with the other beasts as they came out. However, every one of them emitted fire around themselves. The pig was called Pit Fire Pig, its whole body was engulfed in flames. Lobo only contracted beasts that could control the Fire Law as he adored the art of wielding and controlling it. He especially enjoyed watching living beings burned by it.

To his surprise, the vines couldn't be burnt. He was casually observing these bizarre thorny red vines, forgetting he was one of their targets as well. Until a single slim vine, slightly thicker than a single hair, made contact with Lobo's foot. As soon as he noticed, he flinched and ran with all his might but ended up breaking his foot. The vine, not losing its grip, eventually twisted his ankle by making using of all his frantic movement.

Yet, surprisingly enough, Lobo was quite calm. His heartbeat remained steady as he looked at his ankle and complained.

"Shit, I got to fix it now. I hate it when bones break, shitty weak bones. But... I love this pain."

He made a nasty smile again, pressing the broken ankle as drool bubbled up from his mouth.

There was not a single sign of pain or fear on his face. Lobo had an unusual genetic disorder called Urbach-Wiethe disease. During his childhood it destroyed both sides of his amygdala. With such brain damage, he lost the sense of fear. Throughout it all, his father beat him for his uncommon behaviour and locked him at home. As time passed, he grew to love the feelings of pain and the taste of food. Eventually, he killed his father and even ate him, later being found by Death Gate. They trained him into a tamer.

The soldiers of the Tea family stepped back in horror while Sohrab's eyes were closed, his vines slowly covering the whole body of Lobo. The obese man tried to break free but all his efforts were in vain as the vines were only getting thicker and thicker. Their thorns dug into the skin of Lobo and their other entangled prey, sucking their blood. His and his subordinates' cries continued to reverberate throughout the sky. Until finally, the vines grew into thick wooden rods, having sucked the bodies dry of their blood, both beast and tamer alike. Nothing but saggy skin and bones were left on Lobo as everything else was sucked out.

The soldiers behind Sohrab Khan looked in bewilderment.

"What kind of skill was that?"

"Did you all just see that?"

"Earl Sohrab really did it!"

As different comments passed from one to another, Sohrab finally opened his eyes, until suddenly, he closed them again and fell to the ground, barely a second after opening them. The soldiers hurried and prodded him to check but the minotaur was already unconscious.


[6th General of Death Gate, Lobo Daurius has been killed by Earl Sohrab Khan]

<Haji Tea's side>

Haji Tea looked at his opponent, the lady Emilia Portlet. He was not at all afraid as he waved at his soldiers behind.

"You guys go and help the others, I'll be fine here alone."

"What are you saying, I won't leave you alone!"

Ayesha Tea said to her husband.

"Believe in me, honey, I know what I'm doing. If you all stay, you'll only be harmed by her poison. I've heard her name before. She has many monikers."

Haji turned his eyes to that pale green woman.

"Venom Queen, Lady of Poison, Toxic General and many more."

Then, he turned his head back to his wife.

"Only I am safe here, her cultivation is one stage weaker than mine. As for her lackeys, they are no threat."

Ayesha Tea and the others finally nodded and left, leaving Haji Tea to ask Emilia.

"So, how about we play a game?"

"Oh, what game?"

Emilia replied, intrigued.

"I will let you test all your poisons and venoms on me. In turn, I will use all of mine on you as well. Let's check who dies first."

Haji Tea said with a smile.

"I'll attack first then!"

Emilia took the initiative.

"Ladies first."

Haji smirked while Emilia took out a black needle from her wristband.

"This will be my first attack then."

Haji stepped forward, standing right in front of this deadly woman, causing her to gasp. No one had ever come so close to her due to their fear of her toxic body. Paying no heed, Haji raised his hand.

"Insert the needle anywhere you want."

Startled, Emilia pondered.

"Even Baghi wouldn't be this daring. Is this man crazy?"

Nevertheless, she formed a smile on her face and then merely poked her needle into a vein of Haji's hand before quickly putting it back into her wristband.

"Ten seconds."

Emilia said while walking away backwards, still focused on Haji.

"You will die in ten seconds and the countdown starts now. One... Two..."

Unperturbed, Haji just stood still, keeping his smile.

"Three... Four... Five..."

Then, Haji's pupils contracted and he pressed his heart.

"Six... Seven..."

Following which, he growled in pain as his body gave a few jerks.

"Eight... Nine..."

Haji tried to cry out but couldn't until his eyes rolled up and he fell with a thudding sound.


Emilia ended the countdown and turned to walk away until...


Emilia's feet froze before she quickly spun her body back around and saw the man that should be dead.

"Twelve... Thirteen. 3 more seconds have already passed, yet I am still alive."

Haji Tea said.

"How is this possible? You definitely died, you reacted exactly how someone afflicted by that poison should!"

Emilia shouted, completely stupefied.

"Oh that, it was just acting. I knew that it was the Crystal Wasp Poison made by crystal snakes and grass wasps. Such a potent poison would usually grant someone a quick death."

Haji explained.

"Then how did you survive?"

The Lady of Poison asked.


Haji Tea said as he wiggled his fingers to mock Emilia.

"Haha alright, you won the first round. Let's check if you can handle this."

She gave Haji another challenge as she opened her dwelling. Firstly, a 5-meter-long azure bee emerged. It was a Sky Poison Bee with a deadly and extremely painful stinger. Secondly, a green and yellow coloured snake slithered out. With a 30-meter-long body, it was a Violent Python. Thirdly, an Unseen Chameleon crawled out, posseting potent poison and camouflage abilities. The fourth beast to be released was a colourless jellyfish, floating in mid-air.

As Haji Tea looked at that beast, he recalled a rumour that he had heard some time ago. There was a case of jellyfishes killing civilians and tamers, so in response, tamers skilled with poison were sent to deal with them, Baghi Tea being one of them. The name of this beast was "Toxic Jellyfish."

As he was thinking this, the fifth beast emerged as well. A Deadly Mud Frog, capable of releasing toxic gas.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day!"

Haji Tea shouted as he yawned, his patience wearing thin.

Emilia humphed and picked out another needle before dropping it on the ground and ordering her beasts to start. One by one all the beasts poured their venoms and poisonous gases onto the needle as it slowly started to emit a devilish aura. A personal skill of hers known as the Needle of Quinate Venoms.

She wore a glove and a mask before picking it up and Haji Tea gave her his hand again. This time, she slowly injected the deadly needle into a vein of his hand until it was fully inside before taking it out. Haji didn't even flinch through it all, whereas she laughed.

"Haha, I have never seen such a stupid person. Even a Star King would die from this Needle of Quinate Venoms."

Haji simply smiled at her.

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