Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 43: To Victory

The armies were getting closer and closer each second, Akash and Red Mamba were already on the mountains. Whereas Black Dragon and One-Eyed Wolf were on the fields below.

The wolf looked behind while running, seeing his army was a little bit hesitant even though they outnumbered their enemy. The wolf's army was full of various beasts, weaker and stronger. On the flip side, 3/5ths of Black Dragon's army was made up of dragons, among the strongest bloodlines.

The dragons side was on high morale, but the wolf army's lantern of boldness was getting dimmer and dimmer as they were getting closer. The wolf howled.


Everyone behind him looked at the wolf, wondering if that was a war cry. Wolf thought of a way to raise the morale and spoke.

"Brothers and sisters, we have been suffering from these danmed dragons for far too long! Our loved ones were killed by these scoundrels over paltry territorial squabbles. Before my mother was killed along with my other family, she told me 'Always remember, remember why we died'.

Our fallen comrades, they did not wish for monuments, poems, songs of valor or any other tribute of such a kind! Their wish was plain, just remember that they lived and the cause of their death!

That was their hope! Should any free soul come across this land in the countless centuries yet to be, may all our voices whisper to you, unhindered by time! May these lands and the marks left by our ancestors and ourselves show that we lived, that we lived here to our very fullest, unrelenting in our conviction!

After I witnessed the countless deaths of my brothers and sisters, her words rang even truer. My fellow brethren, after today's battle. word will spread throughout all the free lands that 30 000 of us stood here, fought here and gave those damned dragons more than they could ever withstand! We will butcher these cursed blights on these free lands and prove that we, of the independent lands, belong here!

Now, here on this grassy patch of vale, we will finally purge ourselves of Black Dragon and his cursed minions! We shall not kneel nor retreat instead we shall only advance and strike fear in their fragile hearts! We outnumber them 3 to 1, so let's be sure to give back them all a good taste of the suffering they have inflicted upon us tenfold and bring in a new age free of these blasted scourges!"

As the dragons came closer, the wolf looked back at his army once more and declared.

"Give thanks to our forefathers."

After which he looked back to the front and yelled.

"To victory!"

All the beast cried together


The hesitant, worried beasts turned into high-spirited and vicious martyrs hellbent on victory. The war speech of the wolf had rekindled the flames in their hearts, spurring them to action. They all marched and cried out themselves.





And thus, the two armies clashed, immediately unleashing a cacophony of sounds.


The impact of the clash so overwhelming that bodies and body parts started to fly through the battlefield, propelled by their respective enemies.

Undisturbed, a dragon of orange color with black feet stood before unleashing its fiery breath upon its charging enemy whilst roaring. The flame scorched many, but something soon blocked the fire, an icy blue rhino, running with a thick pointy horn.

The dragon bared its claws and briefly glowed before growing triple the size and immediately charging towards the rhino. The latter stomped the ground, turning it to ice. The dragon tried to remain stable and even attempted to fly but it was too late.

The rhino slid its feet on the ice and, with a tilt of its big head, rammed its thick horn into the body of the dragon, piercing it. Soon after, the body turned into ice as well before breaking into pieces.

After the rhino had taken care of the dragon, it was confronted by a demon, a war loving species of beasts that possessed humanoid bodies.

It gripped the horn of the rhinoceros and lifted it in the air, however, is it did this, the demon's hands started to freeze. Despite this, it slammed the rhino to the ground before a long lightning sword formed in its hands.

Immediately after, the demon jumped on its adversary's back and stabbed the blade, piercing all the way through the body and exiting through the other side.

The wolf was one of the strongest, he fought and left bloodied and battered corpses behind everywhere in his wake. He jumped, expanded his wings and bit the wyvern flying above the army.

A light-yellow dragon saw that and flew to attack the wolf. Before he could though, a griffin reached him first as it rose from the ground, its wings metallic and sharp. Stealthily, it attacked the dragon and with a swipe of its claws, the dragon was decapitated.

As the battle raged on, Akash overlooked it all, even though his people were about to fight too but he was not worried about them.

It was a marvelous fight. Untamed beasts vs untamed beasts, all of them ferociously killing each other. One side had quality while the other had quantity, an even match. Akash had heard the words of the wolf when he had sent the moose to help them.

The moose currently was on its way to the mountain, jumping across multiple obstacles and overtaking many of the other, slower beasts in its way. Akash checked its profile.

[Species: Shine Moose (Beast)

Realm: 3rd Moon, Star General

Bloodline: Star King nobility rank

Learnt Laws: Fire Law, Light Law

Inborn Laws: Forest Law (Awakened)

Akash eyes widened.

"I must tame them for my army, these beasts are too precious."

Akash jumped down and landed before the 80-meter-tall moose, halting its climb.

"Your men are dying there, what are you doing here?"

Moose asked harshly.

"They will not die, go back to that wolf and help your own side."

"Nonsense, I was sent here to protect you and I will not disobey One-Eyed Wolf's order."

The moose was leading 10,000 beasts. Akash retorted.

"Didn't you understand what I said? Go back, your friends need you more!"

Moose looked back at the battlefield and explained.

"I want to go there as well, but... I cannot…"

Akash replied.

"Then take only 1000 beasts, send the remainder to them."

Moose was startled.

"You are taking that snake too lightly. Do you even know who he is?"

Akash smiled.

"I don't and I don't need to know him, he will die here."

Moose was shocked again, he wondered whether these little men were truly that powerful or just ignorant.

Akash spoke again.

"Focus on your own battle, not ours."

Moose gave an angry glare.

"Die, if you want to."

Moose turned back and ordered his troops.

"Everyone, go and help Lord Wolf. I will take care of things here."

A beast replied.

"But sir, we were ordered to..."

"Just do as I say, we don't have much time. Hurry up, I will take the responsibility."

The beast replied.

"As you order, sir."

The beasts turned their direction back to the battlefield. Moose looked back at Akash and spoke.

"I was ordered to help you, so I won't go back unless I complete my order or die trying."

Author's Note: (When I use "It" or "they" for a beast then that means either I don't want to reveal it's gender or it's an unimportant character. Thankyou everyone for your support and love)

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