Tamed so Easily


I walked with my beaten ass slowly across campus. Every brush of the pants I was wearing sent shocks of pain from the welts. The sounds of someone running up to me filled my ears and soon Patty was beside me. I got a closer look at her.

Patty had modest small breasts and broad swimmers shoulders. Her face was soft with full cheeks that were blushing with embarrassment as she met my eyes. Those deep watery blue eyes were surrounded by small short eyelashes and well maintained and shaped eyebrows. Her soft chin and what I could now tell as it wasn’t pinched, a button nose. Her pants were a little loose so as to not show off the impressively toned legs and ass and her shirt was loose too. For someone that competed in a swimsuit it seemed like Patty was self conscious about her body. Her hair was long and still damp from the shower, a vibrant mop of bright blue hair that made her eyes stand out lay on her head.

Her voice wasn’t nasally as it was in the pool, “Look Tim I mean it. I didn’t think they would tan you so hard.” She tried to grab my arm but I pulled it away. “Won’t you stop and talk to me.”

“Look, it's just a little hazing for me to join the team. It happens, and it would have happened as soon as they knew I was going to be there. I should have listened to my hall supervisor though and remembered the lock I bought.” I tried to give her the cold shoulder nut I was never good at that as she walked next to me. “Anyways, what do you want?”

“I want to apologize, I want to make this up to you in some way. You were bleeding from the rat tails they snapped you with. That isn’t just something I can let you shrug off.” She seemed to be thinking about something before she forced me to stop by stepping in front of me. “At least exchange numbers with me and then we will say I owe you one. I’ll hop right to it as soon as I can. Will you at least do that?”

I sighed and rolled my eyes, “Fine. I don’t know what I would want you to do anyways.” I pulled out my phone from my coat pocket and exchanged contact info quickly. “Look I’m starving and I gotta find some cream or an ice pack or two. Just leave me alone for now. If I think of something that will make me feel better about all this I will reach out to you.”

The sun was hot and beating down from halfway up to the zenith of its movement. Apollo doing his job soaring across the sky. I cursed the giant fireball and the oppressive heat that was starting to fill the day. I remembered a small convenience store that would have something like a sandwich and maybe some aloe vera for my skin. It would be wise to have in case I got sunburned at some point. The store was barely off campus and the door dinged when I got inside. It was chilly and the air conditioner was doing its divine job. I perused the sandwiches until I found a tuna fish salad sandwich and dropped a few bucks on that and a small hand pump aloe vera bottle. As I was leaving I saw a flier for help wanted. With a stack of applications beneath it.

I popped open my banking app and looked at my balance. It wouldn't get too low if I grabbed an application and promised myself that I would at least make sure I wasn’t totally relying on draining my savings. I would fill it out tonight and I had some minor references from my first part time job as a grocery bagger for the local store back home. I didn’t dare sit on the bench outside with how sore my ass was so I stood there and opened up my sandwich. The powerful and potent smell of tuna and mayonnaise filled the air as I began to snack on it. Every other bite had a pop of celery inside it to give it a little crunch and a flood of a different flavor.

The crinkling of the wrapper as I bundled it up and threw it away filled my ears and I thought about what else I would do today. I didn’t have classes start until tomorrow and I had no one to speak to or make friends with. The slow feeling of loneliness filled me so with a sigh I headed to the cafeteria. I would see if there was anyone to talk to. I was somewhere stuck between nerdy computer specialists and the jocks that loved to compete.

Before I headed there I stopped by my dorm and set down my stuff putting together the laundry that I would soon need to do. Thankfully there was a free laundry room in every dorm building and I could do that later tonight. Though I had one more thing to do before I left the room. I stepped into the small bathroom and dropped my pants to my ankles. I took a look at the damage done to me.

Great red and purple welts and bruises spread around the soft flesh of my backside as I looked over my shoulder at it. The thighs just below the cheek also had spots that weren’t as bad but seemed to have pinpricks of blood dried on the skin. My lower back had one welted handprint on it from someone that couldn’t reach all the way down to my cheeks. I grabbed the aloe and put some in my hands. It was cold and soothing so I slowly spread the slick healing balm over my tender ass.

It stung against the skin to be touched but as the air hit the gel wherever my hands passed sent a cooling shiver through my inflamed skin. Soon I had spread a thin sheen of aloe over my tender flesh and leaned against the wall with how painful that had been to take care of. Even the slicked feel of my hands spreading gel had felt like scrubbing my skin with sandpaper as the smell of the aloe filled the room. I left my tighter pants and boxer briefs off and instead grabbed my sleeping briefs that had plenty of room and the loosest pair of pants I had. Using the one belt I owned to keep them on.

I left and headed to the cafeteria. I would try to find someone to talk to and maybe grab some more food if I found myself getting hungry. Maybe some ants on a log, fruit, protein, and vegetables. The room was huge and tables upon tables lay in rows throughout the room and hundreds of people were eating and talking. The tidal flood of noise of people slowly getting louder as everyone wanted to make sure they were heard through the clatter.

I scanned it and saw quite a few letter jacket wearers milling about in one corner, a small group playing some form of card game on the table between them in two sets of four. Then I spotted her. My breath was sucked out of my lungs.

She was tall for a girl, long blonde hair fell in waves down past her shoulders and all the way to the top of her ass. And what a fine ass it was. Round, grabbable, and begging to be touched. I could see her profile and her breasts were probably in the double D range if not E cups. She was talking and laughing with a group of nerdier guys. A few of them had laptops and were showing each other something on the screens. One small hope soared in my chest as they talked about whatever was in the computers so I slowly moved my way through the room until I was nearby.

“Hey, what’re you all up to?” It was always so awkward to approach a group I had no right to talk to. They all seemed a year older than me, except the very charismatic girl. She looked at me and we met eyes. Twin emerald gems the exact same shade of my own gazed back at me. They shimmered with intelligence and confidence. Her smile was like gazing at a lake glimmering in the sunset’s light. I couldn’t help but swallow dryly, no longer able to talk.

“These guys are showing me the project they’re working on. They’re in the same major as I am but are a couple years ahead.” She turned as the other guys gazed at her with fondness and desire. “They are huge fans of Dwarf Fortress, I’ve put so many hours into that game. The ‘Fun’ of failure is always a lure to try and beat. Something about trying to be in complete control is so addictive. Plus every attempt is so unique.”

I felt myself blush at the thought of her commanding a bunch of people to do her bidding like some sort of queen over others. “I don’t think I’ve heard of that game. It sounds interesting though if you can keep going back to it and get new experiences.”

Her smile was dazzling as she put out a hand to me, “My name is Wendy. What’s yours?”

I took her fingers in my hand the way my dad taught me how to shake a woman’s hand. Soft grip, four fingers in my grip as her thumb rested on my own. My heart pounded in my ears as something in me cherished touching her, “Tim. Mind introducing me to everyone?”

Wendy turned to everyone and started to introduce everyone that just waved at me as they went about planning whatever the game needed them to do. I took a glance at a screen and was met with a great pixel graphic filled with flashing images of animals and dwarves. The speed they were doing things was astounding as their hands danced through hotkeys like I could do while doing my build order in StarCraft 2.

“Well Tim, it doesn’t seem like you’re here to eat. What brings you to the dining hall?”

“Well…” I started.

“WENDY OVER HERE!” A few girls were waving her over.

Wendy looked and then turned smiling at me once more. “Sorry Tim, I’ll see you around. See you around everyone. I’ll tell you more stories about my forts.” As she left rose scented perfume brushed my senses and I knew then, I was smitten.

The guys all looked after her just like me and sighed that the sunshine that had graced them walked away. The way she walked oozed grace and confidence. Someone that knew exactly what they wanted in life and how to get it. It reminded me of Sandra in a way.

A nasally voice cut through me, “So Tim. What kind of things do you enjoy.”

I sat down wincing at the flash of pain. “Well, I’m looking forward to working on this video game idea I had. I’m in computer science, hoping I can translate some of that to what I want to do.”

“Oh me too!” Came the first one to talk.

The thoughts of Wendy flitted through my mind as I talked to everyone. The group was kind and welcoming even though they were shocked to learn I was part of the diving team and there were mutters about a ‘Jock’ moving in on their territory. Then someone pointed out that I had a chance to prove myself as one of them.

“Well, there is going to be a LAN party. Are you interested?”

I felt myself flush a little but I had to ask, “Will Wendy be there?”

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