Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 319: A Conspiracy - 9

The city of Scroratint Central loomed on the horizon, its skyline a mesmerizing blend of architecture and impossible, gravity-defying structures that could only exist through arcane means. As the beasts-drawn carriage descended through the storm-laden clouds, the sprawling metropolis came into sharper focus, its streets illuminated by enchanted gas lamps that burned with an otherworldly blue flame.

At the heart of the city stood the imposing headquarters of the Ministry of Magic, a colossal edifice that seemed to shimmer and shift as if it were not quite anchored to reality. Its spires reached towards the turbulent heavens, while its foundation appeared to delve deep into the earth, hinting at levels of bureaucracy and secrecy that few ever glimpsed.

Despite the late hour and the relentless downpour, a small crowd had gathered near the Ministry building. At the forefront was Mabel Weston, star reporter for the Dawning Record, one of the most influential magical newspapers in the empire. Her keen eyes, magnified by a pair of enchanted spectacles that allowed her to see through simple concealment charms, scanned the skies eagerly.

Mabel's assistant, Charles, stood beside her, struggling to keep an enormous umbrella steady in the wind.

"There!" Mabel exclaimed, pointing towards a dark shape descending through the rain. Her quill sprang to attention, hovering beside her, ready to transcribe every word and observation.

The carriage touched down on a secluded road behind the Ministry headquarters, a landing area specially designed for covert arrivals and departures. As soon as the wheels made contact with the rain-slicked cobblestones, a team of Ministry officials swarmed forward, creating a protective cordon around the vehicle.

Jaegar felt the carriage lurch to a stop, and for a moment, he and Ewen sat in silence, the patter of rain on the roof filling the space between them. Then, with a nod, Ewen opened the door, allowing the sounds and smells of the stormy night to flood in.

"Welcome to Scroratint Central, Jaegar," Ewen said, his voice barely audible over the weather. "Watch your step."

As Jaegar was led from the carriage, his enchanted manacles glinting in the lamplight, he took in his surroundings with a stoic attitude. The Ministry headquarters loomed above them, its windows blazing with magical light despite the late hour. Clearly, his arrival was an event of some significance.

The small group had barely made it halfway to the building's rear entrance when a commotion erupted from the side of the street. Find exclusive stories on empire

Mabel Weston, her face alight with the thrill of a breaking story, had managed to slip past the initial security cordon. She rushed towards Jaegar, her quill dancing frantically beside her.

"Jaegar Ambrose!" she called out, her voice carrying over the storm. "Mabel Weston, Dawning Record. The empire has been buzzing about your disappearance and alleged crimes. What do you have to say about the charges against you? Where have you been all this time? Is it true that you've unlocked ancient magics capable of reshaping reality itself?"

"What the!" Jaegar was genuinely surprised to hear the question. They sure were exaggerating about his disappearance. He shook his head, not paying attention to them.

The barrage of questions came rapid-fire, each one more sensational than the last. Jaegar, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, opened his mouth to respond, but Ewen stepped smoothly in front of him.

"That's quite enough, Ms. Weston," Ewen said, his tone firm but not unkind. "Mr. Ambrose is in Ministry custody and will not be making any statements at this time. There will be an official briefing for the press once we've concluded our initial inquiries."

Mabel, undeterred, pressed forward. "But surely the public has a right to know about the return of the prodigal son of the Imperial family! The readers of the Dawning Record demand answers!"

Ewen's expression hardened. "The Ministry appreciates the public's interest in this matter, but I must insist that you and your colleagues respect the integrity of our investigation. Security!" he called out, and several stern-looking wizards in official robes stepped forward to create a barrier between the press and the prisoners.

As Jaegar was hurried inside the Ministry building, he caught one last glimpse of Mabel Weston.

The reporter's eyes met his for a brief moment, and in that exchange, Jaegar saw more than hunger for a story.

The heavy doors of the Ministry headquarters swung shut behind them, muffling the sounds of the storm and the clamouring press. Jaegar found himself in a vast atrium, its ceiling enchanted to display a map of the ley lines that crisscrossed the empire.

Ministry workers hurried about, their robes swishing as they moved from one urgent task to another, many casting curious glances at the notorious new arrival.

Ewen placed a hand on Jaegar's shoulder, guiding him towards a bank of elevators that seemed to operate on principles far removed from mundane physics. "Come on," he said, his voice low. "We've got a lot to discuss, and not much time to do it."


On the uppermost floor of the Ministry headquarters, a grand office stood as a testament to power and authority. This was the domain of Arthur Sherrington, the Minister of Magic, a man whose decisions shaped the course of the empire.

The room was a blend of old-world charm and magical innovation, with portraits of previous ministers lining the walls, their painted eyes following the current occupants with keen interest.

Minister Sherrington sat behind an imposing desk of polished oak, its surface covered with stacks of parchment and magical artefacts that hummed with latent energy. His small, wire-rimmed glasses perched precariously on the tip of his nose as he pored over the documents before him, his brow furrowed in concentration.

A soft knock at the door preceded Ewen's entrance. The young inspector stood at attention, his posture rigid with respect and perhaps a hint of nervousness. "Minister," he began, "I've brought Jaegar Ambrose into custody as ordered. He's being held in the secure wing downstairs."

Arthur Sherrington looked up, his piercing blue eyes fixing Ewen with a gaze that seemed to look right through him. "Very good, Inspector," he said, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

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