System in Assassin's Creed

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Fat Guy

Chapter 12:

The night came as Alaric went stargazing. He was alone while leaning on the roof with his hands supporting the back of his head.

The recent events made him wonder how the current era became like this. 'When did slavery against African even exist? Why did it exist?'

Well, Alaric knew the answer to that question. It was a fairly easy question actually. 'They don't think of them as please, they're just properties that only needed to what were told.'

Alaric closed his as he enjoyed the cold breeze of the wind.

'Nights this cold makes me appreciate how I had air-conditioning in my apartment back then...'

The young Kenway was finally about to sleep... until he opened his eyes coldly.

He then got up from his lying position and walked towards the edge of roof, the same spot as to where he found the young slave.

There were two men silently sneaking beside the walls of the house. One man was fat and was filled with gold accessories, and the other was wearing red blaz- ah wait... a templar?

"It was right here sir," The templar soldier said as he sticks by walls and peaks his head to look behind the house.

"S-Shush! Shut up," The fat man punched the Templar's arm while urging him to stay silent, "The slave might run away..."

"Oh, yes... I apologize."

The fat man also peaks his head, imitating the templar, "Are you sure he's here? If he's not, my father will have your head for this."

"I-I think so," The templar soldier said as he scratched his head, "I'm certain I saw something black heading in here at a while ago."

Alaric sighed while shaking his head, 'Poor guy, he got dragged into this mess...'

Deciding not to wait any longer, Alaric grabs a Kunai and jumps down. He adjusted his body mid-air and lands his feat on the fat man's neck.




The templar soldier looked behind him only to see a small boy standing on top of the fat guy, who was unconcious.

"Huh!?" Was his only reaction as a kunai plunged itself to his throat. Blood gushed as his body fell down.

Alaric took a look at his art and nods in satisfaction, 'Now... to loot this bitches up.'

Deciding on the fat guy first, Alaric decided to check the pockets and found a scroll but just kept it first, he then touched the fat man's clothes and proceeds to use [Sell], and he did that for every clothes he touched. 

[+£2 1s. 1d.]

[Current Balance: £364 18s. 5d.](11,677R)

'Huh? His clothes were that expensive? It was just a plain garb though?' Alaric thought but shook his head and proceeds to touch each jewelries and sold them immediately.

[Gold Necklace - 12 grams - £30 14s. 9d.]

[Gold Necklace - 11 grams - £29 11s. 4d.]

[Gold Bracelet - £25]

[Diamond Ring - 1 Carat - £70 0s. 0d.]

[+ £19 9s. 7d.]

[Current Balance: £520 4s. 6d.](16,647R)

'Not bad,' Alaric thought as he proceeded with templar soldier.

[+£2 19s. 11d.]

[Current Balance: £523 4s. 5d.](16,743R)

'Two pounds for the flintlock pistol? Well that's fine, considering it's a mass-produced product.'

Alaric then proceeded to grab the wrist of the fat guy and templar and dragged them behind the house.

He then let go of their wrists and then looks up the to the second-floor while murmuring, "Thankfully, that guy has a balcony."

Alaric applied a little chakra to his lower body and jumped towards the balcony, grabbing the fence and vaulted, landing inside the balcony, 'Just like a pure Assassin... blegh'

Walking towards the balcony doors, Alaric went ahead to knock until...


Solomon had an 'eventful' day. Morning to lunch, he was at the market place.

The next thing he knew, the son of his friend's brother brought in a slave and started citing the motto of the their creed, if that wasn't already enough, Alaric mentioned about the history of their organization. Not just any history, the kid talked about the Hidden Ones, the pioneers of the what they now call "The Assassin Order".

Again, if that wasn't enough, the kid made a business deal with him.

'What an eventful day, indeed,' Solomon chuckled as he removed his shirt and was about to start performing a martial art routine until.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Solomon turned his head towards the balcony doors quickly, readying himself for any intruders. However, it only turned out to be the Alaric.

Alaric stated something while doors muffled his voice, but despite the muffle, he could clearly hear what Alaric said.

"I understand if you want to sleep butt-naked, but you should probably come outside."

Solomon could only stare blankly and sigh while walking towards the balcony door.

The doors opened and Solomon immediately questions Alaric.

"Of course you would climb instead of just walking inside the house, you're an assassin after all," Solomon mused and shakes his head, "So... did you need anything? And that smell... blood? Are you hurt?"

"Hurt? Are you blind? Do you see any wounds on my handsome face?" Alaric sighed and walked towards the fence of the balcony, "Let me borrow your time, just a sec."

With that, Alaric jumped down the balcony with his small body, impressing Solomon. 'What could he need?'

Solomon jogs towards the fence and vaults towards the 3 meter drop, making him roll his body to avoid impact damage. As soon as he got up, his eyes widened in surprise.

"By all the damned seas, what have ye done??"

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