System Break

Chapter 193: Shade’s Choice

"I will take him," Reiko said. Her voice betrayed her concern, and it was not an emotion towards me that the master appreciated. 

"We established that you are not fit to take an apprentice and your sentiment betrays you. Has he already built a home in your heart? I don't know whether to be impressed by his skill or disgusted with your lack of fortitude."

"She fears Shade," I said. "It is not concern for me, but her fear of Shade and she would probably offer the same if someone else stood here."

The master cackled. "And now you defend her, I see you two have a bond already. You work fast adventurer. What shall we call you?"

I was hopeful I could ditch the name Gunk and choose another if I joined with the black cloaks. It was not a good reason – a good reason was receiving training from Shade - whatever race she was - if that what was on offer and reaching my goal of getting the Chancellors secrets before ending him.

I resisted the urge to tell them Benzhi. It was a name the Chancellor would recognise and although this was an underground, secretive organisation I had no idea what relations they had with the bastard.

Before I could open my mouth Shade offered. "Sheng."

"You want to claim him and name him?" The master twisted his torso and turned his head to look up at her. Although she was short and looked down he was seated, and he looked up at her face.

His lips pursed. "Should I be worried Shade? You have a sudden fascination with this one."

"You should not worry there is nothing to be gained from it. You yourself invited him from your own curiosity."

He turned back and considered his orb. "What do you want Sheng?"

"To learn and to speak with the gatekeepers. This is all I want."

The master frowned. "Aw you took the fun out of finding out. I suspect this is true, its too random for a lie and to learn is to gain information and power, this is something we all want. It is like saying I want to breath."

"Will Shade teach me?"

"Maybe," he said. "But will you serve me? You can stay with your guild but that would be for appearances you would be one of us."

Reiko was agitated but she did not speak, however her body language alone shouted, and I was not the only one to notice. 

"Reiko you should leave before I lose patience with you," the master said dryly.

She walked slowly with her shoulders hunched over and her eyes focused on the ground. Somehow I managed to embarrass her again and I wasn't even trying.

When she had left the master sighed. "I do not know whether I should give you to Shade. She's acting strangely and who knows what she's planning. But if anything it will be interesting to see what she does with - or to - you. Maybe she'll eat your core to consume your power. Or she will take you, train you and finally leave us."

He was talking as if she wasn't there or if there was no point in trying to hide things from her. He stood and approached me. It was then his age showed, his mind was agile, but his body was weak. Unless of course this was an act, which was possible.

"She has been serving us before I was born; she's not a slave, there is no contract. She lived here before we arrived." 

When he was close he looked into my eyes. "She never asks for anything - she just provides advice and knowledge. Sometimes her riddles make sense and other times they're fun to solve. I've always been a curious person Sheng and now I'm curious about you. What makes you different?"

He stood beside me and turned back to face her. "You may think this is a simple thing, but it is strange, very strange. It's possible that she will take you and abandon us."

I glanced at him. "You're spilling the beans. Why?"

He cackled. "If I do something you should know because it serves a purpose."

I shifted my feet and straightened with my hands behind my back. "Why do you want me Shade?"

The three of us stood in silence for the longest time and while the master was prepared to wait for her answer so was I. She was immobile, like a statue with a dark cloak thrown over it.

"I will tell you when I know."

The master cackled. "See. Riddles. She claimed you, she has a reason, but she doesn't know the reason. Does that mean it is gut feel or she suspects something but is not sure."

I nodded; he was good. "Do you know much about the gatekeepers?"

"Things are not what they seem," she said.

She was definitely related to Mother in some way. They had a manner of speaking in riddles that was eerily similar.

"Are you an Alfar?" I asked.

The master smiled. "You're not a complete novice. She is a Myrkalfar."

"You're shitting me."

"No. I assure you they are long lived and powerful race. She is the only one of her kind in Loctris, that I know of and not much escapes our attention. For instance there was a theft at the Janissare Mansion where a priceless artifact was stolen. Do you know anything about this?"

"I deny involvement of course."

He laughed. "You lie but speak truthfully, I like your sense of humour. There - I've decided I will agree to you being given to Shade. Assuming you agree also."

How could I resist. She knew so much. I suspected she knew what was behind the curtain where even the protectors, the shaman and the Chancellor were ignorant. I wasn't sure how I was going to manage the Red Queen and the Reds. But this path was opening for me it was as if going with the flow was the way to live.

"Of course. How could I refuse?"

He nodded. "How indeed."

She flipped back her cowl to reveal her face and her purple, alien, intelligent eyes stared at me. She was an exotic beauty that only the descendants of the alfar possessed. Her hair wrapped her face in a long bob, and it was almost pure white with a streak of purple.

"You will follow me," she said, and my heart leaped into my mouth.

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