System Break

Chapter 190: Gunk the Popular

The dark grey cloak, shirt and black pants were all ruined. I didn't bother cleaning them because Junior had so many clothes I could afford to throw out a set and still have enough for a new outfit every day of the week.

The old man had slipped a note under my door inviting me to dinner at the money changers café. My only problem was her royal thotness wanted to me to show her everything I knew, which was not going to happen, but it would be hard to make a reasonable excuse to leave if she kept me.

I changed into a white shirt, dark leather pants and light brown cape which matched the pants. My sturdy brown boots were clean and then I added the underarm sack, scabbard, and harness to the outfit. 

Guildies who used to sneer at me suddenly kept their distance and looked at the ground rather than make eye contact. I had no respect for any of the simps in this guild with Waylander being the only exception, so if they sneered at me or feared me, I gave zero fucks.

Vengance opened the door to the queens office and then left. I stood next to the bookshelves and waited while she read letters at her desk. When I read the spines I noticed that most of the books were on war, martial arts, and qi. It was a collection of educational books and the arrogant woman ignored them. I wasn't big on books either, but I would at least skim read the ones on qi and see if there was any wisdom within.

I reached for one titled the fundamentals of stoneskin when she sighed loudly. "Done, okay I am ready for you."

I turned and through the window I could see the sun was setting. 

"Wait," I said and searched the bookshelves. I found a book titled 'Natural Qi Flow' and picked it off the shelf. She watched me with pursed lips as I walked over to her. 

"I will tell you a secret," I said. "When I died last time and was stuck out of the game I began reading books on qi from our world." She began to smirk as if I was a naïve idiot and I held up my hand. "You can't deny I can do shit that no one else in this guild can. It's because I began to move qi on my own and stopped using the quickbar. Read this book, digest it and we can talk more tomorrow."

I handed her to the and moved to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?"

I turned back to face her. "I am meeting one of the locals. We can learn a lot from them."

She peered at me. "Why don't you invite me to come?"

I shook my head. "It's not a place for you. I will report anything useful I learn."

She huffed and pouted. "Why haven't I noticed you before? Did dying open your eyes?"

I nodded. "Yep. I'm on a mission and nothing will stop me."

Her eyes narrowed. "I can see that. I like the new you, you're so … self-assured."

I nodded to her. "My queen, you are beautiful, intelligent and possess perfect self-assurance."

Her smile genuine this time because it reached her eyes. The compliment was true, I just left out the part that she was also a self-centred, narcissistic bitch.

She stepped closer and put a hand on my shoulder. "I am so attracted to you now." I didn't believe her, I just had something she wanted. She lowered her eyes and said demurely, "If you can teach me to do what you do I will reward you." That part I believed.

I met her gaze and said, "You're smart and gifted - if you do what I say you will learn – I'm sure of it." Then I left as she stared at me.

The Red Queen didn't have time to send a tail after me, but I had one, nonetheless. If they were going to tail me it could only work with someone who did not have a decent core, because they stood out like Christmas lights on a dark night. I turned a corner and waited; it didn't take long for the young woman disguised as an old one to limp around the corner.

"Nice limp," I said.

Her eyes darted and she literally jumped when she saw me. Her face turned red, and she closed the distance between us in a flash. "How, how do you keep spotting me?"

I reached out a hand towards her face and said, "You can't hide a beauty like you." It was the truth; I was referring to her core.

She slapped my hand away and snorted. "Your street sense is miles ahead of your game."

"Why are you following me? I'm headed to one of your establishments anyway. Go back to your perch watching the campus and I'll be in the money changers smoky café."

She twisted her lips and scrunched her nose. "You know I cannot tell you anything. I'm failing badly already, and I have my pride."

"You want me to pretend I don't notice you? Will that help?"

She laughed.

I said, "Okay, pretend we never met," and then I walked off towards the smoky café. She stood in the middle of the street staring at me in disbelief. Then she huffed, turned, and went back to her perch.

By the time I reached the café the sun had set. I went directly upstairs and waited for the old man. The highly competent staff eyed me suspiciously but this time they gave me a much better seat in the corner. The door lady was a talented qi user, and it seemed a waster of her talent to act as a matron even if it was a fancy café. 

I sipped on a black bitter brew and despite the taste I enjoyed the caffeine. They recommended I try a sweet and it was a soft, chewy square with a hint of liquorice, very similar to an authentic Turkish delight. 

A man sat down across from me and it wasn't Leonell, it was the money changer. 

"You came."

"I was expecting Leonell."

He tilted his head and smiled. "Ah sorry about that, Leonell doesn't know anything about this dinner so he won't be showing up."

"I'm no handwriting expert but it did look like his scrawl on my note."

He sat there with a blank look on his face. "Don't worry, he's perfectly safe. Probably at home, I don't know we haven't been trying to tail him."

I returned his blank stare.

He chuckled and then cleared his throat. "My master has heard a lot about you in a very short time and asked me to set up a meeting. If you agree I will owe you a small favour."

"So you're not going to try and talk me into it? Just offer me a favour?"

He nodded and said, "Small." His eyes narrowed as he considered me.

"I have no need of a small favour," I said.

"Then earn some more and then I will owe you a large favour."

"Earn? As in do jobs for you?"

His eyes brightened and he nodded once. "You appear quite capable, and you have the valuable attribute of not being one of us."

"Sure, why not. I'll meet with your master."

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