Sword Arts Online: Darkness

Chapter 52: Chapter 51 - Roxas' Writing Work

Third person POV

 A few days later, just after his group's recent quest in a forest north of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, this Saturday at noon after lunchtime, Roxas was working on his online story on his laptop in Koto City's park. His friends are playing around to relax after that hard and stressful quest. Anko watched his work, being positive and impressed by his work. Despite his limited knowledge of English, the main literary language Roxas used always in his stories, Anko knew that his vessel was very creative and talented in his writing work. Roxas' writing work was, according to Roxas himself, a combination and accumulation both from his personal innovation and inspiration from other sources, including movies, anime, and YouTube videos. His first online story was a fanfiction of one of his favorite anime, and it was when Roxas was 13 years old. Prior to that, he wrote stuff, including fanfiction on paper, and at that time, Roxas didn't even know the word fanfiction yet.

 And then, Evil Kirito and Evil Asuna teleported into the scene, deciding to spend some time together. Roxas' friends saw them and were scared of offending them, becoming silent with fear like statues. But then, Roxas and Anko saw them but remained calm and vigilant, soaking their attention into Roxas' writing on Roxas' laptop. The two Elite Players then noticed Roxas' writing and Evil Kirito began to read the document's contents. The chapter was Chapter 56 in one of Roxas' ongoing, fantasy, anime-style stories for a story platform known as Jewel Books. Roxas remained focused, and Anko would note errors in the draft and notify Roxas about it. Roxas then would notice that and correct them out. Evil Kirito and Evil Asuna were stunned at his writing work and wondered what kind of stories Roxas was making.

 Roxas remained focused until the draft of his latest chapter was done. By that, he sighed in relief and switched to the website to put it into the draft part of the new chapter publishing area in his online book. Roxas then corrected the spelling and grammatical errors of his draft and rechecked it again, before publishing it as the latest chapter for his story.

 "Hehe…I am creative and innovative, plus regulated radical in my stories, you know…" Roxas' mind said.

Anko then agreed with it.



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