Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 5: Kushina Uzumaki Pt. 3

“Thirsty… fucking… bitch!”
“Yessss. Use me harder! Fuck me! Don’t let up! I want your big… fat… COCK!”
Kneeling there, Kushina closes her eyes tightly shut, forced to listen through the door as the Nine-Tails in the form of a foxy seductress cries out in ecstasy while her son very audibly pounds her into the bed. Where had the time gone? When had Naruto gone and become a young man? There’s just… it just doesn’t make sense.
The sound of flesh slapping against flesh and messy, wet noises reaches Kushina through the door, making her blush as red as her hair as she bites her lower lip. Her hands curl into fists, not out of anger… but to keep them from going anywhere else. She shouldn’t be here. Technically, she’s not being forced at all to stay. And yet… and yet, she can’t bring herself to move.
“Are you enjoying my body, Naruto? Are you enjoying fucking me?”
Kurama. That was what Naruto had called the Kyuubi. Her lilting voice is teasing, making Kushina bristle at how she seems to be mocking her son. However, Naruto, far from being incensed, just lets out a derisive snort and does something that makes Kurama howl. Perhaps he pinches her nipples between his fingers and gives them a good, harsh tug. Kushina blushes as she imagines it in her mind’s eye.
“Of course I am. And so are you.”
More noises filter through the wooden door, until eventually the panting demon fox finds her voice again.
“Bet you… enjoyed telling your mother off as well, didn’t you? Did you like laying down the law with Kushina Uzumaki, my precious Jinchuriki?”
There’s a brief pause at that, and then the sound of a slap. This time, Kushina definitely registers that as Naruto smacking Kurama’s tits, something that makes the demon fox cackle and coo in pleasure.
“You’re a vindictive cunt, Kurama…”
“You love it~”
Kushina can’t believe she’s listening to this. More importantly, she can’t believe she’s letting this happen. The majority of her early life had been taken up as the Kyuubi’s container. She’d been the Nine-Tails’ Jailor for so long that when she’d first lost it on the night her husband died, she’d damn near shut down in response.
Tsunade herself had come back to the village after Hiruzen begged her to return and look Kushina and Naruto over. Konoha’s Slug Princess had personally diagnosed Kushina with PTSD and Post-Partum Depression. She’d coached it in gentler terms of course, and told her that it wasn’t Kushina’s fault. To be fair, she’d lost her husband and seen the Kyuubi sealed away in her infant son all in the same night. Some trauma was to be expected, though Kushina had always… she’d always believed herself stronger than all of that.
In the end, some things couldn’t just be shrugged off. At first, in the days following the Kyuubi Attack, Kushina had been adrift, unsure what to think. When Tsunade arrived and gave her diagnosis, Kushina hadn’t really reacted. All it had done was confirm the sinking feeling slowly developing in the pit of her stomach.
She’d been under observation in those early days. To make sure she was alright. Sarutobi had taken back up the mantle of Hokage, and Konoha was on high alert to make sure that no one from outside of the Land of Fire thought to take advantage of their moment of weakness. Her survival was barely a footnote in everything that had been happening at that time.
That didn’t mean it wasn’t… inconvenient to the powers that be. Kushina had been drifting through life while worrying that she wouldn’t be able to be a proper mother to Naruto. In those early days, every time she’d looked at her son… she hadn’t seen HIM for who he really was. She’d seen the Kyuubi. She’d seen the cause of all of her woes, all of her troubles.
Tsunade had told her that it wasn’t her fault when Kushina confessed the things she was feeling in their private meetings. But that didn’t make it any better. It scared her, the thoughts that would pass through her mind. She was afraid that she would one day hurt Naruto. That she wouldn’t be able to stop herself.
… And then, just as everything felt like it was coming to a head and she would fall one way or the other, Kushina had overheard some ninja talking about it. A pair of Chunin of all things. They’d never even known she was listening to them. They’d never known how close they came to death as they’d discussed her son and his… condition.
Someone had leaked Naruto’s status but not his parentage to the village’s ninja forces. And Kushina had listened in as a couple of fucking brats had disparaged her son, talking about Naruto as if he was the Kyuubi Reborn. They’d spoken of him like he was responsible for the deaths of their friends, comrades, and family members. As though he and not the Kyuubi inside of him could be blamed for everything that was currently wrong in their lives.
Kushina had snapped right then and there. She hadn’t confronted the Chunin. They weren’t the true… root of the problem. Instead, she’d gone all the way to the top. The resulting rampage might not have been as spectacular or obvious to the village as the Kyuubi’s, but by the time the Red-Hot Habanero was finished, her actions had caused just as much irrevocable change within Konoha as the Kyuubi’s had.
By the time Kushina Uzumaki was done making her voice heard, Hiruzen had stepped down again, hanging up his hat and going back into retirement. SHE had become Fifth Hokage, and Danzo Shimura, the origin of the leak concerning Naruto’s status as a Jinchuriki, had been formally censured. ROOT was declared officially defunct and Danzo was ordered to dismantle his private little army on pain of death.
Meanwhile, the Council of Elders, consisting of Danzo and Sarutobi’s old teammates who always hung around and advised the Third on all of his decisions, were permanently disbanded. They’d already been partially sidelined during Minato’s reign, but as soon as Sarutobi had to put back on the hat, they’d all been up to their old tricks. Kushina wasn’t fucking having it. She wasn’t nearly as nice as Minato had been, and she wasn’t about to be pushed around, not by anyone.
Ever since, Kushina had used her power to push for changes. Some of them had been downright structural, altering things that had the older folks gasping in outrage as she dismantled and changed traditions going all the way back to Konoha’s founding. Kushina didn’t care. She and Minato had spent so many late nights talking about what they would do, what they COULD do with him as Hokage.
She’d finished all of their projects, all of the works that Minato had put in motion, and then she’d moved onto her own. She’d changed the Academy, she’d altered the entire way that the Ninja System worked… and her ideas had seen such success that the other villages were starting to copy her efforts after all these years.
Things had gone mostly smoothly. However, there’d been some hiccups along the way. The Uchiha Massacre was one of them. Kushina couldn’t be everywhere at once, she acknowledged that… but she could admit that the Uchiha Massacre kept her up at nights. If Minato had still been alive, would the Massacre have ever come to pass? If Kushina had just killed Danzo dead back when she’d found out he leaked Naruto’s status, would it have ever happened like it did?
She couldn’t say. Kushina and Mikoto Uchiha, the current Clan Head, had always been close. They were best friends in fact, going all the way back to when they were younger. But Mikoto’s husband… and the Uchiha Elders… there was no denying that they’d begun talking about the possibility of a coup. Of overthrowing Kushina herself and taking over Konoha.
Mikoto had been kept in the dark, of course. But then… so had Kushina, from the opposite side. Danzo had worked too hard to prime the Uchiha to turn traitor so that he could advance his own fucking plans. And finally, things had come to fruition. Thankfully, she could safely say that nothing had QUITE worked out the way that one-eyed bastard had wanted it to.
For one, Kushina was confident Danzo hadn’t intended to die for his crimes against Konoha. For two, more of the Uchiha Clan had survived then his plans had entailed. In the aftermath of the Massacre, when Kushina had busted open the last hidden ROOT base with an enraged Mikoto at her side, Danzo’s carefully kept records had exposed everything the dead man had been planning. From what he’d done with the Uchiha… to his plans for her and her son as well.
From all the way back when Minato had just died and Kushina had been on a precipice, Danzo had had his ROOT agents watching her, spying on her conversations with Tsunade. The bastard had intended for her to be declared unfit as a mother so he could not only take Naruto for himself, but also so HE could push to become Fifth Hokage.
Kushina’s little rampage and Sarutobi’s siding with her had only caused Danzo to push back his goals, but nothing had really changed as far as he was concerned. He’d still fully intended to use his transcripts of her private sessions with Tsunade to smear her name in front of the entire village and turn Konoha against her. He’d still intended to have her removed as Hokage so he could become Sixth Hokage.
Obviously, she’d seen red. Hiruzen’s attempted assurances that he would never have let Naruto fall into Danzo’s hands, even if she were gone… had rung hollow, all things considered. Not only were the Uchiha more than half-wiped out thanks to Danzo’s machinations and fire-fanning, not only was Mikoto’s eldest daughter Itsuki in the wind thanks to his fuckery… but what good were Hiruzen’s promises regarding Naruto when one considered all the other children he’d let fall into Danzo’s hands?
Did they not matter, just because they didn’t have important parents? Were they not just as worthy of his protection, simply because they were orphans, or the lesser known elements of certain clans? Kushina didn’t blame Hiruzen for all of Danzo’s crimes… the man’s actions were his own. But she did blame the Third Hokage for letting sentiment cloud his judgment far too often. He’d done it with Danzo and he’d done it with Orochimaru. And now look where they were.
Look where she was. Kushina bites her lower lip, as she squirms in place on the floor right outside Naruto’s room. She’s still listening, her hands balled into fists in her lap. She shouldn’t… this isn’t proper. It isn’t right. And yet, her heart yearns for… for something indescribable.
Inside the room, Kurama and Naruto haven’t spoken in quite some time. It’s just been bestial groans and moans and grunts, along with the noises one would of course associate with rough, messy sex. But all of the sudden, the Kyuubi breaks her silence, piping up with that coy, teasing voice of hers again.
“Bet she enjoyed it, Naruto~”
For a moment, no response is forthcoming. The sounds of rough, harsh sex do slow down however, until finally Naruto speaks with a befuddled tone.
“… Huh? Who are you talking about?”
He might not know what Kurama means, but Kushina immediately does. She’s frozen on the spot, her eyes wide and staring at her hands, shaking in white-knuckled fists.
“Kushina Uzumaki. My former container. I bet she enjoyed the way you laid down the law. I bet she liked how you talked down to her.”
Another lengthy pause, in which Kushina has to swiftly control her breathing to avoid giving herself away. Almost all sound has ceased in the room beyond, and if she’s hyperventilating, it might just end up being audible through the door. Eventually, Naruto does respond.
“… Don’t be ridiculous, Kurama. She’s…”
“She’s a lonely widow, Naruto. Bet she hasn’t had any in a decade and a half, hehe~. And then you come along and… well, you’re you.”
From inside the room, Naruto squawks in indignation and incredulity.
“That doesn’t even make sense!”
But the worst part is, it does make sense. At least… it makes sense to Kushina. Terrible sense. Naruto is… Naruto. The only man in her life. And so much like his father it hurts. Even more so during their last interaction than ever before.
“It doesn’t have to make sense. Nothing regarding that silly bitch ever did. You forget that before I was with you, I was with her. I know how she thinks. And I know her type. Blond. Blue-eyed. And-hrk!”
Kushina flinches as Kurama suddenly chokes… as though a hand is around her throat. When Naruto speaks again, his tone is low and deadly… almost dangerous really.
“I’m willing to allow you a lot of rope, Kurama… but please stop talking about her like that.”
Despite the politeness of his words, his voice makes it clear he’s not fucking around. Kushina can’t help the shiver that runs down her spine, and the whimper that leaves her lips. Another moment of silence passes, during which Kushina imagines that Kurama nods to show she understand, because once it’s gone by, the demon fox speaks again.
“Of course, Naruto. Still, I imagine she would agree with me. If she were here right now. If she were listening in. She’d agree~”
“Just… stop talking. I’m going to fuck you now. And I’m not going to stop until your eyes are rolled back in your head and your tongue is hanging out of your mouth you vindictive bitch.”
The sound of flesh against flesh RAPIDLY picks up again after that as Naruto puts his words to action. Kurama howls in glee and enjoyment as Kushina’s son starts to fuck the foxy woman towards a pleasure coma. However, Kushina herself is frozen in place. Frozen in horror, really.
It’s those last words from Kurama that have her unable to move. Unable to breathe, really. Because they come with a realization. An epiphany if you will. Kurama… Kurama hasn’t been teasing Naruto all this time, not truly. Or rather, she hasn’t been saying the things she’s said JUST to tease Naruto. She’s also… been teasing Kushina.
Despite her efforts to hide her presence from the demonic fox woman, Kurama is somehow sensing her. No, Kushina finally realizes in growing horror… Kurama can SMELL her.
She’s such a fool. Of course Kurama’s nose would be good enough to realize Kushina never left. The bitch has been aware of her the entire fucking time. And now… now Kushina doesn’t know what to do.

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