Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 542 - Shall We Have a Talk?

Chapter 542 Shall We Have a Talk?

Although she avoided the topic today, Cheng Xi would be more and more want to leave and go back to the place where he was familiar as time passed by. That day would come sooner or later. Xia Yu must face it.

Even if Xia Yu told Cheng Xi everything, he couldn’t understand it at this age. However, if she cheated him about when to leave, he might believe her at first but wouldn’t believe her a second time. Then he might become willful and make a fuss.

His crying would definitely annoy Chen Wenxuan and it was unpredictable how he would deal with this child. Upon thinking of what he said to her last night that he would throw Cheng Xi into the sea to feed sharks, Xia Yu began shivering with cold at once.

Xia Yu rubbed the place between her eyebrows. The more she thought, the more serious her headache would become.

“Aunt, there is a crab. Come here. It’s running away.”

That child’s voice disturbed Xia Yu’s thought. She looked into that’s child’s direction over there, who was waving to her. There was excitement on his little red cheeks.

This child’s parents had passed away and he was lucky that Wanru adopted him and let him come back a normal life. Xia Yu could never allow anyone to hurt him again.

“Cheng Xi, rest assured. Aunt will protect you.” Xia Yu said silently in her heart.

“Hurry up, Aunt! The crab is running away.”

“OK, Aunt is coming.” Xia Yu smiled and ran over.

Not staying outside for too long, Xia Yu brought Cheng Xi back to the villa mainly because she was afraid that Chen Wenxuan might get angry. Besides, after observing the surrounding environment during their stay outside, Xia Yu felt desperate because there were no other people except them.

It seemed that it wouldn’t be easy for them to escape. Xia Yu inhaled and then held Cheng Xi’s little hand to keep walking forward. When they got to the door, they heard Chen Wenxuan’s shrilling coming from inside.

In the beginning, Xia Yu thought she mistook the sound and had an illusion. But when the shrilling ran into her ears again, Xia Yu was so astonished that she opened her mouth wide. Indeed, it was Chen’s voice.

Chen Wenxuan’s deep and cold roaring was quite familiar to Xia Yu but she had never heard his shrilling before.

“Aunt, what’s wrong with uncle?” Cheng Xi, raising up his little face aside and asked Xia Yu. There were confusion and fear in his eyes.

Xia Yu’s expression became gloomy and her footsteps stopped. She didn’t want to open the door and walk in because she didn’t know what happened inside. If she entered now, she might run into misfortune. So she’d better keep away.

When Xia Yu was about to take the child back to the beach, the door was opened from inside and Chen Wenxuan came out. He looked pale and kept saying, “If you quit, why do you join me earlier?”

His gloomy and cold eyes became scarier at this moment.

“You didn’t mention this earlier. Chen Wenxuan, you should have fun with your woman here while letting me be your bodyguard?” Brother Hu roared and followed him to grasp Chen Wenxuan’s arm, “If so, we have to renegotiate.”

“Still need to negotiate? Can you think up a better plan?” Chen Wenxuan tried to get rid of Brother Hu a couple of times but in vain.

“Of course. Dongzi, invite Mr. Chen to come in.” After all, Chen Wenxuan was a man. Although Brother Hu was fierce, he had no way to force him to come in if he didn’t take the initiative.

Dongzi had a grudge against Chen Wenxuan long ago. He chose to endure him just because Brother Hu didn’t give his order. Now, Brother Hu gave his word so Dongzi hinted another underling by his eye. Then the underlying punched Chen Wenxuan’s head from his back. Chen Wenxuan gave a groan and became quiet. His eyes rolled up. Before he fainted away, Dongzi immediately held him and dragged him into the room.

“Uncle, what happened to him? Why did that uncle in black hit him?” Cheng Xi’s little face wore a worried and frightened expression and his hand grasped Xia Yu’s arm tightly.

Staring at those men’s back sight, Xia Yu still felt shocked. What happened just now not only scared Cheng Xi but also Xia Yu.


When Cheng Xi called Xia Yu again, Xia Yu finally gathered up her mind. She squatted and told him, “Adults sometimes can have many worries. Cheng Xi, there’s a dear. Don’t show up alone in front of them, never.”

The set of Brother Hu was all desperadoes. Under such a circumstance, these men were on the verge of breaking down. Xia Yu must warn Cheng Xi in case they went mad and hurt the child.

Cheng Xi gave a nod and drew Xia Yu’s hand, walking into the room. He said while walking, “I will take care but aunt you also need to take care.” There were worry and anxiety between his eyebrows.

Xia Yu heaved a little sigh. She didn’t know when those people would vent their anger on them. If that happened, she and Cheng Xi would be the fish on the chopping board at the mercy of those people.

The two stayed in Cheng Xi’s room until supper time. When they sat down in the dining room, Chen Wenxuan finally went downstairs and didn’t look well. His gloomy face, with sick-pale complexion, and his viper-like callous eyes made people feel terrified every time they met his eyes.

But this time Xia Yu gazed at him for a while. She felt she was not as terrified as before.

He sat at the table and had the meal with chopsticks without mentioning the matter in the afternoon. Although Xia Yu really wanted to know the reason to dispel the doubts in her heart, she wouldn’t inquire him if he didn’t like to talk about it.

“Uncle, you don’t feel well?” At this moment, Cheng Xi who was sitting beside Xia Yu suddenly asked the question in a caring tone.

Suddenly, Chen Wenxuan looked more gloomy and knitted his eyebrows. Xia Yu sensed it and knew it was the omen of flaring up. So she immediately started a topic with Cheng Xi to shift his attention while secretly observing Chen Wenxuan’s expression. Seeing he was not to lose his temper, she finally felt her seized heart relieved.

In the evening, Xia Yu bathed the child and carried him to the bed.

“Aunt, would you tell me a story?” His whole body above the waist leaned against Xia Yu’s chest. His little face turned pink and supple after a fresh shower. When he raised up his head to talk to Xia Yu, she couldn’t help caressing his cheeks quite a couple of times.

Xia Yu told him the story of a fox and a bear. While she was telling, she suddenly thought of Shen Yan and his face appeared immediately in her mind.

He must have been looking for them everywhere, right? He might have been driven mad because he couldn’t find them, right? Shen Yan, come quickly. I felt we couldn’t hang on any longer. Xia Yu longed to see Shen Yan show up more than ever.

“Aunt, why don’t you keep telling?”

“Ah! Sorry, I was absent-minded just now.”

Xia Yu gathered up her mind and then concentrated on telling the child the stories. Before the second story was finished, the child had fallen asleep in her arms, giving even sound of breathing.

When Xia Yu went out and was about to go downstairs to have some water, Chen Wenxuan came out of the main bedroom and his hair was wet for he had just finished a shower.

“Dry hair for me.” He looked at Xia Yu and said.

Xia Yu gave a hum. Although she was unwilling, she still fetched a towel to help him dry his hair and then used the hairdryer. His hair was so stiff that it made her feel a sting, which was different from Shen Yan’s hair. Shen Yan’s hair was soft and was comfortable when it was touched. When they were together, Shen Yan sometimes asked Xia Yu to dry hair for him, which made her feel elated.

She became absent-minded again. Xia Yu shook her head to prevent herself from recalling and to take away Shen Yan’s handsome face from her mind.

After she dried Chen Wenxuan’s hair, he said, “You go and have a shower.”

“Ah, OK!” Xia Yu took her pajamas and went into the bathroom. She bathed for nearly an hour just because she hoped that Chen Wenxuan would fall asleep when she went out.

Chen Wenxuan had planned to marry Xia Yu and father her baby here. Last night, she excused herself that she was tired. But today what other excuses would she present? Xia Yu was in great anxiety in the bathroom and couldn’t come up with any good ideas.

Now, she could only wish Chen Wenxuan had fallen asleep. But her hopes were sure to be disappointed. When she came out, Chen Wenxuan was leaning on the bed, reading a book in his hand. Seeing Xia Yu come out, he wore a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Xia Yu folded her lips and felt her footsteps become heavier.

When she moved to the bed, Chen Wenxuan suddenly reached his arm to circle Xia Yu’s waist, pulling her into the bed and to his chest. Their faces almost clung to each other.

Xia Yu swayed her head backward, which, however, provoked him. The man in front of her squinted his eyes, which cast some callous light.

Her heart leaped suddenly. Although Chen Wenxuan hadn’t boxed her ear, Xia Yu could still feel that burning hurt. At this moment, the terror in her heart overtook her disgust against the man in front of him. To prevent herself from being beaten by him, Xia Yu took the initiative to give him a smile.

Chen Wenxuan lifted his eyebrow, fastened the back of Xia Yu’s head by one of his hands, and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Endure, keep enduring! Xia Yu said to herself in her heart.

However, when Chen Wenxuan pressed Xia Yu under his body and reached his hand into her pajamas, she subconsciously pushed him.

“Bitch, you’re turning down?” Chen Wenxuan cruelly snatched Xia Yu’s neck and roared insidiously. He changed his mood unexpectedly, leaving people no time to prepare.

Xia Yu, whose neck was snatched, could not say a word. The man in front of her was as ferocious and hideous as a devil. No, he, in nature, was a devil indeed.

“After you left me, you must have been fucked by quite a lot of men, right? Shen Yan, Shen Qiang. Oh, right, and Li Wen. You acted like a bitch under other men’s bodies. Why couldn’t you act like that in front of me? You are supposed to be willing, not to push me away. Xia Yu, don’t challenge the limit of my patience. Otherwise, I’ll let you see with your own eyes that little bastard drowned in the sea.”

Chen Wenxuan’s red eyes were full of ferocity and madness, especially when he said the last sentence, from which Xia Yu could see the killing desire in his eyes.

“No, no! That child is innocent. You can’t hurt the innocent.” Xia Yu shed tears and said with sobs. She was regretting that she shouldn’t have pushed him, which provoked this lunatic. She could endure the suffering but didn’t want Cheng Xi to be involved.

“Innocent? That goblin is innocent?” Chen Wenxuan sneered and said to Xia Yu word by word while gazing at Xia Yu, “You tell me why he is innocent?”

“Wenxuan, whatever, Cheng Xi is an outsider. You can’t get him involved. If you want something, just tell me. If I can do you that favor, I’ll try my best.” Under such a circumstance, Xia Yu could only try to negotiate with Chen Wenxuan.

Although Xia Yu there was only a glimmer of hope, she still wanted to have a try to see what would happen.

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