Surviving in a world ruled by women.

Chapter 2

When we finished breakfast and grabbed our backpacks, we went to school.

Our house is only about 30 minutes away, so we walked to school, as most of the women´s eyes were on me, while I could hear their murmurs.

"As always, Onii´sama is very popular,with the women."


there was a note of concern...jealousy in Ruby´s voice. The twins shook their heads up and down with a worried expression and not noticing the small note of jealousy there was.

He asked me if Ruby is...

"Nii-chan we´re here."

I was surprised that we got to school so quickly.

The school is made up of primary, secondary, institute and university grades. Each school grade with its own assigned area, this being one of the most prestigious academies in all of japan.

"Here we part... Elena Emilia don´t forget to go to the entrance ceremony... Ruby come with me."

As we say goodbay to the twins at the gate of the academy, we pass through the campus that has a beautiful garden with sakura that they present to the whole school because of how strong and beautiful they are.

"Onii-sama... congratulations on being elected president of the student council."

I was surprised that he knew that since the official announcement will be made today with the admission of the new student.

"Ruby how do you know?

"By chance while passing by your room I heard you were in the phone with someone talking about your new position, I´m so sorry I didn´t want to eavedrop"

I see. I hear myself talking to mia-senpai the former president who graduated.

"Don´t worry Ruby I´m not mad, although I hope to see the faces of the others when they find out."

It will be a great shock to all the students, I will be the first man to be appointed as the president of the student council.

"Have you told Oka-sama about your presidency, Oni-sama?

"I haven´t told him, and I don´t know what I intend to say"

The only thing that interests that woman is her work, it´s not worth telling her something that doesn´t matter to her.

"I hope their relationship improves one day."

In his voice there was both sadness and hope, but I don´t know if our relationship will ever improve.

I guees only fate will decide that.

When we got to the auditorium you could see some teavhers lining up the new student, arriving sophomores, juniors, and college freshmen and sophomores.

Leaving Ruby with one of the teachers, I went behind the auditorium as the other students arrived.

"Good morning Karmel-kaichou."

Who greeted me is the current vice-president of the Luna Fernandez Student Council.

An exchange student from Mexico. One of the seven beautiful in the entire school, famous for both her excellent academic performance and her Latin American beauty.

"You know kaichou... I wonder what ´favors´ you had to do to earn you r current position."

Without giving me time to react he took me against the wall holding my hands with his.

"The position I have, I earned it fairly, without the need to do any ´favor´."

The strenght in his grip is getting stronger, I can feel it starting to ache in my wrists.

"But let´s face it K-A-I-C-H-O-U, this job is not made for me. The only job for men is to take care of the house, wash, cook and be available whenever the woman wants to have sex."

"And then you wonder why mia-senpai didn´t choose you as president . But tell me, will this be your new way of attacking me into your harem?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Don´t play stupid everyone in the council knows that you were always the new polyandry law being approved."

"You´re not wrong about that, but you´re not my type, I prefer submissives. Althoug... I´m not going to deny that dominant side of yours would come in handy in my harem."

This is the real Luna Fernandez, a woman who still believes that all men are only good for taking care of the house and the children.

"I´m sure it hurts you to know that a man took away the position you wanted so much, right?"

As he gave her a smirk, his face began to change from calm to angry.



You can her the bell for the Entrance Ceremony.

Looking at each other we knew that our discussion would have to continue in another place and another time.

Releasing my wrists I could see that I had some small bruises.

Haa... I hopre they´ll be gone before the day is over.

"We bettter not be late President Karmel."

"For the first time we agree on something, Vice Persident Fernandez."

As we arrieved backstage, most of the student were already settled in their seats.

"Are you President?"

The one who asked me is the principal of the entire school, Mrs. Katsuko Yamamoto.

A woman know within the campus by her nickname of the "Ice Queen".                                                                 

Due to his mostly sharp and professional character towards anyone in front of him. 

"I´m ready headmistress."

Without further ado, I let the director walk in front of me, while behind me is the vice president followed by the teachers.

Upon reaching the center of the auditorium they gave him a wireless microphone.

For a couple of minutes the principal made her little speech about the rules on campus, introducing the teachers, have a great school life and may all your dreams come true.

"And now I leave you with who will be the current president of the student council."

As I walked towards the pricipal I could hear the murmurs of all the students.

It´s natural for them to be surprised after all I´ll be the first man in the entire history of the school to be elected as president.

 I can feel my legs shaking like jelly and my throat feels extremely dry.

As my hand gripped the microphone, I could see my sister (except Ruby) who were equally shocked.

With a small sigh I tried to calm down.

I can´t show a pathetic side of me now, especially when my sisters are looking at me. 

"Good morning to both new and old students, as the headmistress has said. I am the new president of the Asmodeus Karmel Student Council. I will be direct in my speech... I´m sure many of you are surprised that a man holds the position of president.

Since I was little I was taught that men are inferior to woman.

We have to keep quiet when we suffer domestic violence. both physical and psychological. In the workplace, men´s salaries are much lower than woman´s and in the legislature, there are laws that practically discriminate against men.

That we only serve to be trophy husbands. I hosnestly think it´s fucking bullshit.

Starting today I will show everyone that a man can work under equal conditions as a woman.

Thank you all very much for listening to my speech and as the principal said I hope you all have a great school life."

Giving a small bow I stepped off the stage.

The only thing that could be heard at the end was the applause of almost all the student present.

When you get to the back pf the auditorium and notice that no one was there.

I collapsed on the ground as my face felt all red from nervousness.


Hearing the bell of the campaign that means the beginning of classes and feeling the fresh morning air on my face, I knew that this would be a new stage in my life 


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