Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter : 33 Night Raid members

As the intense aura dissipated, Tatsumi regained his composure and the ability to breathe normally. Slowly standing back on his legs, he observed the room and the individuals now present in it.

Tatsumi’s gaze then landed on the front side of the room near the bed where four figures stood.

One figure, surrounded by three familiar Night Raid members, stood still as he was encircled from the backside in front of Tatsumi. The air in the room returned to a tense but controlled atmosphere.

Bane, now fully back to his senses, analysed his dire situation.

A large-barreled gun was currently aimed at the back of his head, while a huge pair of scissors dangerously close to his neck severing it from his body, and lastly, a massive spear targeting at his heart ready to rip it apart—all weapons poised at him to inflict fatal harm.

Despite the imminent danger, Bane remained completely still, acutely aware of the lethal threat posed by the individuals surrounding him and the formidable weapons they wielded. 

These were no ordinary weapons; the danger they emanated was palpable, causing every hair on his body to stand on end. Bane realised he was entirely at the mercy of the voice that had halted these three people.

“Relax, he’s your new teammate that only arrived at the base today with me, and I have just recruited him from my previous trip to the revolutionary army,” Najenda assured, entering the medical room where Mine, Sheele, and Bulat were ready to kill him as they perceived him as an intruder.

The earlier sudden surge of bloodlust had put them on high alert, and they had acted swiftly upon reaching the room, prepared to eliminate any potential threat. 

However, Najenda’s explanation calmed their demeanour, and they holstered their weapons, stepping back to give Bane some space.

Bane also relaxed a little as the sense of danger subsided. He turned back and made eye contact with the three Night Raid members, who had been aiming at him just a few moments ago. He observed each of their appearances closely. 

The slender-yet-curvaceous young woman with long purple hair caught Bane’s attention first. Her hands were equipped with a long pair of scissors, adding to her intimidating aura. 

Next, his gaze moved towards a young girl with a haughty expression and below-average height. She had very long pink hair tied in twin-tails on either side of her head and was wielding a large-barreled sniper rifle in her hands.

Lastly, the person who had previously been concealed in armour revealed himself to be a muscular man. He was tall, fair-skinned, with a muscular frame and black hair styled in a heart-shaped pompadour.

In his hands, the man held a shimmering silver short sword with chains coiled around it, 

Bane couldn’t help but notice the distinct feel of the weapons wielded by the three Night Raid members, similar to the blade he had seen at Akame’s waist. However, they still felt less dangerous compared to her weapon, which emitted an aura of death that he had clearly felt.

As his gaze lingered on the three members, Bane realised that, apart from the muscular man, the other two didn’t appear like typical members of an assassination squad. But who was he to judge others based on their appearance, he himself was a prime example of how looks can be so deceiving and a person can never be judged based on their looks.

“What happened, boss?!” 

Bane turned his attention towards the room’s entrance as he heard the collective voices of other Night Raid members that had arrived just now. 

Standing there were three figures who had just rushed inside the room just now, including Akame, whom he had already met. She stood in a battle ready stance with her long katana in hand, ready for any potential threat.

Beside Akame were two more individuals. One was a young man with shoulder-length green hair that partially covered his left eye. He had green eyes and wore red goggles atop his head.

His attire consisted of a long green jacket with a fur-trimmed hood and a pair of gloves with metallic fingertips and wire threads running through them.

Bane’s gaze shifted to the other person with her short blonde hair framing her face.

However, what caught his attention were the two cat-like ears on the sides of her head and her golden eyes that gleamed like those of a predator. Her tiger-like claws added to her fierce appearance.

He wondered if her appearance was related to some transformation ability tied to imperial arms, considering the overall look. Bane observed her belt, trying to gather more clues.

She was dressed in a revealing outfit, comprising a black tube top, detachable sleeves paired with pants, sturdy boots, and a scarf around her neck. Her appearance exuded power and agility reminiscent of a wild and untamed creature.

“You three can also relax. There is nothing to worry about,” Najenda said with a stopping gesture to the three, which made them relax.

But they still turned their gaze towards the culprit, who was responsible for the earlier outburst of bloodlust.

Leone nodded in acknowledgment and then shifted her gaze to Bane, who was standing near the bedside, and then her gaze moved towards Tatsumi, who appeared visibly shaken. 

Recognizing that Tatsumi must have been greatly affected by Bane’s intense bloodlust, Leone approached him to offer support.

Utilising her keen beast senses, Leone had detected the dangerous aura emanating from Bane. She understood that Tatsumi, being the closest person in the room during that intense moment, would have felt the impact the most.

“Bane, these are your new teammates: Bulat, Sheele, Mine, Leone, Lubbock, and Akame, whom you’ve already met,” Najenda introduced, gesturing towards each person in the room.

Turning to the Night Raid members, Najenda continued, “And Night Raid members, meet your new teammate Bane, who will be joining the squad starting today. I had planned to introduce him tomorrow, but given the circumstances, it’s best to do it now.”

Except for Akame, all the Night Raid members collectively reacted with surprise, their gazes shifting back to Bane, observing his thin physique and his demon mask, which had covered his face.

They already knew that Bane was strong because of his earlier outburst of powerful force.

Despite their differences, one thought echoed in all their minds: ‘Just how many lives has this person taken to exude such intense bloodlust?’ Akame, however, remained silent, her gaze fixed on Bane with a thoughtful expression.

Even Bulat, who had fought in numerous wars as a skilled soldier in the Empire’s imperial army, was taken aback by the sheer intensity of the bloodlust, which was unlike anything he had ever witnessed.

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