Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter: 14 Revolutionary Army’s meeting



In a dimly lit chamber within the heart of the Revolutionary Army’s headquarters, the higher-ups of the revolutionary organisation had gathered for a crucial meeting.

Seated around a massive, circular table, several figures exchanged glances and exchanged conversations with other heads or their assistants as they delved into the weighty matters at hand.

The department heads were highly esteemed individuals who led their units like skilled generals, equipped with a wealth of skills and connections.

As discussions continued, each unit head offered their expertise and insights, contributing to the collective effort to topple the Empire to usher in a new era of freedom and justice.

The head of the infiltration unit, a figure known for his stealth and cunning, outlined his latest efforts to penetrate the capital stronghold and gather valuable intelligence from within enemy territory.

The scout unit commander, a nimble and resourceful individual with a keen eye for detail, relayed updates on enemy movements and potential targets for sabotage.

Beside them, the support unit leader, a strategic thinker with a knack for organisation, discussed plans for logistics and supply chain management to ensure that weapons, provisions, and reinforcements reached the front lines without delay. 

His meticulous approach to resource allocation earned admiration from his fellow leaders.

The final person to provide her with reports and insights on the medical department’s needs for the medical supplies was the head doctor.

Only they had assembled at today’s meeting, as other leaders were occupied with their individual missions. Leader Najenda, for instance, was busy assembling an assassination unit to target high-ranking empire officials.

After the whole meeting was over, the medical department head started informing other department heads about Leo’s special condition.

which was due to experiments done on him by the mad scientist.

The child became conscious again two days after his previous outburst, and then the child calmly asked her where was he and who were they, 

And only after confirming thoroughly that they were members of a revolutionary army that was fighting against the Empire did the child put his guard down, though only a little.

She asked Leo about his life and started investigating whether the child was telling her the truth or giving her false information.

And she confirmed all the events that Leo had described had matched the records perfectly, like the mass extermination in slums 5 years ago.

She then asked the child about the research facility, and what he saw there for information gathering purposes.

And she was thoroughly surprised to see that while describing the research facility, the child was calm despite being tortured and experimented on for almost five years. 

The head doctor then asked Leo about his outburst. Why was he in the bathroom smashing the mirror?

Was the child’s earlier outburst because of the trauma he experienced at the research facility or after seeing his appearance that was disfigured due to the mad scientist’s experiments?

Leo had just stared at the head doctor’s face and seeing there was no malice in her eyes,

And after thinking thoroughly, Leo had told her the reason for his outburst because he wanted to ask her a favour after his recovery.


The head doctor was unable to process the response Leo gave to her, and she just stood there silently for a few minutes at his response.


All the people present in the meeting hall were also flabbergasted at the kid’s response and were unable to say anything for a few moments.

“......So let me get this straight,

The child that my infiltration unit rescued at the research facility woke up from a coma and immediately thought of securing an emergency escape, rather than behaving erratically like most children would.

Even after experiencing that nightmarish place, the child never lost his rationality till he saw his disfigured state in the bathroom mirror,

the child had lost his rationality after seeing his disfigured state but he was not worried about himself but his disfigured state acted as a trigger to remind him of his helplessness in saving his mother and father five years ago which caused his earlier outrage?”

The Infiltration unit head said while trying to process the information further.


The only thing that was in the leader’s mind was how could the child had managed to not broke till now and remained calm despite being subjected to this cruel fate from a young age.

“Didn’t you tell the child that he would only have been three to four years of age at that time and could not have done anything to save them?”

The support unit leader asked.

“The child said it didn’t matter and said that it was his fault that they had died while trying to save him.”

The head doctor said in response to support leader's question because she had also asked the child the question at that time.

“What amazes me even more is that during the next two months, the child didn’t rush into seeking revenge but instead waited patiently,

assessing his situation and gathering additional information about the Empire.

Once the child discovered his regenerative powers and learned about capital and its military strength, he realized the need for a mentor to teach him combat arts, which he currently lacks severely.

He did that after contemplating his worth to the Revolutionary Army and agreed to work for us as a payment for his mentorship and because we saved him from that laboratory.

But only after we accepted some of his terms and conditions.”

The scout unit’s leader spoke greatly impressed by Leo’s intelligence and his thoughtfulness while joining the army.

The child wasn’t like other young people who didn’t know the consequences of joining the army and joined the Revolutionary Army to only gain glory due to thier youthful hotblooded nature,

But the child definitely knew the risks in joining the Revolutionary army.

Despite having his regenerative power, the child knew he could die at any moment. 

The boy was surely cunning, so they have to keep notice of his actions on a weekly basis.

After discussing this topic for sometime the leaders decided to give it a try.

The present leaders reached a collective agreement to let the boy join the Revolutionary army on his terms,

but some of which will be discussed and altered with the boy through discussion,

They will test the child’s ability through the mentor which will be assigned to him for his next training years at the headquarters.

Every single capable fighter was needed to win the war, which was about to ensue against the Empire’s imperial forces,

The leaders had not the luxury to refuse a child with such a power which could rival some of the teigu's powers.

So they had to keep their faith in the child that he would become a power house capable of greatly helping their Revolutionary Army's troups to fight with the Imperial army.


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