Surprisingly Enough(NOT), Common Sense Is Overpowered in a Cliché Cultivation World

1.14 A Wicked Idea~

It was only after he arrived back at his cave that Ning let loose his grin.

It was a gamble but one he was willing to take.


Knowledge. It was his greatest asset, even more, valuable than the panel. His mind was filled with a vast reservoir of tropes, elements, and storytelling devices. This knowledge had served as his secret weapon, aiding him in various ways throughout his cultivation journey.

Ning pondered the significance of this knowledge. It had guided him, allowing him to avoid hasty decisions like those made by others. It had granted him the opportunity to lead a secluded life, free from unnecessary entanglements. But what if this wealth of knowledge from the novels held true in this world as well?

Initially, Ning had dismissed the idea that these novel texts could be directly applicable to his current reality, seeing them merely as points of reference. However, if he could harness the full potential of his literary knowledge, the possibilities would be endless.

Considering that this world seemed to mirror the settings and logic of a novel, it stood to reason that those texts from novels would be applicable here too.

Ning wanted to test that.

For the next few days, Ning diligently transcribed everything he could remember from his vast knowledge of novels. He meticulously shifted through the collected information, searching and cutting until he finally unearthed the specific texts he had been seeking.

Thankfully, he always had a good memory, especially after his transmigration so Ning didn't have a lot of trouble in that department.

After that, driven by a newfound mission-like determination, Ning immersed himself in a flurry of activities. He took on numerous missions, selling off anything that held little value to him. Gradually, he accumulated a substantial sum of 500 spirit stones, a significant achievement.

With this wealth, he could have easily acquired the coveted lowest-grade space pouch he had long desired with a little more accumulation. However, this time he had a different objective in mind. Ning chose to invest in a concealment formation talisman, something that would his experiment from prying eyes. He truly sacrificed for the greater good. Dumblebro would be proud.

Just like this days passed, and Ning was finally ready.


In the depths of the Black Snake Forest, Ning was in a remote cave. This cave was quite hidden and was used as his temporary stronghold when he was on the mission. There were very few who ever trod this path, so this cave was quite secure. Even more so when he used the talisman to hide all the traces that might appear later on.

After all, low-key was truly the kingly way, and Ning had no intention of changing it anytime soon.

"Now let's begin. I hope this time this experiment works", Ning murmured.

This was not the first experiment Ning had conducted in this world, nor would it be the last. He had undertaken several experiments, whether with the intriguing materials he had acquired or with the panel within his mind. He had tried to recharge his panel with the energy of spirit stone, but nothing came of it. Even one of the reasons he hunted the green tiger, was to see if his panel would be the type to get exp from the defeated foe.

Of course, at the end of the day, all of those experiments were a dud and Ning was finally convinced that the panel was in fact just a panel that showed his stats.

These experiments might have appeared trivial or superfluous. However, Ning recognized the importance of thorough exploration and examination, refusing to overlook any potential opportunities for self-improvement.

After all, he would literally cry if he found that he really lost an opportunity, be it regarding the panel or others, just because he refused to go out of his comfort zone a little.

So Ning didn't mind conducting small experiments, not just for the benefit but also to understand how this world really works. After all, only if you dare to seek the unknown can you improve.

This time, his goal was simple: in those novels, he had read, there were some characters who recited the poems or scriptures, triggered the resonance of heaven and earth, and used them to prove the Tao.

Yes, Ning was trying the 'enlightenment method' showcased in various fictions. The paths to succeed in cultivation were many, and cultivators themselves were the key if they wanted to open a new path.

It was a long shot, but Ning just wanted to see if it worked.

He cleared his throat and began to recite those famous poems that had been passed down through the ages. Although his major was not ancient literature, he still remembered those famous poems.

Ning recited two famous poems one after another.

Then he waited.

The silence fell.

And lingered.

No grand cosmic revelation greeted Ning, no sudden surge of power coursed through his veins, but there was a small change.

Ning looked in the mirror and saw that his temperament had changed a bit, having a scholarly tint to it as if he was a well-learned man or, in this case, a boy.

"It seemed" Looking at the small change, Ning muttered. Even without immediate gains, this method proved to work. Moreover, his intuition whispered that this method held great potential.

As for the reason why he hadn't gained any artistic conception or power-up from the poem, the answer was simple: his own state of mind couldn't resonate with it, thus he couldn't fully appreciate the profound Taoism within.

"Since that's the case, I just need to bring out the big guns," Ning declared, with a determined aura radiating from his eyes.

 Once again, he prepared himself.

If those ancient poems had failed to bring him any benefits, then he would raise the bar. Closing his eyes, a series of texts appeared in his mind. These were no ordinary texts; they were the epitome of Taoism, said to enlighten the ignorant and elevate them to the realm of sages.

It was the one and only Tao Te Ching. A scripture that encompasses the meaning of 'Tao'. This text was the very definition of the big guns, if this scripture doesn't work, nor would the others.

Ning inhaled deeply, his breath stirring the dormant Qi within his dantian, bringing it to life. Then his voice resounded with a profound cadence, each word spoken with unwavering clarity. "Tao gives birth to one. One gives birth to two. Two gives birth to three. Three gives birth to all things..."

As the words left his lips, a surge of energy pulsed through the air, causing the surrounding Qi to tremble. A mesmerizing spiral of Qi materialized around Ning's head, its ethereal form weaving and undulating in a captivating display.

Within moments, a small seed manifested in the air, drawing in the surrounding Qi with an insatiable hunger. Gradually, a radiant lotus bloomed, its nine delicate petals unfurling with pristine elegance.


As the final word reverberated through the cave, the resplendent white lotus suddenly descended into Ning's palm, its luminous petals dissolving to reveal an intricate tattoo etched upon his skin.

At the same time, a new line appeared in the panel.

[Buff: Blessing Of Heavenly Dao. Cultivation speed increased by 99% and Comprehension increased by 99%. Duration: 9 days, 9 hours, 9 minutes, 9 seconds]




"I think I found the glitch in the matrix. Please No Fix."


A/N: Thanks for reading~

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