Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 23 Baishi shows of her strength

"Young master always had a look of carefree" 

Since coming to this world and fixing my cultivation my temperamental change from gloomy to carefree which make her felt good will towards us also she was, A houtian realm but she couldn't probe my realm.

Of course said blushing the recepcionist.


In 3th level of the bulding that Lin cheng and Baishi just entered.There were a bunch of peope that actually exudes extraordinary auras. If Lin cheng were here he would definitely recognize them. They were actually the first generation of the Qin family, inside the group the cousin of the first princess and also the pincess were here. after all this building is the first place for a lot of aristocracies to come and eat something sweet.Since this high luxury building only serve deserts of bakery. Which made the whole restaurant famous for his exquisite savors. They Group of extraordinary ladies and gentlemen included the Qin family and the Su family was also here. Except for the Lin family and tang family after all that's has happened recently. Have made the Lin family decided to be more low key. Mean while the Tang Family was busy today since they've been busy working on the after math left behinh by the  beast tide. At the same organizing and promoting the incoming auction which would bring important figures form other places. Not only that they had also start the intensity of the Tang family younger generation in training them on the subjects from warrior to management.

"O c'mon SuQingxia is going to be fun."

Pleaded Su lan 

"But i dont like to be here at this time there's a lot people how about we come tommorow." 

Su Qingxia said

"O c'mon we already here plus today there is a new dessert coming to the menu. Tell me your not tempted?"

Said Su lan tempting after all She and Su Qingxia had always have thing for sweets dessert and more coming from this Building. Su lan knew that she could make Su Qingxia agree if she took the news of the new dessert coming to the menu.

Sure enough Su Qingxia hesitated but when she hear of the new desser she surrender to the temptation and nodded. They kept walking towards third floor on this buidlding wehere circular tables could be seeing loking luxurious same goes for the Chairs.

The tables came With different shapes and seats from 2 seat to five seats tables.

The Crown prince was looking handsome wearing a golden robe and a mini crown on his head many aristocracies girl look at him in fanatic girly way. He walk ignoring he was already used to it. Even though he saw Su Qingxia entering the third floor he didnt dare  go and say hi because of Lin cheng, even if there is no business betwen them Lin cheng has become or is Sovereing. Perhaps he tought if rumors spread that he was pursuing a ex fiancée sovereign realm a little prince him would be shot down. He didn't was so scare that didnt want t9 have anything to do with that (Likho). He already some nightmare thinking that he was going to make himself a enemy because of the previous accident in the demonic forbiden area. Just thinking about it made the Crown prince tremble. But the Crown prince couldn't be more wrong  even if he truly tries to pursue Su Qingxia, Lin cheng would not care becasue he didnt feel anything towards her after the dont have any emotional connection, and second he is not a narrowmided person after all he came from earth. He believes everybody deserves freedom and will to pursue what the believe or fulfills them.

"Cousin Qin xianer how about we seat here, and all the Qin family seat over there." 

Qin xianer nodded quietly after all she came because her mom ask her to come. So she could try to experience normal life with people from her age. Her mother was worried that she didn't have any friend or experiences as a teenager. Since from her childhood she's been hiding herself as to no atract unnecessary attention which would expose her talent. But now that it has been expose she doesn't need to worry anymore.

"Hi sister." 

Said the Crown prince with stiff body after all he always look down on her sister. But obviously  he couldn't afford to look down on her anymore. Her talents are terrifying at such young age she is already in the King Realm is just a matter of time before she breakthrough the Emperor Realm. That without saying she is more powerful than him.  He is been accustomed to bully the weak but not the strong and his father has been missing. With no current backing where he dare go provoke this sister . That's without saying that her mother is in the late Stage of The King Realm.

Qin xianer nodded slightly and later ignore him. This brother of her has always made her have conplex emotions of dislike towards his personality. Making her feel she didn't have any warms feeling towards him. Suddenly she saw Su Qingxia and Su lan that came.

Su lan is known for her friendly demeanor so she said hi to the Qin wang after all he is also a famous and nice men with outstanding talent they start it socializing. Su Qingxia and Qin xianer were quiet during the time but time yo time spoke one or two words. There was no awkward atmosphere thanks to Su lan who talk with the other girls of Qin family and time to time makings topics which everyone would contribute to the topic or conversations including Su Qingxia and Qin Xianer.

Thanks to Su lan in seconds all the girls of Qin family and other aristocracies families were in the tables of Su Qingxia and Qin xianer. It didnt look anymore like the table of the Qin family it look more like the table of the gossip and chats. 

Which really shock Qin Xianer and Su Qingxia 

"Su lan really knows how to socialized."

Tought to themselves Qin xianer and Su Qingxia

The men became depressed because all the girls left their side. The Crown prince also was depressed because even him was not spare apparently when women reunited it was true the don't care to gossip and talk. But he couldnt say anything after he need to maintaing his gently manner same goes for Qin wang. Also they couldn't or dare to resent Su Lan after she was also a beauty. Joke wouldn't that be like the same of burying the images.


susddenly said Qin xianer at the same time extending her smooth and beautiful hand towards Su Qingxia.

Su Qingxia was surprise, but she also extended her hand and both shook lightly the hand as a salute. Normally both of them tended to be quiet person but Qin xianer was doing this because her mother push her to make girlfriends of her age. After all she only talks her mother because the royal family always been cold between them. Of course that depends of the Family.

Suddenly Su lan saw them trying to talk and got in the middle of them. And start it talking to Su Qingxia and also talking to Qin xianer  bringing topics. After a while the 3 girls

became more talkative during the topics than before. Qin xianer start it a little timidly when speaking but thanks to Su lan who guided the conversations it went well and she let go of herself.

"Well sister that surprisingly is interestingly I have never heard of that stunt." Said Su lan changing the way she address the Qin xianer. From princess to sister which made them close in almost 30 minutes of talking. The girls of aristocarcies bombarded The two goddess with questions.

Which later subisided.

"This is why i sometimes going out with Su lan get me tired." Su Qingxia sigh with a helpless look 

"Gigle lol this first time to me but i can feel your pain gigle." Said Qin xianer very charming and even Su Qingxia felt i fected by her laugh. Making the sides of the girls lively and people look over to see the scene. But when people saw the 2 goddess laughing they could not help but feel shock of what a beatifuls sight. Making them were in daze of for a moment.

"How could both you be so villains about me sisters." Said Su lan with an aggrieved expression. But that increase the laugh of the Princess and Su Qingxia while the other girls were chatting cheerfully.

"By the way princess you dont have some on lover or crush? " Suddenly Su lan ask making the whole scene quiet. With gossips and all the girls also pick up their ears after all they love  romance gossip.

Qin xianer didnt know to answer and even on the men side calm down trying to listen. After all Qin xianer is one of the ten top beauties in Dong empire.

"I..i-" Qin xianer was caught of guard by the question. Thinking of having a romance she couldn't blush from those toughts. Making her look extremely charming. How could she answer such personal question.

"Su lan!" Scolded Su Qingxia also feeling bad for the pirncess.

"Well sister i just a-"

"No is okay actually I don't have one. I'm more dedicated about cultivation than relationships. Perhaps one day if i find the right one."

Said sincerely while blushing Qin xian. For some reason a image of a person came to her mind. With nice muscle and brunete skin handsome face just like a prince charming. His knowledge about music and affter realizing her she blush deeply.

"Ahaaa you lying you were thinking aboutt someone didnt you?"

All the boys felt lost because of her answer suddenly their hopes rise again. And even Su Qingxia became interested. But before they could keep going something happen. Noisy foots steps could be hear in the silence of the room.

2 boys could be seeing running quickly with different robes representing different families. One of them had robe of the Qin  family, and the other one a lackey of the crown Prince which alarm each person because they were with red faces and breathing heavy.

"Ey what happen to you? The crown Prince ask

"What happen Qin cheng?" Also Ask Qin Wang

"Crown prince i just saw literally a goddess omg! What goddess,  The top 10 beauties of the empire compare to the goddess they are inferior, no joke." Said the lackey of the crown prince but it was loud enough that whole audience was quiet, because of his unruly remarks.

"What how can you be so shamelessly?" Said The Crown prince he was interested in that female. But sensing the piercing eyes of all the females present. He put a disgust expression after all he needed to maintain his image. So he quickly continued to pretend

"Crown prince if you dont believe me ask Qi cheng even him had his blood spilling. That was the most sexy Beauty i have ever seen. That goddess could literally eclipse the world with her beauty and made world fall in lust with her charm!"

Defended the lackey of the crown prince for some reason all the boys present look at Qin cheng who had blood in his nose.

"Bah bunch of perverts." a aristocracy girl said in dissatisfied manner and even though Qin wang was interested. He also pretended and said in righteuous manner. 

"Qin cheng your still young stop thinking about perverse toughts. Plus how could you compare the women, thats rude. If you have time for those stuff better use it in cultivation instead." Said Qin wang and all the girls hurriedly admire even Su Qingxia couldnt help but admire a little.

"Yea right big cousin you said that, but i felt your insulting my goddess i bet if you see her let alone Maintain that face you had."

Said tit for tat Qin cheng which surprise Qin wang. After all no one dare to talk to him like that, but seeing the look of his cousin. He was shock could it be that the fairy was so beatiful that could make my cousin rebel. Could it be the legendary men die for beauty.

"Yeah Crown prince i agree too with him." Said the lackey of the Crown Prince, like if he was about to rebel against the crown prince. Which also shock him because he knew his lackey had the same characteristics as him,  bully the weak amd fear the strong. Even he tought about teaching him a beating but seeing the face he also felt was that this was the legendary men die for beauty. So he now was more interested.

"Bah perverts!" one girl snorted clearly disatisfied


While Qin xianer and Su Qingxia didn't really care about the topic. 

But the next moment when Qin wang and the Crown prince were about to reprimand them. Their bodies froze in the middle of the action.

"Ey what happen to your cousin princess he is bleeding from his nose?" Exclaimed one of the aristocrat girls.

Su Qingxia and and Qin xianer that were paying attention towards the conmotion. They noticed that even the Crown prince froze. But their also watch how their expression from shock to drooling, both Qin wanga and the Crown prince were looking towards a certain direction. Being curious every one turn around and saw a beautiful women, with an alluring beauty capable of making country fall down towards her feet. She was so beautiful that even the women were in daze a little. Even Su Qingxia and Qin xianer felt daze looking at her making pop in her minds certain toughts.

"what a beatiful women." They tought

A women that look like 22 years old with a super extremely luxurious choengsam, and a necklace with a beautiful germ that look super luxurious with a well define carve. The exquisite cheongsam that was wearing the women could not cover he sexy figure. Her slim but sexy waist and her legs that look white tender. While she walk her white and silver hair look like a waterfall, and purple eyes that make you want to make you keep looking. Her whole body exuded a sexy charm. Making all the boy literaly drool very badly, they also saw 9 fluffy tails in her back also her beatiful and fluffy ears like the legendary fox women.

"You see i told you she was a goddes!" And Qin wang nodded subconsiously and the Crown prince wanted to kill this bastard not because of what he said but because he didn't said earlier bastard this a goddess out of side the sky. The men for some reason didnt dare to stand and the whole room was in silen until the crown primce suddenly stand up and start it walking fixing his hair very funny and the Qin wang also follow thinking this a big beauty.

"Pigs look at them they see a beatiful girl a go towards her fast like a dog and."  At this tiemll the girls were dissapointed at the same time e they knew this girl was different Su lan said

"Excuse me im the Crown prince of the Dong empire my dad is the emperor." said loudly with a gentle manner the Crown prince trying to show his back gorund and even Qin wang introduce himself the same way.

"I dont care who you guys are or who are your fathers , im waiting for someone so stay away from me."  Suddenly the charming lady that was waiting turn cold all of sudden and al the girls were surprise wow she straight rejected the charming prince.

Which shock the crown prince and suddenly felt dissatisfied and even Qin wang felt dissatisfied.  But at the same time both of them tought. 

"Who is the one she is waiting for."

After while everyone saw the cold face suddenly turn warm with melting smile. While Baishi smile she lifted her left hand and touching necklace in form of Heart. Baishi look at the necklace with soft eyes. Suddenly all the girls got a little of jelousy after their saw the beatiful necklace and that beatiful with a alluring body. Seeing her face looking like some one in deep love. All the girls and even Su lan and Su Qingxia and Qin Xianer felt weird looking at that beatiful fairy looking like some one in deep love they wonder how wouldbit feel to have the same feeling for someone. After for then the still hadn't experience true love.

" i bet your boyfriend is a weakling loser." Out of character Spoke with jealousy the Crown prince showing his narrow minded brain. And even the Qin wang felt jelousy they were sure no one can be better than them in this empire. So hearing she had a boyfriend the felt the could outdone her boyfriend with her talents. Of course that they narrow mind wouldn't think not everything is about what they have.

Afted Crown prince spoke those words  suddenly everyone felt the temperature freeze and the nine tail  of baishi stood up exuding an abonimable aura.

The Crown prince felt fear rising in his heart.


His legs kneel from the aura that smell like death.

"Take it back what you say about my lover little boy!  before i smash your corpses in ten thousand pieces." Spoke Baishi with a extremely different voice that made people felt chill on their backs. 

The Crown prince couldnt resists the aura he start feeling scare. His mind was in shock he actually felt she was a Powerhouse above his realm.

Qin wang felt scare who is this girl at least she must be in the Sea realm. What shock not inly was her strength bit how she actually attack the Crown prince thank god he didnt say anything he felt fold sweat on his back

"Ughhhhh! im the crown prince bi-"

The crown prince tried to curse her when suddenly A familiar voice enter his ears. Making him look so paler than before. After Whne baishi use the aura he tought she at least was one realm above him. He felt humiliated kneeling but when hear the voice the humilliation dissapear leaving him only despair with a terrorize expression.

"Baishi sorry i made you wait."

And when the crown hear tha voice the voice that follow him in his nightmares. His face look pale he even forgot about the pain even Qin wang fell to the kness his will was defeated seeing the young man face.he still had vivid images of the banquet and how this young men was strong a ruthless.

Qin xianer, Su Qingxia and  Su lan were surprise a handosme young boy with red shirt that look extremely stylish showing his muscle that look sexy and his black jeans look awesome his sneakers too with golden line and red color.

He look so handsome and charming he had brunete skin that look tender and fluffy like a baby extremely. With his brunete eyes that look magnetic his gentle voice and his extremely handsome face.

Suddenly the aura dissapeard and the cold face became warm and affectionaly grasping the arm of the person voice and squeezing with her two balloons which make all men almost drool.

"Brother you came make me wait so long."  Said Baishi charmingly like aggrieved little girl which shock everyone. The change from a ruthless to a young girl in love in just a couple seconds.

"Sorry Miss it was my fault." The receptionsit which had a houtian realm apologize sincerely.

"Umm baishi what happen why were you disturb and who are these? I ask looking at the crown prince

Looking at Lin cheng the crown prince that had a expression of fear in his face. He tought Lin cheng had finally forgot about him and was him looking for death.

The Crown prince please beg and pray in heart that Lin cheng is not her boyfriend  after all he escape a terrific ending before when offended Lin cheng.

And even Qin wang still was kneeling but because of fear that Lin cheng was the Boyfriend in Baishi mouth. And sure enough the next words of baishi made them fall from hope to despair in seconds.

"This little boys were here bothering me and saying bad things about you humph." Said Baishi angrily but not with the aura of before just an angry expression that made her look cute.

"What? Do i know you guys?" I ask weirdly and confused after how would people bad mouth about of you. Unless the know you bit looking at them I dint seem to have met before.

"I... i no your excellency im the crown prince we have met before in the forbiden demonic area. it was just a misunderstanding just now."  Stuttered with words The Crown prince with fear 

"Yea a misunderstanding." Added the Qin wang

"I tought such goddes was beeing play by bad people." Said the crown prince forgeting the pain in his knees. He knew if he dont talk right he is going to lose his life and even then his dad wont say shit if he return.

"Oo so your saying littke crown prince that im villain?" I suddenly ask with smile but not smile.

"I no no..."

"I must say crown prince instead of bothering on people affair bother your own problem if your like this. The empire soon would be doom, enough with your donkey brain lets go baishi."  After speaking i ignore and we walk directly towards the the 4th floor.

10 mins before

The receptionist invited us explaining to us about the the restaurant it has 4 levels but actually the 4th level was exclusive for people that were only in the emperor realm and also the owners of this Desert bakery is a cultivator in the Emperor realm which shock me. But something which spark my curiosity more that this building had 4ths levels and depending your status you could gentvin them. But different from the 3 floors the fourth level was different only by strength could you get in there. Minimum you needed to have a cultivation base in the Early stage of the Emperor realm in order to enter the 4th level of the Building.

Or in other words someone with strength of in Emperor realm can enter when pushing the door. Unless you had that type strength you wknt make the door open.  When you come to the the private room that show the front super nice view from the top of the bulding you could look all the levels .

"By the way to get into the 3th floor you need a pass that cost 1 million of gold taels"

After hearing that i was shock and tought this was practicaly robbing the money but o well. 

"Unless your from a major force." Finish the Houtian realm Receptionist 

I took 2 million hold of taels and give them to her which shock her but quickly reacted.

"Thank you I'll give you the permanent pass but it may take some time." Said The Houtian Receptionist 

"Here." I took out three healing pill rank 8 and give it to her as a tip and also a incentive for her to speed up the progress after all. I dont want to wait too long.

"Could you please advance the progress for the pass." And she took the bottle and open it her and was shock to find the pills and she could feel  theyr were above rank 5 alchemy pills so she quickly left.

"I'll be back 4 mins sir and miss." Before leaving she said.

4 mins later


The Houtian Realm receptionist came back with a gentle women that look in her 30s with blue dress wielding an elegant posture. She is the owner of this restaurant. Apparently the receptionist didn't dare to grab my yip and show it towards the owner first. So when she saw the pills she seem to remember the rumor of the sovereing realm and alchemist that was going to auction a 9 rank pills in Tang house Auction in 2 weeks. After seeing this pills she made some assumptions. That  made always calm heart almost came out of her body of excitement. When she hear he give the pills so easily in order to advance pass procedures. She almost wanted to cry from happines not because of the bribe but because instead of making him paid she could at least made a good friendship with an alchemist by inviting him to enjoy her restaurant sweets. But afte seeing the info she was shock to find it was the same information as the guy who defeated the Shang empire after all the conmotion was so big that a lot of information and news came from that battle and the mysterious Lin cheng. 

"Hello Mr lin right?"  Ask the middle age lady she look good like a not losing to the beauties from the Tang family her name was  Wang xin

"Im sorry Do i know you?"

I ask confused 

"no but i do know you, your the hero who defeated the Evil Shang Empire." Said embarrasingly Wang xin i seem to undertsand. 

"Here you dont need to pay anything after all I can see you came with your beautiful wife to enjoy, u must Mr. Lin and miss you guys look like a couple of inmortals." Said with a genuine praise the women with no flattery.

"Thank you." Said Baishi blushing and at the same time squeezing my arm. I could see she felt happy when someone praise us as couple.

"Um thanks." i took the pass amd acept her favor after all i can see she would feel nervous if i dont accept. I dont know how people think different in this world.

At the same time i was putting away my pass, I give baishi her pass but something strange happen.

Suddenly the pass of baishi broke when baishi touch.

"it was a mistake." Said baishi she felt embarrased after all she has not adapt to this world and her emotions sometimes explode except when were doing naughty stuff.

"Im sorry i could get another one i would be very grateful." said to Wang Xin

She saw the embarrased of face of my wife and actually didnt mind she tought probably a important day and her emotions could be put of control. So she didnt pay much attention and nodded.

"Is okay I'll bring another one right back." She said happily left.

"Baishi here take my pass and go find a table so you dont wait here so much okay." I said sincerely 

Baishi hesitated but nodded after seing my concern for her. After all yesterday was crazy and she still felt pain sometimes beacuse she didn't want to heal it. After all she was also Overlord but she wanted feel the pain to remember i took her first anal penetration. Is now is weird perhaps she is more M the she know herself.

Standing here waiting with Houtian realm  Receptionist i saw how baishi left towards the 3th floor.

Baishi side 

Walking in Baishi saw the tables were full so she stay there waiting for Lin cheng

Wang xin return with another pass i grab it and she actually walk with me and suddenly heard the sound of screaming.

Back to the present

Qin xianer frown slightly at my comment but didnt say anything after all i was saying the truth the girl were shock.

But when everyone tought evrything was over the hear suddenly.

"By the way crown prince your were lucky that you didnt finish that word of before I came in, because if you had finish that word so offensive towards my partner. There would be no more Crown Prince of Dong Empire in this world."

Those words were calm but anyone could feel the chill atmosphere from them. Even though Lin cheng didnt say them in way  threat bit as matter of fact. Suddenly remember that nasty word even the women felt offended after no one like to be be call dirty name that Tanish a person in public by stranger .

And even Qin xianer that was displeased felt the same her little brother was too much Qin wang was sweating profounding some one came and lifeted the limp Cro wn prince from the floor and return him to his seat.

The room was quiet when

"Mr lin and mrs lady here is the door, i talk about and  the door that your wife was interested in if you pussh with the strength of an Emperor realm you can enter to 4th level but if you want we can-"

"Can i try?"

said Baishi cheerfully 

The owner didnt know what to say after all if the wife of the sovereign was embarrased it woul feel bad.

"Go ahead be carefull." I said gently and the owner didnt say much after all I already spoke.

And everyone look towards here even Su Qingxia try to open it before out of curiousity. But like any other cultivator below the Emperor realm she couldn't open it. I dont know if it was curiosity but everyone in this room had try out of Curiosity The crown prince which still scare raise courage and lifted his head from his table and look and even Qin wang look towards baishi. after all they wanted to see if this beauty the knew she was above Xiantian late stage realm because she made kneel the crown prince which actually lost the face of the royal kneeling to some else last time was because of sovereign but this time beacuse of a normal person he tought so.

When suddenly everyone saw Baishi point a finger touching about touch the door they were shock what is this girl doing.

Even the owner was confused when every tought this girl playing.


The big door was broken with a super force everyone could see that she push the door with one finger and how the energy of her finger broke the door everyone were shock and the owner even her had to grasp in ger mouth.

She had a pale face not because the door was broken but because she knew you need to above Emperor realm such a a thing because even a late stage emperor would not leave a scratch let alone half step sovereign she sigh no wonder her wife also is a powerful force is not a empty vasse of flowers.

The girls of tables were shock and Qin xianer knew some detail before coming and even Su Qingxia from Su lan knew the details of gossip about the door after even a late stage of emperor could not scratch it.

While Crown prince almost pee himself because actually offended not one but 2 sovereign cultivators suddenly everyone look at the crown prince with pitfulllook. Thinking a toad wanted to eat swan what joke no wonder she call the the little boys Qin wang.  Qin wang now felt scare thank god i was not as stupid  as the crown Prince. Qin wang tought. Sadly for Qin wang he knew when get home todays, he is going ti get his ass beat beacuse there no way this is not going to be spread through the whole imperial city.

Suddnely Baishi face turn red from embarrasment but every men in they heart except for Lin cheng beacuse he was worried what is happening to baishi.

I suddely walk baishi wanted to say something but i look at her affectionaly and  said.

"Dont worry baishi after all you just brokethrough is normal that your strength is like this something normal so dont worry."

I said tapping her hand she felt warm beacuse i didnt blame her this but love her she tought.

I suddenly i walk to the owner of the restaurantand bowed deeply.

"I apologize for this il take care of it also if you need any favor or help here is my talisman if you ever are in problems just click and il come right away no matter what as compensation for this small accident." I said giving an explanation for this mess, truthfully i also took a a full bottle of healing pills, with  12 top ranks pills.

She was shock that Lin cheng as a cultivator im the Sovereign realm actually bowing for the mistake of his woman with humility. Seeing that handsome face if it was other sovereign cultivator would not care after all the people in this world respect the strength to bow his head accept the mistake for his wife every girl were shock, and had the heart accelerated what is gentlement compare to this young men in front of them that is true prince charming. dont talk about Su Qingxia even Qin xianer and Su lan had their heart beats speeding fast. What a man o god Su Qingxia suddenly felt like she really lost something.Even doe they never had anything to start.

Wang xin didnt blame them at all but seeing such a prince charming for thousand of years alive had her heart beat speed up blushing like little girl this young boy ughh she suddenly envy baishi not only her even the girls had envy.

Baishi felt sweet also a little guilty that wanted to cry after all she also a girl that had been here couple of months even she has the mentality of s women already thanks to the system.

"Umm is okay Mr. Lin also Mrs. baishi i dont blame you at all." Said thruthfully which made Baishi feel a little more guilty.

"But still I hope you accept my apologies." Said Lin cheng with determination.

Which force Wang xin to take the compensatio. And. Even though Wang xin this time lost one of the main attraction. She tought otherwise. Joke she had win more than that, after were talking about a favor of a Cultivator in the  (Sovereign Realm) a power full one she hear, he was in the late stage of that realm. So what if one day she needed help she could just go ahead ask for it from one sovereign realm, not only it would also bring a social status to her Restaurant. It would spread that the owner of the restaurant had the favor of a Sovereign! So in the eyes of Wamg xin there was no loss just immense benefits. She even had the urge to pray for baishi to break some other things.

I grab the hand of Baishi and squeez it lightly, because i know how she felt. We start it walking to 4th level without looking back after we came to eat even thought it look funny the place without door.

Inside a room that look quietly but had Window made of a special crystal that only you can see from the inside not the out side. We could see the scenery so beatiful everyone eating a lot of deserts and people bringing different deserts to multiples tables from floor one to floor 3. Basically you see the whole restaurant from this plaxe it was incredible. I look at Baishi she was quiet with red eyes. I move my chair next to her and hug her by the waist we were alone, I got closer you her ear and said.

"Is okay Baishi after all it was an accident, dont worry no matter what. Im always going to there to cover you ok baishi." 

I Said with loving eyes looking at hers which the tears silently fall but she felt super happy by my words.

"Dont cry baishi ok please i dont like feeling you sad." To stop her crying i dote her very much. I even got close to her cheeks and even lick her tears which make her laugh.

"Giggle dummy what are you doing?" She ask while laughing but she didn't feel disgust by my actions.

Umn salty the tear of my bai is salty i said calling  nick name bai which sounded super romantic and she start it laughing of happines and hug me back.

"I love your smile." I said what was in my heart when i saw her smiling. Making Baishi get red. She hug me i put my cheek next to her cheek and we stay like that for a while feeling the warm of each other.

We felt so good in this silence ,after 5 min of cuddling. We start it eating the desserts i must say they were not bad to be honest i was genuine surprise by the flavors. No wonders the restaurant is so famous.

Baishi suddenly start talking about something that made me blush.

She told me that the day i wash her ive broken a taboo of the heavenly nine fox tribe she talk to me about the washing to the opposite sex that shock and made me feel guiltily in fact i knew she wasnt blaming ust teasing me but still it made me blush.

We laugh and chat happily when suddenly i felt a feet touching my cock o god that was so good .

I hear a whisper of baishi 

"Does it feel good brother?"

I was shock of what was happening.

"Baishi what are you doing were outside." I said but for some reason feeling extremely excited that we were outside wtf don't tell im into outdoor sex.

"So no one is watching plus you dont found exciting doing in it hiding." she whisper tempting me

And it work my cock got hard very hard while i look the windows no one was watching or no one could see us.

Suddenly i felt her feet taking out her heels and using her naked feet to put down my  jeans which for some reason i didnt resist  she was extrmely skill full.

"What a bad boy, getting excited on this situation."

"Ugh." I moan low extremely low 

Suddenly i felt her two feet start it squeezing my shaft with her tender toes o god she was giving me a foot job ughh.

I hold best but i saw my precum go down to her feets which excited me more.

"Oo what bad brother you like feet squeezing you big cock dont you brother? look at all this precum."

Said Baishi in a naughty but seductive voice which made my cock twitch more.

"Look outside don't you feel is exciting doing this while everyone is eating and chatting outside. Look at my feet are full of precum mmm." said baishi which excited me more her feet keep stroking me up and down and this imoral situation got my dick throbbing from excitement.

"Look brother at that table full of young ladies they think your a charming prince, but here you are with face full of pleasure, while your cock is been stroke by my feets." Said baishi sexy but naugthy, i look and saw a bunch of women in a round table what shock me was that i actually recoginze some of them. The princess and the SuQingxia with Su lan. For some reason after seeing them it I felt pleasure attacking in flesh and mental making reach my peak baishi felt me. My cock twitch uncontrollable. 

"Yes brother cum... cum for cum in my feet cum shoot that hot cum on me." She said slowly but naugthy.

After hearing that i couldn't hold back and i groan out loud. thank god this was sound proof i tought if the room. 

My dick exoloded trowing semen in the whole table and the feets of baish full of cum. I could see the cum falling to the floor from her sexy feets.  she play with the cum with her feets. I breath heavily and made a sigh of relief. Suddenlt i saw a glob of cum in a plate of flan that were left, but what surprise me is tha Baishi look at it and the move gaze towards me and smile in a sexy way. Afte that she actually start eating the flan cake with the cum. She made gesture with her mouth savoring my cum. Which for some reason thinkimg she was eating my cum give me satisfaction. This little episode was enough for my dick to start raising again. But i hold up during this exciting moment.

"Yummy brother this fluid taste good I might get kind of addicted. She said baishi been extremely naughty. Looking at the mess before i could do anything saw Basihi picking up with energy the cum. And she put it in a wine cup and and later drink it with a gulp sound which shock me.

She look at me smile and open her mouth and the close.

"It was delicuus brother im horny lets leave please."

I nodded but part of me felt the need eat her cunt. I knew we needed to leave but suddenly i tought about what she did to me and i smile.

And i went down the table and between her legs her sexy and alluring legs.

"Brother what are you doi- ugh brother ugh!"  she start moaning and shaking with pleasure on her face and shaky body.

I lifted her cheongsan and put down her white panties and start it sucking her cunt that tasted delicous. He beatifull pink lips and fluids running down my my mouth. I could see she was so excited her smell was so fragrant. That my cock got hard super hard again while i suck her cunt. I pull my jean down completely again and I took out her sexy her panties and put them around my thick cock, and start it stroking my dick with her purple panties while i was sucking her cunt.


5 min later.

"Ugh yessssssssssssssssssssss!"  She  orgasm while making a pitch voice even though this was sound proof we knew if we scream. With a cultivation base at Overlord King realm it would sound every part of the empire. So I use and extra barrel with my Overlord Qi Energy. 

I look at this sexy and tempting scene which make it more exciting. She had her legs open and raise while i hold them with my shoulders she was drooling saliva like an ahegao girl. Who would have tought the alluring women that had everyone outside drool just now is like this only for her man.

Sudden i put her legs down and push slowly the table backwards. While i stood in front of her while she seat and rested her back in the seat. She look at me and then down and saw my pants down and my big thick cock wrap in her panties while i stroke my cock. Making her panties wet with precum.

"Baishi come stroke this big cock of your brother with your panties."  I said dirty words which excited her more. I took a few steps forwad  pointing my bick cock to her belly. While she had her legs open showing her pink pussy she sudden use her left hand and start stroking my dick with her hand. With her panties around my shaft. I must say my dick it felt so good and exciting she stroke harder and faster when she felt the familiar throbbing of my cock.

" go ahead brother Cum in my panties.. fill  them with your cum so i can use them brother. Said baishi with a blushing face cleary she was extremely arouse. She kept stroking and watching my cock go up down in her tender hands griping my dick.

Knock! knock!

"Excuse me sir do you need anyhting else?" I hear the voice of Wang xin, after all ii being a while since they bought other plates. Baishi body went stiff while i suddenly got more excited and baishi felt my excitement too, so she grip harder and keep stroking my cock with her panties that was all wet with my precum.

"Is everything okay Mr.Lin?" ask Wang xin for a second time hearing her voice for some reason it made my pleasure reach the peak and i start it cumming harder than before. Even the cum splash the dress of baishi i groan silently while my cock keep erupting like hot volcano.


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