Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 15 Helping Tang wiyi increase her fighting way

Tang xianer acted like little kid that got a favorite candy.

Before the could react they saw Ancestor Tang also took a bite and her face bloom with happines looking like she just taste a supreme sweet thing at the end they all tasted except for tang sun supressing her Curiosity 

"Omg this taste so good sister"

"Yea omg so sweet"

"I feel my energy restore complety after a day of hard work this so so nice"


The comment came and laugh at my heart every women love sweet things if you have e  a girlfriend in earth is garantized that you have to go in the middle of night to a gasoline station to buy candies for her. I tought.

Actually the more surprise was Tang xianer another sweet surprise actually, for some reason at first she tought it was something normal but when she  saw the way it look and was actually little cold, she taste it she knew this was defintely something different and here it is.

"Alright you stop playing games and take aways your fake mask dog men, and tell me what is your real intentions with being so nice not everyone is nice and more you men that only benefits think what you want!"

Suddenly angry acusatory voice sounded which woke every one from enjoying they delicacies everyone suddenly realized and saw Tang sun emiting fire around her body looking extremely sexy

Pointing at Lin cheng

"Im sorry sister is there misunderstanding?" I said extremely politely 

"Who is your sister bastard! Tell me what is your purpose being all nice, first then show your worse side right and this food what is it probably something bad right.?" 

Tang sun didnt give a chance to Lin cheng start it cursing him and  getting close to him with a brownie while cursing being extremely agressive Every one were shock in fact,Tang sun was mad and extremely anxious because her plan fail and now this kid even is going to stay here and even the girls with couple of words were almost domicile wtf she cant help but feel mad

When everyone were about to react Tang sun suddenly threw the browney to Lin cheng which he didnt evade beacuse he knew this was throwing away all her fear probably she has really bad experience. Fact he already saw her seeing him badly he already guess she was the master of wiyi but if he felt a little bad but after all theres saying never argue with a women is best to let her win 

Slash the beatiful black polo shirt was splash with sirup and cocoa.

Driping to down from his shirt

She start breathing quickly and realize shit what did i just do.But saw Lin cheng standing ther looking unmcorfotable expressing awkardly 

"Why are you so mean! To brother!" a childish female voice and extremely angry voice sounded very fast it was Baishi looking extremely angry was about to exude a power aura

"Is okay baishi." Said Lin cheng gently touching the back of Baishi gentley with care free smile 

"Bu-" baishi was interrupted 

"Baishi stop and ill give cookies later brother is thankfull but is okay." Said Lin cheng extremely gentle but forceful and Baishi understood and laying down calmy but with a angry face.

While Tang sung felt fear and shivered because it was not Lin cheng but the white fox with cutenes she felt was watch by a extremely beast and everyone also felt the momentum tahat was about to explode if Lin cheng didnt stop it.

"Im sorry i see sister are scare but im really sorry baishi is over protective baishi please apologize."  I said because if i dont fix this thing is gonnat get worse

I saw that baishi look puzzle and was about

To complained and i trasmitted through the mid after were in crintract

"Baishi please i know is bad but i promise ill give a lot of candies also this is really important because this important for brother in fact im really happy and felt warm that you defended me. Thankyou i really like you and the big sister are the best partners i could have ask for " I said sincerely 

For some reason her tails wave nervously she tought brother he like me o noo im a little girl at least wait for me to grow up what he is thinking

[Ding! Little sister help brother and as reward il give another heavenly fruit]

Lin cheng was not aware of this of course

The atmosphere was really weird and before someone could speak 

"Im sorry sister baishi known she did something wrong in fact is because i saw my brother that is actually my only family and always take care of me without complaining that i felt sad and angry when beeing treated that way im sorry." Said baishi like she did something wrong

Every one were shock and even Tang sun felt guilty apparently she did to much she still wont admit it

"Is okay xianer how about you get  Mr. Lin

To his a room after all is getting lates." said ancestor Tang but this time saying Mr lin respectful she always would protect her family but this time she actually said mr lin slightly apologetic because she saw outside from everyone that Lin cheng actually didnt get angry but even apologized trying to calm things down she is being living for thousand of years and can see that this outsanding men is extremely friendly tring to solve the problem in good way extremely gentle for this reason she decided that this young kid is worth real friendship such a kind young boy now days is the first in the world she tought if it was another person, bloodthirsty sad scene would have happen but she can feel the warm that kid transmits and also animals are extremely keen with human nature and more this pet that he have she is sure enough that is a extremly noble race and even guess that the famous Nine god race because of her tail she didnt believe but seeing that she can speak and look like a child plus the 8 tail confirm it those beast are extremely proud and also emotional they hate humans the cant stand next to them unless a pure person for example they black puma the have speak not in human language through beats language that is hard but it can be barely speak but with the time she knew very well

Stuffs from beast plus this was once a beats rank 8 that they inteligence was pretty good they only get close to pure humans a god beast race says it all if he is not pure than no one in this house is pure. Wothy of being the ancestor of Tang family she can quickly calm and analyze eveything.

"Yes cheng lets go ill show you to your room." Said Tang xianer with apologetic look extremely sad voice she did evreything why this has to happen tought her she sigh

"Goodnight sisters" Lin cheng his voice care free arch his hand and left

Boom the door close and there was silence.

"Tang sun You were to much i want you tomorrow to apologize Mr.Lin!" Said Ancestor Tang trying containing her anger 

If it was normal time Tang sun wouldnt dare talk back but this time everyone also tought Tang sun was too much but after all is from her own Tang family

"Ancestor going to make apologize to and outsider he is-"

"Bullshit! Listten well little girl dont come with the bullshit that he is a outsider what else you going to said that he has evil toughts im really dissapointed in you,  why because from the feelings this kids give a extremely pure boy and extemely pure young man what has he done since he came nothing just trying to make real friend i know this sound weird but the yes is such a good man in this! This should be blessing you see if he was bad person you think a dignified Sovereign real late!! Sovereging late stage would have such humilliation he came sincerely to us a dignifed alchemist plus a boy with ill i tentions what did you do lost face yea that right lost face to our family dont you feel he actually endure phisical asault from you that your just and ants like me in his eyes with a palm he can kill you this time you had, the luck of thousand live and we do because imaging if you were in his position ha tell me what he would get mad and slaugther our whole family just beacuse your ignorance do you think he give a damm fuck about your beauty!? For god sake he can have the fucking empress of any fucking Empire. Another thing you keep saying his impure but ill tel you something you saw the pet white that 8 tails thats actually a dencendent of the Nine tails god race and must say a extremely pure okei beacuse it look the exact same one before we came here our sacred beast just tell the he felt a extremely majestic breath making want to worship you must know that not even a 9 rank can make him do that what does it mean that cute white fix is god beast race and you must know that they hate the blood thirsty human so if such a white or god race can actually brother a human how special the heart must be." Said Ancestor with taking  a deep breath extremely angry and cursing in harsh tone so Tang sun learn after such error can make dangerous situation and also she needed it to reflect so her dao keep advancing

Everyone took a deep breath and for the first time they toughts that Tang sun her sister actually really was to much ancestor Tang is right such a person actually endured the humiliation and try to even fix a sovereign power house to such intent is incredible if it were they couldnt in this world exist such man they felt really guilty and they also were shock a god race beast actually call brother And family such man o good he must gave pure heart now recalling what they knew about his information of the humilliation and knowing that he actually is not such man

Suddenly even Tang sun didnt what to say she is start it feeling guilty and more beacuse the handsome boy didnt evade his brownie let her shoot was i really wrong she start it to feel like villan and complex emotions withing her.Also everyone was shock they never saw Ancestor Tang so angry at the point even cursing before the tought she would die without curisng but now look at her wow incredible. 

"I wanna show you girls something." said Tang ancestor every one paying attention while Tang sun look with red eyes agrived almost crying every were really obedient

And saw Crystall ball playing scenes the actually were the one describe Tang xianer

Om god what shock the is that handsome

Killing dozen emperor realms and how he torture with a beatiful golden flames the Shang emperor look extremely cruel and the sounds how he take outs a beatiful spear with diamond and gold how with kill the two on middle stage and how with  thunder destroy more than 40 beast rank 7 and rank 6 what horrible combat power. The scene ended.

Everyone took a deep breath first horror after admiration and longing could be seeing in the eyes such a person was standing right in front of them what a man they tought he didnt complain just stood there nice but the knew hew extremely cruel with his enemy and extremely nice with his love ones and Tang sun in this world the strength is respected and some even love and now this elder are little fearful but like with acrush and idol. 

"Tomorrow morning no more excuses you must apologize dint keep making me dissapointed do you understand sun'ier?"

Said and ask Tang ancestor

Everyone look at Tang sun also aproving after they dont want her sister to go arrogant and damage her self or be knot this important and a apologize must done they havent done anything for the young boy but he is giving so much and he just honesty for a friendship. Something are wrong when Wrong and can be change the must assume it.

Tang sun was agrieved but still accepted

"Humph stinky rascal let this lady apologize.

But she knew even if she didnt accept it"

Walking through a beatiful scenes two pairs the women beatifuls sexy in green.The young boy having  handsome face mix with cuteness and fluffy cheek that make women want to pinch it.

"Im sorry about my sister cheng."Said Tang xianer apologetic

"Is okay Xianer in fact i can already know im the intruder this your girls safe zone having a stranger or more like male enter here where is sopposed to be your comfort zones is alarming i wont blame it" I said sincerely

Tang xinaer was shock of how i knew what happen i mean she was shock by the fact that even he tried to comfort she felt sweet and honey he can understand such thing but still she felt sad that he suffer such embarassing.

"But-" Tang xianer was interrupted

"Ok xianer it doesnt really matter in fact im not angry perhaps a little sad but it already happen and i dont really matter before wiyi had aleady told me that theres a elder that hate men for some bad experience she didnt tell specific but tell me she is acutally gentle inside i can also see it. Thats normal in this world people suffer and are hard to change only if they make they hatdwork through themselves and having a men introduced and accepted by her sister she was anxious. Any way i dont want you to be mortified or worried about your sister after i all i can feel weirdly how important they are for you i really want throw things way like never happen. After all i want to see your happy face."  Said Lin cheng carefree like he didnt care and gently

Tang xianer felt happy because if it was other person must have been madly and more. She tought she needed to make it for for thisnlittle brother she knew every one had a limit but this one is incredible he can think so much. And the last word touch her honey sweet part also because of her he actually understand me. She blush a little 

They keep walking silently like Sharing a moment of silence but that was not bored but warm for some reason

"Here is your room i already show you where is the bathroom." Said Tang xianer

"I must say xianer this scene look so peaceful." Said Lin cheng they walk in to the room was nice  like ancient china room with a matress like pad and a little like table couple cup a nice out yard  it was little out side the the house but sill look fresh.

"I like it thank you." I said sincerely But wwen he was about move around he was shock to feel a impact of two body shocking and falling down book a sift boom in the nice flow of the room that is not acually heaving but flexible 

Lin cheng actually was on top of Tang xianer for a moment the atmophere froze two heavy breaths were hears a nice scent of woman pours to the nose of Lin cheng while Tang xianer was panick feeling her body almost touching her and thatv perfume nice  by the easy the shirt was already clean by Lin cheng with water and easily evaporeted. Tang Tang xianer panick for a moment but suddenly look at those beatifuls brunnete eyes and calm for some reason both can feel the hot breath of each and suddenly Lin cheng blushing face cute she thought for some reason she saw his nervouses more than her and wanted to laugh 

"I i im sorry sister." said lin cheng very nervous standing up with a red face same as Tang xianer but she was more calm beacuse wheh he saw his face she like it she cute she wanted to tease more and must know that she didnt even felt unmcofortable this actually the first man that touch her. 

"Gigle little brother you almost wanted to eat your sister."She stood up and suddenly laugh for some reason she actually said auch shameless word. and suddenly her face turn red.

And she saw lin cheng expression change and panick a little with red face.

"I.. i. I  sister it was-" but Lin cheng was a  interrupted

"Humph i know it was a aciddent but..."

Lin cheng got more nervous

Seeing his nervous  expression she wanted to tease him more but knew she stop.

"But i your need to compensate me with more of those delicious thing of back then. Tomorrow." Said Tang xianer with conspiracy after she also tought of that sweet taste and wanted more lol

Lin cheng breath sigh of relief 

"Okay sister no problem."Said Lin cheng relax

"Ok little brother good night." said Tang xianer and close the door left blushing alittle after what happen she took her phone out and touch it and ther was selfie of Lin cheng and and her she touch gently quickly and went to her room like a little girn and throw her way.

In The elder rooms everyone were ready to leave after the desicussion the play was empty except for a brownie left that no one noticed when everyone left For some reason Tang sun pick up the the Brownie probably its was her because they were for each one of them she open her red lips and took a bite at the instant she felt her whole world bloom and even the exhausting energy was fill up.

Hmmm she start it regreting throwing the brownie away. She licks her lips nobody was there and she quickly left when was getting close to her a room a quiet figure looking petite she suddenly smile gently different from her fiery temperament.

"Hi master." Said Tang wiyi guickly 

"There you are wiyi i heard about your blessing i feel gratifised." suddenly she frowned thinking about that stinky rascal

"Uhh master actually i wanted to ask you did you see him?" ask Tang wiyi

Tang sun frown she knew what she meant

She was about to talk but suddenly froze because she felt her apprentice weird.

"I did." she said calm

"You did what did you think?" Ask Tang wiyi

"I think he is a wolf in a sheep humph with double intention but ill found out soon." before she could continue she seem to think what ancestor said with complicated gaze

"In fact master i realky think he is not like i felt warm feelimg from big brother." said Tang wiyi 

"Big brother? Now even you Tang wiyi what did that stinky bastard did humph go back to rest."Said Tang sun displeased 

"Ok" Tang wiyi retired she knew her master temper nobody can change it.

Lin cheng temporaly room

Sigh "finally alone"

"Let me check the cauldron i got from the luckily" I summon and was shock

It was golden cauldron with diamonds phoenixes with suoer colorful paint that look and the aura emith OMG it was definetly a GOD Level.

I put it back in the storage after in this minutes i could feel his aura it could atract the attention is better to use when im in a safe place. I cant wait to have my villa. For some reason i didnt have much sleep but after i tried my best to sleep. While baishi ran fast to my chest like claiming this is her place before laying she lick me in the cheek for some reason.

Is 5:00 Am in the morning i woke up and start it doing to the bathroom even if is not necesarily because i have base which can clean my body but i still was my teeth and also this paste i use make them lo whiter 

I suddenly start it excersice the spear techinques and running in the courtyard when i was practicing there was a figure running that suddenly stop and watch my movementes of spear and was shock by the wau i didnt have shirt on but i practice with seriousnes becaue i like to familiarize with every attack i move my Spear looking extremely golden and diamond  The figures was young boy Practicing with the seriousnes look more handsome

And the figue was tang wiyi which she was shock  Tang wiyi looking athe handsome but cute figure had a blushing face becasue his muscle were so beatiful and sexy after all she is 25 years old but never has seen so much of man. She look in daze for almost 30min and didnt get bored. 

"Who?" I said when i stop practicing 

I look 

"And is you"  I said in complety relaxy tone

"Im sorry i just like what were you doing." said Tang wiyi for some reason blushing and nervously

"Hmm so you came to practice as well." I said with sunny smile

"Yea i often come in the morning becuase i felt more refresh training and woking up 2hrs before any one." Said Tang wiyi for some reason talking more than usual

"I know that feeling it makes you entered a zone of outside the world peace and calmness we hear the sound of emptinnes in the morning." I said expressing in a emotional way.

And Tang wiyi suddenly felt like some could understand and share the same moment.

"what a weird feeling" she thought. 

I look up and down like normal and see that she was wearing a tight out fit wich incraese the sexy appeared of long leng and tender  and curves.

"You used a spear!"suddenly remember and exclaimed Tang wiyi beacuse not any one can used you can see that in this empire only one person can use it and is a mere duke but with soear he became a duke.

"Wow is incredible not many people used spear." said Tang wiyi

"How about you? do you like the dagger you"I ask 

"Yea it feel like i can allways act more quickly and felt comfortable. Said tang wiyi

"Could you show me please? i thinks is fair after all you saw me practicing my moves."I laugh gentle but care free

"Yea." she didnt hesitated which it weird you know practicing techniques sometimes i prave but for some reason she wanted to show this young boy which make her calm. 

"Hya" suddenly each attack was direct and fast as the wind but looking extremely normal i was surprised one day and she intregate such a point with wind The thing it hurt because while she practicing it consuner a great deal of energy i can see which if not she probably would have been for more far away in her attack and more dangerously after 20 minutes she stop and look at my apreciation and surprise face and felt happy for some reason.

"You like it?" ask for some reason like little girl

"Yea your movement are so well integrated." I said

Hmm while her Wrist and legs were a little bleeding you can see how har she tried.

"Come here." I said 

For some reason she came weirdly thinking what i was going to do. 

"What you like more orange strawberry apple or Blueberry?" I ask such question 

She was sweating and bleeding weirdly for some reason she tought i was going to give some pointer or something a little dissapointment. After she love talking about martial arts.

"Apple." she still answer truthfully

"Nice." I suddenly took a red gatorade and give to her it was cold she look confused but still took it I took a blue one and drink it

"This is call gatorade if drink your nergy would be restored at maximun peak."I said

She hesitated but still drink it whe she to a sip she was shcok the nice refreshing favor with coldnes a mix of apple and othe ravor and also shock to see her energy returning normal as if she didnt ever use energy the was still 3/4 of her gatorsde and ave beacuse she kne she can restore 3 more times if she keep drinking she was happy such a special thing actually share it with me here i am dissapointed the disspaointed was wash away

"Before you start again would like to try a practice with me trust it would make you more gain more benefits." I said sincerely

"Yeah." without hesitation i start it showing her embarrased position mix with yoga she was shy she even tought i was taking advantage of her but still didnt stop me beacuse she still some hope but later she start feeling how thsi yoga mix with martial artis even if the look embarrased start it working in her muscle she was shck even muscle that were hard to training. The spend 40 min doing together she even forgot that she sometimes move her long legs and strecth giving full view to Lin cheng of those sexy legs and buttocks even doe she flat in the chest it still was a beauty.  She full focus on this dificult excersises that almost killing her but she knew this important technique because the more she persist the greater the benefits she was so gratifying to this big brother of her always showing her a new way 

Suddenly she was spreading her buttock at the side of Lin cheng while she finish the last set and whe she was done lin cheng also finish and she suddenly try to stand but could and fall in the naked chestwith no force to move in lin cheng she turn red beacuse she couldnt move.

"Im sorry." she said extremly tired

"I sorry is pretty normal at leats you fell comfortable after you were working and expanding your muscles and Spritual poles is normal to feel tired." I said while holding her waist she was shy but she couldnt move she couldnt move she felt her whole body numb. She felt happy that i was so carefree which make the atnosphere like nothung bad happen and make her relax.

I suddenly lifted her like princess which shock her

"What...! what are you doing? She ask surpirse and nervous

"You cant move ill take you to that tree if im correct that bag is yours."I said gentle and with sincerity 

"Okay thankyou" she seem to think of something and buried her face in my chest no wanting too look she said in aslow mosquito voice

Il smile walk and calm

"Omg this smell is so masculine for i dont feel disgusted and his skin is so fluffy and my face is touching his muscle o god!" She was deep red thinking and her heart for some reason was beating so fast that felt it was going go break free from her chest she didnt dare to look at Lin cheng. Suddenly she felt how slowly was out in a the tree  resting with her back a hand in her head gently acomodating her which make feel peace for some reason she felt lost and wanted to keep bein in that chest what am i thinking  she tought.

"Could you pleas bring me my bag close." she ask with all the force she had because she felt her feet hurt and bleed same goes for her thighs.

"Is okay by the way your are okay there to much blood it looks bad."

I said concerned

I"s okay is normal ill have a cream there after i gain force ill put it on and the scar would leave." She said like is something she always do look more indenpendent.

I said ok bought her gatorade as well and and her small bag that look it a lot stuffs.

"By the way you dont have a space ring after all Tang family is rich?"

"Only sea realm can use them after that when you can use your sea consious or divine consciounes i just got to this  realm yesterday."  said bitterly and exclaimed in pain.

I open the gatorade and quickly aproach her mouth and she was shock and shy with red face but still open her small mouth and drink suddenly her whole body was good again.

"I like how can this bottle keep fresh is nice thankyou." She said more energetic with ouch like in pain from time to time it look like her scar were more open than before because of my excercise.

"Wait!" I said seriously

She look at me weirdly

"Let me help you where is the cream that you used ill put it on you." I said seriously

She was had a little anger is this bastard going take advantage of me but suddenly she saw my concerned face looking at her feet and thighs very sorry and concerned and the anger dissapear in a moment

"Is okay i can do it my-" Tang wiyi was interrupted

"Please sister if it wasnt beacuse of your would not get hurt much like this let me help also i have secret technique for mucles that used to do it with my big sister she teach me it can make relax the pain please if not il feel watching you like this and doing nothing." I pleaded with a sorry and gentle voice which shock her.

I made a half truth and halfwhite lie

[Ding! Host stop being shameless when did you touch my feet humph]

The gentle voices came complaining but it sounded more like teasing in a good way

Suddenly i was shock to hear the gentle female voice complaining snd felt a little guilty for her teasing but it was also truth that she teach me.

Tang wiyi was shock that her big brother was pleading with voice she found that her heart melted thinking someone so good as me feelt very concerned and he didnt even did nothing wrong on the contrary he help her so much and looking at his sincere she knew he would feel sad ans she didnt like that sad expression for some reason

Okay she actually agree and her heart start beating was speeding up what did she just say actually a man is going to touch her for the first time she was shock.

Suddenly he quickly took the cream that was in a jade bottle and start fast but slowly massaging her feet snd before she could react she felt pain but quckly dissipated with each of those warm hands she was shock after she reacted she saw Lin cheng kneeling in one knee omg a man in this world actually was kneeling in one knee and massaging her little feet tender they felt she was sho kk she wanted to think he is thing advantage of but couldnt beacuse i this world you must know that sometimes are super arrogant and ignorant and seein such a caring boy with caring if he is in one knee massaging her tender feet with seriousnes didnt care if he take advantege of her she even start to feel super nice moaning a little omg what is happening with me

Is normal sister that mean that my massage is working i move and touch those tender feet while massaging seeing how the scar dissapear and it actully my blood boil when i was touching her things and moving up while massagingvthos tender but firm tjing with a little muscle butvthat look femining and strong it look sexy ive never felt such a sensation i keep massaging making sure her whole body was okay and she keep moaning in a small voice breathing hot air. She seem to foget just loving this sensations omg when came back to her senses she felt the hand move aways and was a little lost and even felt alittle wet down there omg she tought with red face suddenly saw his lin cheng with a one clear sweat on his left cheek and she even felt guilty i was enjoying my self while big brother was working hard.

"Well there you go how its fee?l" I said and ask in a gentle manner with a gentle smile

Trying to supress my physical reaction

"Ohm yes i feel relax." When she look at her half dow side feets and thighs were back to normal and felt so relaxing she suddenly Got up.

"How about you try your movement moves techinques again." I said mysteriously and she saw there was still 1/4 of the battle and start oaracticing what shock she felt more and more free and her movements speed increse by 3 times which shock her flexibily also o god she was shock and the lethality was more efective and precise also she didnt feel to star geting scar again beacause the muscles that could move now starting be part of integration. I dont how many days or perhaps not so well she would have to practice to have this results she wass really grateful she was tire but with no scars. Now she would not have to worry about getting hurt with skin injuries.

You must know that even the cream is super expensive she spend half of her monthly pocket money in it. She was gratefull happy before she workd hard beacuse she saw so money people rely on her as the first genius in the house of Tang but eventually she was losing herself and now she feel like when first she start it cultivating that was fun latter so many factor were bought to her like guiding her junior sister always representing Tang family bought stress is not that she didnt want to do it but on the contrary she felt lost how to keep fighting.

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