Superman’s Saiyan little brother

Chapter 190: Clark’s Hesitation and Affirmation

At the explosion site, various forces were investigating the aftermath. The sheer magnitude of the explosion frightened everyone, and they were relieved that it had occurred in an abandoned district rather than the main urban area, where the casualties would have been unimaginable.

After their investigation, all the forces reached a consensus: they needed to find out what had happened. The incident was like a Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads, threatening their lives and leaving them restless.

Meanwhile, leaders of these forces, like Nick Fury, found themselves unable to sleep. Among these leaders, those without hair were in the minority, hinting that stress-related hair loss might soon befall many more...

Unbeknownst to these investigators, a barely perceptible crack had appeared and vanished in the sky above the explosion. Simultaneously, several observers on Earth and from numerous dimensions beyond noticed this breach, remarking that the balance between Yin and Yang was disrupted, and that inter-dimensional travel to Earth had just become much easier.

While various dimensions were eyeing Earth greedily, they also displayed a hint of fear. Despite the new breach, Earth was still protected by its dimensional barrier, which was especially effective against powerful beings...

Meanwhile, Robert, who was unaware of these developments, had already left the explosion site and was flying towards the Kent farm. Suddenly, he remembered Steve and his team. Robert had been so engrossed in his fight with the counterfeit Superman that he hadn't noticed what happened to Steve's team. When Robert had taken the fight to Valmont's base, Steve and his companions were already gone. At that time, Robert had asked about them, but Valmont, in his confused state, did not answer.

Now that the fight was over, Robert remembered Steve and felt he should help bury his friend, should anything bad have happened to him. It was, after all, his responsibility since Steve had accompanied him to Valmont's base.

"Clark? Are Steve and his team alive?" Robert called out to Clark, seeking his input. Since Clark had been monitoring the fight, Robert hoped he could provide information on Steve's whereabouts or at least an indication of where their remains might be found.

However, to Robert's surprise, Clark didn't respond immediately, leaving him scratching his head and worriedly planning to go home. Finally, Clark replied, "They're fine. They're a few kilometers to your right..."

"Clark? What's going on with you?" Robert sensed urgency in Clark's voice and hesitated before asking further.

"It's nothing. You go ahead and deal with your stuff. Get some rest before returning home, so you don't worry Martha and the others!" Clark quickly ended the psychic communication, leaving Robert somewhat bewildered.

"Going home? Isn't he at home? Maybe he's out saving people... Yeah, that's possible..." Robert thought briefly but didn't dwell on it too much. Instead, he headed in the direction Clark had indicated to find Steve.

Robert was unaware that Clark was at Lana's house at the time... What? How did Clark know where Lana lived? Well, that's obvious. Clark had visited Lana's house several times and had sweet treats there.

"What's going on? Why did she suddenly faint? There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her body, even I can't see any problems. It's probably useless to take her to the hospital..." Clark watched Lana, who was still unconscious on the bed, with a worried expression and murmured softly.

Clark's feelings for Lana had always been complicated. He knew she liked him, but he had never been able to give her a straightforward answer. Even though he had accepted his powers and become Superman under Robert's influence earlier than in his own timeline, Clark was still troubled about relationships.

Clark had always thought Robert was clueless about love, not noticing Kara's obvious feelings. However, now, Clark felt that Robert understood himself better than he did, given how Robert had immediately decided to make Diana his wife the first time he met her.

Clark wasn't sure what he wanted. He wasn't insensitive to Lana's feelings and persistence. He wanted to reciprocate, but he was afraid. He feared that as a Kryptonian, he might have unknown aspects that differed from humans and that advancing his relationship with Lana could harm her.

Now, as Lana lay unconscious and he couldn't determine the cause, Clark's anxiety and concern seemed to provide him with an answer.

"Lana, what's going on? Why did you faint all of a sudden?" Clark grasped Lana's hand, murmuring softly, "Could it be because of the explosion during Robert's fight with the Holy Master? Was she frightened? Or is it because she hasn't exercised in a long time and her physical condition is poor? But she seems perfectly healthy..."

"Lana, can you hear me? What's happening? Lana, Lana?! Don't scare me!"

As Clark murmured, he suddenly noticed something odd with Lana's body. It began to emit a faint glow, and her cells started to change, leaving Clark panicked and clueless.

Being one of the most physically powerful beings on the planet and having developed considerable psychic abilities, Clark still had limited understanding of extraordinary powers. He felt helpless in non-combat situations, like the one unfolding before him.

Seeing changes in Lana that he couldn't understand, Clark attempted to stand up and contact Robert, believing him to have more insight. However, he found his hand firmly grasped by Lana. When he looked at her again, the glow had disappeared, and her body seemed incredibly powerful, almost at the level he had been when he first became an adult.

But that wasn't the main point. The main point was that Lana seemed to be waking up!

"Lana?" Clark looked at her, still seemingly unconscious, and called her name. There was no response, as if she were truly still unconscious.

However, once a seed of doubt is planted, it's not easy to dismiss. Clark stopped speaking and just watched Lana. The room fell into an eerie silence.

After a while, Lana tentatively opened her eyes slightly, saw Clark's somewhat displeased gaze, exclaimed softly, then pretended to wake up, looking around in confusion. "Clark? What are you doing here? Wasn't I just out shopping? How did I end up back home?"

"When did you wake up?" Clark let go of Lana's hand, rolled his eyes, and bluntly asked without giving her any chance to save face.

"Um... right when you said I couldn't be in trouble and you needed to call your brother..." Lana replied in a small voice, somewhat embarrassed.

"Really? You woke up just here?" Clark asked, still skeptical.

"Yes, right here! Huh? Why are you so focused on this? Did you say something earlier you didn't want me to hear?" Now it was Lana's turn to be on the offensive, as she straightened up and questioned Clark like a proud swan.

"Nothing! I didn't say anything!" Clark stiffened, his commanding presence as Superman weakening, as he stubbornly replied.

"Really? You seem really nervous, and you seemed very worried about me earlier!" Lana squinted at Clark, deciding to strike while the iron was hot and use this opportunity to break through his defenses and win him over.

"We're friends. Isn't it normal for me to worry about you?" Clark averted his gaze, still feeling tentative despite having realized his true feelings for Lana while she was unconscious.

"Only ordinary friends?" Lana sat up straight, continuing her offensive.

"Good friends..." Clark's voice lowered slightly, filled with uncertainty.

"Just good friends, huh?" Lana sighed disappointedly, her expression downcast. Clark turned to look at her as if to say something, but then hesitated, unable to speak.

"I know you have concerns. After all, you're the famous Superman, and I'm just a normal person..." Lana looked at Clark, sighed softly, shook her head, and took his hand.

"What do you mean?" Clark looked at Lana questioningly. Only the Kent family and the Danvers knew about his identity as Superman, and Clark was confident no one would connect Clark with Superman.

"You mean, you're usually so low-key, and Superman is so radiant, how could I link you two together, right?" Lana smiled triumphantly at Clark and then became serious. "Because in my eyes, you've always been radiant. Even before you became the Superman of the people, you were always my Superman, my superhero..."

"Lana..." A flicker of emotion crossed Clark's eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but was silenced by Lana's finger on his lips.

"I know you're hesitating, you have doubts, you're worried about me being just a normal person. But now I'm different. Although I don't know what's happened to my body, I seem to have become a superhuman as well. In this state, being your superhero girlfriend shouldn't be a problem, right?" Lana smiled tenderly, floating in front of Clark and confessing her feelings.

"No problem!" Clark felt as if something had filled his heart. In that moment, he let go of his hesitation and passionately kissed Lana...

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