Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 632

Chapter 632:

Soon, the three of them knew why it was so busy in the Anomaly Investigation Bureau base tonight.

I saw a large trailer, dragging the wreckage of a plane towards the large Gnaku.

“This is it?” Gwen stared at the red plane that looked a little badly damaged but the main body was still intact.

“Is there a big battle tonight?” Barbara also asked, frowning involuntarily.

At this time, a voice sounded behind the three of them: “No.”

Peter, Gwen, and Barbara looked back immediately and saw a little orange-haired girl standing behind them, licking an ice cream in her hand.

“Kiki!” Barbara called the girl’s name. “Good evening.”

This girl is the former member of the 08ms team, and is now Kiki of the 08th investigation team of the Special Investigation Department.

Because Barbara and the others have come here too many times, and they are all time-traversers, they have become familiar with the time-travelers who work in the Abnormal Situation Investigation Bureau.

In fact, these three children have better personalities than Tony and Bruce, and they are familiar with many people in the Bureau of Abnormalities, especially the canteen staff.

“I just read the mission briefing of the Special Investigation Department. This plane is called McKee II, and it came to this world in this state.” Kiki introduced to Barbara and the others.

This McGee 2 is the mac team’s McGee 2. This evening, the special investigation department of the Anomaly Investigation Bureau found more than this plane.

So far, they have found three McGee IIs and three McGee IIIs.

To the relief of the staff of the Bureau of Abnormalities Investigation, among the six damaged planes, the remains of the mac team members were not found, and the parachuting systems of the six planes were activated normally.

Now this group of staff have been in contact with the second dimension before, and naturally they know the terrifying battle damage of the mac team.

Unlike the people on the opposite side of the sea in this world, the members of the mac team can really be called human heroes.

Last weekend, the Bureau of Investigation of Abnormal Situations also recovered a fighter ss fighter and four fighter sg fighters of the xig team, but one of the sg fighters was too damaged, and only the anti-gravity fighter was rescued. system, in addition to two Mackey Ones from Team Mac. I just don’t know how many of the four fighter sg fighters were dropped by Okawara.

So far, the Anomalous Situation Investigation Bureau owns two mat Airo-1, one Airo-2; one tac Eagle, three tac Airo; two zat Whales, three Condor, Two Super Swallows; one xig Combatant ss, three Combatant sg; two Mackey Ones, three Mackey Twos, and three Mackey Threes.

It stands to reason that the Victory Team’s planes have also dropped a lot, but until now, the Abnormal Situation Investigation Bureau has not even seen the screws of the Jebi.

In addition to the maintenance and modification of these recovered vehicles, the Scientific Research Department, the Maintenance Department and the Logistics Department of the Anomalous Situation Investigation Bureau are also trying to mass-produce these aircraft. Aero II.

But don’t think that the Aero 1 and Aero 2 of the mat team are very backward, and the human technology under the Ultraman worldview is crooked.

“Do you want to follow along and have a look, anyway, you have the authority.” Kiki invited Barbara and the others.

Anyway, Barbara and the three of them couldn’t find Tony for a while, so they went to watch the fun with Kiki.

The No. 1 public Gnaku is the largest Gnaku in the entire base. Most of the flying vehicles are stored here, and there are also a large number of scientific researchers, maintenance personnel and logistics personnel working here.

“Wow…” Peter looked up at the Sky Whale, this claws and claws easily won the favor of children of Peter’s age.

Not just the Whale, but also the Condor and the Super Swallow, these strange looking planes from the zat team are easy to like.

This is also the reason for the very high frequency of these three aircrafts.

But not only Peter liked the Whale, but Barbara and Gwen, two rebellious girls, also liked it very much.

Barbara looked left and right. She remembered that the Eagle was parked here before, but now the Eagle is nowhere to be found.

“Where is the Eagle stored?” Barbara asked Kiki.

“Eagle has a separate Gnaku.” Kiki replied, “In fact, large aircraft that can be used as air carriers have separate Gnakus. The two McGee-1s that were towed back last week were repaired. They were also sent back to their respective Gnakus.”

The four of them came to the side of the McGee 2 that had just been towed back. Compared with other aircraft, the McGee 2 had a very distinctive shape, which immediately attracted Peter and the others.

Because the staff of the Maintenance Department and the Logistics Department were investigating the hidden dangers of McKee II, Barbara and the others just watched from a distance and did not come forward.

After watching for a while, Kiki’s personal terminal rang, and she was called away by Sister Aina.

After Gigi left, Barbara and the other four started to wander in Gnaku again, and they met Tony at the corner of Gnaku.

“Hey… can’t the three of you sleep honestly?” Tony took off his goggles, got down from the ladder, and said, “Don’t you know if you don’t sleep well, you won’t grow taller?”

Tony had hit his own pain point. He quickly picked up the milk on the table next to him and took a few gulps.

“What are you doing here?” Tony asked.

“Today, a large energy source appeared in the k3 area of Shangguan City, but the detector caught it one step later than the naked eye.” Barbara said.

“I see, I see.” Tony nodded.

Then Barbara looked up at the four power armors on the restraint frame. These four power armors were obviously taller than normal human heights.

Gwen first asked what was in Barbara’s mind: “What are these?”

“Oh, you said this, this is called Thor’s Hammer Power Armor, didn’t I go to a small village to fight this Wednesday night, this is the property of the four new guests who have crossed over, and I am in charge of repairs and upgrades. ‘ said Tony.

This is also a transaction between him and the Bureau of Investigation of Abnormal Conditions. He will provide necessary help to the Bureau of Investigation of Abnormal Conditions. In exchange, Tony is qualified to conduct investigation and research on the technological items recovered by the Bureau of Investigation of Abnormal Conditions.

This is not only a win-win for Tony and the Bureau of Anomalous Situations, but also a win-win for the Bureau of Anomalous Situations, which means winning twice.

Many of the recycled technology items are dated from the technology in this world. It is like throwing a smartphone to an ancient person. Even if the brain cells of the ancient people die, they may not be able to study the ugly Yinmao.

Now that Tony is here, it’s different. Tony’s intelligence level is at the bug level. No matter what technology gives him a certain amount of time, he can study it thoroughly and transform it into a technology that can be reproduced.

Speaking of Wednesday night, the three children were not very happy, and the three adults were all on the battlefield, and they were shivering because of nightmares.

In addition to Tony, there are many researchers from the Bureau of Abnormal Situation Investigation around the Thor’s Hammer power armor this time, and many of them are gray-haired old people, all of whom are learning the technical knowledge from other worlds.

At this moment, the broadcast of No. 1 Gnakury rang.

“All on-duty personnel enter the D-level security state, and all the on-duty personnel enter the D-level security state…”

The staff working in the No. 1 Gnaku have adjusted their personal terminals to the D-level alert state. At the same time, many people were surprised. They heard the D-level alert state for the first time after joining the Abnormal Situation Investigation Bureau. In the past, the lowest level was C.

The broadcast continues.

“Please go to the command room of the combat headquarters to report immediately, please go to the command room of the combat headquarters to report immediately, please go to the command room of the combat headquarters to report immediately…”

In the bedroom at this time, Daisy 023 hangs upside down on the upper bunk and does sit-ups, while Kerr 141 sits next to the computer desk and reads a book quietly.

When they heard the sound of the broadcast, they immediately stopped what they were doing.

Daisy 023 jumped off the bed and said, “Let’s go.”

Kerr 141 put the bookmark in the book, and after putting the book away, she also got up from the chair and nodded to Daisy 023.

The two of them were wearing training clothes, so they just changed their shoes, picked up their personal terminals, and left the bedroom.

When they came to the command room of the Combat Command, George 052 and Noble No. 6 b312 were already here.

Daisy 023 thinks b312 is really a strange guy. When he is not wearing a helmet, this guy is wearing a mask and sunglasses, in short, he is pretending to be mysterious.

“I’m sorry to bring you here when you were on vacation,” said the female deputy director surnamed Zheng.

It is not easy to be the leader of the Bureau of Investigation of Abnormal Situations. Not only Director Fu Zheng and Deputy Director Zheng need to alternately be on duty in the Bureau of Investigation of Anomalies, but the leaders of the remaining departments also need to be on duty frequently.

The things they are facing are all kinds of abnormal events caused by things from other worlds, and they can see all kinds of strange things. Although there are a bunch of big boys, they are still under a lot of pressure.

In addition, they are also responsible for connecting with various departments across the country, as well as spies who prevent other countries from coming to sabotage.

Because there is no way to accurately divide the various affairs in the face of visitors from other worlds, all these things are handed over to the Abnormal Situation Investigation Bureau to deal with.

By the way, the correspondents on duty in the command room of the Combat Command tonight are Hua Xiaoxi, Ning Xiaojiu and Yun Yaoyao, the three girls who were rescued by Hou Xianxing and the others in the previous incident in the horror live broadcast room.

As for Fatty and Jiwotou, who were rescued by Tony Stark at that time, the two of them have always wanted to enter the investigation department, but the test has been unqualified, and they are now working in the base garrison department.

Chapter 909 The noble squad is ready to go

“We received an application for assistance from the border police. A bus full of tourists was hijacked at the border. The other party was a group of foreign militants. The current investigation shows that the other party has obtained nothing from another world.”

The short-haired girl with glasses, Hua Xiaoxi, gave a brief announcement to the four members of the newly established noble team.

“For a more detailed report, the **** New Year’s Eve will be in charge of you during your trip to your destination.

The weapons and equipment required for this operation have been transported to the flying vehicle. You are now checking it on your personal terminal. The goal of this mission is to safely rescue that car of tourists, and at the same time, you must also pay attention to your own safety.

Now, please come with me. Your Mjolnir power armor has been repaired and upgraded. When you return from this mission, you can place the Mjolnir power armor and other equipment in the independent Gnaku of your noble squad. among. ”

Deputy Director Zheng is a long black woman with glasses. She usually has a serious expression and acts resolutely.

Under the leadership of the deputy chief, the newly formed noble squad left the command room of the combat headquarters and went to the No. 1 public Gnaku.

On the way, the four members of the noble team confirmed through their personal terminals the weapons and equipment distributed to them by the Bureau of Investigation of Abnormal Situations. Of course, the focus was on weapons.

The weapons of the staff of the Investigation Bureau for Anomalous Situations, except for those personal special weapons, such as the cross-shaped “Punisher” of Ulut Nicholas d. Ufwood, the rest of the weapons are roughly divided into four categories.

One is the “bird-type” energy weapon. This series of weapons is generally named after the bird, such as “hummingbird beam pistol” and “falcon beam rifle”.

The second is the “cat-type” live ammunition weapon, which is named similarly to the “bird-type” energy weapon.

The third is “canine” large weapons and explosive weapons.

The fourth is the most special “unnamed” weapon. The weapons in this series are either fantasy, fantasy or sci-fi. They generally have two names. The former name is a simple “unnamed + number” format, and the latter name is right Its purpose is briefly explained. For example, “Untitled 1-3-2 (Screaming Bombs that ignore any physical protective equipment.

This time, most of the weapons obtained by the four members of the noble team were energy weapons.

Soon, they came to the No. 1 public Gnaku, where Tony had been waiting for them.

“Hello.” Tony greeted the five people who came.

Those scientific researchers have already evacuated here, and the three children of Peter and the others are left on the side of the Thor’s Hammer Power Armor.

Looking at the four members of this noble team, the eyes of these three children glowed.

“Who are you?” Daisy 023 suddenly felt that this person’s voice was a little familiar, she was stunned for a while before she realized, “You are the tin man from before!”

When they met on the battlefield before, Tony didn’t open his helmet and mask, so Daisy 023 didn’t recognize Tony at first sight.

“Meet again, but it doesn’t seem like it’s the time to say that,” Tony said, briefly introducing the repaired and upgraded Thor’s Hammer armor, “I changed the energy for you, became my ark reactor.”

Speaking, Tony patted the triangular nano-war armor reaction core on his chest and boasted: “This is a very powerful energy source, which is higher than your previous mobile bomb. Plus you The power armor does not have energy weapons, so after installing the Ark Reactor, it can be in a state of almost perpetual motion, provided that the Ark Reactor operates normally.”

“As I just said, this repair and upgrade did not add additional weapons to your power armor, repaired the damaged parts, and replaced the previously weak parts with special alloys.

In addition, after removing your original super scum energy source, you left a lot of empty space in your armor. I added some new functions to you at my own discretion, such as outer-type energy shield, short The propulsion device of the distance jump, etc., you can check it yourself when you go out of the mission. ”

Tony Stark paused, shrugged his shoulders and continued: “If you two beauties are willing to take out the armor of the mobile Ultraman style before and let me study it, I may be able to put your four Thor’s hammer power armors out. A modified version is more advanced.”

To be honest, Tony Stark has been coveting that suit for a long time, especially trying to figure out the function like overclocking mode on it.

“That’s not good. My friend gave it to me, but I can’t just study it for you.” Daisy 023 said.

“It’s so inhumane, beautiful.” Tony Stark joked, but Daisy 023’s words made him feel a lot more comfortable about what he was about to do.

“Here, these things are for you guys.” Tony distributed the four square Nano-Warframe Ark reaction cores to the four members of the noble team.

“This is it?” Daisy 023 asked bluntly.

But Tony likes to be in contact with people with this character. He hates those riddlers who talk in clouds and fog, such as a megalomaniac.

“The lining that fits this Thor’s Hammer armor is too badly damaged, so I debugged the spare nano armor I made before, and set them a new lining mode of the Thor’s Hammer Power Armor, which can A perfect replacement for your previous lining.

This thing itself is an ark reactor, which can be used as a backup energy source. Also, when your Mjolnir Power Armor is severely damaged, you can switch the mode of this Nanosuit and use it as a backup piece of armor. ”

With that said, Tony Stark showed it to the four members of the noble team, and saw that he patted the inverted triangular ark reactor on his chest twice, and the nano-alloy poured out from it and combined it into a nano-suit.

“That’s it.” Tony Stark put away his helmet and said.

Some people may think that Tony Stark has made a big loss by giving away four sets of nano-suits, but Tony Stark himself does not think so.

After fully mastering the research and development technology of nano-suits, he has hoarded a lot of spare nano-suits, so many that he can say “let’s make friends” when he meets people casually, and then give them away.

For the current Tony Stark, the most valuable is those new knowledge.

While researching these four sets of Mjolnir power armor, Tony Stark has acquired a lot of new knowledge and technology.

For example, there is a layer of liquid metal crystal piezoelectric layer between the outer clip and the inner lining. This liquid metal can store a large amount of information, and it has a very high density and strength. In Tony Stark’s view, it has become an artificial auxiliary muscle. potential.

“Wow, cool~~” Daisy 023 whistled, “It just feels that the armor you are wearing now is a little different from the one you wore that night.”

“This is the classic style. Well, you can quickly put on the power armor. Oh, by the way, the way you used to wear power armor was too cumbersome. I also changed it a little bit. Now you can practice it a little bit. Wear it alone. Remember to treat my gift like a steel Ultraman armor given to you by a friend in your position.”

After speaking, Tony Stark stepped aside, and he came to Peter and the others.

“Don’t feel envious, I gave them a general-purpose model, and yours are limited models, and they will continue to be upgraded.” Tony Stark was afraid that the three children would feel uncomfortable, so he said.

“But…” Peter blinked, “but we’re not envious, Tony, you’re good enough for us now.”

Tony Stark patted Peter on the back and said, “What I say is what I say, and I will treat you as envious, and that’s it.”

“However, I do have a little envy.” Barbara said suddenly, “I envy them for their missions.”

Barbara looked up at Tony Stark, pretended to be pitiful, and pleaded: “Tony, we are all rusting, please let us do something too.”

“Aren’t you training you now?” Tony gestured with both hands, “I told you before, don’t do what we can do, don’t do what we can’t do, I’ll give you a short section in the middle. .”

“But but…”

Barbara opened her mouth, she didn’t know what the so-called “a little bit in the middle” meant.

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