Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Nora Gets Into Porn

Although Nora understood that her relationship with Roger - while it included dates, kisses, and sex, and was the most satisfactory romantic relationship of her lifetime - was not exclusive, she was also unhappy when she saw Roger having sex with other women.

To some degree, of course, this response became reduced over time, and by knowing the women in question. For example, Xico was a very nice young woman and deserved a good boyfriend/husband, she just should not have Roger as that good boyfriend/husband. With Kate, she could almost imagine compromising and allowing Roger to continue to fuck Kate after they became sexually intimate, simply due to the fact that Kate was an extreme submissive and therefore could be thought of as a 'tool' to spice up their sex life, rather than a romantic rival.

However, none of these factors applied to the new person at Star Heroic, Gillian Gardener. She did not know Gillian well, so for all she knew, Gillian did not deserve to have sex with anyone, much less Roger. This was particularly true given she had apparently engaged in sexual harassment as a major factor in her exile from her previous heroic group. Additionally, Roger had not previously had sex with Gillian until recently, as she was on another continent (Asia), so she had no chance to become used to the other girl.

Therefore, thinking about the girl made her tap her foot and feel anxious and annoyed and unpleasant and unhappy. Particularly when Roger seemed to be reasonably affectionate with her and willing to have sex with her, as he had sex with her the very same day that she had come to Star Heroic. Roger had a very high sex drive and was quite promiscuous, so it was understandable he would want to have sex with a new woman, but Nora would have preferred that that 'new woman' be her, by having Priscilla use her powers to disguise her like they had done with the Jaja character.

Nora was no longer a child who would be meekly batted around by other, more socially adroit and competent girls. She was a heroine who worked hard to fight crime and win the heart of the man she was interested in. Thus, she went on the offensive. She knew that Roger was very visually stimulated, so she selected some of the sexy lingerie she had worn on one occasion for him. Even if it might seem 'homosexual' in other contexts, for her, it was actually very heterosexual, since she was using it to appeal to a man. It was also very sexy when Roger looked at her in clothes like these, since there was an exciting kind of undisguised lust that was rare to see in a man.

* * *

Roger opened the door for Nora, and she immediately threw open her long jacket, revealing the lingerie with sexy cut-outs for her nipples and sex. His eyes immediately roamed her exposed body, and she believed he was even using her power to enjoy the sight for longer, as his eyes' movement was unusually fast and twitchy.

That was good, as it meant his arousal was high. Additionally, she could see the outline of an erection in his pants. "Hello, Roger," she started, and he snapped his head up to her face, his eyes becoming less twitchy. "I would like to come visit," she said, continuing to hold her arms out.

"Oh, come on in, then," Roger said amiably, smiling as she stepped inside. Once the door was shut, she let the jacket fall entirely, since Roger clearly enjoyed seeing her nearly-naked body, and she enjoyed Roger staring at her nearly naked body.

As she walked in, her eyes flitted around Roger's apartment for any sign of Gillian's presence, and she soon found it. On the table were several DVDs which appeared to contain Japanese cartoons, and Gillian had just recently arrived from Japan, so their presence was almost certainly not coincidental.

Roger caught her looking and confirmed as much. "Oh, Jill left those for me."

Jill. He was calling her by a shortened version of her name, which was a show of affection. Well, no, he (sometimes) called Kate by a shortened version of her name too, and he treated her very poorly. "I see." She picked up the one on the top of the pile, considering whether it would be better to try something social with Roger or to go straight to sex.

However, the work she picked up was apparently about an incubus fucking a girl in her dreams until she becomes his loving, horny sex slave, if the images and text were to be believed. She blinked several times as she stared at it.

"Jill has some pretty extreme tastes," Roger said, unsure what she was thinking.

"I see. Did you dislike these erotic cartoons?"

"They're called hentai. And no, they're- actually probably some of the best porn I've seen since coming to this world. Porn here's a bit different from what they have back on my world."

"I see." Roger was feeling homesick (understandable, as he could contact literally no one that he knew from his home universe), and these cartoons helped reduce that.

This was even worse than she thought. She had merely believed she was responding emotionally (i.e. not rationally) to Roger having sex with a new woman, but now Gillian was bringing him things that reminded him of home. The fact that it was pornography that reminded him of home was... fitting? Roger was very promiscuous and had a very high libido, so it made sense he would like pornography a lot.

"Roger, I would like to watch these films with you, since they are so important to you."

"They're not that important to me," he said, letting out a soft chuckle. "I haven't even watched all of them yet."

"Which ones have you not watched? We will watch those together. Also, I will bring over a second body," she added.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why?"

"If you get overwhelmed with arousal during the video and ask for me to perform fellatio on you, then I will be unable to watch. If I have two bodies here, I can continue to watch." Additionally, it would provide her the ability to remind him of her unique charm point, that she had multiple bodies. For most men this was something of a downside (as she had a very high libido as a consequence), but Roger appeared to greatly enjoy group sex. Gillian did not have multiple bodies, but only one. "Also, the same applies to other sexual positions, such as a seated ride facing you," she added.

"Go ahead," he said, casually plopping down on the sofa. "We can watch it together, sure."

She took the DVD and put it in, then sat down next to him as he grabbed the remote. The film was apparently two full hours long, which meant it would be extremely likely that Roger would become aroused enough to suggest sex. Her second body was already on the way, of course.

The film itself began by introducing the concept of 'incubi,' as if anyone was not already familiar with the concept of sex demons who fuck you while you sleep. They did change the classical mythological incubi by making them not sex-changing, but instead an all-male species who relied on women to reproduce. They were all extremely horny as a result, to appeal to women who wanted a highly sexual partner (which included Nora, so it did appeal to her). The first actual, non-exposition scene involved the incubus sneaking into a young woman's room while she slept. It focused on his expression and body language as he spoke about his intense arousal at seeing her nude body, with occasional flashes to her nude body (she slept in the nude, and was quite conventionally attractive).

He declared that he was correct to choose this young woman to make into a mother, and clambered onto the bed, just beginning to fuck her in her sleep. She remained asleep (somehow), and the cartoon began to intermix both the actual sex act - darkness rippling over a handsome chest, a devilish grin, bat wings and a long spade-tipped tail flashing about - with the imagined circumstance of the girl. In her dream, some sexy prettyboy from school was the one fucking her, and she was moaning in pleasure in both realities, as she got fucked, and groped, and groped back, casually feeling up her partner.

Nora could certainly see the appeal of the scene, as she personally had enjoyed sex with multiple men at the same time but in different circumstances many times. Roger could also clearly see the appeal of the scene, as he was sporting a significant erection in his pants. Her second body arrived at the door, wearing a duplicate set of lingerie she had prepared for this sort of situation, and she just let herself in. Roger jerked in momentary surprise, swiftly glancing over his shoulder and turning off the TV for a moment, before seeing that it was just Nora.

"Ah, it's you," Roger said, letting out a laugh. "I forgot to lock the door."

"I will lock the door now," Nora said, doing so, then stripping that body down to the underwear.

Roger looked at her tits, swallowed, then spoke. "The fellatio-during-porn idea was great," he said simply. It took Nora to understand what he meant - but once she realized he was subtly suggesting that she start fellating him, she quickly moved to do so with the body on the couch, unzipping and unbuttoning his pants, letting his hard cock bounce free. It was particularly aroused, clearly having been struggling against its confines, and she leaned over Roger, quietly wrapping her lips around his cockhead. Her other body soon planted itself on the couch opposite Roger.

"Please turn back on the TV, Roger, so we can resume watching the film together. I enjoy spending time with you, and having sex with you, and this is an excellent way to do both."

The TV turned on at that point. Unfortunately, Roger had not paused in his rush to hide his porn habits, so he had to skip back a bit in the scene. Nora did not mind too much, just focusing one body's attention on fellating him, bobbing up and down smoothly on his cock. He let out a long sigh as she worked, a sign that she was making him feel good, and with her other body, she casually started to sneak her fingers under his shirt, sliding along his stomach, feeling him up - but also watching the TV.

The porno was very good, and figuring out what Roger liked in particular would be very helpful to her going forward.

She slid herself all the way down his length, completely enveloping his cock with that body, and quietly swallowing around his dick. He groaned at that, his length throbbing in her throat, and one of his hands slid along her back, soon finding her sex. He didn't hesitate, beginning to finger her at that point. She was already quite wet thanks to the film and situation, so she simply let out a choked moan around his cock. He seemed to quite like when that happened, and today was no exception, the film continuing to play.

He refocused his attention back on it at that point, as the incubus spoke about his intense erotic desire for his victim, how he wished to breed her, and how he would breed her, and how he would breed her every day while she was his. In the dream world, this was reinterpreted as her prettyboy crush calling her all sorts of sweet names and talking about how he hoped for the pair of them to be married.

At that mention of marriage, Roger's cock throbbed, and based on other clues, it was probably not due to anything she was doing with her mouth. It was another piece of evidence for the idea that Roger did find 'wife' to be a sexually erotic category of woman. Nora started to lick hungrily at his cock at that point, continuing to hold herself down in his pelvis as she worked, just wetly swallowing around his dick. He groaned in pleasure at that, getting very close to the edge, pumping up at her face. On screen, the incubus was ejaculating inside of his target.

"Roger, please come in my mouth," she told him. "I very much enjoy fellating you, as it is a way to pay you back for the very incredible sexual experiences we have had, which I would never have had without you. Please go ahead and do whatever you need to, in order to get over the edge."

By way of nonverbal reply, Roger grabbed her head in both hands and started to furiously fuck her face in his cock. "Kiss me," he breathed out to the other body, and she immediately complied, pushing her lips up against his. At that point, he finally came, holding her down in his pelvis as his hips stuttered and jerked. She could feel the way his length throbbed and pulsed inside of her mouth, as he deposited a nice thick load in her stomach.

When he finished ejaculating, she pulled back off his cock, and ended the kiss as well, enjoying the way he was panting heavily. It was very sexy to see him like that, in a somewhat disheveled state. "Let's," he paused. "Let's do what you were suggesting earlier. Seated ride. You perch your head on my shoulder so you don't block my view, and we keep watching in that position."

"Very well, I will go along with this," she agreed, one body (the one that had been fellating him) clambering into his lap. She planted her chin on his shoulder, and began to slide herself down his length. She was wet from watching the porn, and he was slick with her spit, so it was quite easy for her to take him smoothly to the base. He let out a low groan of pleasure as she bottomed out on his cock, his whole length furiously twitching and pulsing inside her. "Are you enjoying it?" She asked. Her nipples were scraping against his chest, given her tight clinging to his body.

"It's nice," he breathed. "And I'm more sensitive than I expected, since I just came. Give me a moment." There was a moment where his hands just slid along her body, moving with superhuman alacrity, soft and swift at the same time, a feather-light touch at sonic speed. She let out a soft pant at the teasing sensation, her toes curling as she resisted the urge to giggle or twitch at his hands. Then, just as soon as the moment had come, it went. He had recovered. "Right. Let's start slow, you can amp up the pace when you think it's appropriate."

She nodded by way of reply, one body watching the film as the other went on. The girl who had been sleep sex with the incubus was now back at college, but her thoughts were consumed with images of the sexual activities with the incubus/dream prettyboy. It was certainly quite interesting, particularly given the light psychological element, with the girl writing down, I want to get fucked, I want to get fucked, I want to get fucked over and over, instead of taking notes or doing anything one would normally expect someone to do at a school. Roger's cock did pulse inside of Nora as the scenario took that turn, particularly when her notes began to also include, I want to get bred and I want to be fucked and bred.

He appeared to find it quite erotic, so, with the body that had its chin perched on his shoulder, she began to speak. The film was in Japanese, with English subtitles, so she simply read out the subtitles in the most erotic tone she could manage. "I want to get bred. I want to get bred. I want to get bred. I want to get fucked. I want to get bred. I want to get fucked and bred," she said into his ear, and his cock furiously pulsed at that, his arousal clearly spiking - something that also became obvious as he suddenly grabbed her by the hips and started to fuck her, hard, on his cock, simply pounding her up and down his length and making her squeak.

He actually applied his power at that point, literally fucking her at superspeed, which promptly made her come. She did not inhibit the noises of pleasure she let out, just squealing, as he seemed to like it when she was noisier during sex. He seemed to completely forget about the pornographic film at that point (her other body paused it so they could continue once he was finished), as he manically pounded her on his cock, making her tits bounce substantially, his eyes following them up and down as he pretty much went wild on her body like that.

She liked it quite a lot. There was both the fact that he felt very good inside her, as if he were compressing all the good feelings of twenty minutes of sex down into two, but there was also a certain sense that Roger had gone out of control. That he was so incredibly aroused by her, that he had decided to ignore the film to completely focus on her. She most certainly did not mind that.

She came fairly easily, too, given the way his superpower worked, moaning in pleasure with each successive orgasm. It was a blisteringly intense thing, making her legs wobble, one orgasm practically bleeding into the next. It produced a strange, almost staccato note to the fucking, as her pussy clamped up on his dick each time he thrust her down, slowing his pace and making it harder for him to fuck her.

Then he just came inside her with a groan, shuddering and jerking as he came back down to normal speed, panting softly as she remained on his lap. He had a very sexy o-face. The body atop him was not really capable of appreciating it at the moment, but her other body could. His lips were softly parted, his breathing heavy, and she leaned in to kiss him, mashing her lips up against his. He didn't mind, just softly panting as he kissed her back, their tongues swishing about together pleasantly.

Once he seemed to have recovered enough that his breathing was back to normal, she shifted back and turned back on the porn, which made him snort. "Are you enjoying it that much, Nora?" He asked her.

"I am enjoying watching it with you," she said, not entirely sure what he was confused by. "It is very sexy to watch porn with a man, actually. Additionally, you stated it reminded you of home, and I would like to know more about where you came from."

"Ah. Right," he said, nodding along. She felt his cock start to become soft, which she did not understand the cause of. Ordinarily, discussing intimacy with a man would not cause a negative response, though Roger was an unusual man. She wiggled on him, rubbing away. "I mean, this isn't really like porn where I'm from. It's just closer."

"I see," she said. "Still, it is very nice to watch it with you and learn more about the sorts of things you like. If you do not like any part of the porn, or like certain parts in particular, then feel free to tell me that."

"Gotcha," he said, and fully turned his attention to the TV.

The woman was once more being fucked while sleeping by the incubus, though in a different position, and the incubus was talking about how she would make an excellent mother for his children. Roger's cock began to harden inside the body that was still draped over him - that body was heaving for breath after the exertion of that intense fucking, nipples hard as diamonds, clit absently rubbing against his pelvis.

At that point, Nora had a sudden realization. The incubus was, in fact, raping the woman, not merely having 'sleep sex' with her. Although she was obviously physically enjoying it, this was a rape scene involving a supernatural creature, quite close to Roger's own experience at the hands of Fals.

She decided not to say anything aloud. Fortunately, Roger did not seem to notice, or else, did not seem to mind. He merely enjoyed watching the incubus bring the girl to mind-melting pleasure in her sleep - and then when she woke up, pinning her and continuing to work his cock inside her, intensifying her pleasure as she futilely thrashed about beneath him. He licked at her ears, called her names, told her that her future was as his personal sex addicted slave, willing to do anything for another fuck...

Roger did become increasingly aroused to the scene, which made sense to Nora, as she believed that Roger very much had a 'man who forces women to do what he says for sex' kink or fetish.

As the scene went on, he started to gently bounce that body on his cock. It wasn't a hard fuck like earlier - it was more like the equivalent of casually jerking himself off. She quite liked it, the way his erotic desires were being so smoothly expressed, and started once more to read out the subtitles into his ear as he fucked her like that. "Stop, don't, no, ohh, I don't want it," she said, doing her best to copy the actress's intonation, but she did not do a very good job. Still, Roger's cock pulsed inside her pussy. "It feels so good..."

She didn't read out the male line - Roger did. "That's natural," he told her, his voice artificially gravelly as he read out the line. "It's my cock, after all. It was made to make women like you be happily bred with my children."

"Oh... but I wanted to go to college... become an accountant," she replied softly. "Please don't ruin my future."

"I already have!" On screen, the incubus hilted himself inside the female protagonist, just gushing out truly obscene amounts of semen. "This isn't the first time I've come inside you," he told her, and the voice actor showed no signs of being affected at all by his ongoing orgasm, which frankly made the scene less arousing for Nora. "You're going to be turned into a baby factory," Roger explained, actually nibbling at her ear, pawing at her ass as he spoke. "I'm going to stay in the human world for a while, and I'm going to milk you for sex and breeding as long as you're young and sexy. And then, when you're old and infertile? I'll be gone onto the next woman."

That seemed very degrading and cruel treatment to Nora, but for some reason the woman on screen came. Roger also seemed aroused by the lines in question, gauging by the way his cock hardened and throbbed inside her, his fingers tightening on her hips, quietly bucking up into her. She contemplated rewinding with the other body as he seemed to very much enjoy those words.

Then she got an even better idea, and started to speak again, this time not reading out the subtitles. "Yes. I will be turned into a baby factor," she agreed, clenching on his cock as he continued to slide her up and down. "I am going to be milked for sex. I will be bred. As long as I am young and sexy, I will serve as the mother to your children."

He groaned at that, length throbbing. On screen, the scene shifted at last, with the two protagonists now talking to one another, the woman on her knees while the incubus sat in a chair, naked, casually explaining to her how their relationship would work going forward. When the woman was finally made to suck his cock, Roger's arousal intensified, his hands on Nora's hips starting to just pound away roughly. Her tits bounced as he started to fuck her all over again. He wasn't using his power this time, and his focus was utterly on the television, clearly greatly enjoying the entire experience.

Nora decided to read the subtitles again, though given the female character had a cock in her mouth, she did not have very many lines. As such, she read the man's subtitles, but shifted slightly so as to switch her role. "I will service your cock whenever you say. I will drop out of school to be your baby factory. I will do nothing but stay in the house on my back, getting fucked whenever you want it. I will be your personal sex slave, and I will love it."

At that point, Roger came again, groaning as he held her down on his cock, another load of his cum being deposited inside her. He shuddered beneath her, and let her drape herself atop him again.

He gently ran his fingers through her hair as he leaned back, not looking at the TV, but instead staring up at the ceiling (which prompted her to pause the film, as she did not want him to miss it). "Fuck." He casually groped her ass cheek, clearly still reasonably aroused, given his hard-on had not begun to abate. Since the woman in the film was submissive, Nora simply stayed still, wanting to let him enjoy himself and set his own pace. "Your dirty talk is... nngod," he breathed out, shifting to just grab her head and starting to make out with her again, his tongue forcefully invading her mouth.

She did not know what exactly he thought her dirty talk was, but he clearly liked it, given his response. She contemplated what about it he might have liked, and saw that once more, that motif of 'so good at sex that the woman does whatever I say' had recurred and seemed to play a role in his arousal. However, there was also an element of breeding, and a desire to be bred, so she thought about it before speaking. "I will be your submissive sex slave from today on, just for the chance to be the mother of your children," she decided on - and his cock throbbed inside her, as he started to fuck her all over again.

She restarted the TV at that point, and his eyes went to it, watching the fellatio scene as he fucked her, his cock twitching every time she read out a line of dialogue, and his tongue continuing to dance around inside of her mouth. They fucked throughout the remaining one hour twenty-two minutes of the film, and she continued to read most of the subtitles.

* * *

Watching porn with Nora was really... really something. Ordinarily, Nora was so brutally, straightforwardly honest, that hearing her read out dirty submissive lines of dialogue like that made my brain short-circuit. Even if I knew better rationally, it felt like she was agreeing to be my sex slave in exchange for more of my cock. The fact that the dialogue was written for this world, and therefore came off as more natural for a woman here to read, just intensified how 'honest' it felt, and by extension, how horny it made me.

When the hentai finally finished, I felt almost enervated, even though I was still sporting a hard-on. The Nora atop me casually nibbled and licked at my neck, mimicking some of the behavior that the fucked-into-slavery woman had displayed.

At that point, the other Nora finally spoke up. "If you would like, we could watch another film together."

I let out a soft laugh at that. "I think I need a break, Nora," I told her, idly reaching over to pat her thigh.

"I see. Then may I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead," I told her.

"You mentioned that the film was similar in some ways to the ones from your world, but also different in others. I am curious in what ways it was different, as it was clearly highly erotic for you, so if I could adjust that I think you would enjoy sex with me even more and we could have it more."

She was saying all this in sexy lingerie with cut-outs for the nipples and pussy. And with my cock buried in her other body, that other body still nibbling at my neck. Which was very sexy.

Of course, her blunt affection was also prying at one of the things I still hadn't told her. Xico knew, Mira knew, Tsuru knew... but Nora didn't. I let out a soft breath, trying to figure out how best to answer the question. "I mean, there might have been a movie like that, but it would almost certainly have featured multiple women."

"I see. I am multiple women."

I snorted at that. "True. You're an all-in-one harem," I told her, idly squeezing the ass of the body on top of me. "Also, mm. I don't think there would have been that much concern about breeding. Maybe some, but it felt a little different. Like, she was willing to get knocked up just so that she could have sex. Which, you might have, but that'd be more unusual? And I feel like it would have been about... loving the guy, or something, rather than the sex being too good. Oh. That's it - the guy's goal was to knock up the woman, and his method was to fuck her, rather than fucking her, and part of that being breeding her."

"I see. There were two pregnant scenes. Since they were later in the film, it was hard to determine whether you preferred them or not. Did you feel that those scenes were sexy?"

"Definitely," I told her.

"Did you prefer the one with the modest baby bump or the one with the large pregnant belly?"

"The latter, but- just because it was hotter overall."

"Yes. As the film's dramatic climax, it could certainly draw on things that had happened up to that point." She hummed softly. She looked down at the DVDs. "Have you watched all of the others?"

I let out a small laugh. "I'm a little exhausted."

"Watching television is not an intensive task," she said, the body on my lap gently clambering up and off of me as if to emphasize the point. "You also have a high libido and appear to greatly enjoy pornographic material, so I would think you would like to watch more. Of course, if you do not, you do not have to."

I thought about it for a second. "Sure," I said. "Let's watch another one. You can pick."

She nodded and leaned over to inspect the DVDs, showing off her wet pussy to me. I made a mental note that, once I was ready to go again, I should fuck the other body of hers.

Eventually, she settled on a film about a pair of young lovers who were really into BDSM.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Nora setting up a special scenario. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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