Super Training Master

v6 Chapter 22 - Ozil: We guess we lost ...

Under normal circumstances, normal people can never imagine, what kind of thinking will one day think of what is absolutely unbelievable in reality. Δ┡ 』Fiction『 ㄟ

It’s like the end of the world one day, when you see the whole world ruled by walking turtles, their number is extremely amazing, but they are very friendly to humans …

It’s like seeing aliens invade the earth one day, each of them is still a beauty. Their invasion is actually to take away enough genes to reproduce …

It’s like one day a large-scale tsunami occurred, but now humans have evolved wings in an instant and flew into the sky to escape the fierce seawater …

It may be funny entertainment, reality will never be born, but what is really thinking before it?

Nowadays, most people in the World Cup are facing this situation.

As a former best coach in the world, the young world’s richest man who has risen in recent years, in the eyes of normal people, Wansheng should not be hollowed out by wine-color. More importantly, how could he have a very good technique?

But they saw it.

When the football flew into the goal of the German team again, many fans thought it was just an illusion.

It must be an illusion!

Wansheng scores a goal by luck, but also wants to complete a personal one-stop from midfield to goal under the defense of a German star? There will not be such a big joke on April Fool’s Day!

I did n’t know how long I waited, and no one knew how long it was. In short, someone finally woke up and realized that what was just happened was real, and they woke up suddenly.

The first reaction of most male fans in China is, “I-k-a-o —-“

“I got a k-a-o–“


Fans from other countries all over the world have similar national curses, except that the language is not the same, and the words of the national curse are different. However, fans in countless languages ​​have one thing in common-

Their tone is the same. After shock, they subconsciously expressed a sigh that can express emotions!

The same is true for various commentators and media!

At this moment, everyone stopped talking, and they all stared at the screen in shock, and those who reported the game up close, stared at the stadium in shock.

The expressions on everyone’s faces are similar, the same thing is two words-shock!

At the moment of shock, they did n’t say anything other than the national curse of the various countries. The blankness of the brain made it difficult for them to react, and after finally realizing that they should speak, they suddenly broke out. Shouting with exclamation–

“Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!”

“It’s Wansheng! It’s Wansheng! It’s Wansheng!”

“Wan Sheng has completed a train! It’s hard to imagine! He personally took the ball from the center line to the goal, helping the Chinese team score a second goal!”

“This is a reality, a goal that can only be imagined in a dream!”

“If it was Wang Qiuming, I wouldn’t be surprised at all, but Wan Sheng … how can he score such a ball? How can he …”

“The strong defense of the German team in front of Wan Sheng seems to be fragile! One of their three defensive players has been passed by Wan Sheng!”

“Schweinsteiger! Hummels, plus Boateng! They can do nothing about Wan Sheng’s dribbling!” The German commentator was the most angry, because he realized that the German team was tied. Other commentators can use a neutral angle to praise, but he wants to vent his dissatisfaction, “Now if anyone, tell me that Wan Sheng will not play football, I wish to give him two slaps! Fierce slaps! Wan The winning coaching status cheated us all! “

The Chinese commentator was excited and said, “Now I finally know why Wansheng wants to change his appearance. Although he is forty years old and has no professional player experience, his skills, footwork and body are not bad at all. Yu truly a world-class star! Judging from the scoring process just now, even Wang Qiuming can’t compare! Perhaps the reason why he didn’t become a professional player is that he doesn’t need it at all! As a coach, he is much better than a player , And as the richest man in the world, he does n’t need to play football to eat! “

“Now! In order to help the Chinese team defeat the German team, he played on his own! Just now he completed a train, with the most amazing performance, to help the Chinese team score an equalized goal! This is not just a goal, but also shocked After the world, let everyone know the ability of Wan Sheng! Even as a player, he is the best! “

After an incredible scene on the scene, perhaps the game has become unimportant, because all the fans are talking about the technology displayed by Wansheng.

Superb footwork!

The degree is amazing!

Even the moves are very creative!

Where is this football coach, is the world’s top star!

“No wonder Wansheng trades for himself!”

“So he is so powerful!”

“Wan Sheng is the best player of the Chinese team! We all just know!”

“Wan Sheng is going to play early, it is estimated that the German team raised their hands and surrendered!”

“He was born for football!”

“A dragon! A dragon in the World Cup, which may make Wan Sheng the king of China!”

“China is indeed a mysterious country, and it is true that everything can be born!”

“Fortunately, I watched this game. If I missed it, I will regret it forever!”

In a short period of time afterwards, the media around the world exploded. It was like having a third world war, and even people who were not fans discussed it.

Back to the game.

German players are at a loss. Many people look at each other and can’t help but look at Ozil, which means like asking, “Don’t you say that Wansheng is just a free kick?”

Ozil opened his hands, his expression very helpless.

Like other teammates, he was also very shocked. He played for Wansheng for several seasons. He never came to know that Wansheng’s technology will be so good, which is not worse than the top stars.

The German team was caught off guard!

Things that the world cannot imagine are directly faced by them.

That mood …

Very sad reminder!

“Who said that Wansheng’s appearance is just for entertainment?” Many players are thinking about the source of this sentence, but they soon appear, and no one has said that, they all think so subconsciously.

Sometimes the subconscious judgment is terrible, and now they have a profound experience.

If they do n’t think that Wansheng wo n’t play, then they will be more defensive.

If they know that Wansheng plays very well, they will definitely do targeted defense.

Without these premises, maybe they still lead 2-0, because even if the Chinese team plays a top star, the overall strength still has a huge gap with the German team.

But football games don’t have an if.

The score has been rewritten and the Chinese team has already tied the game. Even if they feel unwilling, they must face reality.

Perhaps at this moment, the most dazed mood is the German coach Loew.

What happened?

In just ten minutes or so, too much happened.

First Wansheng played.

In Loew’s view, that was a complete joke. The other party just wanted to make an appearance. Most of the fun means fun. In other words, the Chinese team has already started the game.

But soon the Chinese team scored a goal, or Wan Sheng scored.

Loew still didn’t respond. He blamed the players for being too careless and actually letting someone who can’t kick the ball complete the goal.

After that, the game restarted. Why did this person who could not kick the ball suddenly burst into strength and completed a dragon to hit the ball into the goal?

This this……

Loew didn’t know what his mood was. The only thing he knew was that the German team was tied, and they kept their advantage over the game.

It must be stabilized now!

Loew stood up!

When everyone is talking about the goal of the one-stop goal just now, Loew can only find Ozil with a cry of surprise, and seriously tells that the team must be stabilized.

“Don’t think of him as a coach. He is now a player and your opponent! Be sure to defend seriously, who knows what he will do next!” Luff’s tone was hysterical.

Ozil returned to the stadium and quickly informed other teammates of the meaning of Loew.

The German team began to reorganize the game. On the other side, the celebration of the Chinese team is over. Although many players are very amazed, Wan Sheng, the protagonist, is the only one in the world who is not surprised, because he knows his ability, maybe In experience, he is not as good as a real professional player, but his personal ability is 12o, and no one will be his opponent. It is also normal to complete a one-stop goal, and there is no big deal at all.

Soon the game started again.

At this time, the German team did not dare to carelessly. They played very cautiously whether they were defensive or offensive. Lough ’s request was to let them defend well. “There must be no more accidents.” Ball.

With less than five minutes left in the game, even in stoppage time, the German team has an advantage, and they are not afraid of penalty shootouts, so dragging time is beneficial to them.

The Chinese team hopes to take the opportunity to score another goal and end the game before 9o minutes.

Wan Sheng thought so too.

Entering the overtime game is very unfavorable for the Chinese team. Thirty minutes of overtime will give the team a very big eye. The overall strength of the German team is there. They use normal means. It is difficult to beat the opponent. It’s just one person, no matter how strong he is, he is defended by a few people.

Fortunately, the team members gave him enough support!

Whenever the Chinese team takes the ball, it will look for Wan Sheng almost all the time. Wan Sheng has become the key to winning in their hearts. He not only coached the game to create miracles, but also appeared on his own to create miracles.

Wansheng got enough firepower support, and began to use the superb technology under his feet to continue to make personal breakthroughs ~ ~ The German team soon showed up.

At first, they just separated people to mark Wansheng, but after Wansheng’s tough breakthroughs, they began to divide two people and then three people. At this time, they felt safer.

With three people to mark Wansheng, there are many opportunities for the other positions of the Chinese team, but Wansheng’s experience is actually not rich, and when the game is the most critical, he still believes that he has more.

Now that I have played, if I can’t win, is it pointless to play?

Therefore, Wan Sheng has always insisted that he take the ball. Although he has lost the ball twice, no one will criticize him. Everyone is thinking about the two goals just before. Wan Sheng played ten minutes and scored two. The goal is absolutely perfect. With such a perfect performance, what’s the big deal about “independence”? And looking at the Chinese team’s front lineup, in addition to Wang Qiuming, it is difficult for others to trust.

As a result, the game became a game. When the Chinese team attacked, Wan Sheng took the ball alone to fight, and the German team divided several people to intercept.

The other players seem to become unimportant.

Even if the German team is so serious in defense, it is still difficult to completely limit Wansheng. When the game went to the second minute of stoppage time, Wansheng personally broke the ball to the first five meters of the penalty area. Schweinstein behind him There is no way out, you can only pull the jersey for tactical fouls.

Wansheng fell by the way!

Most German players took a long breath, and Ozil, who knew Wan Sheng, couldn’t help covering his cheeks with both hands.

He would like to say a pessimistic word to his teammates, “we think we lost.” But he felt self-destructive and morale.

Ozil was silent, but he was thinking in his mind that he would only get four years after winning the championship. But will he still be a member of the German team?

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