Super Ninja

Chapter 51

We moved as a group in a steady rhythm and, as a result, covered ground quickly. Our leader, Hatake Kakashi, was a decent captain. He always gave us the chance to rest whenever we could. During these breaks, I spent time studying theory. Shiko and Ayamane immediately ran off to hang out with the other genins, having no interest in studying.


The only one who didn’t mind discussing theory with me was Kabuto. He was full of theoretical knowledge.


“How many times have you tried to pass the exam?” I asked him during one of our breaks.


“Six times, Suzuki,” he answered with a smile.


“But why?” I asked. “You’re still working as a medical-nin, aren’t you?”


“Yes, I just don’t follow through all the way,” he replied calmly. “I enjoy taking the exams.”


“Hmm,” I muttered. “I see.”


When we moved, we had to stay in our teams. I couldn’t help but feel a little hurt by my teammates. It wasn’t like I took it personally, but there was still a faint sense of sadness. I think that after we finish our exams and earn our ranks, we’ll go our separate ways. But honestly, that feels foolish.


We crossed the border between countries without much trouble since no one really checked us. The Land of Rivers was quite interesting from a geographical perspective. These lands got their name for a reason—there’s an abnormal number of rivers here. They all originate from a small mountain range that cuts the country in half, curving around the Great Desert and separating it from buffer nations like the Land of Rain, the Land of Birds, and the Land of Pearls.


The rivers here range from large to small. Some were so wide you’d need ferries to cross them, but for us shinobi, it wasn’t a problem since we could just run across the water and continue on our way. There were plenty of small settlements, villages, and fishing hamlets, each consisting of just a few houses. Rare caravans and carts traveled the sparse roads. The most popular way to get around was by boat or canoe.


We continued our journey, avoiding all administrative centers along the way because Kakashi didn’t want to stop there. We set up a small camp by the bank of one of the rivers. In the water, a few simple fish splashed about. Chakra beasts hunted the fish, and we, in turn, hunted the chakra beasts.


Everything was in balance, just as it should be.


“Attention, group,” Kakashi called out, drawing our focus. “First of all, I want to let you know that we will be waiting for our escorts, who will guide us to the village. You have two days to rest and prepare for a two-day march with no stops.”


“Oh, really? Interesting. Well, if we’re waiting, then I have a chance to rest and train my chakra control.” Sitting in a meditation pose, I began manipulating blades of grass over my body, making them spin and jump from one part of my body to another.


“Training?” Shiko asked.


“Yeah,” I replied calmly. “Why?”


“No reason,” she shrugged. “Just curious about what you’re doing.”


“Hmmm,” I muttered. “I see. Want to join?”


“No,” she replied. “I’m exhausted from the journey. And with a march ahead of us, I want to conserve my strength.”


“As you wish.”


I wasn’t going to insist, not on her or Ayamane. If they didn’t want to train, that was their problem. If it came to survival, I’d have to rely on myself. You just have to be prepared for that. Not that I want to... but sometimes reality doesn’t care what you want. Unless you had some kind of mind-control magic to change them completely. But what’s not there, isn’t there.


Not lingering on her refusal to train, I continued with my chakra control exercises. Afterward, we gathered back into our teams, as it was easier to maintain some semblance of order that way.


“Shiko, Ayamane,” Captain Kiochi addressed the girls. “Why aren’t you preparing for the exams? Or do you think you already know everything?”


“To prepare, you need to know what specific questions to prepare for,” Ayamane replied. “Otherwise, it’s just a waste of time.”


“And what about you, Shiko?” the captain asked.


“I want to be in top mental shape for the march,” she answered. “If we’re moving for a couple of days non-stop, I need to be ready.”


“That shouldn’t be particularly hard for you as future chunin,” Kiochi-sensei said, shaking his head. “But alright. It’s your decision. I’ve done all I can to get you ready for the chunin rank.”


The girls wore satisfied smiles, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. I was more focused on reviewing the formula for calculating the trajectory of a shuriken when thrown with a certain amount of force.


The night passed peacefully, thanks to active sentries who were responsible for keeping watch. These were jonin, and we genin were allowed to rest and mentally prepare for what awaited us. We greeted the morning relaxed, knowing that no one would attack such a large camp of Konoha shinobi, where jonin were easily spotted. And if you happened to have a bounty book, attacking some of the jonin would be disastrous for most shinobi. Especially when one of them was Kakashi, considered elite even among jonin.


We had to wait another night. In the morning, shinobi from the Land of Rivers arrived from across the river. They looked uniform, dressed in their Hidden Village attire. There weren’t many of them, and honestly, their strength didn’t command much respect—a few chunin and one jonin. Even the jonin didn’t seem particularly strong.


When I tapped into natural energy, I easily sensed that all the chunin were weaker than me, and the jonin himself was several times weaker than Kakashi. If a fight were to break out, our jonin could handle them without much trouble. Of course, if it came to a genin battle, things would be different since most of the Konoha genin wouldn’t be able to handle the chunin. Only Kabuto stood out among us.


The head of the welcoming party immediately went to Kakashi to discuss a few things. The chunin also took an interest in us, openly talking about us. I didn’t listen to their conversations, so I can’t say what they were discussing.


“Group,” Kakashi called out loudly. “We move out in fifteen minutes.”


“Hai!” we all answered in unison.


Packing up didn’t take long since we were ready to go. We took down the tents, gathered our belongings, and regrouped into our teams, waiting for the signal to move. The leader of the Land of Rivers’ group glanced at us calmly, then waved his hand.


We moved along the river, gradually picking up speed. Our escorts were positioned around us to protect us from all sides and to ensure no incidents or, worse, scandals occurred. Our captains also kept an eye on us, but we had already been instructed on what to do and what to avoid.


Leaping over rivers, at one point we had to scale several cliffs blocking a wide canyon. At the bottom of the canyon flowed a fast-moving river, which we crossed via a small suspension bridge. Afterward, we resumed our pace, ignoring the approaching darkness. The night was clear. Only the stars and the moon served as our light, but it was enough to move safely through this land.


The next day passed just as peacefully. We began moving in a slight arc, starting to head back. At first, the mountains were in front of us, but now they were to our left. It seemed we were making a slight detour. When night fell, the mountains in the distance blended with the darkness, but I could sense that, at some point, they were behind us. We continued moving without stopping.


At dawn, we slowed to a steady walk. The road was busy with people and their carts, but it was nothing compared to the activity on the local rivers, which resembled a proper highway.


From time to time, shinobi from the local Hidden Village passed us, but we didn’t pay them much attention.


The village we were heading to was much smaller than Konoha. It sat directly on the river, with canals flowing between the houses and streets, where small boats, resembling gondolas, floated. The gondolas were painted in different colors and decorated with images of humanoid creatures.


At the entrance, we weren’t checked since they were already expecting us. We were led through a few streets and then headed to our hotel via the rooftops. We settled in without any problems. Our teams received rooms that fit us comfortably, though a bit snug for four people.


“What are your first impressions of the village?” the captain asked once we arrived in our room. It was spacious enough for three, though slightly tight for four. Since the captain wasn’t staying with us, we didn’t worry too much.


“The layout is interesting,” Ayamane responded first. “I’ve never seen a settlement where one of the main means of transportation is water canals rather than roads. It’s... strange.”


“Yeah,” the captain nodded. “That’s part of what makes this village unique. Most of the locals here have an affinity for water, and to a lesser extent, earth. Other elements are rarer. They’re excellent swimmers and work brilliantly in their home environment. What else did you notice?”


“The shinobi,” I said. “They’re not particularly strong.”


“True,” the captain agreed. “There are fewer of them, and their power level doesn’t quite match up to those in the Great Nations. But,” he paused, giving us a serious look, “that doesn’t mean you can underestimate them. If you don’t treat them as equals, you’ll lose. If not now, then in the future. Underestimating an opponent can be deadly, but I’m sure you understand that by now.”


“Hai, sensei,” Shiko said, stretching and yawning. “When does the actual exam start?”


“The day after tomorrow at ten in the morning,” he said. “I’ll give you a small briefing on the local rules and how to behave. First, don’t get into conflicts with shinobi from other countries or the host nation. I recommend not leaving your room too much, as people will be assessing your strengths and weaknesses. You could try to assess the other shinobi yourselves, but be careful. Second, avoid entertainment establishments. It’s easy to get caught up in distractions, and it will ruin your exam. Third, follow the local rules and don’t act arrogantly. If you’re asked to pay for something, pay. You’re not here to make a scene or teach the locals how to live. Understood?”


““Yes, captain,” we all answered together.


“But just because I advise you to stay in your room until the exam doesn’t mean you have to follow that advice,” he continued. “You’re no longer kids, and when you become chunin, I won’t be responsible for you anymore. So... it’s your decision. See you tomorrow morning. I still want to test you on some theoretical material.”


“Got it,” Ayamane replied.


The captain left, and we were alone in the room. I settled onto my bed, propped some pillows behind my head, and started reading a book on fūinjutsu that I had brought along. There wasn’t an opportunity to experiment and test everything in practice, but even studying the theory was helpful.


Shiko headed to the bathroom to freshen up and came out dressed in a robe. Naturally, I couldn’t help but notice. Ayamane also saw but didn’t say anything. Afterward, Ayamane went to the bathroom and returned similarly dressed. I hadn’t expected them to bring robes with them, but it wasn’t an issue.


“You both look lovely,” I said.


“Thank you, Suzuki,” Shiko replied for both of them. “Please turn around, we want to change.”


I turned around, listening to the sounds of them changing. Of course, I was tempted to glance back, but I didn’t. There was no point—nothing to be gained from it. When they were done, I remained on the bed, observing them attentively.


“Suzuki, are you going into town?” Ayamane asked.


“No,” I replied, shaking my head. “I’m going to rest a bit. And what could be so interesting out there?”


“You could check out the other genin,” Shiko shrugged. “Try to figure out what they can do.”


“I don’t think they’ll show themselves outside their hotels,” I scoffed. “And what could genin show that isn’t already in books?”


“In what books?” Ayamane asked, puzzled.


“Well, for example, this one called Combat Methods of Different Ranks in the Elemental Nations.”


I pulled out a relatively thin book that covered all this information. It was written by a jonin from the Hidden Cloud and supplemented by a Konoha shinobi named Danzo Shimura. It turned out to be incredibly useful and, on top of that, completely free.


“What kind of book is this?” Ayamane immediately snatched it from my hands.


Shiko joined her on the bed, and they both began reading it intently.


“Wow,” Ayamane said after finishing the section on Konoha genin teams’ tactics and approximate capabilities. “This is almost all true. How does a jonin from the Hidden Cloud have this kind of information?”


“We’re not the only ones with an intelligence division,” I shrugged. “I’d recommend looking at the information on other villages because it’s much more accurate and interesting.”


The girls listened and opened the section about the Hidden Sand shinobi. There was plenty of information on their common tactics and some unique skills specific to the Sand.


“So... others probably have similar books with detailed information about us,” I told them. “And some of our comrades will definitely go out exploring. They’ll get spotted and assessed, and the same thing will happen in return. I don’t think they’ll mind sharing whatever info they gather with us.”


“Do you think it’s right to use your comrades like that?” Shiko asked. “And what if none of them go out because they’re thinking the same thing—that someone else will go, and they’ll get the useful information?”


“Then we’ll have to do the scouting ourselves,” I shrugged. “We’ll just need to be cautious.”


“And you’re planning to do that?” Shiko asked again.


“Of course,” I shrugged. “If no one else goes, then I will. Even if the captain says it’s better not to, information still needs to be gathered.”


“Mind if I join you?” Shiko asked.


“Why?” I asked, surprised. “You don’t want to prepare for the theoretical part of the exam with me, so why join me for scouting? Or am I still just a classmate whose opinion doesn’t matter? That’s possible too.”


“No, Suzuki,” Ayamane said, shocked. “It’s not like that at all. You misunderstood...”


“Did I?” I raised an eyebrow. “Everything seems pretty clear to me. But don’t worry, after the exam, our paths will diverge.”


An intense silence filled the room. The girls stared at me with wide eyes, clearly confused.


“Suzuki, are you mad at us?” Shiko asked quietly.


“No, of course not,” I smirked.


“What should we do to make it up to you?” Ayamane asked.


“And why would you want that?” I asked, wondering if I should keep pressing on their guilt. If I did, how far should I push...? “Well, I don’t know. Anyway, I’m going to take a shower now. I need to clean up too.”


Under the hot water, I calmed down a little. It felt like the water was washing away all the disappointment I’d been feeling. The girls were probably talking behind my back right now, discussing how terrible I was as a teammate. Let them.


Once dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror. Already a grown man. Shiko and Ayamane were grown up too—we were all capable of making adult decisions. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the bathroom and glanced at the girls... and froze.


They were lying on my bed in seductive poses, dressed in revealing clothing. Honestly, I never thought they’d bring something like that with them. It was surprising. And yes... when I said they were grown up, this is exactly what I meant. They were fully developed.


“Suzuki,” Shiko said in a husky, enticing tone. “Come to us. We want to thank you, and also make amends... Besides, we want to prove that your assumptions about us were wrong.”


R-i-i-i-ght… yeah. Nothing that happens between us right now is going to change my basic thoughts about them. Well, if they want to try something... interesting, who am I to deny them that?





“Okay,” I exhaled. My comrade in underwear instantly woke up with a question... what’s next?


Without thinking twice, I joined the girls in my bed and hugged them.


“Oh... Shiko, Ayamane, why couldn't you do it right away. Huh?”


“Hee hee,” Yamanaka laughed and leaned towards me. The soft kiss was incredibly sweet.


The girl pulled away and Nara leaned towards me. She was also incredibly sweet. We kissed each other in turns until I realized that it was time to move on. Most likely, we wouldn't have sex today. The exam was coming up and they couldn't be out of shape because of it. But we could still have some light underwater games.


In one movement, I took off my top. At that time, the girls themselves also took off their tops, showing me their beautiful bodies. They were both beautiful and also different. Shiko had bigger tits, but I wouldn't say that I didn't like Ayamane's. Not at all. I like all types of tits. I am a man of the culture.


Stretching, I kissed the nipple of first one, then the other. After that, they decided to take the initiative. Shiko pushed me onto my back and began to caress me with her hands, and at the same time began to slowly lower herself to my panties. One movement and my panties were removed, demonstrating the colossus to the world.


“Wow!” said Shiko. “Wow! Ayamane, just look at this size.”


“What a size,” said the Ayamane with pulpable surprise in her voice. “I would never have thought that Suzuki's was so... big. He really is a Machine.”


“Of course,” I answered both and allowed myself to smile. “Girls, I'm good at more than just ninjutsu.”


My hands began to stroke their butts, allowing me to enjoy the elasticity. The feeling of hot breath on my penis was very pleasant. Without thinking twice, I pulled Shiko towards me and easily spread her legs. She wasn't wearing any panties. I slowly pressed her to me and let my tongue run over her delicious pussy.


"Oh, Kami..." she moaned very quietly. It was very easy to find her clitoris, so I started to attack it little by little.


She instantly became wet like a river, and I wasn't going to stop there. Sometimes I penetrated a little deeper with my tongue.


"Suzuki! Yes, oh yes! Continue! Yes!" she moaned, squeezing her mouth with her hand. At this time, Ayamane was just sitting and waiting for something. Okay, I need to finish with Shiko faster. Adding a little of my dexterous fingers, I sped up the whole action several times. "Yeah!"


Shiko pressed herself into my face and then reached orgasm. She threw her head back, her body trembling, because the orgasm was already very strong. After that, she fell on the bed next to me and covered her face with one hand, breathing deeply.


“Ayamane, come here,” I called the other. “It’s your turn.”


“Yes, Suzuki,” she answered and immediately with great enthusiasm appeared right above my face.


Her pussy was a little more fleshy, but also beautiful. I sucked on it, not going to let it rest for a long time. Of course, she was already a little more heated, because she had already seen what I did to her friend. That’s why I did everything so that her orgasm would be as long as possible, and also as high as possible. And I succeeded. A little natural energy, she climbed to the seventh heaven from happiness and from the discharge she received.


Then she lay down next to me on the other side, leaving me with a member that stood like a tower. Shiko had just come to her senses and was looking at me with some strange look. It was hard for me to make it out, but just in case, I smiled my best smile at her. She slowly got up and crawled to my cock. Without thinking for long, she stuck out her tongue and ran it over the very head.


“Ayamnae,” she turned away from my cock and slapped Nara on her elastic ass. “Don’t sleep!”


The second girl didn’t need much persuading. She also got up and also leaned towards my cock. I closed my eyes, surrendering to their very inept, but so hot attempts to make me feel good. Their joint blowjob was actually pretty good, because they were able to bring me to orgasm.


“I’m cumming,” I drawled, feeling a volcano begin to erupt from me.


“I’ll take it,” Shiko said and took my cock.


There was a lot of sperm, so she couldn't hold it all in her mouth at all and so it started to flow out. Ayamane did something I didn't expect at all. She started to quickly lick off what was flowing out, trying not to miss a drop.


I heard a sip, then a second and a third. This was Shiko finally doing what many girls are not capable of. She swallowed my seed.


"Ho-o-o," she exhaled and froze for a while, throwing her face to the stream. "Very... delicious!"


She said it with a wide grin and started licking her lips, and also helping herself to clean her face with her hands.


"I think so too," Ayamane said, tasting my sperm in her mouth. "I would never have thought."


"Same thing here," Shiko said. “Suzuki, why didn't you tell us that your cum is so delicious, that you have such a big dick and that you are so good at giving pleasure?”


“Welp….” I said with a slight relaxation. “You tell me…”


But there was no answer because both girls were relaxed. I am wondering if they think they will be able to manipulate me after this. That would be funny…

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