Super Ninja

Chapter 30

For several days straight, the captain pushed us relentlessly, trying to sharpen our skills. It felt as if he was chasing something unknown—something unclear to us. The sparring sessions grew more intense and brutal, with Kiochi-sensei ending each one by injuring us physically, only to immediately heal us so we could fight again.


We didn’t understand why, and the captain remained silent when we asked questions. He refused to reveal much about our mission or what lay ahead. Naturally, this couldn't go on for long.


"Tomorrow, you must all arrive early," the captain announced.


"Why?" Shiko asked immediately.


"You'll find out," the captain said with a grin. No matter what faces Shiko made, the captain revealed nothing more.


Sensing that something significant might happen tomorrow, I decided not to overtrain when I got home. A few hours of meditation, a warmed-up dinner, and then straight to bed. My parents were away, visiting relatives in another province, and they wouldn’t be back for weeks. I could have thrown parties while they were gone, but I didn’t have time for that.


In the morning, I woke up, did a quick warm-up, prepared a light breakfast and lunch, and spent about fifteen minutes meditating. During this time, I tried to figure out what was wrong with my chakra, but I found no answers. The lack of progress irritated me, but I refused to let my emotions take over.


“Damn!” I cursed when I glanced at the clock. I should have left already, not sat there meditating.


Grabbing my bag, I dashed out of the house. I leaped onto a neighboring rooftop, picking up speed to avoid being late. I arrived just in time, only to realize why my bag felt so light...


"I forgot," I sighed. I had left the lunch I prepared at home. Great. Now I either had to go hungry or stop by a diner—something I really didn't want to do. "Tch, whatever."


After a while, the girls arrived.


"Good morning," I greeted them.


I was met with yawns and nods. It seemed they hadn’t slept well and weren’t eager to talk. Seeking a bit more rest, Shiko and Ayamane sat under a tree, taking advantage of the small patch of shade it offered from the morning sun.


Five minutes later, the captain landed in front of us, grinning widely. Ever since his injury, he hadn’t smiled much—probably because his scar hurt whenever he tried. I could tell from the rare expressions he allowed himself.


"Good morning, Team Thirteen," he said in a cheerful tone. "I’m glad you’re all here already."


"Good morning, sensei," we replied almost in unison.


"You don’t sound too enthusiastic," he noted, still grinning. "Come on, get up. We’ve got work to do."


We stood and followed him. Instead of heading into the village, he led us around it, hopping from tree to tree. Occasionally, we passed other shinobi who also seemed to be rushing somewhere. After a while, we stopped on a tall tree with thick branches. The captain raised his hand, signaling us to halt and stay quiet.


"Good morning!" a loud, energetic voice shouted. "We’ve spotted you!"


"Good morning, Gai," the captain replied before turning to us. "Let’s go."


We descended, and within seconds, arrived at a training ground not much different from our own. The only noticeable feature was a large, polished stone covered in marks from countless punches. In some spots, I thought I saw dried, brownish bloodstains.


Next to the stone, a boy was doing rapid push-ups—Rock Lee, as I recalled from the team allocation. Though I didn’t know him personally, I recognized him. Tenten sat on his back, looking significantly different than before. She had grown taller and more beautiful, meditating with two heavy stones balanced on her outstretched arms.


A bit further away stood Neji Hyuga, the one guy who had consistently outpaced me throughout the past year at the Academy. He wasn’t idle either, practicing fluid yet incredibly sharp movements. It was clear he was well on his way to becoming a taijutsu master, just like Lee.


Might Guy stood slightly to the side. He looked exactly the same as I remembered from the Academy team assignments—energetic, with big gestures and an open demeanor. But don’t be fooled by his appearance. To us, he was kind and encouraging, but to an enemy, he would be something entirely different. I had no doubt he’d be more than happy to crush any of our village’s foes.


"Kiochi, I see you brought your genin," said Gai. "I’m glad. How about a little sparring? It would benefit all the students."


"Maybe we should wait for Sarutobi?" Kiochi suggested.


"Yes," Gai agreed. "In the meantime, since Team Twelve hasn’t arrived yet, let’s warm up. Lee, stand up!"


"Yes, Gai-sensei!" Rock Lee shouted. It was clear he idolized his captain, and Gai reciprocated by giving him a lot of attention. Not every captain allows their genin to dress like them unless it’s part of the uniform, but Rock Lee dressed almost identically to Might Guy. The only thing missing was the jonin vest. Well, the boy wasn’t a jonin—he wasn’t even a chunin. Still, the green jumpsuit, the red belt with the Konoha symbol, and the other small details mirrored Gai’s look.


"Team Thirteen, join in," the captain said, nodding to us.


We joined Team Eleven’s warm-up. What can I say… Might Guy is a real training monster. What was just a warm-up for him and his team felt like the start of a full workout for me. The only genin who handled it with ease was Rock Lee. If he wasn’t Gai’s favorite, he was certainly close.


Neji and Tenten managed well, clearly accustomed to the pace, but Shiko and Ayamane struggled. For them, the warm-up was already a serious workout.


"Well, now that we’re warmed up, it’s time for a real warm-up," declared Team Eleven’s captain with a wide grin. "Are you ready, genin?"


"Yes, Gai-sensei!" Rock Lee shouted, brimming with excitement at the challenge. He easily surpasses all of us in physical development.


"Then! One! Two! Follow me!"


The warm-up after the initial stretching was brutal. I’m not sure what Gai considers training, but I was starting to dread it. Rock Lee radiated happiness, and Might Guy kept piling on more tasks. Neji and Tenten remained focused, not even glancing in our direction. If they go through this kind of training daily, I feel both pity and envy for them. With workouts like these, I could significantly increase my strength. I need to pay attention to Team Eleven’s methods.


"Phew," I sighed with relief as the warm-up finally ended. Sweat poured off me in streams. The weighted gear made everything harder and more exhausting for me than for Shiko and Ayamane. The girls were barely standing, and I couldn’t blame them.


"If you can’t handle it, Team Thirteen, you can rest," Gai said. "Meanwhile, we’ll continue with our training."


The girls happily collapsed to the ground like sacks of potatoes. But I decided to keep going with Team Eleven. I was sure Might Guy would find a way to push me further.


And I was absolutely right. Although "surprise" is too mild a word. It was a shock. Gai is a sadist when it comes to physical training. As if trying to prove a point, he set a pace so intense that even his genin were groaning. Neji and Tenten looked like they wanted to join my teammates on the ground, but they couldn’t. The only one enjoying it was Rock Lee, who practically glowed with joy as he begged for even harder exercises, all for the sake of progress.


"Not bad!" Gai said, clearly satisfied. "Since Team Twelve still hasn’t arrived, I think we can move on to the second phase of training. And for that, I’ll give you some weights."


Weights were found for me as well. Pushing through the pain in my muscles, I strapped them on, wondering when all of this would finally end. I had a feeling the second phase would be worse than anything I could imagine—and my fears were justified.


The second phase was hellish. The pain in my muscles was so intense that it became hard to even think. The urge to join the girls in resting was overwhelming, but I couldn’t allow myself to give up that easily. After a while, even Tenten and Neji couldn’t continue. Rock Lee no longer looked joyful, nor was he shouting his love for training.


Gai occasionally glanced at me with interest, showing no sign of slowing down. My instincts told me he was testing my limits, curious to see how far I could go since I hadn’t collapsed yet.


I was on the edge, but I kept digging deep, finding reserves of energy I didn’t know I had. Each time, I pushed myself for another minute, then another. I mentally commanded my body to keep going, refusing to give in. Rock Lee, noticing I hadn’t fallen, couldn’t allow himself to lag behind. Though he was clearly struggling, he pushed himself to the limit.


"Phew," Rock Lee finally sighed, collapsing onto the ground, his body unable to continue. I was close to my breaking point too, but a stubborn will inside me refused to let me fall.


"Excellent, genin! Very good!" Gai shouted with joy when I didn’t collapse. "And now it’s time for the third phase of training. Let’s see if you can handle even a little of it!"


"I’ll… kkh," I coughed, feeling a burning pressure in my throat. "Kkh! Try my best."


"Come on! Show me what you’re made of… or are you just a whiskered waffle? Huh?"


The third phase was pure hell. No circle of Hell could compare to what I was feeling. If this is what Might Guy goes through regularly, then I have nothing but respect for him. I wouldn’t wish this fate on anyone. My vision darkened from exhaustion. My body trembled with strain, and my heart pounded like a Formula 1 engine. Thud-thud-thud-thud-thud!


Eventually, during one particularly strenuous movement, my body gave out, and I collapsed. My head spun, my ears roared with the sound of crashing waves, and blood pounded in my temples. My head throbbed painfully as I breathed deeply and closed my eyes, trying to pull myself together.


When cold water was poured over me, my body reacted instantly, as if it was a signal to return to reality. I had no strength left—neither physical nor mental—to stand. Firm but gentle hands lifted me and carefully lowered me into a barrel of ice water. As soon as my body was submerged, thick steam began to rise, forming a misty halo around me. The ice cubes floating beside me melted rapidly, merging with the water, which absorbed the heat from my overheated body.


The icy water, like a healing elixir, seeped into every cell of my exhausted frame, washing away the accumulated fatigue and tension. I closed my eyes, surrendering to the sensation. The cold enveloped me, both shocking and soothing. Beside me, in the neighboring barrel, was Rock Lee. His breathing was deep and steady, and every so often, he made soft sounds of bliss, clearly savoring the relief the ice water provided. For a moment, we were both lost in a state of deep relaxation, forgetting the grueling training we had just endured.


Once I had somewhat recovered, I slowly climbed out of the ice bath. My body felt heavy and clumsy, and every movement was an effort. The water, which had once been ice-cold, had absorbed so much of my heat that it now felt warm, almost steamy. I knew it was time to rest and regain my strength.


Carefully, I jumped to the ground, trying to keep my balance. My legs felt stiff and unsteady, and I nearly fell face-first into a pile of sharp, jagged rocks scattered nearby. At the last moment, I managed to stay upright and, with difficulty, shuffled toward my team. The girls, already recovered from the intense training, watched me with tired but slightly curious expressions, ready to help if needed.


"How are you feeling, Suzuki?" the captain asked as I collapsed to the ground next to him.


"Could be better," I replied, barely summoning the energy to speak.


"Heh," Captain Kiochi chuckled. "Might Guy, a fan of the most brutal training methods."


"I've figured that out already," I replied, suppressing a groan that almost escaped my mouth.


The jonin, having heard everything, caught my gaze. He grinned and gave me a thumbs-up, as if to acknowledge my efforts. And he was right—I had just outlasted his genin in endurance. That was no small feat. I could feel proud of that.


At that moment, Team Twelve arrived. I immediately recognized Yamanaka Shito, Nara Iton, and Akimichi Douza. Shito had changed a bit since I last saw him; he looked broader across the shoulders, had grown taller, and was even sporting a strange beard. It didn’t suit him at all, but it wasn’t my place to judge another genin’s fashion choices. My focus was on training and improvement.


"I see you’ve already started your training," said the captain of Team Twelve, Sarutobi, if I wasn’t mistaken.


"As you can see," Captain Suzuki smirked. "Gai had no intention of going easy on the genin."


"It’s a shame your team didn’t join in the training," Gai added, shaking his head in mock disapproval. Then, smiling, he said, "But if you arrive earlier tomorrow, you can join the workout too."


"I’ll see what I can do," Team Twelve’s captain replied, clearly trying to brush it off. "We’ve got a pretty tight schedule."


"Oh, I understand," Gai replied. "But still… it’s better to train than not, right, genin?"


"Yes," Team Twelve answered, glancing at us with mild surprise.


"Alright," Captain Kiochi clapped his hands, drawing everyone’s attention. "I think it’s time for you all to find out why three teams have gathered here. I don’t think the jonin would mind if I explain?"


"Please," said Team Twelve’s captain, while Gai just nodded in agreement.


"Excellent. So, teams," sensei began, "we’re all going on a joint mission outside the country. We’ll be escorting archaeologists and protecting them during their excavation. Now, we’ll hand out information sheets about the mission."


The captains quickly pulled the necessary forms from their gray folders and handed them to us, their genin. A brief silence followed as we all studied the forms, committing the details to memory.


The mission will take place in the Land of Frost. Potential enemies: rogue ninja, agents of Kumo, and chakra beasts. The payment is substantial, which makes sense given the risks involved. The mission will last several months. By the time we return, my parents will already be back home. I just hope nothing happens to the house while they’re gone. That would be… unfortunate, to say the least.


"What do you think?" Captain Kiochi asked once he saw that we’d all finished reviewing the forms.


"Will we be staying in tents or a guest house?" Nara Iton from Team Twelve asked.


"In tents," Captain Kiochi replied calmly. "There won’t be much sign of civilization, so make sure you’re prepared."


"Got it," Iton sighed, clearly not thrilled with the answer. I couldn’t help but wonder how strong Team Twelve’s genin had become. I’d already seen how much progress Team Eleven’s genin had made, but I didn’t know much about Team Twelve. I suppose I’ll have plenty of chances to find out. The mission starts in two weeks, and it seems like we’ll be spending that time on team bonding exercises to ensure we work well together.


"And what will we be doing for these two weeks?" Iton asked, clearly not done with questions.


I wanted to shout, "Training hard!" but I neither had the energy nor the motivation. So, I waited silently for our captains’ response.


"Gai, Tetsuya, and I have decided to implement a somewhat unpopular practice of experience exchange," Captain Kiochi explained. "Each team will have the chance to train under a different jonin’s leadership, and then we’ll focus on team bonding. The bonding shouldn’t take too long since you all attended the same Academy class."


Training under Might Guy and Sarutobi Tetsuya… I recalled the name of Team Twelve’s captain. Not bad at all. Honestly, this is a great addition to our training. Each jonin undoubtedly has unique experience and training methods that will be incredibly valuable for us.

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