Super Floating City

v3 Chapter 26 - Love and beauty

The city of Arundel is protected by the ice goddess, and near the palace, Stephen also felt a slight dip of divine power.

It seems that the rumors may be true. The goddess of snow is really the legendary’prince princess’ in the royal family of Arundale. It is said that she was the reincarnation of a goddess who once held the winter. Later, he rarely showed up, and even the incarnation of the gods was hard to see. Not all gods like to run around on the material plane. In the past few hundred years, the two most often incarnations of the gods are the Styx and the cat goddess, neither of which is the same. Very powerful god, the former is the **** of the death gods, a faint divine **** who will appear in the form of a cat-eared girl, and the latter is a **** who has existed for a long time. She is just looking for excitement and likes to run around. The novelty, the goddess’ priesthood contains [cat] and [dance], as well as death attributes.

Fortunately, the cat has nine lives.

Stephen walked through the city of Arundel like an ordinary tourist.

However, at this moment, a slightly magnetic voice suddenly sounded next to the small artificial fountain next to her. Her voice seemed to have a unique magic power, which made people immersed in it and listened to her unconsciously. .

“To believe in true love!”

“Beauty is not just on the surface, it is from the heart. To believe in the sacredness of love, believe that true love will win.”

“Women should also have the power to pursue true love and happiness.”

“God of love and beauty loves everyone in the world, pray to her with heart, accept her, praise her, then you will get the blessing of love, and one day true love will come to you.”

“We should protect those beautiful things and support and sponsor those who create beauty.”

“Like those great artists.”

“Love and beauty are the real source of happiness. Only by pursuing all this can we be happy.”

A charming woman with long red hair who speaks, she looks young, probably in her twenties, her appearance can be said to be one of a kind, with the feminine charm of southern women, and the uniqueness of Arundel Female passion. On her chest was the emblem of a beautiful woman’s face with long red hair and ivory skin. This emblem of the gods is particularly easy to recognize, because only the **** of love and goodness Shu Ni will use his appearance as the emblem of the gods. Her beliefs are valued in Arendale, which is becoming more and more open. The church often sponsors artists here and advocates that women deserve the right.

The social form is caused by many aspects.

The southern countries are conservatives, and women’s social status is relatively low, while Arundel belongs to the reforms among human beings, advocating that women have more status. As for the female-oriented matriarchal society like the drow, it is also very popular among a small number of races.

Stephen in the crowd looked quite striking.

The red-haired lady who was preaching the doctrine of love and beauty fell on his body involuntarily, followed by a swaying gesture and stepped forward to Stephen: “This gentleman, do you believe in true love?” “

Stephen’s expression froze for a moment, then smiled and said, “I believe everything I see.”

Not the desired answer.

The red-haired lady was a little disappointed when she heard the speech, but because of Stephen’s charm, she still couldn’t help but invite: “If you have time, you can come to the Temple of Love. I believe you will be very popular. Maybe you can meet your true love there. .”

Hearing the words of the red-haired lady, the people around them, especially those men, could not help showing a look of envy and jealousy.

The beliefs of the gods of love and beauty are casual and loose, and in recent centuries there has been a tendency to transform into hedonists. This goddess protects true love, including those who are married but still want to find freedom, romance and true love. The Temple of Love often holds some masked parties, and many married aristocratic ladies will quietly attend. Among the believers of this goddess, there are nearly half more women than men. It may be better in the last one or two hundred years, but women still have an absolute advantage. Many outstanding men in Arundale are proud to receive invitations from the Temple of Love. .

“I will go when there is time.” Stephen smiled.

The **** of love and beauty is in charge of the beautiful priesthood, and her field of charm is quite powerful, so Stephen is unconsciously attracted by her pastor. This goddess belongs to the kind that has no danger. Although it is a powerful divine power, it is only a role of touching fish in the gods. The only battle priest to master is protection, which belongs to the less powerful master god. The death master’s confrontation with the glorious master has nothing to do with her. Her biggest concern is to fight for the believers with the love and beauty of the elven gods. However, her beliefs have only been spread among humans so far, because the love concept of elves Be loyal, but there are some problems in her teachings.

The hedonic goddesses in this crystal wall system are all Bichi. Those goddesses who are not hedonic are quite dangerous. Stephen doesn’t want to deal with them very much.

Ms. Red Hair seems to want to retain Stephen to listen to the teachings of love and beauty, but Stephen has left without hesitation.


So many maids at home are usually noisy, how could there be leisure to waste time in the Temple of Love.

Under the abyss of the dark abyss, there is a succubus of the legion, and there is no interest in the place like the Temple of Love. But as the saying goes, after a long walk, Stephen unconsciously stopped in front of a beautiful ivory white temple, because he felt a breath of gods here.


Just when Stephen hesitated to go in and see, there was a cat meow in the corner, and then a charming lady came out of the temple holding a lazy white ~After seeing Stephen, she couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and the space around her seemed to be isolated.

“Who are you?” the charming lady’s expression was full of vigilance.

“As you can see, it’s a passerby.” Stephen tilted his head and looked at the other person’s hair. Love and beauty **** love long red hair. The other person’s hair is not this color, so she is not the incarnation of love and beauty god. But looking at her calm appearance from the Temple of Love, it should also be a member of the Department of Love, so Stephen asked tentatively: “Mrs. Cat?”

In the love **** department, she likes to run around the most. Since the love and beauty **** rescued her from the night goddess once, this lady lives near the **** kingdom of love and beauty god.

“Say!” Ms. Meimei’s expression became even more tense, and she narrowed her voice: “Who are you?”

“A mortal cannot recognize me at a glance!”



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