Super Floating City

v3 Chapter 11 - Bold ideas!

A death master.

A glorious lord.

The two bigwigs are using civilization to make chessboards, using sentient beings as chess pieces, and the next big chess game that determines the future trend of the multiverse is too much involved. No matter it is a space-time hub or a pantheon, it is now struck by the battle of the crystal wall system. This is not just a struggle between one or two divine systems, but determines the trend of the future trend. Fight. The time dragon’s ethnic group is also very troublesome. It is said that the time dragon of Mark City also entered the crystal wall system, the purpose is to prevent other gods from doing things to further expand the scale of this battle.

The two big brothers are chess players, the creatures of the crystal wall system are chess pieces, and the space-time hub is the referee.

Not only must they prevent any of the two bigwigs from blushing and lifting the chessboard, they must also prevent other ambitious gods, demons, angels, dragons, etc. from doing things, and they must also prevent someone from cheating secretly.

Stephen’s task is to prevent someone from cheating.

This time, a large number of manpower was deployed. The time dragon is mainly responsible for monitoring those gods, while the time guardians are responsible for the plane of a large area, staring at those who want to cheat or engage in things. Because Stephen’s strength is very strong, although he has just joined the space-time hub, his task is to monitor the entire bottomless abyss. Because this area is too chaotic, there are too many powerful presences, and the time dragon also gives him extra. An assistant was prepared.

A time dragon helper who has just entered adolescence.

But now that everything has not officially started, Stephen has not yet needed to enter the crystal wall system. Everything will have to wait until Time Dragon determines that the two sides have negotiated the conditions.

He spent three days in the ring city.

Ten Rings is a very interesting guardian of time and space. His title is related to the ten rings on his hand. Stephen can’t remember for a time which powerful existence in history is famous for the power of ten rings. As for other guardians of time and space, Stephen has not yet seen it. The mission cycle of the space and time hub is very long. It may take a year or two to have a formal mission. Most of the time and space guardians will not settle in the time and space hub, even the time dragon lives in the inner layer of a dragon country. Most of the time and space guardians have their own world, which may be a planet and a plane. , May also be a special independent half plane.

Stephen’s base camp is naturally the World of Motorola and the Moon World.

After a few days in the ring city, he set off and returned to the interior of the floating city on the moon.

This trip made him decide to further develop the civilization level of the world of Motorola and the lunar world, at least let the aboriginal wizards reach the level of astral travel. Under the command of the Ten Commandments, there is a large guarding group. There are more than ten astral caravans alone. Any guardian of time and space represents the great power of a world. The Ten Commandments consist of the devil and the creatures in the lower planes to form their own network of influence, which secretly affects many planes, and Stephen also needs to use the world of Motorola and the lunar world as the core to move towards the rest of this star field. Cover the past.

Although the power of the Ten Commandments is very strong, its potential is no match for Stephen.

After all, he can directly interfere with the two planets. The main material plane has a population of hundreds of millions. Its potential is much larger than that of a circular city, but it will develop a little bit slower.

Xuanyue, floating city.

Nowadays, Zenda has begun to rebuild, the population migrated from the world of Motorola has opened up in all directions, and the girl Hagi has inherited the throne of the human. As a monk who has stepped into the legendary field, she possesses extraordinary ability to become saints and immortality, and she will not have to worry about the replacement of the throne of the crescent moon for at least hundreds of years. After Stephen wiped out the Star of Death, the monster lair on the moon has become an unmanned monster stronghold. Now all he has to do is destroy them one by one and recover the lost ground. Adventurers in the world of Motorola regard Xianyue as a place full of opportunities and hopes. Many adventurers expect to become nobles in this world through pioneering laws.

The Shixin dwarves have regained their territory, but it has become a hatchery of monsters, and they may take hundreds of years to return to their heyday.

The Vrykul are advancing toward the north of the mainland.

They hope to recapture their ancestral land, but the current materials are not enough to allow them to expedite the polar region, the ecological chain of the lunar world is currently in trouble, and they cannot regain the ancestral land to support so many people.

At this point the druids are trying to find a way.

Their task is more severe than others, not only to clean up the land contaminated by ancient evils, but also to repair the natural environment of the entire moon, and re-establish a stable ecological chain balance of nature. Considering that the current environment of the crescent moon is extremely harsh, and other ordinary creatures are difficult to survive on the crescent moon, the Arendo-Pastoral and Mograine wizards and wizards who have a lot of contact with the fifth ring tower To Stephen put forward a very bold idea!

On the horoscope.

Stephen frowned slightly at the others present.

Lianna Witch, Winter Witch, Prophet-Ankara, Insight-Akasha, Wizard Mograine, Wizard Eden, Arendo-Tree-Player, Undead Bird-Diana, etc…

At this time, many legendary strongmen gathered here to discuss the bold ideas proposed by Arendo-Pastoral and Mograine Wizards.

“I think it works!” Lianna witch first spoke, but in support of her disciple’s proposal.

The Winter Witch nodded when she heard the words and calmly said, “You can try.”

“Is there any danger? What if they are mutated? The minions of the ancient demon may contaminate them!…” Wizard Eden frowned.

“If it fails. We will remove them. You can test and observe in an area now.” Ankara the predictor said softly.


All eyes are on the contemplative Stephen. He thought about it for a moment and said: “You can try it, but it is currently limited to Zenda.”

Arendo-Pastoralists recently tried to introduce the creatures of the Motorola world into the lunar world to restore the balance of the ecological chain, but the current living environment of the lunar month is still too Those from Motorola The ordinary creatures of the world simply cannot survive. So he came up with a bold idea after discussing with the wizard of Mograine.

That is to introduce the mutant dinosaur species transformed by ancient wizards in the Secret Garden [Ecological Garden] into this world!

Herbivorous dinosaurs, carnivorous dinosaurs, and various animals and plants with extremely strong vitality in the secret territory.

And they suggested that the current natural environment of Xuanyue is very special, although it is very dangerous, but the power of the elements is far beyond the world of Motorola, and it is almost equivalent to those of the secret areas developed alone. In those already polluted oceans.

This is a very bold attempt!

The natural environment of a successful lunar month will be greatly improved, but the danger level of a failed lunar month will further increase, and it is basically difficult for ordinary people to live here.

Because dinosaur species will make the wild of this world quite dangerous!



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