Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 42 - Ready for battle three!

Steven sometimes likes to hoard wealth like a squirrel, but when he needs to spend money, he is always very arrogant. bookmark our website

He has never been able to say anything about himself, whether he is knowledge of money and wealth.

If there is any biggest difference between Stephen and the dragon, it is that the dragon’s wealth has always been in and out, and Stephen has no psychological burden to spend money. For him, making money is actually used to spend . Even if the huge wealth is hoarded, it is also to be spent when one needs it.

Howling City’s wealth accumulation, Yalantil’s mineral vein resources, Dragon City’s loot, and the transportation of the dark abyss.

Steven’s wealth accumulated today seems to have been spent like running water. He not only provided the Enchanted Equipment for the Stoneheart Dwarf, but even the elves, halflings, and Vryk from the Moon Moon. A full set of enchanting equipment. The money thrown out here is no longer countable in millions of gold coins, at least it is more than 100 million. After all, this **** is arming the entire army, saying that it does not hurt at all, it must be deceiving, but this The value of money spent. It’s only a few years since Steve escaped from the chaos of time and space and fell to the planet of Motorola. Hundreds of millions of net worth are nothing to him at all, and he will be able to earn it again after playing the moon.

Floating tower, library.

The Winter Witch, who was looking through the books, noticed Stephen’s arrival. She turned her head and gently raised her long hair, smiling. “It’s finally my turn?”

“Huh?” Stephen’s expression was a bit puzzled.

The Winter Witch smiled and put the books down. Recently she ran to the library to improve her knowledge. Stephen’s library is completely open to her.

The cold witches on weekdays smiled and said, “Shahr flew around the floating city wearing a gorgeous silver-white armor today. Aishara also took her full equipment and turned around in the wizard tower for a long time. .”

“Isn’t it my turn now?”

Stephen couldn’t help but smiled and said, “That’s what it is. It’s really a child’s temper.”

When he was finished, he motioned to the Winter Witch to come with himself, and then said: “It is a little more difficult to make the equipment you can afford, and it takes more time.”

“follow me.”

The two walked all the way to the horoscope. On the road, they met Ankara, a prophet who was acclimating the ice demon bat. The Winter Witch looked at her, and the two sides nodded slightly to make a collision. The Prophet-Ankara now basically lives in the floating tower, and has her private bedroom on the sixth floor of the wizard tower. Her research work is basically carried out in the floating tower. Now Ankara can be said to be Stephen’s chief assistant. Many things are left to her, which makes Stephen feel a lot easier. At least some ordinary experiments are not done by himself.

On the horoscope.

The Winter Witch was attracted by a gorgeous ice-blue robe just after she came up. The equipment produced by Stephen is first-class in terms of sale. There are many differences in design from the current clothing, and it is a bit biased on the earth. The concept of dress, so sometimes it will look ahead and novel, but this is undoubtedly very appetizing for the Winter Witch, because her eyes have been firmly attracted by this gorgeous and beautiful tunic.

“Teacher’s robe.”

“The main material is rune cloth, and the other parts are made of ice spider silk and mythril thread. Your figure is better and it is suitable for wearing a skirt with a waist.”

“Try it out.”

Stephen introduced with a smile: “This robe is a bit different from my one. It has extra super magic feats.”

“Bring your own glorious aura to strengthen your mana recovery. But the effect is slightly weaker.”

“Spell resistance is average, but all save resistance is strengthened.”

“You can speed up the casting speed. You have mastered the skills of quick casting. You can instantly wear the spells of 1 to 7 rings when you wear it.”

“The strength of the high energy protective force field is 300 points.”

“Bring your own advanced stealth, swift flight, spell reversal, and accidental sequence! … you have already learned the knowledge of spell sequencing! … and set it up again after taking it back!”

The Winter Witch caressed the ice-blue division robe in front of her eyes, and her expression seemed a bit addictive.

She glanced at Stephen and took the teacher’s robe to get up and walked towards the small room on the side. She soon changed her robe and appeared in front of Stephen.

“It’s beautiful!” Stephen smiled and stroked his hand.

The Winter Witch happily accepted Stephen’s compliment, and then smiled: “Very suitable. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Stephen shook his head. “Come here.”

“There are still a few things you can use. I originally planned to use them for myself, but my strength has recovered quite I can’t use them anymore.”

“have a look at this.”

“Higher spell ordering coat of arms!… You can directly order an eight-ring spell, a seven-ring spell, a six-ring spell, and two five-ring spells!…As long as it is activated, you can cast instantly!…equivalent to more A high-level chain accident!…”

“Legendary spell penetrating the ring!…Forget it. You probably don’t need it….I’m going to give it to Furan!”


“Right. You definitely need this.”

Stephen said that he picked up a bizarre golden headband, with many mysterious rune marks engraved on its surface, and five peculiar gemstones suspended about three centimeters above. The two seem to have no physical connection, but These five gems seem to be set on it.

Stephen said slowly: “This is inlaid with the stone of Io.”

“Five gems represent wisdom, magic, perception, spirit and charm.”

“It was just an attempt to make it.”

“The name hasn’t been figured out yet.”

“What do you think the name should be better?”

The Winter Witch heard her words and gently raised a strand of long hair, thinking for a moment and then said: “Headband of Wisdom?”

“This name is not bad.” Stephen nodded.

He gently put this golden headband on the head of the Winter Witch and couldn’t help joking: “It’s beautiful! But there is always a feeling of crowning you as king!”

The Winter Winter Witch could not help but glance at him.

“Come with me.” Stephen smiled and said: “I still have one trick you haven’t learned yet. It was originally intended to be taught to you after you master the legendary spell, but now that you have a robe, you should be able to. Learn in advance.”


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