Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 33 - ash!

At this moment Styx is Sophia’s carrier.

In the sight of Stephen’s spirit world, he saw a soul that had just died shortly before death. It seemed to be a kind of intelligent creature before his death. At the moment, he was floating in the dark abyss. The power from the blood pool of the abyss was constantly attracting his spirit. , But it seems that the residual will of the soul itself does not want to be a demon. So Stephen saw a gray line, and the soul gradually approached the Styx along the gray line, and finally entered the Styx and disappeared.

The entire transformation ceremony has been completed.

The girl didn’t want to turn the dark abyss into a plane of death, so she didn’t let Styre’s power erode this plane too much.

Tens of millions of ghosts entered the Stygian under her guidance, and the dead walkers recommended a person from them. The thin, half-elf figure kneeled in front of Sophia on one knee, letting it go She pressed her fair palm to her forehead.

next moment.

Some kind of undead transformation took place in the body of the dead walker, a trace of soul fire gradually appeared in his pupils, some pure death force entered his body, and he was quickly transformed.

“this is?”

“Styx ferry people?” Stephen murmured.

Sophia came all the way to the Stygian River. She stretched her hand and gently pulled towards the Stygian River. She saw the countless dead bones floating in the river, and then the white bones began to combine themselves, turning into a white bone ferry at an amazing speed. . At the position of the ship’s bow is a demon’s skull, in which a green flame is burning. The newly converted Stygian ferryman leans slightly towards the girl, and then turns around to embark on the Stygian ferry boat. With the emergence of the Stygian ferrymen, some hazy wandering souls began to converge towards the ferry, they were attached to the ship, and even individual souls appeared on the deck in a spiritual form.

The whole ceremony is basically over here.

Stephen saw the girl standing on the spot and let out a sip, then waved his followers back.

“It’s finally done.” Sophia said a teleportation spell appeared beside Stephen.

Stephen twitched in his heart: “The second generation of God is different, and he has such power before he is sealed.”

The girl was blank, he didn’t answer at a glance, but said softly: “The Styx will flow along the dark abyss, but we need a Styx channel to connect here to the nightmare.”

“Uh.” Stephen nodded.

He is still very good at space spells, and it is not difficult for him to open a space channel.

“Right.” Sophia whispered: “How are you preparing over there?”

“It’s about to come,” Stephen said in a deep voice. “You can start a counterattack in up to three months. My Golem Legion has been half formed, enough to cope with the worms on the moon.”

“Okay.” Sophia nodded. “My father is in a little trouble.”

“I’m afraid this battle can only rely on our own strength.”


Stephen frowned at the words, which made the mighty death also called troublesome. He asked tentatively, “Godfight?”

“Huh.” A trace of worry appeared on the girl’s face.

She shook her head and sighed: “Father has been reluctant to give up the reform of the material plane, which has affected the interests of some old gods. His enemies are very powerful, and I am willing to be the **** of death here and hope to help him in the future.”

That’s a little troublesome.

Stephen suddenly froze for a moment, and couldn’t help thinking of the time dragon he had encountered before. The information he revealed before he left seemed to be a bit related to what the girl said. Shouldn’t the time and space hub have to intervene in the war of death. Is she father?

Such a thought is really a very likely thing.

Reaper has one of the most powerful priesthoods among the gods. If he wants to set off a war of God, then it must spread to the entire multiverse. Ordinary non-combat spirits are not opponents of death at all. Unless they are powerful spirits in the fields of war, life, nature, etc., other gods will not be opponents of death at all. Then the enemies that can cause the **** of death to be troublesome must be of the same order of magnitude. This affects not only one or two gods, but it is very likely to involve several gods. Such large-scale battles have rarely occurred in history, and I don’t know how many gods will fall, but Steven is more curious about the time dragon they are going to do.

Wuhuan Tower. Element pool.

This is the energy pool left by ancient wizards, that is, the core of the five-ring tower. The wizards of the element pool for thousands of years have been here to make the final transformation. After their repeated development, they are in the element pool There are already stable channels connecting the four planes of water, wind and fire.

at this time.

The figure of Chief Witch-Eve appeared in the Fire Elemental Channel. She walked along the channel and walked into the Elemental Plane of Fire. A blaze came suddenly.

“Lord Eve.” The wizard of the Elemental Pool stands beside the passage.

They established a stronghold on the elemental plane of fire, right at the foot of an active volcano, where fires of burning land were everywhere, and few people except the wizards of the elemental pool entered the area. The Eve witch nodded slightly towards the guard next to it, and then walked along a dangling path toward the crater.

A blast of hot magma is pouring out of the crater.

There is almost no place on the the flying stairs blessed by spells paved a way.

The Eve Witch soon came to the crater. In front of her was a huge crater with a magma pool. A large number of runes were engraved on all sides. The power of spells suppressed the eruption of the volcano, while at the same time the elements Power condenses inside the volcano.

“You’re here.” Victor Wizard, who was completely immersed in the magma pool, only exposed a bare head, opened his eyes.

The Eve witch nodded and said, “Well.”

Wow la la.

Victor Wizard, who was soaked in lava all over his body, stood up and wrapped a special chain of fine gold around his body arm. At the moment, he also stood up and made a metallic sound. This was his own request, because during this time he was easy to run away in order to integrate the power of the divinity, so he asked other people to lock themselves up and be confined in the magma pool of the crater. At this time, the wizard of Victor was no longer human. His skin had turned to the color of ashes, and there were many cracks on the surface. What was seen inside was not flesh and blood viscera, but concentrated flames and lava. Energy, his heart turned into a huge burning furnace, inhibiting the power of the raging flame inside.

The body of Wizard Victor has turned to ashes in the magma pool, and the remains are his dry and cracked skin.

A huge elemental force was restrained in him!

The feeling was like an active volcano in his body that had been sealed but was about to erupt but was contained.


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