Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 27 - Legion II

Yarantil. Golem factory.

The insight-Akasha is patrolling in this active and extensive factory. After several expansions by Stephen, the Golem factory has dozens of production workshops, which are continuously producing zero steel Golems in an assembly line. Accessories. At present, the workers working in the Golem factory are mainly the Shixin Dwarf clan from Xianyue. They are responsible for the production of steel golem parts, while the members from the Blind Witch Society are responsible for enchanting the runes. Kasha led the high-level witch to complete. According to the efficiency of the current Golem factory, about six or seven steel golems are made and stored in the warehouse every day.

“Lord Akasha. There are not many large soul spars in stock.” A middle-aged witch in a gray robe walked in.

The production of golem puppets consumes a lot of resources.

One of the most important expenditures is the soul spar. In the past, wizards used their own power to activate golem puppets. To play games, they deducted their own experience points to activate golems. However, this technology made a breakthrough in the period of the Arcane Empire, and the wizards replaced this expenditure by extracting the power of the soul spar, avoiding the process of making golem puppets that would themselves be degraded and reduce their experience. From then on, the Golem Legion The scale began to expand, otherwise no wizard could consume the soul power.

“I know.” Insight-Akasha nodded and said, “I will go to the ant nest this afternoon.”

Most of the soul spars of the Golem factory are supplied by Zela Ant Nest. After the initial cultivation period, Zela Ant Clan has been continuously providing resources to Stephen.

In the nightmare, there is a labyrinth of Zara ant races, specializing in hunting those mutant monsters to obtain the soul spar.

-“Limited wishing technique!”

——”Activate and construct life!”

The Insight-Akasha completed the spell in his hand. In addition to the feat of constructing creatures, the Iron Golem also needs to be activated with other spells. The most important thing is the limited wishing. This is a seven-ring spell that requires a high-level wizard to cast. If you are making a legendary golem, you also need to cast a nine-ring wish. The production of steel golems is restricted, on the one hand because of the relatively large demand for materials, and on the other hand, there are not enough high-level wizards. This is like making robots. There are not enough senior engineers. The ordinary workers obviously cannot complete the production. At most, they are producing some robot parts.


The steel golem in front of him shook slightly, and then he stood up and stared at the witch in motion.

Akasha reached out and touched the crystal ball next to it, and then the row of steel golems standing in front of her walked towards the underground warehouse automatically. In the words of Stephen at the time, if he wanted to build a real Golem Legion, he would need to come from Yarantir, the Fifth Ring Tower, the Blind Witch Club, the Soul Tower, the Silver Roof City, and even the entire Motorola With the full support of the world, he needs hundreds of mines to provide a steady stream of resources, tens of thousands of high-level wizards to provide technical support, thousands of workshops to complete parts production, and a large logistics repair team. It is an extremely powerful civilization that can create a real Golem Legion.

But none of this is Stephen, so he can only slowly hoard the number of steel golems in the most cost-effective way.

Fortunately, the dark abyss has been eaten, and there is a plane as a resource backing. Stephen’s life has been much looser than before. Now that the witches are working day and night, Alain Till has accumulated more than 300 steel golems, which may still be insufficient in strength, but with the stone golems is enough to fight a head-on battle with the swarm.

After all, Stephen is not going to participate in the **** battle of the abyss, so a legion of steel golems has reached his minimum requirements.

Underground, Zella’s ant nest.

“Your Excellency Akasha.” The Queen Zela Ant nodded slightly towards the witch in front of her.

Today, she has basically turned into a humanoid, similar to that of the fallen Queen Zela. Her body is covered with a dark blue **** layer, and her head has a pair of small tentacles. Her face is similar to that of humans, but a little elven. Characteristics, after completing the evolution, the queen of the Zella Ant Clan abandoned the queen-like reproductive organs, and completely handed over the task of group reproduction to the Queen Zella. She became a pure ruler in pursuit of more powerful spiritual abilities Quantity as a goal. Around her is a team of Ant Clan Psionicists. Because of Stephen’s interference, Zara Ant Clan is gradually restoring the ability of the Interstellar Ant Colony. The increase in the number of psionicists is a sign.

Ants are born out of insect swarms.

They are themselves an astral race, drifting in the astral for a long time.

“The soul spar is not enough.” Akasha said slowly: “Your Excellency requested that the stock of steel golems must be increased to more than a thousand statues next month.”

Queen Zela heard a word of silence for a moment, and then said: “I understand.”

Her light tentacles moved slightly, and then a team of ant guards drove over under the guidance of a queen Zela. She commanded: “You lead the ant guards and psionicists into the nightmare, Hunt as many powerful monsters as Yes. Queen.” Queen Zara said without hesitation.

Akasha hesitated for a moment and then said, “Do you need our help?”

“No,” the Zara Queen Ant smiled. “The Ant can handle all this.”

The Zara Ant Race is different from others, they need to prove their worth, and the Zara Ant Race Queen understands this, because only in this way can she occupy enough weight in Stephen’s heart to get the ant colony from him. Essential things.

Insight-Akasha didn’t say much, and turned away from the underground ant nest.

Although there are many forces under Stephen’s command, the relationship between them is not very intimate. The Zara ant colony only obeyed his orders, and the Zenda Council is only a comparative comparison of the indigenous wizards of the Motorola world. Friendly, the relationship between the wizards and the Zendar Council is not even as good as that of the Crows Nest Hunter.

Everyone was united because of Stephen, and the person who was responsible for all this was Master Xu.


Some Feathered Serpent Gods came to Jarantir. These divine creatures basically did not contact outsiders, nor did they like to deal with wizards, but occasionally went to visit the demigods here. The Lich of the Soul Tower and the Banshee of the Wailing Valley chose to obey more because of the awe of Stephen, and the black wizards of the Five Ring Tower itself were actually not afraid at all.

Real integration takes a long time.

However, Stephen’s existence did indeed unite these forces. This was something that Master Xu wanted to do but failed to do.


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