Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 22 - Stygian water!

no way.

Lack of money.

It’s impossible for Stephen to compare with a **** of death that has been a **** for hundreds of years. His current family is accumulated little by little in the world of Motorola. It is temporarily impossible to develop other planes. It is a dark abyss that he has to spend several years trying to eat. Fortunately, the more the arcanist goes behind, the more powerful the snowball is, as if the gods have countless apprentices to serve. In the later period, the big arcanist will mobilize several golem legions. At that time, it will be much easier to collect resources. Stephen is still in the stage of accumulating his family. It will be better when the army of steel golems comes out.

“I am going to enter the nightmare.”

Sophia said in a deep voice: “The nightmare realm itself is the underworld, because the pollution of the star of death sign is what it is now.”

“I have to find a way to correct it.”

Stephen pondered for a moment and then said, “What are you going to do? Is there anything I can help?”

The cycle of life and death in the world of Motorola has been destroyed.

Those who died in the main material plane became wandering souls in the nightmare territory, and then were corrupted by the power of the star of death sign, and turned into various monsters in the mist. Stephen has always had no way to take the nightmare realm, because those monsters can’t be killed at all. The root of all is the star of death, and it is useless to destroy him.

“I brought this.” Sophia carefully took out a bizarre golden cup.

In an instant.

Stephen felt a very pure force of death. He could not help but widen his eyes and said: “The water of Styx?”

“Well,” Sophia nodded. “More precisely, Styx.”

“I need to find the source blood pool in the nightmare territory, and then pour it into it. The power of Styx Spring Eye will automatically convert it into the water of the Styx. ”

“The power of the Styx can suppress the erosion of the Death Star.”

“At least He can no longer control those wandering souls, they will automatically enter the Styx.”

Stephen said slowly: “Are you going to create a Styx in the Nightmare?”

“This is a good idea.”

“I don’t know where the source of the blood pool is in the Nightmare Realm. But in the dark abyss I control one or two blood pools.”

Sophia said: “That’s fine.”

“We can grow the power of the Styx first, and then connect to the nightmare through the space channel. The power of the Styx is stronger than you think, as long as the plane it flows through will be transformed by it.”

Stephen said, “That’s good. Come with me.”

The two flew all the way to the Flame Devil’s Cave.


They came to the sealed abyss blood pool here, this is the soldier hatchery of the demon lord, originally there were a large number of abyss worms, but because of the seals by Stephen, the abyss worms were dead. Since then, no demons have hatched here, but the power of the abyss blood pool is still there, and you can feel the power of the demons’ chaos as soon as you approach it.

“I started.” Sophia whispered.

After she finished, she reached out and poured the liquid in the golden cup into the abyss blood pool. In an instant, the whole blood pool boiled. The dark red blood water gradually rolled over, and twisted souls appeared on the surface of the water. Their expressions were fierce. Struggling to highlight the distorted outlines on the water, but it seems to be covered with a thin film. Many demonic ghost images emerged from the blood pool. They made angry roars towards Stephen, but in the end they all seemed to sink into the swamp, and the Stygian River was also called’Shen Yuhe’, even the light feathers Will sink.

The entire abyss blood pool gradually transformed into a peculiar gray, and the gray waves continued to spread. Within Stephen’s sight, the souls gradually formed and floated in it.

There are humans, demons, and creatures from the elemental plane.

These souls have gradually become dazed, their bodies are constantly changing, and many demons have exposed the outlines of human-like intelligent creatures. These are the life forms when they are alive. Because of the relationship of falling into the dark abyss, all these souls All are distorted and transformed into demons.

A gust of wind blew across here.

In Stephen’s line of sight, the dense wandering souls did not know when to emerge, they wailed and struggled to be drawn into the Stygian pond in front of them, whether they would like to enter the reincarnation.

“The power of Styx is growing.” Sophia said in a deep voice.

After she finished speaking, she pulled off her cloak and walked into the Stygian pond in front of her just wearing a thin long skirt.

“Rest in peace.” the girl said slowly.

The originally restless wandering souls gradually calmed down. They were immersed in the Styx under the guidance of the girl. Most of the souls faded a trace of **** shimmer on their bodies. It was the power of the dark abyss, which also transformed them into demons. source. These ghosts gradually turned into gray spirits, which are the colors of ordinary people’s souls, between justice and evil. A small amount of souls emerged from a white aura. Those are pure souls corrupted by demons. Because of the nature of the dark abyss, those evil souls that are really suitable for transformation into demons have already hatched, so Stephen did not see that pure evil aura.


Hagi walked out of the monastery wearing a light gray tights. Someone kept leaning towards her along the way to salute, and the girl responded nodded one by one. After Master Xu laid a heavy hand on the star of death took his place and became the leader of Zenda. Many people used to think she would be a puppet secretly controlled by Stephen, but it is a fact Upper Stephen did not have any idea about ruling Zendar. After the most difficult period, Stephen gradually returned the power to them. Hagi now leads all the monasteries in Zendana, including the army with humans and Vryks as the core.

The cool night wind blew.

Hagi changed into a clean clothes and sat alone on the roof looking at the moon in the sky. The blood-red moon was so dazzling, as if covering the stars.

“Sooner or later we will call back.” A dull voice came and slowly said: “Recapture everything we lost!”

Hagi turned to look around, and she saw her followers.

The burly Vrykuls are wiping their wounds with spirits, halflings are sitting in the corner and playing with daggers, the monks are staring at the starry sky, these people are the best warriors of Zenda, they just hunted giants from the deep sea The return of the beast is not only to add food to Zenda, but also to sharpen his own strength.

Everyone is desperately improving themselves, preparing for the moment of counterattack.

The pain that fails to knock you down will make you stronger!

The fall of Chanda brought all the Yueyue survivors together, because at this moment they have lost their homes and become refugees, the past conflicts and disputes have been put down, and the hatred of the ancient evils made them abandon the past prejudices and share the difficulty.


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