Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 10 - Human shield

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!

Wang Shen stood up, as if being punctured, and ran towards the gate of the playground while covering his buttocks.

And at the door, waiting for a long time, several physical education teachers sprinted over, a princess who hugged the waist, turned and ran.

Along the way there was no danger, it can be seen that the physical quality of the physical education teacher was excellent, and the short-distance return to the run but a blink of an eye saved Wang Shen.

In the teacher’s arms, Wang Shen’s spirit finally relaxed, a trance, his eyes closed and fainted.


not far away

A thin young man wearing a pure white T-shirt, thoughtfully looked at the unconscious Wang Shen, stroking his pet in his hand.

It is a miniature hummingbird, and the azure blue feathers have a striking dim light.

“Is this the case?” The teenager seemed to murmur, “People, pets, monsters …”

“People will be attacked by monsters, but there will be no wounds, but after pets are attacked, there are wounds.”

“Does this mean that pets can also attack monsters in reverse?”

“So, as our master …”

“Actually just an invincible shield?”

The teenager shook his lips, and suddenly a strange smile of interest.

“It really looks like a game.”

“I don’t know if there are gold coins or equipment after killing the monster?”

At this time, the teacher finally got the key, and after confirming that there was no one on the playground, the gate of the playground was immediately locked by the teachers with iron chains.

“Everyone went home immediately. The school has reported the incident to the Public Security Bureau. The local police will soon investigate. Please do n’t worry. Our school has discussed with the city ’s fifth middle school and will start tomorrow. The fifth middle school will definitely not affect the students’ academics! “

The sound of the big horn began to broadcast, and the familiar sound of the principal came from inside.

All students are beating, dazed, stunned, and at a loss.

Mommy, even if such a thing happened, can you still take classes? !

have to say.

Master, your efficiency is really fast!

Countless people gritted their teeth at the bottom of their hearts.

“Ah, if that’s the case, it’s boring!” The white boy reluctantly asked his companion: “Chen Li, do you want to try it?”

On the side of the boy in white, is a sullen boy, standing there with a hand on his shoulder.

“Chen Xiao, you shouldn’t ask me what you said.” The ragged boy eagerly tried. “If I’m not interested, why should I go?”

Had already guessed that his brother would say this, Chen Xiao confidently raised the corner of his mouth, and walked straight to the playground gate.

“Teacher, please open the door for us.”

Chen Xiao said that the physical education teacher standing at the door seemed to be a little impatient, and Zou frowned.

Kaka …

One tall and one short, Chen Li stood quietly with Chen Xiao, tilted his head, the squeaking of both hands squeaked, and his eyes were full of provocation and defiance.

“…” The PE teacher silently opened the chain.

“Thank you teacher.” Chen Xiao said very politely.

In this school, who doesn’t know Chen Li?

Although is not a fool, but he has a legend about a dozen people.

A dozen other people were beaten into the hospital by him. After Chen Li called the police, the police only said that he was just defending, and it was gone.

After World War I, no one in the school dared to provoke Chen Li. Even the teacher could not provoke.

As the younger brother of the school legend, Chen Xiao is a lot of low-key, all day long is like a three-good student, study hard every day.

Because he is Chen Li’s younger brother, others dare not bully him, but no one wants to be friends with him, everyone is afraid of trouble to get up.

Therefore, Chen Xiao’s high school career was extremely lonely.

Of course, he doesn’t think so.

In his opinion, learning is the greatest joy.

This also makes all subjects teachers like his quiet learning bully.

“Let go! Asshole, don’t hold on to me if you die!”

Chen Li’s expression was indifferent, holding a small and thin yellow hair mash in his left hand, and followed him step by step into the playground behind Chen Xiao.

“His …!”

The giant praying mantis leaped, and the sharp blade glowed with silver light. It gently instigated its wings and sprinted down at a rapid speed.

Chen Li also said that he spent several years at the Tagou Martial School, and he was very adaptable in fighting and fighting.

Huangmao only felt like a rag sandbag. The whole person was picked up. Before he could see clearly, he felt a sharp pain in the chest with a sharp blade tearing.


“Chen Li, you are not human … !!!”

“I will kill you!”


Aside, Chen Xiao analyzed: “With this shield, we are already based on undefeated. Next … Go! Pecking its eyes.”

“Buzz …”

A blue lightning flashed out, and there was a rapid and dense hum in the air.

“His …!”

The green liquid flew out of the head of the giant mantis, and its offensive paused for a moment with a painful hiss.

Chen Li was excited. Similarly, at his feet, a puppy tightly wrapped with a black fur on a rib was similar to his owner. UU reading had bloodthirsty eyes. Crazy.

Although it looks like it can blow away in a gust of wind.

The blue hummingbird attacked again, targeting the remaining eye of the giant praying mantis.

Almost at the same time, the giant praying mantis raised its head, slanting its head, covering its eyes with a sickle-shaped arm, while the other chopped towards the high-speed hummingbird.

The blue hummingbird’s body is not as big as this blade even if it is magnified ten times. Once it is hit, it will definitely be cut off without hindrance.

The kind that will not be screaming.

However, fortunately, Chen Li had already prepared for a long time.

I saw the blue muscles on his arm burst, and the yellow hair gangster who just read the first grade had not eased back from the last second of pain, and the whole person was dragged up again.


In the next moment, his screaming of fear turned into an extremely screaming scream, and it was clearly introduced into the ears of everyone who paid attention to it outside the playground.

Someone praised.

“Fuck, it really is Chen Li, it’s so fierce!”

“Great! I feel that this monster might not be able to beat them both.”

But some people sympathize.

“Teacher, Chen Li is crazy! Go and rescue that classmate.”


Hearing that someone praised himself, Chen Li was naturally happy. After all, he raised his hands without making faces, and pretended to be used to it. He also liked this feeling a little.

But then, it was a voice of sympathy for a girl.

Suddenly, Chen Li turned black, turned his head and saw a soft girl looking at herself with sympathetic and frightened eyes.

The girl looks pretty good.

But …

Actually said I was crazy? !

“Shut up! Stinky bama!”

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