Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 7. Why?

I couldn't move, not even retaliate. It was as if my own body was against me.


Move! Your useless body, move! I am your owner, I command you! Move!


With all my strengths I aimed at myself, making myself fly in the sky.

"YES! I can move!"

I created a set of bird wings to fly away as fast I could!

There is no way I can fight her! Need to escape!

"You won't escape."


She just appeared right above me!

Before I could react, one of her light beams hit me in the head, smashing me to the ground with the force of a meteorite! The impact caused me to splash into a pound of goo, leaving my core exposed.

[Extensive damage taken]


I reformed myself, revealing my true, monstrous self to the world.

The goddess slowly landed on the ground with the samurai behind her, who seemed to be in a dazed state.

"I forgot that you were originally a demon. Your kind always understood only violence. Maybe after a fight, you will be more cooperative. If not, you will at least understand the difference between an infant and a Queen."

"That's quite racist. Why the hell did you even come here yourself? Don't you have subjects to take care of the dirty work for you?"

"...I was the one who let you go. It is my responsibility to rectify my mistakes."

Around her, several balls made from light formed.

Oh, Shit.

"Cane of Beginning! Fourth Form!"

I slammed my stick into the ground and channeled its power into the ground.

By releasing this form, the power of the ability that the cane poses in quadruple, being in the same league as a high tier area spell.

The end of the cane shined in a golden light and it took the appearance as the head of a key.

Its head slide into the ground then I turned it.

"Key of Troy."

The ground started to shake violently, and one by one, buildings started to emerge. Houses, castles, towers, you name it they were there, popping out on top of each other soon creating a massive labyrinth that was almost as big as the sect itself.

Between me and the goddess, several towers were erected, yet I could still hear her.

"I see. You are planning to escape by using these terrains. I am sorry but this area is sealed. You can't escape."

"That was not the plan." I turned the key-cane again. "Crumble."

The buildings around us, shake again and they started to fall apart, their debris landing at the areas that I designed where I believe the goddess was.

I waited for a few seconds then feeling that it was not enough I created several hands on my body, each equipped with their own mouth.

"Original Magic: Rain of Hundred Elements!"

I carpet-bombed the pile of rubble with several different magic, pulverizing it to dust.

"D-Did I get her?"

I was a little short on breath since this used quite a bit of my energy. I made the hands disappear, then I chuckle a little.

"Are you honestly believing that an attack so boorish could harm me?"

What? A second ago there was no one there, now there she was still having that samurai floating behind her and her light balls still ready to be fired.

"You have to be kidding me! Compound Magic: Thunder Sphere."

From my free hand, several balls of electricity flew out, aiming at her.

"How primitive. Cancel."

The spells that I sent at her all vanished as if they were illusions.

"Petty tricks like these won't work on me. The only things that could are divine weapons or magic, but I don't believe that..."

"God's Body! Mass Manipulation!"

Like with the vampire, my body melted, becoming a pound of black-blue liquid.

"...Utterly disgusting."

Before I could touch her she floated up in the air while casting her light projectiles, which went through my liquid body like nothing, only causing a little pain.

"Hand creation! Mouth creation! Original Magic: Magic Bullet Hell!"

I made dozens of these hands each firing several magic consecutively.


Again, my spells turned into air, causing no damage.

FUCK! Nothing seems to, wait she said...

I made my top half emerge from the slime the I raised my hand.

"Fortuna, Forth Form!"

The weapon in my hand looked nothing like the one I usually use. It looked like a mixture of a rifle and a crossbow, that was richly decorated with golden leaves.

This strange construction was vibrating, as it was happy to be finally used.

This beauty was called Shandong.

I hope you are ready.

"Taste this! Divine Bullet: Disintegration."

I pulled the trigger. There was a huge recoil, it literally tore my shoulder off, but it was worth it.

The bullet flew, drawing an arc of hundred colors.

The goddess floated aside, but it was not enough.

One of the features of the weapon was tracking bullets. Once I aimed, it will chase its target to the end of the world.

No matter how she evaded it, the projectile would curve and followed her.

"...How annoying. Barrier."

She snapped her fingers creating a wall made from light between her and the projectiles.


The bullets exploded in contact with the barrier, shattering it into pieces.

It works! But I need more power!

I took a deep breath then shouted with all my might!


There was a moment of silence, then the earth started to rumble.

From the earth and the houses, people emerged only to throw themselves mindlessly into my slime.

In it, their bodies dissolved and fused with me.

[Soul fragments received]

[Mana capacity increased]

[Mental Capacity overloaded]

[System error]

'Kill her.'



I could hear voices in my head, desperate, begging to be in control.

"Shut up and let yourself be used!"

While I was testing my abilities at home, I stumbled upon something very powerful and decided to only use it when it was absolutely necessary. My nuclear solution of a sort.

I believe that against the queen of gods it's appropriate.

"Divine Appearance"

My body started to shine in a blinding blue light and all the slime around me converged into me. I could feel the change, the power coursing through me!

When the light was gone, I was reborn.

My body was almost six meters tall and covered with black fur with my lower half entirely made from arms that had mouths on their palms. On my back were a pair of bony branches resembling wings with different gems hanging on them as if they were fruits. My head was now that of a human, but it was constantly changing and shifting, with two antlers poking amongst my long, black hair. In the middle of my chest was a mouth with razor-sharp teethes, holding a crimson red eyeball between them.

[Divine appearance complete]

[All states enhanced by 500%]

[All madness related skills enhanced by 200%]


My weapon manifested in my free hand, in a size adequate for me to use.


I pulled the trigger, this time also was a recoil, but now my shoulder stayed attached.

"...It seems like I underestimated you. BarrierX100"

In an instant, she covered herself with multiple barriers.

My bullets torn through her first layers, and they were going through it steadily, but she didn't seem to be bothered.

"Allow me to get also serious. Shakujō."

In her hand, a staff appeared. From where I stud, I couldn't tell how it looked like exactly, but it exuded an immense pressure.

"Second Release: Holy Land."

I couldn't understand it.

I used all my strengths yet; with ease, she erased my bullets.

Just a little light and buff, bullets gone.

The barrier cracked open, letting her hair floated in the air.


The crossbow changed into a long sword-like structure and using the hands, I jumped into the air, slashing at her with all my power.

"So barbaric. Calibur, Second Form: Sin Breaker."

In her free hand a longsword made from pure light, formed, then by holding it up in the air, she cut my blade in two.


The surprise didn't stop there.

She stabbed me in the chest, millimeters from where my core was then increased its heat, cooking me from my insides.


[Divine Curse: Omni-Erasing detected!]

[Titles been lost.]

[Name been lost.]

[Skills been lost]


While I was screaming in pain, she approached her scepter to my face.

"I believe it's my turn. Fourth Form: Tlāloc"

Shit, I need to escape!

I was too slow. The second crossed my mind, I was already torn to shreds by an attack that I couldn't even see.

One after the other, the cores inside my body were destroyed, as if they exploded from the inside.

She those this on purpose! She aimed at the extra cores to weaken me!

When the attack stopped, I retransformed to my monster form, completely exhausted, almost at the brink of death. There were two or three cores left in me, but they were inert, too scared to do anything.

T-This is the power of the Queen?! She beat me, without any effort!

Astera floated above me, looking down on me with all the meaning of this word. The samurai was long gone, blasted away in the fight, or who knows.

"It seems like you are ready for your sentence."


"What, you have some last words? I guess I can listen to it before I take you in."



With my broken weapon, I stabbed her in the stomach and pulled the trigger.

What? Turning a gun into a sword is ridiculous. A shotgun sword on the other hand.

She screamed in pain, her stomach a mangled mess of golden flesh, that was leaking great quantities of golden blood.

It smells... GOOD.

I didn't think I just acted, while she was still disoriented, I grabbed her shoulder and bit in it.

She kept on screaming but I didn't care, I bit and drunk her blood, filling my body with some sort of warmth. The other cores seemed to also notice this, since several mouthed hands emerged from my body, grabbing and biting her where they could.


Her body started to warm up and rays of light started to shine from her eye.

Not good!

" Telekinesis: Push!"

Using the strength that I took from her I pushed her into a nearby wall, making the building collapse on her.

Quickly, I placed my hand on my chest and concentrated, while drawing a magic circle on it.

" I Destin Torres shall answer any prayer or wish that's in the power of my abilities."

I finished the circle and put the last bits of energy into it. The building that just collapsed started to radiate a bright light that melted the bricks.

"Summoning Magic: Reverse Demon Summoning."

I could feel it.

Mc core was moved out my body transported elsewhere, while my mortal coil followed it in the form of a black gas.

Soon I was in was at a completely different place, but there was no time to think about it.

I grabbed the one who called me and teleported back home, landing on soft sand with my new buddy unconscious. 


I survived...

Now that I was out of a near-death experience a feeling started to form in me. It was dark, strong, but not unfamiliar.


I hate her.

I despise her.

I want to kill her.

I want to tear her to shreds and burn her. BUT not kill her. NO, I want to torture her, drive her mad, I want to see it.


She is the reason why I became like this. She brought me into this madness. She is the cause of everything that happened to ME.

...Hehe, it's poetic. With the strengths that she didn't see, I shall crush her.

" But first."

I looked at my savior. It was an old man who looked ravaged. His white beard was uncut and long, and the silk robe he was wearing was torn. He was unconscious maybe because of the shock he felt when I grabbed him.

"I will talk with him when he-"


I could hear her voice! How, did she find me?! I looked around but there was no one.

Wha-OOOH, she is in my head.


"Hehehehehe, sorry, but I am kinda cozy in here. I will stay here, but if you have a problem with it, you are welcome to try and stop me."


"Bitch, tell me something I do not know."

The voice in my head shut up, leaving me in silence.

I need to start over.

I lost all my troops to that goddess, except for Bei, who decided to play chicken! How do I make contracts if I can not leave this place? Wait, that's it!

I snapped my fingers, calling one of my avatars to me.

"Go inside him."

The monster liquified then flowed into the man's mouth, leaving no drop behind.

While it was it I took a sit on my throne and concentrated.


[Continuous Errors been detected in the system]

[System will be only active for 5 hours then it will turn off to reboot.]

[by exiting the world, the reboot will start immediately.]

Fuck, now this. I am a wreck at this point.

I concentrated and entered my mental world. There I went to the only house that was still standing and entered.

There I found myself in a hut, that was dimly lit. Before a small fireplace, the old man was sitting there, warming his hand in the fire, while smoking a cigarette and whispering a song.

"Sorry old-timer, but it's time to go."

I walked to him and placed my hand on one of his shoulders.

Soon I saw the world through his eyes and felt the sand beneath my fingers.


Ugh, I do not like his voice. It's so... old. I should work on this puppet a little.

I returned to my own body then. Using my Divine Body, I started to work a little bit on it.

"We shorten this, we lengthen this, make this part smoother, let's put some muscles here aaaand done!"

In place of the hobo now was a gentleman in a suit. He had white short hair with a mustache. His blue eyes were hidden behind thick glasses.

For the final touch, I put the crooked cross that was on my chest on its back and a fedora, making him look respectable.

"Now let's test this baby out."

I sat back to my throne and put my mind into the old man's body.

"Alright, I can work with this. I wonder if I still have some monster avatars that I can ingest to strengthen my body. "

I snapped my fingers, calling some monster puppets out from the reserves.

"Let's see, we have a deer, a monkey, and a wolf... I will go with the monkey."

The deer was a dead giveaway of my identity and the wolf was... well not my style.

The monkey avatar turned into the goo that I knew and loved, then it flows into my body through my mouth.

"How did Bei did it? Armor?"

At my command, my clothing immediately changed. I now was wearing a black coat that reached my ankles, that had a line of black fur on it send, neck, and slews. On its back was a human spine that reached the ground. There were also two huge arms almost twice the size of my actual arms, moving the same way as I did with my real ones.

My face was partially covered with the razor-sharp jaws of the monkey.

"Nice. This is really n-Auh!"

It bit me! The deer avatar bit me! How can it bite without my consent? Do they have some sort of lingering intelligence?

Before I could think more, the deer also turned into the black liquid and entered my wound in a flash leaving no trace behind.


[Secondary protection unlocked]


My clothing changed again. Now the coat was covered with bits of bones acting as armor, the giant monkey hands became thicker and stronger and the tail lengthened by a meter and ended with a sharp-looking bone. Also, my head was covered again with the deer mask.

"Can I turn it off?"

I could. I only needed to think about it, and it happened.

"Okay..., this is awesome."

Ugh, this sounded wrong coming from an old man's mouth. I need to make this look younger or I need to speak respectably from now on.

I sent away the wolf before it got any ideas then I waited for Bei to hatch.


"Speaking of the devil."

The eg fell apart covering the sand with a viscous liquid. Among the eggshells and the water was a young woman.

I walked to her and offered her my hand.

"Happy Birthday. From this day forward you are reborn. Are you ready for our new lives?"


[Time's up]

[All system functions shut down]

[System no longer assists the user.]

[Thank you for using us.]




[ Main system shut down]


[Connection complete]

[Subsystem activated]

[■■■■ •■■ •■■■■ been decoded]

[Sub quest been uploaded to the subconscious.]

[Awaiting further commands...]

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