Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 101

Chapter 105 Lift off

{Phantom has a thumbnail in the role of the starting point APP. I don’t know if the custom picture can be reviewed or not. Readers of QRead, the author tried to publish the picture, but unfortunately it has been deleted by the system.

So the author here tells everyone that if you want to watch the “Halo” equipment, you can go to station B to search for the halo legend. The eighth episode has the prototype of the Phantom.

There are other equipment that will appear in the future. You can also watch other episodes. }

When Kent saw Jacob Case turning around and extending his right hand to show his favor, Kent couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Captain Case?!!!”

“Huh? What’s the matter?” Case was taken aback, wondering why the young leader in front of him was so gaffe.

“Oh oh, it’s okay.” Kent slowed down, stretched out his hands and shook hands with Case, and said: “It’s just that you look like a relative of mine, don’t think too much.”

“That’s it.” Case smiled when he heard the words.

‘My relative is a ghost! I found a treasure, and today I made a lot of money! ’

Kent was ecstatic in his heart, and even the eyes that looked at Nikolai aside were full of joy, making Nikolai tremble all over his body.

Jacob Keys is the captain in “Halo CE” and the first captain to appear in the “Halo” series. Once he appeared, he gave the players a direct look and feel, and that is this guy. He is a ruthless person.

Yes, it was described in the “Halo” novel that Case leaned on a destroyer and killed one destroyer and two cruisers of the Star Alliance through his own maneuver tactics.

You need to know that the technology of human warships and Star Covenant warships is not dominant, usually the ratio of combat power is 3:1, which means that only three human warships can kill one Star Covenant warship, and the human side has suffered heavy losses.

Under the command of Case, it was a surprise that one ship killed three ships, indicating that its command ability was very strong.

Now that Kent has Case as the captain of the Phantom, at least there is no need to worry about being chased by the coalition government forces. It is more than enough to escape with Case’s technology.

At this time, Kent said to Nikolai: “Nikola, can the Phantom take off?”

“No problem.” Nikolai patted his chest, turned around and took the men to leave, and said: “You can lift off now, I will open the top gate of the hangar.”

After speaking, Nikolai and his men left the bridge and walked out of the Phantom.

After a while, I saw through the glass in the bridge that the top of the hangar was slowly opened, and the sun began to scatter on the dark gray Phantom.

Seeing this situation, Kent said to Case: “Jacob Case, from now on, as the captain of the blue mercenary group, I order you to be the captain of the Phantom, and give full authority to driving and combat. with you.”

“Yes! Leader!”

Although it looks a little funny, a young Case salutes the young Kent, but the Phantom is the asset of the Blue Mercenary Group, and all the personnel above belong to Kent, so there is no problem.

[I have received emotional feedback from Jacob Keys, the degree is good, and 5 points are given. 】

[I have received emotional feedback from Jacob Keys, the level of trust is trust, and 10 points are given. 】

Listening to the system reminding him, Kent has some new understanding of the captain, that is, the other party has a feeling of death for a confidant. As long as you trust him, he will trust you.

Then, Kent waved to Simon, Irene and others behind him: “You go to the equipment room first and put your equipment there, or if you have any favorite guns, pick it yourself.”

“I see.” Simon gave a soft voice, and led a few people out of the bridge.

Now there are only five instruments left in the bridge that Kent can’t understand, and Case standing in the position of the captain. After looking through the glass of the hangar, Case said to Kent: “Captain, it’s already It can be lifted off.”

“Yeah.” Ken Jun nodded and said solemnly: “Captain, turn on the optical camouflage. Although there are few people here, I don’t want Nicholas to be caught by the government.”

“Yes.” Case nodded at Ken, and the five pilots of the team who turned around said: “Prepare to turn on the optical camouflage, and the energy shield waits for it to fly out of the hangar and then turn it on, ready to take off.”

“Yes, Captain.” After hearing the words, the five people only felt the entire battleship sway and began to slowly move upward.

Kent watched this scene from the bridge, and felt that the “Halo” battleship was too advanced. This escape from the restraint of gravity is as smooth as taking an elevator.

After a while, the Phantom slowly lifted into the sky in stealth mode. If you look at it up close, you can still find the outline, but you can see a trace of abnormality in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Case gave another order: “Go into the Earth’s low-Earth orbit!”


Following Case’s command and the driver’s answer, the Phantom suddenly accelerated and rose quickly, while Kent and others felt almost no turbulence in the Phantom, but reached low-Earth orbit within a few minutes and began to orbit the earth. flight.

Kent has never seen the earth from this angle. Looking at the blue planet, he can’t help but feel the greatness of nature inside.

Then, Kent said to Case: “Captain, we have to stay in space for 20 hours, and then we will go over London when I order.”

“Yes, just leave it to me.” Case nodded.

“Well, then I’m going to tidy up my equipment too, so I’ll trouble you to pay attention to what’s going on.”


Kent walked out of the bridge with his equipment bag after he finished speaking, and Case also waited for Kent to leave and sat in the captain’s position.


Apparatus room;

“This individual equipment is pretty good There are 20 sets, and I don’t know where Nicholas brought it here.”

“Who knows, and it was unconditionally gifted to the leader. I think the leader and Nikolai must have a PY deal.”

“What are you two talking about here?”

While Nova and Carlos were looking at the ODST individual equipment hanging in the equipment room and chatting, Kent heard Carlos talking about PY transactions, and walked over with a black face.

“I, didn’t say anything, captain! I’m finished! I’m going back to the dormitory!” Carlos ran away in a hurry, he didn’t want to be kicked again.

“This guy.” Kent looked at Carlos and shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Nova took the “Halo” heavy SRS99D sniper rifle and said to Kent: “Hey, this gun is not bad, much better than my C20A.”

Kent looked at Nova holding one of the most classic guns in “Halo” and said: “Of course, the theoretical range of this gun is 3000 kilometers, and the ballistic will only run off after 3000 meters. It must be better than your C20A. what.

By the way, don’t always ah ah ah, I have a name, call me Kent or the head of the team. ”

“I don’t.” Nova put the SRS99D on the bench aside, watching Kent with a weird smile, and walking towards him slowly with catwalks.

“What…what do you want to do?” Kent couldn’t help but’shocked’ when he saw this, and quickly backed away, but only a few steps back, he reached the gun rack behind him, and there was no way to go back.

At this time, Kent and Nova were left in the equipment room. The others had already packed up their equipment and went to find a favorite cabin as a dormitory.

“Grumbling!” Kent looked at Nova, who was dressed in casual clothes, and then at her proud figure, blushing appeared on his cheeks.

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