Summoning America

Chapter 177: To Mu

Author's Note (Story and Patreon Updates):


Please support Manifest Fantasy on Reddit (r/HFY) by upvoting and commenting! I'm lowering the milestone so I'll upload one extra chapter on Manifest Fantasy and Summoning America if I get 400 (previously 600) average likes on my Manifest Fantasy Reddit chapters.


Note 2:


Chapter 178 is now out for all Tier 2 Patrons and higher! Tier 2 Patrons and higher will be able to read one chapter ahead!



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January 17, 1641

Washington, D.C.

United States


War is hell – mostly for the Gra Valkans. Any reasonable force would’ve capitulated at this point; President Lee couldn’t imagine how World War 2 would’ve panned out if they had lost dozens of carriers without even dealing a single blow to Japan. So, why did the Gra Valkans keep fighting? Were they simply idiotic? The leaders of the Fourth and Fifth Conquest Fleets didn’t seem so.

Well, he’d find out soon enough. He sighed as he walked down the hallway, making his way to the Situation Room. He pushed open the door to find the room already filled with his top advisors, from Secretary of Defense Robert Hill to the Director of National Intelligence Allen Fitch and his clandestine counterpart, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Ethan Klein.

“I don’t want to keep everyone waiting any longer. Let’s begin,” Lee announced, commanding the room’s attention as he took his seat at the head of the table. A large screen to the side was already active, revealing Admiral Hawthorne’s visage.


Hawthorne’s briefing on the Battle of Junnaral commenced, “Mr. President, the Seventh Fleet achieved a significant strategic victory against the Gra Valkas Empire near the Mirishial port city of Junnaral. The complete neutralization of all enemy carriers has effectively diminished the Fourth Conquest Fleet’s operational capabilities. Following the surrender of their commanding officer, the remaining escorts retreated north.”

Lee’s brow furrowed slightly at the mention of the retreat. It was a victory, yes, but the fleeing remnants of the enemy fleet were like wounded animals – potentially more dangerous in their desperation. Hawthorne seemed to anticipate his concern, continuing, “Though they lack the necessary range to pose a threat beyond visual engagement distances, they can still potentially threaten Mirishial assets. Thus, DESRON 15 has been tasked with containment and neutralization efforts against these remaining enemy units. Their objective is to eliminate any potential for enemy regrouping or counter-offensive actions within the Mirishial sector.


I’m pleased to report that our forces sustained no casualties during this operation. Our logistical operations are proceeding as planned. The Seventh Fleet’s underway replenishment is on schedule, with completion anticipated by no later than January 25th. In the meantime, we will be overseeing rescue efforts and the processing of the Gra Valkan POWs.”

The Gra Valkans’ tenacity was as much a curse as it was a commendable trait. What drove them to continue, in the face of such losses? What did they hope to achieve? “Thank you, Admiral,” he gave a respectful nod to the screen. “Keep us updated.”


As Hawthorne’s image faded from the screen, Lee returned to his circle of advisors. Lee focused on the last part of Hawthorne’s report. “So, January 25? Do we have any updates on the Gra Valkan fleets?”

The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jonathan Richmond, rustled his papers as he responded, “Yes, Mr. President. Our latest intelligence indicates the Gra Valkan Second Conquest Fleet is currently navigating the Artticus Ocean, with an adjusted ETA to Mykal on the 27th due to our selective jamming operations. The Third Conquest Fleet is projected to approach Otaheit by the morning of the 29th.”

Lee absorbed the information, considering the effectiveness of their little decoy. “So we’ve bought a couple days and it still wasn’t enough. Think they’ll fall for it a second time?”


Richmond weighed the question, but the look on his face suggested that the short answer was ‘no’. “It’s possible, Mr. President. However, the Gra Valkans might have adjusted their protocols after the last incident; I’d say its unlikely they’d fall for the same trick twice.”


Hill interjected, “The additional time has allowed Mu to enhance its coastal defenses. The Pal Chimera that got shot down months ago is still inoperational, but the rest of their forces are prepared for round two. If anything, they should be able to last long enough until our fleets arrive.”

“Yeah,” Lee nodded, “so about our fleets, what’re we looking at for the Fifth and the Seventh?”


“The Fifth Fleet, currently near Follicus Island, is set to depart immediately, with an ETA around the 28th to support the defenses around Mykal. Assuming the Seventh Fleet departs post-UNREP on the 25th, they’ll likely reach Otaheit by the 30th,” Richmond detailed.

That didn’t sound too promising for the Fifth Fleet. “And our munitions stockpile?” Lee asked. “Given the scale of the Gra Valkan fleets, there’s a chance we might run low, especially with the Fifth possibly engaging two different Conquest Fleets.”


Richmond nodded, though he seemed more confident than concerned. “Yup, the Fifth Fleet will be engaging in extensive combat operations. We’ve calculated that their ammunition could run low, but they should have enough to decisively engage and rout the Gra Valkan fleets.”


Hill added, “Our analysis shows that while the Fifth Fleet might deplete a significant portion of its munitions, it is much more probable that the enemy fleets will surrender after the loss of key targets, namely their carriers.”


Come to think of it, the other fleet admirals they’d encountered were mostly reasonable. Dietrich and Mirkenses surrendered fairly quickly, albeit at the cost of their capital ships. If all they had to do was take out the enemy’s carriers, then both fleets could capitulate with a small salvo of a few dozen missiles. Satisfied with their current plan, Lee moved on. “Very well. I’ll let you handle the rest. Keep me updated on the progress and any changes in the Gra Valkans’ fleet movements.”


After receiving a nod from Richmond, Lee continued, “Once we secure Otaheit and Mu, what will the Fifth and Seventh Fleets do next?”


Richmond pulled up a presentation, showing a digital map of the Artticus Ocean overlaid with various indicators and icons. “Post-stabilization of Otaheit and Mu, our focus will shift to the Oster Front. The Gra Valkans have made significant progress on the Oster Plains, and are almost halfway to Mykal from the border of Sonal. The 31st and 26th Marine Expeditionary Units are prepped for rapid deployment. Their primary objectives will be to secure the strategic locales of Brouillard Heights along the halfway point and the Verdant Fields adjacent to it.”


Brouillard Heights – the name was familiar. If he recalled correctly, it housed an important train station like the one in Durnsbury. It was certainly an objective they needed to secure, but he didn’t like the idea of throwing his marines into the grinder that was the Oster Plains. They wouldn’t have the same level of advantage on the ground as they do at sea or in the air. “And the support from our EDI allies?”


The presentation swapped to an image of unit deployments around the Oster Front as Hill responded, “The Muan 4th Cavalry Division and the 7th Regiment de Fusiliers will be joining our forces alongside new reinforcements from the Mirishials. Our marines will focus on armor support, deploying their Abrams, Bookers, and new Strykers to counteract the Gra Valkan armored units.”

Richmond assured further, “Brouillard isn’t too far inland; it’s close enough to the shore for air wings from both fleets to provide close air support. Past Brouillard though, we’ll only have cruise missiles for support until we get our bases up and running.”


“How long will that take?” Lee asked.


Hill responded, “We’re establishing forward operating bases at Marchfield Pass and New Dunwich, leveraging Muan strongholds as close to the front line as possible. Construction and initial foundations should begin within a week after landfall in Mykal, with supply lines maintained by the 15th Combat Logistics Battalion. In the meantime, we’re having the Muans retrofit their airfields and other facilities to accommodate our equipment.”


Richmond continued to the next slide, which zoomed out a bit and brought attention back to Mykal. The map depicted arrows and icons pointing toward Mykal. “And to further bolster our ground operations, we’re scheduling the arrival of Army and Air Force units to support the marines.”


The presentation then brought up a list of all deployed units, starting with the 101st Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, the 82nd Airborne Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team, and the 1st Cavalry Division’s 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team. “The Hundred-and-First’s Bastogne will be the first to make landfall, followed by the 82nd’s Panthers and the First’s Black Jack,” Hill explained.


The presentation listed a general number of units to be deployed, including multiple dozens of JLTVs, Humvees, and Strykers for troops transport and deployment; HIMARS, Paladins, and other Howitzer units for artillery; Bradleys, Bookers, and Abrams to support infantry and fight against Gra Valkan armor; and Apaches alongside Black Hawks for air support and air mobility.

Hill continued, “They’ll then be supported by elements from the Air Force, which include A-10s, A-29s, Reapers, F-16s, F-15s, B-52s, C-130s, C-17s, and support aircraft for ELINT, general surveillance, refueling, and other logistical concerns.”

Lee nodded along, reading the corresponding units the equipment belonged to: the 355th Wing, the 432nd Wing, the 20th Fighter Wing, the 5th Bomb Wing, and more. The slide then changed as the topic shifted to scheduling and timelines.

Hill glanced up at the screen, then back to Lee. “Thankfully, the Muans’ efforts in renovating their airfields have been completed, so this means our airborne elements can be airlifted relatively quickly using the C-130s and C-17s. Smaller units will start arriving about 48 hours after deployment orders, departing from our base in Galavete. We’ve secured availability for dozens of EPFs, LSDs, and other transport vessels, but it’ll still take up to three weeks for all armored elements to be deployed. On the other hand, units from the Air Force should start streaming in immediately, with Mu agreeing to let us use their bases for our equipment and personnel.”

That pretty much covered their next steps for their objectives on the ground, but there was still a huge thorn they needed to deal with. “What about the Conshal Islands?”

Admiral Richmond initiated the next part of their briefing with a strategic overview displayed on the screen behind him. “After the Seventh Fleet deploys the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit to Mu and finishes their resupply, they’ll immediately transition to focus on the Gra Valkan presence there.”


As he spoke, the screen lit up with a detailed map of the Conshal Islands, pinpointing the Gra Valkan naval base and its proximity to Mykal. Animated vectors illustrated the potential threat radius.


Hill brought up the next slide, which showcased a phased plan. “Our strategy involves a two-pronged approach. Initially, the Seventh Fleet will conduct precision strikes against key assets within the naval base and its defending fleet using long-range missiles, significantly degrading their operational capabilities.”


The simulation on the screen depicted Tomahawk cruise missiles launching from destroyers, tracing arcs towards the Conshal Islands, followed by simulated explosions marking the intended impact on the Gra Valkan targets.


Hill continued, “Following the strikes, the Seventh Fleet will establish a containment perimeter, preventing any Gra Valkan naval forces from launching counterattacks toward Mirishial territory or reinforcing their positions in Mu. A Company from the Second Battalion, First Marines will remain on standby for deployment if the Gra Valkan forces do not surrender.”


A new animation returned to the Fifth Fleet’s role, back in Mu. Richmond pointed to the icons on the screen, “Simultaneously, the Fifth Fleet will remain engaged in supporting ground operations in Mu, ensuring our marines and allied forces have the naval firepower and logistical support they need to secure objectives on the ground.”

“Right, so that about wraps up our near-term outlook for our operations in Mu, yeah?” Lee looked around, seeing a chorus of nods. “Well then, what’s next on the agenda?”


Secretary of State Gordon Heiden stood up, gesturing toward Fitch, Klein, and a representative from the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. “The next item on the agenda revolves around the VIPs extracted from Ragna, who have just arrived here in D.C.”


“Ah, Emperor Gra Lux and his family, yes,” Lee nodded. He was wondering what had happened to them after their rescue; now he had his answer. “I assume our guests are doing fine? No ‘incidents’ with any of the Elysians around here, I hope.”


“Fortunately, we’ve managed to avoid that so far,” Heiden answered. “They just settled in yesterday and are currently finishing a meeting with the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. Here are their next steps,” he said, bringing up a schedule for each Gra Valkan.


Lee analyzed it. It was just about what he had expected – lessons to help them accommodate to their new lives here, even if temporarily, and various meetings with sections of the government. The DoD seemed keen on extracting intelligence from the likes of Pastall, while meetings with Fitch’s and Klein’s men were interspersed throughout the schedule of every Gra Valkan. But, what caught his attention most was the training regiment for the Crown Prince, Gra Cabal.

He had visited months back, and judging from his personality then, he seemed much less of a warmonger than any other Gra Valkan he was familiar with. Most importantly, Gra Cabal understood the difference in power between his nation and the United States – and saw friendship with the U.S. as the best path to take. “Gra Cabal huh, he’s in the Bureau meeting now? I wonder how that’s coming along.”

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