Summoning America

Chapter 15: Esthirant

July 30, 1639

Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire


A blonde man in his early thirties with an elegant mustache sat in his office, sifting through piles of documents. “Nahanath… insignificant. Topa… ending their slave trades? Hoho, I’ll take a look at that later.” He placed the reports to the side. “Fenn, still ‘deciding’? My, this lease deal is the best thing we’ve ever offered to a barbarian country! Bunch of ungrateful savages…”


Finally, he settled on the report from the Rodenius continent. “Ahh,” he smiled, “Louria’s war of conquest and genocide. How typical of savages to engage with the ethnic cleansing of demihumans… Well, that doesn’t matter as long as we secure Rodenius under our thumb!” He read the reports, which had been set aside for the past few weeks due to an overload of bureaucratic work. “Hmm?” He raised an eyebrow. “They lost their fleet?! To… the Americans? Who the hell?!”


The more he read, the dizzier he got. “Iron ships, iron dragons… transferred country?! What sort of fantasy nonsense is this?!” He scoffed at the absurdity of the report, failing to see any semblance of reason in it. Still, he realized that his subordinates wouldn’t throw away their jobs for some joke, so he decided to investigate. 


He looked through his cabinets for files involving Mu and the Holy Mirishial Empire, since he knew they had metal vehicles. While he was busy combing through a drawer, he heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” he said. 


One of his subordinates entered, the receptionist out front. “Lord Kaios,” she said. “You might want to come to the pier. There’s something you should see.”


Kaios sighed. “Raita, I shall admit, you are indeed pretty, but I’m quite busy here…”


“Oh,” she blushed. “That’s not what I meant. There’s a fleet of metal ships out on the water!”


“Metal ships?” Kaios immediately put his materials back in the cabinets. “Let’s go.”




One day ago

U.S. Third Fleet, en route to Esthirant


Ambassador Anders walked along the deck of the USS Carl Vinson, snapping pictures with his phone to send back to his wife. As he moved his camera around, trying to find a good scene to capture, he noticed someone walk in front, waving his hand and smiling. 


He lowered his phone to get a good look at the man, a bearded Hispanic colleague of his. “Holy crap, Miguel?” Anders broke into a smile. 


“Yea, bet you thought I was gone forever, huh?”


“I thought you were vacationing with your folks down in Mexico?”


“Yeah, I was. We happened to be in the embassy when the storm hit though, so we got lucky haha. I’m gonna want my 500 now though.”


Anders couldn’t even be mad. He pulled out his wallet and forked over 5 bills. “Seriously? You see me and the first thing that comes to your mind is the bet?” Anders chuckled, shaking his head. 


“Hey man, couldn’t let you forget. Y’know, just in case God pulls off another teleportation act. Gotta cash in while we’re both still in the same plane of existence.”


“Always the logical one…”


They shared a laugh as waves splashed onto their ship’s hull. Miguel broke the silence, “So, what are you doing here anyway? I heard you were our guy for the Qua Toyne folks.”


“Yeah, I was supposed to still be down there, helping to find more info about these Ravernal guys, but that shady prisoner we picked up from the Lourian fleet finally cracked. Turns out he’s from the Parpaldian Empire, so the President decided that now’s a good time to pay them a visit.”


“Picked you probably since you’ve got the most experience with this world’s foreign affairs, eh?”




“Bit strange how we’re sending a whole fleet to establish diplomacy,” Miguel commented. 


“Did you check the message from Washington earlier this morning?”


Miguel shook his head. 


“Well, essentially the Parpaldians are incredibly stuck up and arrogant. Guy we captured from the Lourian fleet assumed we were some weak barbarian nation, since we’re located in the ‘uncivilized regions’ and have no magic.”


Miguel smirked in surprise, “Seriously? Just because of our location and lack of magic?”


“Yeah. Ingrained into their mindset and culture I guess. So, the President wants to conduct gunboat diplomacy from now on. Seems that most of the so-called ‘civilized’ countries of this planet consist of a bunch of ignorant folks.”


The intercom interrupted their conversation. “Ambassador Anders to the bridge, please.”




A white bearded man called out to Anders. “Ambassador, we’ve detected a group of ships on radar. They’re hailing us now on the uh… manacomm. How the hell do you even use this thing?”


Anders walked over to the device. “Parpaldians?”


“Yes, that’s what they’ve identified themselves as.”


“Alright, thank you admiral. I’ll take it from here.” He answered the Parpaldian communication request. 


“Unidentified metal vessels, you are approaching Parpaldian territorial waters! State your identity and intentions!”


“Ahem, I am Ambassador Anders with the United States of America. I am traveling aboard the USS Carl Vinson with the United States Navy Third Fleet, and our purpose is to establish diplomatic relations with the Parpaldian Empire.”


A moment of silence followed while the Parpaldians on the other end shared several whispers. 




“United States of America? I’ve never heard of that nation before.” The captain scratched his head, trying to remember the history lessons from the academy.


His second in command was similarly lost. “Perhaps they’re some barbarian nation that was newly formed?”


“Hmm, perhaps. Let’s inform HQ, maybe they’ll know something. Oh, I see ships along the horizon!”


The pair used their spotting scopes to analyze the ships, nearly dropping them in shock as the fleet came into view. The captain approached the manacomm. “I see some giant metal ships over the horizon…”


“Yes, that’s us,” a voice replied. 


He let go of the manacomm to discuss with his XO. “Metal ships… Those can only be found in the second and first civilized regions. And that one in the middle looks like a carrier, with metal aircraft, just like Mu!”


“Indeed, captain. The magical detector is barely registering their vessels. What is a second-class nation’s fleet doing all the way out here?”


“Eh, we’re not paid enough to figure that out. Let’s just send this in to command and let them deal with it.”


He turned the manacomm back on. “Before we allow you to proceed, we require you to answer a few questions. First, where is your country located?”


The polished voice from earlier responded. “Our mainland is located several thousand miles to the east of the Rodenius continent.”


The captain put his hand over the manacomm, speaking to his comrade with a hushed whisper. “Isn’t there only open ocean out there?”


“Yes, but it’s also possible the early explorers missed something. After all, the waters out there have been since saturated with Krakens and other beasts. These newcomers must be fairly formidable to have gotten past the monsters.”


The captain removed his hand from the manacomm. “And… you’re a new nation? Do you have any affiliation with the first or second civilized regions?”


“Yes, we’re a new nation. What do you mean by the first and second civilized regions?”


“I guess that’s a no. Very well. You may anchor your fleet offshore and send a smaller boat to dock at the port of Esthirant. Follow our vessels.”




July 30, 1639

Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire


Raita pointed to the metal vessels. “My, they are huge!”


Kaios crossed his arms. “Huh, so size does matter,” he muttered. 


“What was that?” She turned her head. 


“Oh, nothing. Just saying how they really are sizable.”


“Hmm. Lord Kaios, they really do look like Mu’s ships, but larger.”


Despite being several miles from the shore, the aircraft carrier out on sea clearly dwarfed the small Parpaldian escorts beside it. The carrier was accompanied by several large vessels with a single cannon in front of a boxy castle-like construction and numerous smaller vessels, also with a single cannon. Kaios gawked slightly as he realized that even the smallest of the metal ships were larger than the Parpaldian gunboats by a significant margin. 


Far past the carrier, dozens of ships maintained their distance along the edge of the horizon. Among these vessels, he could count at least two more carriers. Surprised at the sheer scope of the fleet, he wondered who would be crazy enough to send such a force — which can be compared to a full-scale invasion force — simply for diplomatic purposes. Unbeknownst to him, the Americans had, with the recommendation of the captured observation officer Varhal, enacted a policy introduced by one of their greatest leaders. Thanks to the arrogant nature of this world’s nations, the United States saw it fit to carry a gigantic stick of unmatched proportions. “Good heavens…”


Three rowboats emerged from the carrier. As they approached the port, he noticed that none of the passengers were rowing and that the small crafts were moving much faster than any row boat might be capable of. “Could they be using the Tears of the Wind God to propel their craft?”


Raita squinted her eyes to get a better look. “They don’t have sails, so what would the Tears even be used to push?”


“Hm, right. Let us greet these newcomers.”


“Sir, shouldn’t this be the mission of the Second Foreign Affairs Department, seeing as how these ships are likely from Mu or one of their neighboring countries?”


Kaios thought back to his early ambitions for becoming the director of the First Foreign Affairs Department. He subtly clenched his fist, not wanting to lose another opportunity of greatness. “No. These ‘Americans’ have stated that their nation is east of Rodenius. Technically, this falls under my department, and this shall continue to be the case unless otherwise stated by my superiors.”


Two metal dragons flew off the carrier and went out toward the sea, then rapidly accelerated upward before disappearing out of sight. The sound of objects cutting through the air reached the port, where people gasped and pointed at the event. They returned from the right, producing a cloudy blossom as they broke the sound barrier overhead. Two distinct sonic booms echoed throughout the port, shocking many of Esthirant’s onlookers. 


Raita smiled. “That was quite the exhilarating spectacle! I sure hope we retain jurisdiction over these Americans. How shall we treat them?”


“Certainly not with hostility, after seeing this demonstration. My concern lies with preventing the Second or First departments from taking this prize away from me. Imagine if I could pave the road for unlocking their metal secrets; we would no longer live under Mu’s shadow! Clearly, these aircraft surpass Mu’s Marin fighters.”


“Hmm, I’m sure glad it’s you who is giving these newcomers their first impression of the Parpaldian Empire. I couldn’t imagine how awful it would be if someone as snobbish as Elto was assigned to this.” 


“Heh. Definitely.” Kaios wondered if Raita knew about his rivalry with Elto. “Their boats are docking. Let’s go and welcome them.”


The pair pushed through the crowd that had gathered along the docks. In front, dozens of Parpaldian musket men stood at the ready, parting to let Kaios and Raita pass. The dark-colored boats moved up, producing a strange sound as it cut through the water. Their men held weapons quite similar in design to muskets, but were much more slim. With professional efficiency, the Americans secured their boats to the dock, culminating in the disappearance of the strange noises. 


Two of them wore different attire from the others; they wore sharp, stylish suits. The Parpaldians couldn’t help but think about the people from Mu, who also wore such apparel. Kaios walked up to greet the man leading the American team, a tall Caucasian with light brown hair. “Greetings, I am Director Kaios of the Third Foreign Affairs Department. On behalf of the Parpaldian Empire, I welcome you to our capital city of Esthirant,” he bowed. 


“Thank you for the warm welcome,” the man replied, reciprocating his bow. “I’m Ambassador Anders and the man beside me is Ambassador Rodriguez. We’ll be conducting diplomacy on behalf of the United States of America.”


“Well then, the Third Foreign Affairs Office is not too far from here. Mind if we walk?”


“I don’t mind,” Anders said, surveying his surroundings. 


Kaios paid close attention to Anders’ movements and behavior. The man appeared to be admiring the scenery, but not in a fashion that envoys from barbarian nations would normally do so. Rather than gawking at the glorious, wealthy splendor of Esthirant, this man simply smiled and nodded in approval, as if he were a renowned critic scrutinizing yet another piece of expensive art. To Anders, this view was incredible, but not overwhelming. Kaios made a mental note of this; Anders’ reactions affirmed his suspicion that the Americans were certainly not like their neighbors in terms of technology and culture. 


As they walked, they engaged in idle chat. Kaios initiated the conversation, “Ambassador Anders, I’ve heard several rumors of your nation. I’m wondering how accurate these rumors are.”


“Oh? Sure,” the man chuckled. “Go ahead.”


“First, I heard you are a transferred nation. Really?”


Anders shrugged, maintaining a relatively serious expression. “Yeah. One day we’re on Earth, the next day a storm engulfs the entire world and then vanishes. Next thing we know, we’re here.” Anders’ guards also had no reactions, hinting at the validity of the claim. 


“Interesting. We’ve had tales of transferred nations in the past, such as the Ancient Sorcerous Empire and Mu. However, these events happened so long ago, before any of the Great Powers had industrialized or even come into existence. Such tales are, expectedly, hard to believe.”


The other man, Rodriguez, cut in. “If you’re having any doubts, we’d be happy to set up a trip to the United States for you.” 


“Hmm, I may have to indulge in this offer. Could I ask you to wait a few days while I reorganize my schedule and request leave?”


Anders nodded, then looked up; he remembered something important. “Yeah, we could do that. Oh, one thing: what’s this world called anyway?”




“What is the name of this planet?”


“Oh, Elysia. Name originated from Mu I believe.”


“Quite similar to Elysium,” Anders commented, turning to Rodriguez for an opinion. 


“Related to Greece, perhaps?” He said. 


Kaios interrupted, confused about the discussion. “I apologize, but what are you talking about?”


Anders recalled the automatic translation mechanism of this world. “I suppose the word elysium must be translated to ‘paradise’ or something of the sort, since there likely is no origin for the word ‘elysium’ on this planet. However, if the translation were to cease, you could tell that Elysia and ‘elysium’ share the same origin.”


“Fascinating,” Kaios said. He found himself at the stairs of his office building. “Well then, I hope the scenery was admirable.”


“Sure was,” Anders replied casually, taking one final gander at the splendor outside before heading into the building. 


As they walked in, the Americans noticed the interior’s uncanny resemblance to Renaissance-era European design. They even saw Romanesque columns; the only thing different was the lighting,which appeared to be powered by magic. Much like the magical lamp posts outside, the sparkling chandeliers overhead similarly used magic gems. Several vents were built into the walls, providing a cool wind much like an air conditioning unit. These were operated by hidden Tears within a complex ventilation system. 


All of the amenities and decorations in the lobby were intended to affirm the superiority of the Parpaldian Empire over any Third Region countries or barbarian countries who came to visit. Kaios could tell the Americans were barely impressed, as if this splendor was common. Indeed, in the diplomatic line of work, Anders and Rodriguez have visited many exquisite buildings, from castles in Europe to palaces in Asia to the homes of the ultra wealthy. Kaios told them to wait for a bit while he and Raita adjusted their schedules to accommodate the new arrivals. 


After a couple minutes, he led them to his office. “Please, have a seat.”


A window sat behind Kaios, showing a beautiful view of the city. Anders and Rodriguez sat on the two open chairs, finding them to be quite comfortable. Anders then opened his briefcase, pulling out several copies of an informational package about the United States. “Alright. Let’s begin.”

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