Summoned to defeat the demons? No way! I’d rather do something else.(A dungeon master/Tower defense/ Civilization building story)

First day Q&A with the system

A bit of info dump

Also Fixed and removed the spoiler tags and used table instead~



This is something that exists in this world since the beginning of times.

It is as normal as the air we breathe.

The living things managed to control the mana creating the ability to unleash miracles.

This miracles are later on called as 'Magic'.


"So basically, all living creatures can use magic yes?" I asked in the air looking at the ceiling as my legs sway carelessly from the edge of the bed.



[All living things be it humans or non humans can control and manipulate mana to conjure magic]


"I got it. What kind of magic can I use though?"  


[Master can use the world's blessing obtained after the conferring ceremony.]


"conferring? oh what the priest did."


[Yes. Magic in this world are divided into 3 main categories. There is offensive magic, supporting magic and uncategorized magic.]z


"Uncategorized? I can understand the offensive and supporting magic. But what about the Uncategorized magic?"


Uncategorized magic are the type of magic where it's effects are not directly included in the offensive category but not also categorized in supporting category. This mainly consists of auxiliary magic, daily life magic and other similar types.]


"I see. What about offensive and supporting? can you elaborate the types of magic?"


[Certainly Master. Offensive magic are differentiated by it's form. Humans use 3 basis. First are the singular category. the continuous category and lastly the lasting category. Singular category under offensive magic are the type of attacks that is only applied once. Best example is a single fireball which every starter used. 

Continuous category are about the type of magic that works in succession. Mostly used in warfare as continuous waves of attack are often used. 

And lastly are the Lasting category which is often known as 'grand magic' by human standards. this type of magic are something that can damage in a very long time nonstop. There are records of such magic like the everlasting storm in the island of Maribor where till now, the storm and lightning strikes doesn't cease.

supporting category are similar with some difference. singular are more focused on quick acting barrier or simple heal.

continuous category under supporting magic are more often used to mass healing type or the magical armors used by the northern empire which lasts for a day.

while lasting category are the type of grand magic used by many kingdoms. They erect a large scale barrier that covers the entire kingdom all day everyday. There are other magic under lasting category with different effects than this kind if barrier but they all differ in usage and consumption.]


"hmmm... that's quite long but I think I got it. Then, care to explain now how did I became the dungeon master?" I sighed after gathering my thoughts and finally asking the most important question right now.


Due to master's Item Full Manipulation skill, the dungeon chose the closest living thing in the proximity with the highest chance of compatibility. The dungeon core are categorized as an Item as such, Item Full Manipulation worked.]


"BUT I DID NOT AGREE TO IT!" I raised my voice with my head full of scrambled thoughts and mixed feelings brewing in my heart.


Assigning of access rights are not mandatory. The requirements are that, the living being must be compatible with the dungeon core and remaining close to the proximity for 6 hours straight. As such, this dungeon received the acceptance of master.


"Accept- fine. what's done is done. Now answer me this honestly. Am I still human? Can I still go back home?" I asked. 

My hands shaking from fear, stress, and other emotions swirling inside me as I feel both my cold shaking hands on my face.


"Master remains human. Master can still go out. However, going back home remains unfathomable. Dungeon core does not possess any information regarding cross dimensional travel. Wether the dungeon core is destroyed or not won't affect Master. However, all the boons, rewards, and effects granted by the dungeon core towards Master will disappear upon destruction."


I sighed feeling less emotional upon hearing it's reply.

wait hearing?

"How can I suddenly hear you now?" I asked surprised since earlier I am reading all it's replies from the panel.


"This system learned Master's preference and decided using sound to communicate are much better for master's sanity." The same mechanical voice echoed in the room again.


"I... thank you I guess." I offered my gratitude after hearing it's reasoning and realized that despite my annoyance towards the dungeon system, it only offers my safety and well-being.


"Your satisfaction is our utmost priority Master." 


"I see. Wait... Our?" I got startled from the words I heard.


"Yes. this dungeon core is the culmination of multiple conscience creating a new consciousness as the front of dungeon system."


"So... should I refer to you as it like before?" 


"That is the wise choice Master."


"Got it. Anyways, I have to apologize. I am clueless in regards to this things and I think I don't deserve to be a dungeon master. However, I don't have anyone else with me in this world. You... this dungeon are all I have now..."


the dungeon did not answer or gave a reply as it can't comprehend the words I said.


"So... please teach me what I need to do. To survive... To go back home." I said with my grieving voice and teary eyes looking at the ceiling.


"Master. This dungeon will be with you as long as you wish for it. This dungeon also grows and obtains more information and more abilities the more levels it gain. As such, your actions and efforts will surely reward master in her wishes." 


For the first time. The dungeon felt weird as if there is an error somewhere inside it's bundle of consciousness. The dungeon never felt this feeling before. Is this emotion? 


"Thank you..." I wiped my tears and smiled as if feeling a grain of hope just arrived to me.


suddenly a panel appeared infront of me.

Dungeon Elois


master: Lyca Herz


rooms slot: 6(5 available)


increase energy recovery rate to dungeon citizens by 1%

increase mana recovery rate to dungeon citizens by 1%


Recall (allows any dungeon citizen to instantly appear back to their designated place inside the dungeon.)(once a day)

Dungeon buildings available:

Goblin tent: (creates a tent that spawns 1 goblin everyday. Starts with 5 goblin and caps at 25)(Occupies one room slot)

Slime tent: (creates a tent that spawns 1 slime everyday. Starts with 5 slimes and caps at 25)(Occupies one room slot)

Spike launchers: (creates 5 spike launchers that automatically attacks hostile creatures. 20 spikes per minute and 5 seconds reload. Automatically repairs itself after receiving damage.)(Occupies one room slot)

Open tent: (Create a liveable tent that can shelter 25 entities.)(Occupies one room slot)



"Okay... that's a lot to take in." I murmured while thinking what to do then I suddenly thought of asking something.

"hey system. how do I level up this dungeon?"


"Master. Dungeon Elois is a settlement dungeon. As such, gathering more citizens are the requirement. Next level are achieved upon reaching 50 citizens."


"Okay? I guess I will take one of goblin and slime tents then. No make the goblin two so I can have more manpower. Also add two of those spike launchers at the opposite sides of the door."


"Accepted." The dungeon answered and the room where I am currently in started to shake a little. just a little force enough to notice.


"Building complete." The system informed me that the work is done.


I walked towards the small frame that looks like the door. upon opening it revealed three tents infront of me with few steps distance towards each other.


Note. Steps will be used as the main count for distance.


I walked passed the three tents and what revealed next are the two spike launchers near each sides of the door which is most likely the entrance.

Currently the place looks like this:


*=Dungeon Master Bedroom

ST=Slime Tent

GT=Goblin Tent

SL=Spike Launcher

current layout and size of the buildings inside the dungeon area.


"Looks good for now." I nod in satisfaction as I heard a rustling sound. 

I turn around and saw the five male goblins on the tent behind me.

the tent on the side of it also have 5 goblins walking around. while the tent in between the two launchers are the slime tent.

I still feel a bit afraid upon looking at the muscular short bodies of the goblins with a dirty piece of loincloth covering their genitals.

but I mustered the courage and tried talking to the one closest to me.

"errr. do you understand me?"

 I asked awkwardly. The goblin stared at me for a while before replying.

"Yes Master."

the reply honestly surprised me. first, I didn't expect the sound to be so deep. second, I thought the goblin will just speak gibberish or something like 'gob' or 'ga' like in those manga works. and lastly, I can feel it's eyes looking at me. It's as if undressing me literally. But it is not moving or approaching me. Maybe because I am the dungeon master. Which is honestly a good thing.


"System. Are this guys loyal to me?"


"Yes Master. All citizens from the dungeon buildings are loyal to the dungeon master and to it's citizens. It won't do anything that will harm the dungeon master or the dungeon citizens unless given consent."

"Thankfully that's the case..." I sighed in relief. Now I can relax back feeling a little safe.


Hey guys author here. Removed the annoying spoiler tags and used table instead~

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