Summoned Into a Women’s World

Chapter 1: Wind of Change 7

After talking with Vyra in the bedroom, we went to the entrance hall, where we noticed Elin cleaning and organizing the place. As we got close to her, the girl stared back at us with a big smile.

"Good morning! Did you sleep well?" 

She was much more energetic than yesterday. It was hard to see her without a serious expression.

"Yes, I did; thank you!"

"That's great!, I thought you were going to be scared of us."

Haha, I’m a bit, but now that I know your intention isn’t to kill me, I guess it isn’t that bad.”

Don’t worry, we won’t do anything to you unless you want… or Miria gives us permission again.”

That’s great to hear!”

It seems at least they can’t go over Miria’s order; that’s good.

Do you know when she’s coming back?”

"Hmm, I’m not really sure, but she isn’t coming back today, I’m sure.”

Great, that does give me time to breathe and think a bit more clearly without being hunted by those two. They also seem to be more relaxed around me than yesterday; maybe it’s because they are sure I’m theirs. If that’s what they think, they are damn wrong.

Kael, do you want to eat something before going to training? I’ve prepared something earlier today.”

“Yes, yes, I want to.”

Okay, I’m bringing it to them.”

Elin went to a door located on the first floor and entered, leaving me behind with Vyra.

I have never seen Elin acting like that. I’m honestly thankful that she’s in love with you. She will be much less annoying.”

Love? Didn’t you say she acted like that with every guy?”

No, I said she always favored guys that we've met for a chance; they would “notice” her, but since she has you around, It’s likely that’s going to be over.”

The way you talk about me is a bit invasive, don’t you know?”

That’s my goal—to have you constantly on your toes. Remember, if we that are held by our marks are that invasive, imagine what other women can do to you?”

"I guess you are right! But I haven't met any other women besides you three.”

So you are really from another place other than here, right?”

She’s really sharp; there’s no way I could have hidden that from her any longer.

"Yeah, I’m not from here." It won’t help me to hide it from them; it’s better to get their help to fit in than have other people finding about it.

Do you think Miria is from the same place you come from?”

I’m not sure.” I don’t know how much she tells Miria, but I don’t think she’s entirely on her side.

That’s enough for me; from where you come from, it doesn’t entirely matter for me; as long as you keep being mine, I will always take care of you~."

She looked back at me, giving me a wink, which made me blush. I heard a door open, and as I suspected it was Elin bringing food, she came closer to me and put it on the table. It was scrambled eggs with orange juice.

Thank you very much!”

The girl who looked intimidating was way more, sweet today. Without wasting time, I ate my food and prepared myself to train. I didn’t exactly know what I was going to do, but getting stronger was inevitable in this type of world.

First, Vyra gave me an outfit to use; it was quite comfortable; it was a long white robe, but for some reason she was giggling when she saw me using that. To be honest, I have no time for her shenanigans now.

Once I was ready, I went outside, following Vyra, while Elin stayed back at the inn. According to what they had told me, someone had to stay back and take care of it.

We didn’t walk too far from the building, when I noticed we were in a round area covered by trees. It had plenty of space to run around without much problem.

"So, what are we doing?”

Vyra looked at me while putting her hand on her chin.

"The first step is knowing what you can do. Since you are not from this world, I doubt you know how to properly use your MANA.”

And about my class?”

Don’t worry about it too much. It’s not going to be possible to know your class if you don’t know how to use your MANA.”

And how you know that?”

Because that’s how you learn in magic schools, depending on how your MANA works, you will have a different type of expertise; if you don’t know the basics of it, It’s useless to know your class.”

Oh, I get it.”

I’m honestly a bit excited; since you are like Miria in some ways, I also expect you to have a different class from the rest of us.”

Oh, what class is she?”

Hehe, I won’t tell~.”

Fuck, now I’m curious. If she has an extremely powerful class, which she may as well have, it’s going to be hard to get rid of her.

Hmpf, Fine.”

Don’t worry, you are going to get strong, but I doubt you are beating her, if that’s what you want.”

"Why do you say that?”

Because she’s already far above many of the best fighters in this part of the kingdom, remember, she's kind of a celebrity at this point.”

"Interesting…" This only makes things harder; if I run away, there’s a chance she has other contacts besides Elin and Vyra.

Enough of chit-talk. Let’s get starting.”

Vyra dropped her staff, and it quickly disappeared.

Since you don’t have a weapon, we are going to start using just our hands.”


Even if only my hands, I’m still quite effective. You probably know that from first “hand” experience… hehe- sorry. So your first task is to properly breathe and think that you're carrying a lighter.”

Huh, what do you mean?”

Like this.” The purple eyes' mage extended her hand while gazing at me with a smirk. Then she snapped her finger, and then something like a purple spark came out of her finger like a lighter.

Wow, that’s cool. Can I do that too?”

Of course you can; as long as you have MANA, this isn’t something difficult to do, but you have to remember that you don’t have enough MANA to do anything more complex than using weak spells, if you can do that at all.”

Alright, that makes sense, so I have to snap my fingers like this.”

I snap my fingers, but it seems nothing happens after it.

As I said, you have to imagine your hand as a catalyst or some sort of lighter, like a thunder pole. You should expect a lightning to strike it at the exact moment you snap your fingers. These are the very basics that you need to learn to use your MANA; as expected, you are a complete beginner.”

Yes, I’m aware of that.”

Staring at my right hand once again, I keep my eyes focused on it. Just like she said it, I started to think of my hand as some sort of object to focus my energy on, and then I could feel it, like something warm moving around my body. It was warm and gentle, and it felt extremely relaxing. Then, in a quick motion, I snap my finger, making a spark come out of it, different from Vyra's, which was Blue. At the same time, that good sensation left me in the same moment.

Wow, congratulations, this is the fastest I’ve seen someone using this, well, to be honest you already have a class somehow even before learning this, that should make this much easier.”

You don’t need to throw your compliment away. Besides what should I do now?”

Now you keep doing that until you get tired and your Mana gets empty, since you are a beginner even this sort of action is going to tire you out.”

And for how long should I do this?”

Until this is so trivial your Mana won’t get bothered by that, for example I can do it the whole day while maintaining my Mana flowing in my body, if you felt it vanishing away after snapping your finger, you should understand what I’m talking about.”

“Yes. I do. And how long should it take?”

A few days or maybe some weeks, it depends on your effort and your talent.”

WHAT?! Don’t you have something quicker to start on?”

Yes, magic students aren’t required to master this so quickly, especially since many of them want to learn fancy and flashy magic as soon as possible.”

So why am I starting with this?"

"Because this is the fastest way to make you powerful enough to hang around with us. Training this enough that you can handle the MANA Flow while snapping your finger without getting out of MANA, should skip many years of training.”

Oh, I get it now.”

Yeah, I know training the basics is boring, but it’s extremely effective; I’ve learned it the hard way.”

She really seems to know what she’s talking about. It's a long time to be training and wasting my time, but as a man in this type of world, I have to be strong enough to protect myself.

Oh yeah, let me see something. How much experience and MANA do I currently have?





Never mind, that’s GREAT! I can get levels through that. Thank you, Vyra; I’m going to be evolving quicker than you imagine.

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