Summoned by Monster Girls

Chapter 30 <3 <3 <3


Following Kassandra down to the lakeshore, I considered what had happened over the last few days and the pointed conversations that I’d had with Kassandra.

If she’s wanting more than just a space heater to cuddle with, what am I going to do? I thought to myself while the dwarf lamia in question hummed happily as she led the way down the path.

I thumbed the handle of my broken sword with one hand idly. While the weapon was snapped partway down the blade, having a weapon on hand would still be enough to discourage casual observers. The blade had a strap to hold it in the sheath as well, so I could still use it as a rather clumsy club in a pinch if I didn’t want to use my claws or any other shifted weapon.

Kassandra told me to remember that she’s an adult and able to make her own decisions…So if she decides she wants to do something then that is her call. My choice is…Do I want to do something? The thought floated across my mind like a cloud scooting across a clear sky and I sighed. The gusty noise must have caught Kassandra’s attention because the perky redhead turned to shoot a grin up at me without stopping her movement.

The angle that Kassandra turned at put the open front of her shirt on display and the expanse of freckled cleavage glimmered with just a bit of sweat still after our earlier battle and the hike back to camp.

“Everything okay, Liam?” Kassandra’s voice was full of mirth and her intelligent, brown eyes twinkled merrily behind her spectacles. The swaying of her movement also made her hips move in a matching rhythm. The skirt Kassandra had on clung to her hips and left little to the imagination of the shape of her bottom.

“Yup, just thinking is all.” I said quickly, tearing my eyes off that swaying curve to meet a hooded gaze that told me I’d been caught. Her smirk told me she wasn’t angry though.

“Well, don’t think too hard. Gotta keep focused on the here and now. Getting lost in your thoughts means you might miss something worthwhile, after all.” Kassandra sang with a grin, giving her shoulders a bit of a shake that sent delicious ripples through her chest before she faced forward once more with a delighted laugh.

“Fair point.” I mumbled, blinking after her for a moment before taking a deep breath and nodding once.

If she’s going to actually make good on all this teasing, then I need to decide ahead of time if I am going to accept it or not. I thought to myself as we exited the trees and reached the open space that bordered the lake.

I could see the space that Rieka had warded with the carved bricks; it was partially sheltered by some trees that came right up to the shoreline but still had space as well as a large section of pebbled beach. The bricks that marked the ward edge were set in plain sight on the edge of the beach. In combination with the obviously wet stones where Rieka had washed or dried herself it was impossible to miss. Need to make sure we camouflage those for the future but they should do just fine for now with only animals around us.

Kassandra stopped by the edge of the water and pouted at it for a long moment before throwing her head back with a growl and glaring at the sky. Her tail did a rapid shuffle/wriggle/thrash that made me think she would be stomping a foot if she had them.

“Ugh, I hate the cold! At least the stones are still sun warmed…” She snarled before dropping her clean clothes on a dry part of the pebbled beach and began unlacing the leather underbust corset she had on over top of her shirt.

Are you attracted to Kass? I asked myself numbly and after a moment of reflection. I allowed my eyes to trace over the brick-red and earthy-brown pattern of her scales to where it disappeared under her skirt. Somewhere under there the scales would turn into bare skin and the more familiar form of a woman. She was younger than me…but only by a few years if her words were to be believed. The fact that Kassandra’s proportions would have put her closer to half my height than equal to me was something I’d gotten used to. Her size difference wasn’t that big of a deal, I’d known a Chinese girl in high school who would have been the same size as Kassandra if the dwarf lamia had legs. Yea, but Su Zhang didn’t have Kass’ curves…

“Yes.” I muttered to myself, finding that giving voice to the decision actually helped me cement it. Reservations that I’d been carrying fell away from my shoulders and I nodded once. If Kass is interested, then I am as well. If there are issues, we can talk about it. If she doesn’t want me to do more than just help her wash and warm her up again, then I’ll accept that too. But if she wants more, then I do as well. But that doesn’t give me free reign to demand anything either.

“Liam. If you are going to help me wash, you should at least get the armor off. I know it's damaged but getting the leather wet will only make it worse.” Kassandra’s voice cut through my resolve and made me jump. I turned to look at her and was struck by the vision of beauty that sat before me.

I’d seen Kassandra naked before. During that hurried sprint to dry her off and warm her up after the combination of the prank and her ice magic had backfired to nearly freeze her to death I’d had to strip her wet clothes off. Then I had done my absolute best to not stare or even look at her bare body while I rushed to help her. The fact that she’d been pressed against me to warm up after the fact made it a bit pointless, but I had still tried. As I caught sight of her now though, Kassandra was in the process of undoing the clasps that held her skirt in place and unwrapping her hips, having already tossed her shirt and corset aside..

The full mounds of her large breasts sat proudly on her bare chest. A dusting of freckles graced the pale globes that were only lightly tanned from the sun. Russet colored areolas circled nipples that stood firmly at attention like a pair of pencil erasers on top of those soft peaks, each casting their own slight shadow over her skin in the evening light. The curves of her chest lead down into a trim waist that flared back out into broad hips. About a hand-span down from her hip bones, the pale skin transitioned smoothly into her scales. The line of scales followed down her legs to dive into the cleft of what would be her inner thighs and back up the other side. As she turned, I saw that the scales followed the same path along her bottom, cupping the bottom edge of her firm bottom like a pair of high sided stockings. There was no split between her ‘thighs’ though. Her plump bottom firmly met the edge of the scales, the bottom curve of her ass cheek the defining line where scale met skin.

“Like what you see, Liam?” Kassandra purred in a sultry voice as she tossed her skirt onto the stones nearby. She turned more fully towards me and reached up with both hands to tangle them in her hair, fluffing the curling auburn mass out once and allowing her breasts to bounce several times in a hypnotizing motion that made my mouth go dry. She posed there like that, allowing me to take her in entirely and I accepted gratefully. And she was beautiful, despite the smears of dirt and blood on her face, hands, and body from the day's brand of excitement.

Her slim stomach led down into a carefully trimmed thatch of red curls above her pubic mound. The slit of her sex was angled slightly forward and up to accommodate its position on the front of her pubic mound rather than between a set of legs. It was reassuringly familiar, save for that slight difference of angle. As I watched, the neatly folded lips of her vulva seemed to flush a bit and I was sure I saw them moisten and puff up more while I stared.

With an effort of will that felt titanic, I drug my gaze from her body up to her slitted, brown eyes. Several emotions danced behind her spectacles, the only piece of clothing she still wore. Amusement, arousal, and a touch of…was that fear?

Why would Kass be afraid…oh. I thought. She’s afraid I’m not attracted to her…silly girl. That knowledge actually served to help get me moving, as I wanted to reassure my companion. Striding across the pebbled beach, I stopped in front of the still posing snake-girl and smiled down at her.

“Like is not a strong enough word, Kass. I find you irresistibly attractive even without having had a chance to wash up. Shall we get you scrubbed down so your scales can shine as much as they deserve to?” I said gently, gesturing towards the water with one hand while the other unclipped the broken sword from my belt to set down.

“Sure…” Kassandra’s voice was uncertain, but there was a note of hope to it as well. “Thank you, Liam. It’s good of you to say that.”

Deciding to take a cue from Kassandra’s rampant teasing, I threw caution to the winds and began stripping off my armor and clothes in rapid fashion while I spoke.

“Oh, saying is only part of it. I figure you’ll see the truth of the matter soon.” I teased gently, having already tossed my shirt and armored tunic aside.

There was a moment of hesitation as I undid my belt, but the frank conversations I’d had both with Kassandra as well as myself allowed me the confidence to strip entirely and stand as bare as my companion on the shore of the lake.

Kassandra had started to say something but as soon as I’d stripped off my shirt and armor, she stopped and stared. Her eyes raced over my torso in consideration but widened in surprise when I undid my belt as well and let my pants fall to the ground.

I’d been aroused ever since I’d been caught staring at her bottom on the walk down. Now, with the vision of miniature beauty in front of me, I was as hard as stone. Dropping trou like I had left my hardened manhood waving in the wind though and I had to fight the urge to cover myself. I’ve never really bothered to measure my junk. I know a lot of guys do but I was happy in the knowledge that the handful of partners I’ve been with have all said I was ‘comfortably above average’ and that was enough for me. Kassandra though seemed fixated on the throbbing helmet of my shaft as it bobbed in front of me.

“Kass?” The one word broke her out of her daze and the normally teasing temptress in front of me glanced upwards, biting her bottom lip idly. She was blushing lightly and her slitted eyes were wide. “It’s okay. I’m not expecting anything, but I thought it was only fair that you got to see me like this, since you gave me that gift already.” Reaching between us, I cupped her right cheek gently and she smiled, her eyes squinting into thin slits as she leaned into my hand and nuzzled it lightly.

“Oh, you are going to get something, Liam.” Kassandra teased, her eyes popping open again and she giggled. “Come on, let's get washed up.”

“As you wish.” I smiled down at her, knowing that she wouldn’t get the reference. The smile she sent back at me sent my heart-rate skyrocketing.

“Come on big guy. I’m not going to get in any deeper than I have to, so grab that brush.” Kassandra pointed to a dense looking brush next to her clothes and slithered quickly over the stones. She handed me her spectacles when she passed by, and I accepted them without a question.

“You sure we shouldn’t just use the kettle or cookpot to boil some water to wash that way?” I asked, walking carefully across the beach to grab the brush before coming back. Thankfully, none of the stones were sharp underfoot since I’d left my boots by the pile of dirty clothes.

“We could. Like I said before, it’s not worth running back and forth to fill the pots. Sure, we could build a fire down here but actually heating enough water to wash my scales would take too long to be practical.” Kassandra said with a reluctant sigh. “And I’d still have to deal with a similar problem while waiting for each refilled pot to heat and the water cooling on my scales while we waited. It’d also delay dinner since we’d need to use the cooking pot. Something else I’m hoping to change when we get a dimensional pack or satchel. It’s not worth bringing an extra pot just to wash unless we have a wagon. A rag bath wouldn’t be too bad to be honest, but I want to feel clean again.”

“This isn’t going to make you shut down like you did that one time?”

“No, I’ll go sluggish first and that’ll take a good half an hour. Unless I decide to summon undirected ice magic while I’m in the water, I’ll be fine. Easiest way to do this is if you walk out into the shallows and let me coil you, Liam. I’m honestly just being a bit of a whiner.” Kassandra gave me a wan smile before turning back to the water. I followed close behind her as she slithered into the lake and the cool water rapidly engulfed her serpentine body.

Kassandra gave a full body shudder before gritting her teeth and bending to scoop some of the lake water up to splash over her hands and face. The water left sparkling beads all across her front that caught the light in a beautiful and distracting pattern. I only stared for a moment before I got myself back under control and hurried over to help.

The brush she’d had me get was roughly the size of my palm and round. A woven strap on the back allowed me to slip my hand under it and hold onto the brush. With it in hand, I hurried over to join the beautiful woman bathing quickly in the cool water of the lake.

Stepping into the water, I discovered that while it was cold, the water wasn’t as frigid as it had been when I was wading in the spring earlier. Something that Kassandra seemed to be grateful for. Starting with the tip of her tail, I set to carefully scrubbing at the scales to clean them. There were only a few patches that were stained with blood from the fight and subsequent work with skinning the crag hunter, but I made sure to go over her entire tail and be quick about it while Kassandra worked on her arms, face, and hair.

“Hmm, I should have known it…but you are good with your hands, Liam.” Kassandra murmured, sending me a demure smile over her shoulder that ensured my erection wasn’t fading in the least despite the cool environs. The water only came up to my knees at the moment, but covered Kassandra’s entire body and while it wasn’t freezing, it wasn’t warm either.

“Happy to put them to use, Kass. How are you feeling? Not too chilled?” I had made it roughly halfway up her length at this point and only looked up at a quiet splash to see the serpent woman scoop up another handful of water to pour over her front. I didn’t think her nipples could have gotten harder at this point, the sharp peaks having already been pert enough to cast their own shadows, but they tightened as the water ran over them.

“Yea. I’m going to be clingy in just a bit. I’d honestly thought this would be worse, but having you near helps.” I felt something twineing around my feet and I glanced down to find the bottom half of Kassandra’s tail slowly wrapping around my legs like she normally did in greeting.

Well she did say she wanted to wrap me…probably to help keep as warm as possible.

“Do what you need to. If you start getting too cold, let me know to get you out of the water.” I reminded her, getting a slight smile from the dwarf lamia and a little giggle that sent another alluring bounce through her firm breasts. She started running her hands over those curved mounds and scrubbing at the dirt with her hands. To distract myself, I tried to focus on the rest of her tail. I worked the brush firmly over her scales to scrub her up as quickly as possible without hurting her.

It only took another minute or two for me to reach her firm hips and bottom, moving sideways so that I didn’t knock her over as her tail continued to wrap itself around my legs slowly. This helped to elevate her up and out of the water some as I went along. Though it did end up with her hip brushing against my throbbing erection more than once in a fashion that only made my arousal worse.

“Liam, can I have the brush?” Kassandra asked as I carefully scrubbed at the last patch of scales on her thigh. I handed the brush over without a moment of hesitation.

She probably needs it to scrub her arms. I should ask if I can borrow it to scrub myself up when she’s safely out of the water. This feeling of blood stuck to my chest is creepy and I can’t wait to feel clean again. I thought to myself as Kassandra shifted, twining around me a bit more. Movement at the corner of my vision drew my eye up the hill towards the campsite and I saw Rieka trotting from the firepit towards the tree that held our tied up food supplies. Wonder what I forgot for the stew?

The only warning I got was a devious giggle before I felt soft skin envelop my shaft when Kassandra pressed herself to my lower torso. Gasping in surprise, I looked down to find the redheaded minx grinning up at me. Her full breasts enveloped my shaft, leaving only the head poking out above them for the moment.

“Kass, what are you doing?”

“Well that is a silly question, Liam.” Kassandra shot back with a grin before she started scrubbing gently at my chest with the brush. The gentle back and forth of the brush provided a surprising counterpoint to the soft rocking of her chest that stroked my shaft and I had to fight down a groan.

“Seriously?” I ground out, reaching down to grip her shoulders but Kassandra wiggled away with a quick laugh before catching my shaft in her cleavage again and squeezing her soft mounds between her forearms and going back to scrubbing at me.

“Seriously, Liam. Hold still while I get this cleaned up now.” She purred, her eyes dancing wickedly. Without her glasses, her eyes seemed larger and those slitted iris’ of hers flared with amusement and what I hoped was desire. The continual stimulation of her soft, wet flesh against my cock was beginning to drive me mad. I nearly fell over that particular edge when Kassandra, keeping her eyes locked with mine, bent down and pressed a kiss to the tip of my cock.

A growl of desire rose from my throat that made the petite woman shiver and blink up at me, her lips still poised to drop another gentle peck on the head of my shaft.

“Kassandra.” The one word growl sent another shiver down the dwarf lamia’s body that I felt go from her shoulders all the way to where the tip of her tail wrapped around my right ankle.

“Liam?” She murmured. Her left hand on my hip and the right still carefully scrubbing at my abs with the brush but her eyes never left mine.

“If you keep doing that, I’m not going to be able to hold myself back.” My voice was thick with desire. Kassandra liked to tease, I knew that. It was something she’d made abundantly clear ever since I met her all those weeks ago. But she’d never been cruel about it either. This level of teasing though was pushing it a bit too far.

A small smile darted across her puckered lips and she gave a long, slow blink of her eyes before nodding slightly. She didn’t protest or even speak, she just leaned lower to repeat that soft kiss on my cock.

“You deserve better than a tumble in the forest, Kass.” I murmured, lifting one hand from her shoulders to stroke through her tangled hair gently. Kassandra hummed quietly and leaned her head to one side again to nuzzle into my hand, but didn’t move away. I could feel her breath tickling my sensitive skin as the moment continued to stretch and neither of us looked away from the other.

“It’s sweet of you to say that, Liam.” Kassandra said at last and I let out a long breath. I was relieved that she’d accepted my last attempt to be chivalrous. While I agreed not to deny her or my desire, she did deserve a bed at least. Then I gasped in surprise as she opened her mouth and enveloped the head of my shaft with her lips in one smooth motion.

The difference between the cool water and Kassandra’s hot mouth was enough to make my whole body tremble. The relaxed grip I had on her shoulder and in her hair tightened immediately as I clenched in surprise. This had the inadvertent effect of pulling Kassandra’s head further towards me, both burying her face in her own cleavage and shoving my shaft further into her mouth.

Kassandra didn’t protest. In fact she actually moaned sharply and the hand on my hip clenched possessively. Her fingers dug into my skin and she moaned again. The vibration rattled up my cock, into my spine, and up into my brain in a whirl of pleasure, stimulation, and pure erotic need.

The gentle sensation of her tongue against the sensitive head of my shaft made my hips jerk in surprise and Kassandra moaned again, sending another thrill through my body.

It took all of my willpower to not immediately begin thrusting into her hot, wet mouth. While Kassandra had a partially serpentine body, I’d learned that she didn’t have fangs. There wasn’t any more threat in her beautiful mouth than a normal woman’s, but there was a wealth of pleasure there and I had to fight hard to not immediately climax while she clumsily played her tongue over my shaft. The movements were clumsy, but the affection was there and it was driving me wild.

With shaking hands, I gently drew her back. Kassandra moaned again, this time in disappointment as her mouth came off my shaft with a quiet pop, though she gave the head a parting lick as I gently pulled her back. Her normally intelligent eyes were fogged over with desire as she looked up at me, a faint blush on her cheeks and darting down to join the freckles smattered across her chest.

“Liam…” Kassandra whined.

“Kass, I warned you. Why?”

“I want you, Liam. Don’t you want me?”

“But you deserve…” I tried to protest again and Kassandra growled, the lust fogging her eyes fading away and she glared up at me for a long moment.

“Liam, I don’t care where we are. I want you. I’ve tried being subtle. I’ve tried teasing. I’ve tried being blatant. None are working and you haven’t outright told me no either. So either you want me and we can continue, or tell me now that you aren’t interested.” She snapped, pouting up at me in such an adorable fashion that I couldn’t help myself. I did want this woman after all.

Squatting down caused Kassandra’s coils to loosen slightly as her face fell, apparently expecting rejection. That expression faded into surprise as I wrapped my arms around her, tucking both hands under her curved ass, before I scooped her human torso up in my arms and lifted her up once more to be face to face. The gesture took more strength than I had expected, due to the weight of her serpentine body, but Kass reacted instinctively and used her coiled body to push herself up higher and pressed her body against mine.

The cool sensation of her scales around my thighs and brushing over my manhood was another stimulation that I hadn’t expected to feel nice but I set it aside as I pulled Kassandra against my chest. Her breasts pillowed out softly around the sharp points of her nipples that dug into my skin.

“Of course I want you, Kassandra Silverscale. I should have known better, and I should have listened to you sooner.” I murmured, not looking away from her glittering eyes. Kassandra’s entire face lit up with a broad grin and she lunged forward to kiss me.

Her coils tightened around my body rapidly and with all her strength at once. Several joints popped and my spine clicked twice as I learned that, while Kassandra didn’t have fangs, she definitely inherited constrictor traits with her serpentine half. This also had the effect of trapping my manhood against her slim stomach and I could feel a hot something pressing against the underside of my shaft that took my mind a moment to recognize.

“Liam, thank you. I…You are just so handsome, sweet, and kind that I have wanted you ever since I saw you. That only got worse every time we worked together and every time you saved me.” Kassandra panted in between kisses, her hips writhing in my grip and that caused that spot of heat to rub back and forth on my shaft as well as her nipples to drag across my chest. I could feel something wet against the underside of my cock that definitely wasn’t lake water.

“Just looking after my girls.” I replied blithely. I almost flinched. I’d never called them ‘my girls’ to her face before. I had no idea how Kassandra would react to hearing it. She gave a purring growl and leaned in to kiss me again.

“Oh yes, I like that. I’m one of your girls. You are going to have so many of us, I think. But I have you right now and I’m going to enjoy you. I promised I’d climb you like a tree when I could.” Kassandra purred into my ear before nipping lightly at the lobe. “And I intend to eat all the fruit of that tree.” She continued, her coils squeezing my hips gently.

“You sure you want to do this while in the lake?” I ground out, kneading her pert bottom with my hands while Kassandra continued to writhe against me.

“I’m not in the lake, Liam. You are, I’m just warming up.” Was Kassandra’s giggled response. She opened her mouth to say something else but her continual wiggling, writhing, and grinding against me had finally shifted her just far enough that the head of my shaft caught in the cleft of her womanhood and I sank into her with a shared groan.

While Kassandra might have been cold blooded naturally, her insides were definitely not chill in any way. The wet heat of her sex coiled about me just like her serpentine half was coiling around my hips and legs. I didn’t care that we were only half washed, or that we were standing basically on the shoreline of a lake without any shelter. There was a temptress in my arms and she’d get what she wanted and had been asking for this whole time. My will was finally breaking.

Kassandra moaned something, it might have been my name or it might have been a command, but she moaned all the same as a full body shiver went through her. True to her word previously about lacking a hymen, my shaft sunk into her without resistance until it was buried in her petite body. Rhythmic trembles and shakes raced through her. Kassandra continued to cling to me for several seconds before they calmed down. Her sweet slit clenched and pulled at my cock, coiling around me like she did as it demanded a different sort of warmth.

“Oh gods…” Kassandra moaned again, meeting my eyes with her own lust-clouded gaze. “Is this what I’ve been teasing you about? If I’d known, I’d have jumped you that day in my room…maybe sooner. So warm inside me.” Kassandra let out another long moan and buried her face in my chest. The brush had been discarded and was floating in the water next to me, while she clung hard to my chest with both hands.

“This is only the start, Kass.” I said quietly. My voice was more of a deep growl at this point. The words sent a shiver through the dwarf lamia that clung to me. I felt her mouth move like she was about to speak but I’d already acted. Using my improved strength and the grip I had on her bottom, I pulled Kassandra up before letting her fall back down on my shaft. I angled my hips so that I could sink into her easily but I did not thrust up into her. Despite the length of her serpentine body, Kassandra was a petite girl after all and I didn’t want to hurt her. So instead, I kept it slow and let gravity do the work so she could adjust.

If this is really her first time, then I need to be gentle to let her get used to me. I thought as a guttural moan rose from my lover.

“More…” Kassandra moaned as I finished the second repetition of ‘lift and drop’.

“Slowly there, sexy. Don’t want to hurt you.” I murmured into her tangled mess of red hair. I pressed a kiss into the hollow of her neck, just below her ear.

“More!” Kassandra demanded firmly this time, tossing her head back to glare up at me. Naked desire colored her features and the faint dusting of freckles over the bridge of her nose barely peeked out of the lustful blush that colored her skin.

Kassandra used her grip on my hips and thighs with her tail to lift herself up before yanking herself down to be impaled on my cock once more. This got a groan of pleasure from both of us as our hips connected with a wet slap.

I shifted slightly and dug my feet into the sandy bottom of the lake to steady myself. Kassandra began to use her unique body and serpentine qualities to bounce up and down on my shaft in a steadily increasing rhythm. The motion sent her breasts swaying, though not by much considering how tightly pressed to my chest they were.

“More, Liam! More! Fill me up, I want to feel you climax inside me. Give me that heat, that warmth that I’ve read and heard about!” Kassandra demanded in between thrusts, her hips writhing in desire while I just had to hang on and try to keep my balance as the cool water of the lake splashed and slopped around us while our hips ground together, lewd clapping noises rippled over the lake shore.

Kassandra leaned back, throwing her head back to moan loudly while her hips pumped. This allowed her jiggling breasts to finally be displayed before me like a beautiful meal and I wasn’t about to stop myself.

When my lips met her left nipple, Kassandra squeaked in surprise and her insides clenched down on my shaft suddenly before writhing in a milking motion from base to tip and back again. I had to leave my hands on her bottom to help support her, as the grip of her tail had slackened. Since I couldn’t bring my hands into play to share the love, I kissed my way across those trembling mountains to lay another affectionate kiss onto her right nipple. I could feel my climax rising fast but from her gushing slit, I knew Kassandra wasn’t far behind.

“Liam!” Kassandra moaned sharply and her whole body clenched again. “Please…?” The begging tone trailed off as her sex squeezed me once more and shoved me right off the edge into my climax.

Kassandra’s entire body went slack at the first blast of my seed into her, but the second one apparently triggered another contraction and she tightened around me with a wail of pleasure.

Her sex gripped me like a fist while she forced herself upright and buried her face in my neck to muffle the wordless cry of exultation and joy. I heard her crying bits of words that sounded like ‘hot’, ‘hard’, ‘warm’, or ‘love’. I wasn’t entirely sure what she was saying but it was clearly joyful as I emptied myself into the welcoming cleft of her body in a molten rush.

The trembling continued for several long seconds and we were just coming down from the climax when a loud gasp finally penetrated the haze of climax and drew my attention back to the shore.

Rieka stood just out of the treeline with her spell rod in one hand. A look of surprise fought with a blush of embarrassment as she stared at the two of us in such an intimate pose. Kassandra was arching her back away from me and using her arms around my neck to grind her hips into mine while her breasts trembled on display.

“Hey Rieka. Come join us?” Kassandra laughed tiredly, peeking over her shoulder at her friend. Rieka’s blush doubled in intensity and she blinked rapidly in surprise for several long seconds before shaking her head and turning to race back up the hill towards the campsite.

“Did you have to tease her, Kass? We could have been far more subtle than we were…no need to throw it in her face.” I chastised her gently. I got a wicked grin, a kiss on the cheek, and another squeeze from where her sex remained clamped around me.

“That’s no fun. And besides, she enjoyed it. Almost had her too, I think.”

“What makes you say that, my lovely minx?” The term of affection made Kassandra glow with happiness before she answered my question.

“Oh that is simple, Liam. Her tail was wagging the entire time and didn’t stop once. That wolf will want a piece of you, I’m sure of it.” She purred suggestively before squeezing my still hard shaft with her womanhood again. I groaned in desire at the sensation as well as the mental image of the platinum-blonde wolf woman.

“Whatever you say, Kass.” I said when I’d had control over myself. I was lucky enough to score time with this beautiful snake woman, I didn’t think I’d get lucky enough that lightning would strike twice and the exotic wolf woman would also actually be interested in me.

“Good boy, Liam. You’ll learn to trust my judgment on these things soon. I promise.” Kassandra said with a grin, swaying slightly and dragging her soft breasts across my chest in a steady rhythm. “Now, let's finish getting cleaned up. You did a wonderful job warming me up this time, but I don’t want to keep Rieka waiting. Or do I? I definitely want to taste you again, that was fun…”

The sensual wink was enough to make me tense up for a moment and this had the handy effect of making my shaft jump inside of Kassandra. Her eyes went wide and she glanced down in surprise at the sensation. I couldn’t help chuckling and did it again. Tensing the muscles in my stomach, I made my shaft jump inside her once more. This drew a squeak of surprise from Kassandra and she shot me a playful frown before we both began to laugh.

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