Summon the Emperor System

Chapter 880

Chapter 879 decisive battle!

The next day, Avenue Plaza.

The Supreme Being of Heaven from all directions, standing with an imperial sword, one hundred thousand peak powers from three thousand heavens and ten thousand realms, have gathered around the square.

Everyone came to watch Zhao Ritian in the “Avenue of Slaughter”, the “Avenue of Nuclear Power” was too high, this duel between the two.

“Zhao Ritian, he has never heard of this person before. He must have just been promoted to the Holy Realm. Once he came to this highest world, he did not follow common sense and did not challenge Yang Yufan, who was the last ranked in the Three Thousand Avenue. Instead, directly across the 100 to challenge Taishang Wuji, this person is so arrogant.”

“It’s too aggressive, too risky.”

“Oh, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Presumably, he is used to being tyrannical in the little heavens and worlds. He doesn’t know much about the terrifying power of the Three Thousand Dao.”

One person sighed and laughed at himself: “When I first came to the sacred world, why didn’t everyone here be like this? I thought I was the pinnacle, surpassing all living beings, and watching the world. Only after I have seen a stronger one, I know that I am here. , Heaven is like a dog, unable to lift his head.”


Many people laughed, but they were all self-deprecating wry smiles.

A Heavenly Dao Supreme said again: “Tao Shang Wuji, not only is super powerful, but also a famous cruel and cruel character. In my opinion, Zhao Ritian is probably a suicidal challenge.”

“I don’t think it is necessary. I heard that as soon as he came to the sacred world, the Empress Tianqing followed him and became his servant. If there is no super talent, how could the Empress Tianqing surrender to him?”

“This person is only afraid of extraordinary strength. He is known as the “Killing Avenue” and sounds like a ruthless person.”

“It’s a mule or a horse, wait and see, it will be clear soon…”

Because no one knows Zhao Hao, the sense of mystery makes people look forward to it even more. Around the Avenue and Square, the powerhouses of the heavens are eagerly discussing and guessing.

At this time, a figure flew out from one of the three thousand palaces.


As the figure flew out, a long nuclear force was brought up behind him, like a horrible magic light passing through the air.

A destructive aura and a powerful force field, so that everyone’s sense of oppression suddenly rises, and they are all in their hearts.

With that magic light coming, a man in black, with a cold expression and a brutal aura, stood tall and straight in the avenue square.

“Tai Shang Wuji is here!”

The heavenly powerhouses who stood with swords around the Avenue Square all gave their expressions a lift.

“Unexpectedly, the challenger hadn’t appeared yet, and the person being challenged would have played first.”

“It came earlier than I expected. Too Shang Wuji, it seems to be a little uncomfortable.”

“Where is uncomfortable, this is self-confidence!”

“Yes, he must be absolutely sure to defeat that challenger Zhao Ritian.”

The man who flew out of the Three Thousand Avenue Palace is the “Nuclear Avenue” Taishang Promise! At this time, it was just early in the morning, but he couldn’t wait for this battle. The abnormal condition of the spiritual energy beads last night made his heart confused. Zhao Ritian is the ruler of the world in the aura beads in his hand. This must be Zhao Ritian making waves! He couldn’t wait to suppress Zhao Hao in order to stabilize his aura beads.

Although Taishang Wuji couldn’t wait, there was no trace on the surface. After he appeared, he held his hands and stood proudly in the avenue square. He closed his eyes slightly, looking calm and calm, not impatient, just waiting for Zhao Hao. appear.


At this moment, a dragon roar sounded.

In one of the Three Thousand Avenue Palaces, an amazing golden light dragon rushed out and cut through the sky.

The infinite oppressive force pervades the world in a covering style.


The dazzling golden dragon flew over the avenue platform in the center of the avenue square, and flared its teeth and claws in the sky, turning into a handsome man in white fluttering down, and landed on the avenue platform.

With the appearance of the white-clothed man, the expressions of all the powerhouses in the heavens all around him even more.

“The host shows up.”


“Xiaohan, the second-ranked’Dragon Avenue’ in the Three Thousand Avenues! The’stakes for position’ and the’ranking battles’ in the battle for the avenues are usually the abbot and control of the scene.”

“Senior Brother Xiaohan, how many crossings have you reached the other side?”

“This is unclear…”

At this moment, one by one, the immortal Supreme Heavenly Dao, full of glory, raised their heads and looked at the white-clothed men on the avenue stage, and there was a light of admiration in their eyes.

In the crowd, someone asked in a low voice: “Who is the number one Dao Zun on Three Thousand Avenue?”

“His name is Tianxiang.”

“Away from Ten Thousand Tribulations, Tianxiang.”

When this person is mentioned, those heavenly sacreds are even more fascinated in their hearts.

Tianxiang, the number one person on the Three Thousand Avenue, has never been defeated, but no one has ever dared to challenge him. Because the person who challenges him, no matter how strong, will fall into a dead end.

Someone started whispering: “The challenger has arrived, and the abbot Xiaohan of the Battle of the Avenue has also arrived. Why hasn’t Zhao Ritian, who is known as the ‘Killing Avenue’, have not arrived yet?”

“It’s time to show up too!”

On the avenue stage, Xiaohan glanced around with a faint smile, with a cool temperament and a leisurely demeanor, and then looked at Taishang Wuji in the avenue square: “Junior Brother, are you sure of this battle?”

“Full of confidence!” Tai Shang Wuji put his arms around his chest, still closed his eyes, not looking aside, waiting for the arrival of the people he was waiting for.

Xiaohan smiled and said, “Listening to the tone of Junior Brother, do you know the person who challenged you?”

Taishang Wuji’s expression was cold: “It’s just a low-level ant.”


At this time, a dog barking sounded from the last palace of the Three Thousand Avenue Palace: “My mother ant, wow haha, today, I will beat you to put your two eggs into your mouth. .”

With the sound of the excited dog barking, a man with a temperament and demeanor not under that Xiaohan, with a flaming Harry hurrying middle and second dog, followed behind a maid maid, from Three Thousand Avenue. Flew out from the last palace of the palace.

On the avenue stage, Xiaohan stood still and looked surprised.

Who is this person? How did he get out of Yang Yufan’s grand palace?

In the avenue square, Tai Shang Wuji’s closed eyes suddenly opened. In the eyes, kill all burst shot.

At this moment, all eyes turned to look.

Who is this guy?

Could it be that he is Zhao Ritian who challenged the Supreme Promise?

The woman following him is the Empress Tianqing. He is really Zhao Ritian, the ‘Road of Slaughter’!

Under the eyes of everyone, Zhao Hao floated into the Avenue Square with a dog, while Chu Tianqing floated in the void and stopped outside the Avenue Square. It was already obvious that Zhao Hao was challenging the Supreme Promise. people.

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