Summon the Emperor System

Chapter 877

Chapter 876 Killing Avenue, Zhao Ritian!

“What kind of mount is this?”

“So cool!”

“It’s so cool!”

“Look, the woman who crouched on the man’s lap while riding was like the female emperor Tianqing who practiced the Jade Girl Avenue.”

“Really. Fuck, in broad daylight, the Empress Tianqing is blowing the trumpet to that man…”

“Puff…! Big Brother, you… are you wrong! That’s rubbing your legs!”

“How could that be possible if you rub your legs? The Empress Tianqing actually became a slave girl for the present person?”

“This… is incredible!”

“Damn, look, it turned out to be a dog driving that mount…”

Where the open-top Ferrari ran past, a dazzling red light flitted across the ground, and those powerful men who walked on the road and flew in the sky all cast their attention.

There are also those with strong curiosity, flying with swords behind, and chasing cars, wanting to see if the Empress Tianqing is massaging or blowing flute… and, who is that man?


Soon after, a majestic picture appeared in Zhao Hao’s eyes.

Ahead, sitting on a towering giant peak, rising from the ground, towering straight into the endless sky.

On the top of a thousand clouds, the sky of thousands of clouds, above the clouds, on the top of the giant peak, there seems to be an ancient Bodhi tree, looming.

At the waist of the giant peak, three thousand majestic and magnificent palaces, floating in the sky, one by one, release the golden celestial light.

Three thousand palaces are backed by giant peaks, and are built on top of each other in the void, forming a huge stepped building group, looking at the world, disregarding the sky, and forming a supreme pinnacle that shocks all living beings.

Three thousand heavens, the top of the ten thousand realms, the holy heaven, there are three thousand great avenues!

Three Thousand Avenue Palace!

Before three thousand glorious palaces, the void was a magnificent square. In the center of the square, a majestic high platform stands, on which stands an ancient Taoist bell, which seems to contain eternal years, standing in the endless river of history.

“Master, that is Dadaofeng.”

“That is the Three Thousand Avenue Palace.”

“That is the Avenue Plaza, that is the Avenue Platform. If you want to challenge the heavenly book like anyone, you can go to the Avenue Platform to ring the bell of the Avenue.”

Chu Tianqing continued to explain, seeing the majestic scene, she couldn’t help getting excited in her heart and her breathing became tight. After all, this is the place she yearns for and pursues all her life.

“Three Thousand Avenue, I’m here.” Zhao Hao looked at the three thousand glorious palaces that were suppressed above his head, and still acted vigorously: “You, go and challenge me to the Scriptures.”

“Master, do you want to challenge the avenue ahead of you?” Chu Tian said. Zhao Hao’s strength, she had seen with her own eyes, that he could easily kill the 3,000th in the Dao Dao. With his strength, he also had the ability to win the rankings forward. Just his dog, I’m afraid he is qualified to replace him in the ranking.

“Challenge Too Supreme Promise.” Zhao Hao said decisively. He must grab his own pearl of the heavens and ten thousand realms as soon as possible, just like his own house is occupied by others, and there are his own family and women in that house. With pets, that is a very uncomfortable feeling.

“The avenue of nuclear, too great!”

Chu Tianqing was taken aback, and said, “He, but the avenue ranked 2900th, he is super strong!”

I thought that Zhao Hao would fight steadily and challenge the one before him first, but he didn’t expect that Zhao Hao would directly jump a hundred to challenge. Three thousand avenues, the power gap next to each other is not very big, but one hundred high, the power gap is huge.

In this way, it is too aggressive and risky.

Chu Tian said, “Master, I suggest…”

“shut up.”

Zhao Hao said: “I will remember from now on, my order, only to be followed, there is no doubt about it.”

Chu Tianqing’s heart trembled.


He whispered, with a bit of grievance, but looking at this man who used lewd threats to be a servant girl, I don’t know why, a kind of admiration and admiration was born spontaneously.

In front of domineering men, this is also a kind of natural potential of women.

What are you thinking about? She is the Empress Tianqing, forced to be a maid, and now she is being humiliated. Hastily and surely, he asked, “Master, what avenue did you build?” Although Zhao Hao has been among the three thousand avenues, he must have the name of the avenue to challenge the heavenly book.

Zhao Hao narrowed his eyes and opened abruptly, “Zhao Ritian, Slaughter Avenue!”


After that, the others had already flown towards the palace at the bottom and the end of the Three Thousand Avenue Palace.

The splendid Three Thousand Avenue Palace, with its brilliant golden light, is backed by the giant peaks of the Avenue and is built in steps. Obviously, this is a high and low ranking. Zhao Hao is the supreme emperor, from the Jinluan Temple to the High Heaven Hall, the position is high, the order is second, this sort of standing in line according to status and status, no one can understand.

Yang Yufan ranked the third thousandth on Three Thousand Avenue, and the palace that belonged to him was naturally the bottom one and the last one.

Zhao Hao took Zhao Shaitian and flew into the Three Thousand Avenue Palace.

Just do it when he comes. Although he is simply and decisive, Zhao Hao is not reckless. One day is enough for him to prepare.

Chu Tianqin raised her face and looked at the majestic avenue platform in the avenue square in mid-air. Although she was helping others to challenge the order, she was inevitably a little excited. Gently stroked the tube chest, stood still for a while, calming down.


The Jiao body floated up from the Ferrari Howe, and flew towards the Avenue Square in front of the Three Thousand Avenue Palace.

When he flew to the avenue platform, it fluttered down like a fairy. With a wave of his slender jade hand, a piece of colorful light hit the avenue bell standing on the platform.


A loud sound, ancient, loud and long.


This sound, like a warning, the sound of the ancient, magnificent and long avenue bell, immediately surrounds the entire magnificent avenue square, surrounds the three thousand magnificent avenue palaces, surrounds the entire sacred world, and reverberates continuously. , For a long time.

this moment.

Everywhere in the sacred realm, the expressions of the 100,000 Heavenly Dao were lifted.

“Someone challenged Dadao.”

“I don’t know which Heavenly Dao wants to take the position, or which Dao Dao wants to take the position?”

“In short, the battle of the avenue has started, and there is a lot of excitement.”

“Quickly, go and see.”

In all directions, a large number of powerful people flew towards the Great Peak of the Great Dao.

In the Three Thousand Avenue Palace, one statue was on the closed Dao Zun in his own palace. His ears trembled, and his closed eyes suddenly opened.

“Who is ringing the bell of the avenue?”

“Who, who are you going to challenge?”

Just then.

On the avenue stage and under the avenue bell, a mellow voice sounded: “My master, Slaughter Avenue, Zhao Ritian, officially issued a challenge to the heavenly book to challenge the’Away of Nuclear’ Taishang Promise.” The voice was mellow and mellow. Buzzing.

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